25,000 See Long Branch Loyalty Day Parade SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Mild THEDAILY HOME FINAL Sunny and mild today. Clear * * * and cool tonight. Sunny and Red Bank, Freehold warmer tomorrow, Long Branch Home Delivery (See Deudls, Page 2) 7 4S Cents Per Week Monmouih County's Home Newspaper tor 89 Year* VOL^90, NO. 217 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MAY 6, 1968 TEN CENTS TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Richard J. Hughes Hughes called upon the legislature to place approvaLofJiewiaxes and a huge bond program proposed today that a massive bond issue total- on the ballot this November a referendum for would not mean political disaster. ing $1.75 billion be submitted to New Jersey vot- /our bond issues totaling $1.75 billion. Included He recalled that his proposal for a $750 mil- ers this November. He said the program was lion bond issue was turned down by the voters designed "to save this state from falling into would be $635.4 million for colleges and health in 1963 and was "a disappointing, even a humiliat- permanent second-class status." and penal institutions; $800 million for transpor- ing, defeat" for himself. But he contended that Hughes submitted the proposal in writing to tation; $190.6 million for water pollution jcontrol ' Would not have happened if the proposal had bi- the Republican-controlled legislature. He pat- and $120.8 million for conservation. «,,• partisan support. terned the message after a recommendation l>y a Hughes also loosely tied his bond issue pro- special study commission on capital needs which Republicans have said the maximum amount they would approve is $950 million. gram to his proposal last month for $126 million also urged creation of a state income tax to fi- in "emergency" funds based oil new taxes to al- nance a $1.9 billion bond issue. Hughes said his proposal, the largest fiscal leviate racial tensions in the cities. He recom- But the Democratic governor, in somewhat of request ever submitted by a New Jersey gover- mended either an income tax or a 1 per cent in- a surprise, made no mention of the income tax nor, would be approved by the voters in Novem- crease in the state's three per cent sales tax proposal in his special message to the legisla- ber if it had enthuiastic bipartisan support. He coupled with a hike in cigarette taxes. ture. Hughes has said he favors a 1 to 5 per cent said the $1.75 billion figure was an "irreducible He told the legislature, "You have it within graduated income tax to meet other state needs minimum." your power to make a choice between .... plain FIRE AID — An all-out appeal by the Red Bank Neighborhood Service Center has but the Republican legislative leadership is gen- "I am banking everything — New Jersey is duty and political response to the urgency of the brought $400 worth of food, clothing and furniture for fire victims in Newark. Work- erally opposed to the idea. - banking everything — on the good faith and re- times. ers packing the donations at 279 Bridge Ave. are, left to right, Miss .Lenell Harris, sponsibility of this very legislature/' the governor An aide to the governor said Hughes omitted — i'You have- it within your-power to say—'no., regional representative; Mrs. Elizabeth Peek, field representative; Mrs. Helen Mil- specific mention of the income tax to avoid the said. Republicans control both houses by a 3-1 new taxes' or 'we cut the governor's program impression that his bond proposal and the tax margin. to pieces' and.thus bid /or superficial popularity ler, acting director, and Mrs. Mary Johnson, field representative. mujOe tied together. Hughes sought to assure the lawmakers' that. (See HUGHES, Pg. 2, Col. 8) I Register Staff Photo) Hahne Plan Cemetery Battle Rages Review Set Ball Cautions Reds SAIGON (AP) - South Viet- new shelling last night and to- South Vietnamese dive bomb- Some of the guerrillas were For Tonight "Tanfesnfowrtrattfed tnirViet- day was insignificant. Ground -erg-Mid—U.S:- helicopter—gun=- ggtQssJg: Cong in a cemetery alongside fighting in the northern sector ships pounded them. 4HIBBL-ETOYW- the Saigon River, on the north- proposal for construction of a Saigon's airport today but re- apparently was a continuation Viet Cong forces held up in ern edge of the capital, and $3 million fashion center by ports to U.S. headquarters in- of battles begun last week. a section of shacks and bom- black smoke from burning Hahne and Co. of Newark is WASHINGTON (AP)-y.N. And from the French capital the power of the United States dicated the new enemy "offen- barded South Vietnamese "We have everything very shanties rose thousands of feet. slated to come before the Plan- Ambassador-designate George came word that representa- and the