Mushrooms of Southwestern BC Latin name Comment Habitat Edibility L S 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 90 Abortiporus biennis Blushing rosette On ground from buried hardwood Unknown O06 O V Agaricus albolutescens Amber-staining Agaricus On ground in woods Choice, disagrees with some D06 N N Agaricus arvensis Horse mushroom In grassy places Choice, disagrees with some D06 N F FV V FV V V N Agaricus augustus The prince Under trees in disturbed soil Choice, disagrees with some D06 N V FV FV FV FV V V V FV N Agaricus bernardii Salt-loving Agaricus In sandy soil often near beaches Choice D06 N Agaricus bisporus Button mushroom, was A. brunnescens Cultivated, and as escapee Edible D06 N F N Agaricus bitorquis Sidewalk mushroom In hard packed, disturbed soil Edible D06 N F N Agaricus brunnescens (old name) now A. bisporus D06 F N Agaricus campestris Meadow mushroom In meadows, pastures Choice D06 N V FV F V F FV N Agaricus comtulus Small slender agaricus In grassy places Not recommended D06 N V FV N Agaricus diminutivus group Diminutive agariicus, many similar species On humus in woods Similar to poisonous species D06 O V V Agaricus dulcidulus Diminutive agaric, in diminitivus group On humus in woods Similar to poisonous species D06 O V V Agaricus hondensis Felt-ringed agaricus In needle duff and among twigs Poisonous to many D06 N V V F N Agaricus integer In grassy places often with moss Edible D06 N V Agaricus meleagris (old name) now A moelleri or A. praeclaresquamosus Poisonous D06 D V V FV V V V FV V F N Agaricus micromegethus Anise agaricus In grassy places Edible D06 V FV N Agaricus moelleri Flat top agaricus ,a.k.a. A. praeclaresquamosus In woods along roadsides Poisonous D06 N V V FV V V V FV V F N Agaricus nivescens Snowy cap, a.k.a. A. osecanus In medows and pastures Edible to most D06 N Agaricus osecanus Snowy cap , a.k.a. A. nivescens In medows and pastures Edible to most D06 N Agaricus praeclaresquamosus Flat top agaricus ,a.k.a. A.moelleri In woods along roadsides Poisonous to many D06 N V V FV V V V FV V F N Agaricus perrarus (old name) now A. smithii Found in California &Oregon Edible to most D06 N Agaricus purpurellus Diminutive agaric, in diminitivus group In coniferous woods Similar to poisonous species D06 O V V Agaricus pusillus (old name) now Agrocybe pusiola On debris in sand Of no food interest D06 V Agaricus semotus Wine agaric In forest litter Edible D06 N V V N Agaricus silvaticus Red staining agaric In coniferous woods Edible D06 N F F N Agaricus silvicola Woodland agaric In dense coniferous forests Edible, but be sure! D06 N V FV N Agaricus smithii Was A perrarus Found in California &Oregon Edible, almond odor D06 N Agaricus sp. Unknown D06 N Agaricus subrufescens Almond mushroom In compost, manure, and rich soil Edible to most D06 O V N Agaricus subrutilescens Wine colored agaric In woods, usually under conifers Disagrees with some D06 O V V N Agaricus xanthodermus Yellow staining agaric Under trees and hedges Poisonous to many D06 O V N Agrocybe acericola Maple Agrocybe On decaying hardwood Not edible D06 N Agrocybe amara On dung or in greenhouses Not edible D06 N Agrocybe arvalis In fields and open woodland Bitter D06 N Agrocybe brunneola ? Unknown D06 N Agrocybe dura Cracked top In fields, pastures, and wastelands Not edible D06 O N Agrocybe erebia Leather earthscale In damp woods Not edible D06 N N Agrocybe pediades Hemispheric agrocybe, was A. semiorbicularis? In sand, grassy areas Easy to confuse D06 N N Agrocybe praecox group Spring agrocybe In wood chips, humus, and grass Not edible D06 O N Agrocybe pusiola was Agaricus p. On debris in sand Of no food interest D06 N FV Agrocybe semiorbicularis (old name) Hemispheric agrocybe , now A. pediades? Easy to confuse D06 N Agrocybe sp. Unknown D06 N V Albatrellus confluens On soil in coniferous forest Edible O06 N Albatrellus ellisii Scaly yellow polypore On soil in coniferous forest Edible O06 N VR V F V V Albatrellus flettii Blue capped Polypore On soil in coniferous forest Edible O06 O VR V V FV N Albatrellus hirtus (old name) Bitter polypore , now Jahnoporus h. Not edible O06 D V F V V V V FV Albatrellus ovinus Sheep polypore On soil in coniferous forest Edible when cooked well O06 O V F V N Albatrellus pes-caprae Goat's foot, a.k.a. Scutiger p. Not a BC species? Edible but chewy O06 N Alectoria sarmentosa Witch's hair Lichen on Conifers Traditional use as fibre O11 N Aleuria aurantia Orange peel fungus On soil or sand along roads, land slides Edible O09 N V V FV FV FV FV V FV V FV N Aleuria rhenana (old name) Stalked orange peel