Inauguration of Red Cross building at Chebba village municipality in South Lebanon. It is a GOI funded project for the benefit of Chebba and nearby villages and municipalities, e!ecuted through Indian battalion at UNIFIL. Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News Celebrations at Indian %attalion at "#I$IL As part of India@75 celebrations, Indian Battalion at UNIFIL organised a cultural show and an exhibition on a! "#, "$"%& The e(ent was attended by )d*A of the Indian +,bass! -hri Jagjit -ingh, and senior UNIFIL o0cers, local ,a!ors and other dignitaries& & India' Lebanon Relations in the past ( years) *hoto +!hibition As part of India@75 celebrations, A,bassador 1r& -uhel Ajaz 3han inaugurated an Exhibition on the activities done b! the +,bass! in the last " !ears at the +lite )entre in Tripoli on 4% ay "$"%& A,bassador 3han interacted with facult! and guests of the Elite )entre& 5e visited the India )orner at the librar! center& A,bassador 3han presented a plaque of appreciation to 1irector of the )entre s& I,ane 3a,ali 1ernai7a for pro,oting India8Lebanon friendship& 1 Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News Inauguration of Red Cross %uilding at Chebba on 5 June (.(/ A,bassador of India, 1r -uhel Ajaz 3han, acco,panied by 5ead of )hancer! r& Jagjit -ingh (isited -outh Lebanon on .une 5 and inaugurated the newl! constructed 9ed )ross Building at )hebba ,unicipalit! and dedicated the building to the people of )hebba& The building is part of :o(ern,ent of India’s support to the local co,,unities in -outh Lebanon& The inauguration was organi2ed by the UNIFIL and local ,unicipalit! jointl!& 'he e(ent was attended by r& ohd -aab, a!or of )hebaa < 5ead of Al Ar6oub Union, Brigadier :eneral Javier ur Lalaguna, )o,,ander -ector +ast UNIFIL, r& 3asi, 5ashi,, e,ber of =arlia,ent of 5asbaya arja!oun district, -hei7h Is,ail 1alli, Judge of 5asbaya arjayoun, )ol ohver -ingh :rewal, -ena edal, )o,,ander Indian Battalion, representative fro, Lebanese Ar,ed Forces, -enior 9ed )ross o0cials and a nu,ber of local dignitaries& A,bassador 1r 3han, in his speech, reiterated the co,,it,ent of the Indian battalion, as part of the UNIFIL, to contribute to establish,ent of peace, stabilit! and safet! in -outh Lebanon as per the UN ,andate& A,bassador also e,phasi2ed on the existing bonds of trust and ,utual respect between the Indian battalion and the local co,,unities& A,bassador noted that project is a land,ar7 project with great social i,pact and will serve nearb!& )ontd&&& page 4 2 Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News >&fro, page " villages and ,unicipalities in addition to )hebba where the building is located and that the project will enhance the existing capabilit! of 9ed )ross in the region ,an!fold& ayor of )hebba, -ector East )o,,ander and other local dignitaries profusel! than7ed :overn,ent of India in their speeches for this hu,anitarian project& Indian battalion which has been serving as part of UNIFIL for past "% !ears has alwa!s supported the local co,,unities by its various hu,anitarian initiatives and this project will enhance the bonds of love and friendship between India and Lebanon& ?n the occasion, A,bassador 1r 3han also paid ho,age to Late r oham,ad Asaad 5ashi,, for,er 1eput! ayor of )hebba who was closel! associated with the project but unfortunatel! passed awa! due to a road traffic accident so,eti,e bac7& @@@@@ 3 Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News 0irtual Conference on Bilateral Trade & Investment Opportunities between India & Lebanon +,bassy of India in Lebanon in Beirut, in association with, 'rade =ro,otion )ouncil of India organized a Airtual )onference on Bilateral 'rade < In(est,ent ?pportunities between India < Lebanon on June #, "$"%& 'he )onference was also supported b! the Lebanese +,bassy in New 1elhi and was attended b! senior '=)I o0cials and representati(es of various Trade BodiesB Cha,bers in Lebanon& 'he )onference was addressed b! A,bassador of India to Lebanon 1r -uhel A/az 3han& In his Address, A,bassador 1r& 3han spo7e about the excellent India-Lebanon bilateral relations, including India;s support as peace7eeping forces in UNIFIL since last "$ !ears. A,bassador also touched upon the recent support gi(en b! :o(ern,ent of India to Lebanon after tragic blasts of August #, as well as support gi(en to Lebanese inistr! of =ublic 5ealth in Cghting )o(id8%D =andemic& A,bassador 1r& 3han spo7e about complementarities between India and Lebanon which can be utilized to realize the untapped potential in the bilateral trade& A,bassador spo7e of the 58point strategy to boost the bilateral trade& These areE %& Enhancement of interaction between trade bodies of India and Lebanon "& Exchange of delegations, participation in trade exhibitions 4& Sharing of Database of potential exporters-i,porters #& IdentiCcation of co,,odities, which can be imported fro, India 5& Publication of standards for i,ports in Lebanon )ontd&&page 5 4 Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News fro, page 4 A,bassador particularl! underlined that there exists untapped potential to enhance bilateral trade in the sectors li7e Food and Agriculture, =har,aceuticals, achiner! etc& r& Fiad 3oussa, 1eput! )hief of ission, Embassy of Lebanon to India also addressed the )onference and encouraged the exporters from Lebanon to use India as a big ,ar7et and to increase their sourcing of good fro, India as those are of excellent qualit! and much cheaper than si,ilar products fro, Lebanon;s traditional sources. 