determination of the sive" was subsiding after only troops with mortars and rock- much in hand," said a senior Area Shelled ning Board tonight. Ball says North Vietnam mis- tives of the two nations are ex-United' States to see an honor- one day. U.S. officer. He suggested four ets as the government soldiers Tan Son Nhut itself was But, rather than as promised gauges U.S. determination and pected to decide soon — may- able settlement." While Hanoi Radio claimed possible aims of the Viet Cong: advanced through the old shelled, and a South Vietna- power if it expects tho latest be even today — on the place Ball, recently, tapped by "brilliant victories," the U.S.To strengthen North Vietnam's French military cemetery on mese military spokesman said two months ago, a decision wave of enemy attacks in in or near the French capital may be stalled another month. Johnson to take over the U,N. Command said most of the bargaining position at the U.S.- the edge of Saigon's Tan Sonone person was killed and six South Vietnam to improve its for holding preliminary talks, post when Ambassador Arthur enemy attacks yesterday were North Vietnamese talks sched- Nhut air base. One rocket wounded. Presumably they Leon Zuckerman, secretary peace talks bargaining posi- to begin Friday or soon after. of the board said the proposal J. Goldberg's resignation takes harassing mortar and rocket uled to open Friday in Paris, killed Col. Luu Kim Cueng, were South Vietnamese. The tion. effect later this year, said barrages against about 120 to shake U.S. public opinion, the base commander, who went is on the agenda, but the group Ball said yesterday that in U.S. Command said it had no Another administration his March 31 order limiting North Vietnamese mnitrat.uii towns, villages and military to scare the local population out to-observe Vietnamese air reports of American casualties. has not yet studied all the re- ports made to it on the subject source, who could not be iden- bombing of North Vietnam, of the south reached a record ' installations — "a poor sub- or to renew the guerrillas' psy- strikes against the enemy. Because of the fighting at tified, meanwhile called the level last month. 1 and may not give a decision. President Johnson hoped for stitute for the original Tet of- chological lift from the Tet The senior, U.S. officer said the cemetery nearby, some air- widespread enemy assaults His comments came on the fensive." offensive. "some kind of reciprocity" but there appeared to be a Viet lines canceled service but a Several months ago, the "very discouraging to the ad- "up to now there's been no ev- NBC radio-television interview Headquarters said 122 loca- Guerillas held out at three Cong battalion in the cemetery few others continued opera- board asked the Economic De- ministration',' so soon before idence of that." program, "Meet the Press." tions were hit yesterday but points in Saigon today, and area. : tions. - , velopment Commission, Safety direct talks between North Backing up Ball's state- Council and county Planning Vietnamese and U.S. represen- In fact, Ball added, the at- ments ort infiltration, adminis- Board to submit their recom- tatives are slated to get under tacks on 100 or more commu- tration sources said North Viet- mendations on the center. way in Paris. nities in South Vietnam suggest nam has increased three-fold In mid-March the EDC and a pattern similar io 1954, when the southward movement of Marlboro Planning Board Head Safety group highly recom- Ho Chi Minh's forces downed men and supplies since the mended the center and the the French at Dien Bien Phu March 31 bombing limitation county board said it would not Columbia the day before a peace confer- was imposed. conflict with the county's mas- ence opened. These sources said latest in- Says He'll Again Fight Ouster ter plan. Is Opened "They Misconceive' telligence reports show as After a huge public hearing NEW YORK (AP) — Colum- "Now if they think that on many as 80,000 North Vietnam- MARLBORO - It is sup- as prosecutor, fired Mr. Bau-Mr. Bauman hired Mr. Yacker Not called as a, witness in his on the proposal in the high bia University opens today, but the fifth of May before the ese soldiers were infiltrated posed to be final, and the ma-man for hiring lawyer Stanley and had no authority to do so. own behalf, Mr. Bauman did school auditorium on March 23, the administration has left it talks start on the 10th that this in March and April — almost jority of councilmen believe it's Yacker, Matawan, to file a mo- "The charge (authorization read a statement. the Planning Board said it up to faculty members whether kind of military operation is as many as moved into South legal, that Gerald A.
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