fungus , now Sowerbyella rhenana Unknown O09 R N Alloclavaria purpurea Purple club coral , was Clavaria p. On wet soil near conifers Edible O08 R N Alnicola melinoides (old name) now Naucoria escharioides Under alder Unknown D02 F V N Alpova diplophloeus Red gravel, alder truffle Under alder Unknown O03 N V N Amanita alba White grisette In mixed woods Unknown W01 N Amanita aprica Jan's yellow friend Often with Douglas fir, in spring Poisonous W01 V Amanita aspera (old name) now A. franchetii Poisonous W01 D V V FV N Amanita calyptrata Coccora, a.k.a . A. lanei In BC with Douglas-fir Edible, but be sure! W01 N F Amanita ceciliae group Gilded grisette, was A. Inaurata In open mixed woods Not edible W01 N Amanita cokeri With hardwoods or conifers Poisonous W01 N 1/23 18/11/2013 Mushrooms of Southwestern BC Latin name Comment Habitat Edibility L S 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 90 Amanita constricta Constricted grisette Mainly under oaks and arbutus Edible, but be sure! W01 N V V FV FV V N Amanita franchetii Yellow veiled Amanita , was A. aspera On ground mainly under conifers Avoid! W01 O V V V FV N Amanita fulva Tawny grisette, similar to A. vaginata On acidic soil in mixed woods Easily mistaken W01 N Amanita gemmata Gemmed Amanita Along forest paths Poisonous W01 N V F FV FV FV V FV V FV N Amanita inaurata (old name) Gilded grisette, now Amanita ceciliae Not edible W01 N Amanita lanei Coccora, a.k.a. A.calyptrata In BC with Douglas-fir Edible, but be sure! W01 N F Amanita muscaria Fly agaric, many related varieties Often at the edge of forests Poisonous unless boiled W01 N VR V FV FV FV FV V F V FV N Amanita muscaria var. flavovilvata Poisonous W01 V N Amanita muscaria var. formosa Yellow-orange fly agaric Often at the edge of forests Poisonous W01 F F N Amanita pachycolea Western grisette, similar to A. Vaginata With conifers in mixed woods Edible, but be sure! W01 N F F F V N Amanita pantherina Panther Amanita On ground in woods Poisonous W01 N VR V V V V N Amanita phalloides Death cap Often with nut trees Deadly poisonous W01 N V V FV FV F F F F Amanita porphyria Booted Amanita Under conifers Possibly poisonous W01 N V FV V V N Amanita rubescens The blusher On ground in mixed woods Edible, but be sure! W01 N R N Amanita silvicola Western woodland Amanita Often under Douglas fir A. smithiana look-alike W01 O V V F FV V V V V V N Amanita smithiana May be mistaken for matsutake button Usually under conifers Possibly deadly! W01 N VR V V FV FV FV V FV V F N Amanita vaginata Grisette, many look-alikes With hardwoods or conifers Edible, but be sure! W01 N R FV N Ampulloclitocybe clavipes Club foot, was Clitocybe c., Usually under conifers Poisonous with alcohol W08 N VR V FV FV V N Annulohypoxylon multiforme was Hypoxylon multiforme Crust on birch and alder Of no food interest O06 N V Apiosporina morbosa Black knot of cherry , was Dibotryon morbosum Destructive on prunus trees Of no food interest O10 N F Arcangeliella camphorata (old name) now Gastrolactarius camphoratus Fruiting underground mostly with Douglas fir Unknown W04 N Arcyria denudata Carnival candy slime Slime mold on wet logs Unknown O10 N Armillaria albolanaripes (old name) now Floccularia a. Edible W09 D N Armillaria borealis Causes butt rot in conifers Unknown W09 N Armillaria caligata (old name) Fragrant tricholoma , now Tricholoma caligatum On ground in woods Edible W09 D V N Armillaria cepistipes Honey mushroom , in A. mellea group Avoid if on hardwood W09 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Armillaria gallica Honey mushroom , in A. mellea group On hardwood Avoid! W09 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Armillaria lutea (old name) now A.gallica Avoid if on hardwood W09 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Armillaria luteovirens (old name) now Floccularia l. Unknown W09 D N Armillaria mellea Honey mushroom, group of species Pathogen,mostly of hardwoods Edible to most,cook well W09 N VR V FV FV F FV V FV V FV N Armillaria ostoyae Honey mushroom in A. mellea group Pathogen,mostly of conifers Edible to most,cook well W09 N VR ? FV ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Armillaria ponderosa (old name) now Tricholoma magnivelare Edible W09 FV FV FV V FV V N Armillaria sinapina Honey mushroom in A. mellea group Pathogen,mostly of conifers Edible to most,cook well W09 V Armillariella mellea (old name) now Armillaria m. W09 ? FV ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Armillariella ostoyae (old name) now Armillaria o.
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