5e also spo7e about enhancing Lebanese exports to India of co,,odities li7e ?li(es, Oli(e Oils, Lebanese Wines and Lebanese Apples. r& Asho7 Sethi, Director, T=)I identiCed sectors li7e Phar,a, Agriculture, Frozen eat and Agriculture products which Lebanese i,porters can i,port fro, India and ga(e a swot anal!sis underlying co,ple,entarit! between Lebanese de,ands and India;s strengths in these sectors. 'he )onference was also addressed b! r& Bernard 'annouri, =resident, Association for 1e(elopment of Lebanese Indian 9elations, 1r& Linda Sultan, 1irector of )ha,ber of )o,,erce, Industr! and Agriculture of 'ripoli and North Lebanon, r& 9abih -abra, 1irector :eneral, )ha,ber of )o,,erce, Industr! and Agriculture of Beirut and ount Lebanon, r& Ja,al Jouni, Aice =resident, )hamber of )o,,erce, Industr! and Agriculture of -aida and -outh Lebanon, and 1r& Ali El asri, Founder8 )+?, Gorld Arab Econo,ic Lobb!& All the spea7ers ga(e their (aluable suggestions for enhancing bilateral trade& r& =& =attabhi, -econd -ecretar!, +,bassy of India to Lebanon and r& 5e,ant :auta,, AttachH I)o,,erceJ also attended the )onference& 'he )onference was ,oderated b! s. 9ana Feitouni, )o,,ercial Assistant, +,bassy of India to Lebanon and Mr& Virat Bahri Deput! Director, Trade Pro,otion Council of India& @@@@@@ 5 Issue No. 4; June 2021 Embassy News Curtain'raiser on the occasion of 7th International Day of Yoga &6oga for Wellness” A special Yoga session organised at the +,bass! pre,ises on %4 June "$"% in association with Art of Living, Lebanon& 'he session focused on boosting i,,unit! < respirator! health in fight against )ovidBother respirator! illnesses < was led b! Lebanese Koga instructor 1ana )hamseddine& Meeting with HE Hani Chemaitelly A,bassador of India to Lebanon 1r -uhel Ajaz 3han received -ecretar! :eneral of the inistr! of Foreign ALairs 5&+& 5ani )he,aitell! in his o0ce on %5 June "$"%& A,bassador 3han had wide8ranging, fruitful discussions with -: )he,aitell! on issues of ,utual interests& 6 Issue No. 4; June 2021 News of The Month Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations External ALairs inister of the 9epublic of India, 1r& -& Jaishan7ar, chaired the ,eeting of B9I)- inisters of Foreign ALairsBInternational 9elations through video conferencing on % June, "$"%& The inister of Foreign ALairs of the Federati(e 9epublic of Brazil, A,bassador )arlos Alberto Franco FranMa, inister of Foreign ALairs of the 9ussian Federation, A,b. -erge! Lavro(, the inister of Foreign ALairs of the People’s 9epublic of )hina, r& Gang Ki, and the inister of International 9elations and )ooperation of the 9epublic of -outh Africa, s& :race Naledi andisa =andor, led their respective delegations& The inisters exchanged views on furthering intra-B9I)- cooperation on the three pillars of political and securit!, econo,ic and Cnance, and People to people and cultural exchanges& The inisters also exchanged views on social and econo,ic i,pact of the )ovid8%D pande,ic& 'he inisters also discussed the need for refor, of the ultilateral -!ste,& inisters also exchanged views on the :lobal and regional issues of concern, sustainable develop,ent, )ountering Terroris, besides discussing wa!s to enhance intra-B9I)- cooperation& ?n this occasion, the! adopted and released the ‘B9I)- Joint inisterial -tate,ent on -trengthening and 9efor,ing of the ultilateral -!ste,; stressing urgent need for co,prehensive strengthening and refor,ing of the entire ,ultilateral architecture, including the United Nations and its principal organs- the -ecurit! )ouncil, the :eneral Asse,bl!, the -ecretariat and the Econo,ic and -ocial )ouncil I+)?-?)JO international financial architecture represented b! the I F and the Gorld ban7O the ,ultilateral trading s!ste, represented b! the G'? and UN)'A1 and the global health governance s!ste, with the G5? at its core& )ontd&&& 7 Issue No. 4; June 2021 News of The Month 'he inisters called for ,a7ing global governance ,ore inclusi(e, representative and participator! to facilitate greater and ,ore ,eaningful participation of de(eloping and least developed countries in
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