jn p rriIT T ' ^ c o r d ers O f f i c H*yO$ J ___ a _ CULVER L71KE M71XIMKUGKEE. V OL. IV . C U L V E R , IN D IA N A , T H U R SD A Y , OCT O BER 25, 1906. NO. 26 9 WIFE SHOT PERTAINING 1— m CULVER ACADEMY BY HUSBAND TO PEOPLE VVA1ERWOIRKS PLANS Latest News and Gossip of the Big School Domestic Infelicity in a Farmer's Brief Mention of Culverites and Specifications Ready for the New Culver Plant Family Results in Crime Visitors in Town. ---------- :--- ----- _-- -— --- -— ----- -- r r r ^ —------- Maro thc magician last Wednes­ Ohio, and make that place his head­ Following is an abstract of the 4-inch branches. The valves are day night proved the most satis­ quarters in the future. Captain details of the plans of the water­ to be of bronze. THE VICTIM WILL RECOVER PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO factory entertainer of the kind Adams, when iu the service, was works b ) far as they are of general FIRE EQUIPMENT. which the academy has had for commander of a troop in the I cav- interest: The contracting company is to THE PUMPING STATION*. furnish 500 feet of seamless woven years. To the delight of everybody, alry to which he had risen from Husband Attempts Suicide but Gathered From Many Sources for The building, 40x24, 10 feet to rubber-lined 24-inch hose, guaran­ including the victims, he pulled the ranks. He enlisted during the Fails of his Purpose Readers of The Citizen. the eaves, is to be constructed of teed to stand a pressure of 300 rabbits, chickens, cards and end­ civil war. Bourbon again comes into the J. A. Rash and family visited at # * # * concrete blocks. The walls are to pounds, with brass couplings; also less rolls of ribbon from Mr. Cha­ limelight of public attention by a Wilber Brown's Suudiiy. be 10 inches iu thickness. The two 30-inch play pipes with inter­ ney Crome, Keg Fleet and Fred Mr. Brick made the political shooting affair at the farm home of Oliver Baker has removed to roof is to be a hip roof. The floor changeable screw tips and swivel Gignilliat. The snxaphone quar- j part of his speech very short and John Sponseller, 4 miles south of Hibbard where ho will work in the is to be of concrete and the ceiling handles. tot drew heavy applause and the j devoted the greater part of his Bourbon. sawmill. of pressed steel. One hose cart is to be furnished various adaptations of that classi- time to an explanation of the work- Sponseller, who is 55 years old. Rev. Mr. Nicely attended a dis­ THE STORAGE TANK. equipped with 50 feet of drag rope, cal melody “A Hot Time” were lit- ings of Congress. Plenty of iuci- has not been on amicable terms trict ministers’ meeting at South dents that revealed the peculiari­ The tank is to be 36x8 feet, guar­ tool box, fire ax and crowbar. tie short of wonderful. The “gog­ with his wife for several years. In Bend Tuesday. ties of some of its members and anteed to resist a pressure of <55 CERTAIN POINTS CONTRACT. gle peg,’* which proved to be a one- 1904 Mrs. Sponseller commenced a Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Clemens of the humors of its work kept the pounds to the square inch. The system is to be in operation stringed banjo w<is the most re­ suit for divorce which was with­ Leiter’s visited Geo. Davis and attention of the boys to the end. THE MACHINERY. within HO days from November 1, markable feat of the evening. Ma- drawn the following year and the family Sunday. Upon his arrival Mr. Brick was The gasoline engine of 20 horse 1900, at which time work must ro succeeded in getting more mu­ couple lived together until a few Mrs. Isadore Hessel spent sever­ given a salute of seventeen guns. power is to have all its parts inter­ have been commenced. The effi­ sic out of that one string than weeks ago when Sponseller left al days this week in Sturgis, Men­ He was entertained by Colonel changeable and to be equipped ciency of the plant is guaranteed many a player can draw from live, home. tone and other places. fr * * * Fleet at dinner in the mess hall. with a governor. for one year from date of comple­ On Sunday afternoon he ap­ Wm. Foss returned Monday * » * * The pump is to be of the verti- tion, under bond of $1,000. The game Saturday was used to peared at the house and fired two night from a six months' absence When Rev. Eiseleri of Garrett cle, single-acting triplex type, hav­ Any defect in construction, ma­ test the sccond team backs who shots at her with a revolver. The at Palermo, North Dakota. Biblical Institute read his text. ing three plungers 8x8 inches with terials or working efficiency is to played the entire first half. They tirst shot missed her and she ran Rev. and Mrs. Walmer are en­ (Proverbs 30: HO, 31) there was an 8-inch stroke and provided with be made good at the expense of the kept the visitors from scoring and out of the kitchen, iuto the yard tertaining M isses Gertrude and themselves succeeded in downing considerable wonderment among pulleys to give a speed of 200 to company, provided that such fail­ and on into the road and was pur­ Emma Myers of Elkhart this week. the cadets as to what there was in 250 gallons per minute. ure is not due to incompetence on one ball across the line. In the sued by Sponseller, who fired tho After a ten days’ visit at. her old the “lion, grayhound, he-goat, or An air-compressor with a resist­ the part of the engineer second half the regular backs were second shot. The bullet entered ; home, Camden, Mrs. S. J. Lenon put in and the scoring soon start- king,*' for them. The speaker, ance of 100 pouuds per square Streets and sidewalks are to be tho back of the neck, passing returned to Culver Tuesday even­ ed. The forward pass was used however,succeeded in drawing some inch. left, in good condition on the com­ through the neck and cheek and ing. valuable and telling points from this T H E M A I N S . pletion of the work. several times with unusual success coming out of the nose. • Capt. and Mrs. Crook returned curiously associated group which There are to be 1,000 feet of 0. TIIE PRICE. and netted somelong gains. Cham­ The woman fell apparently dead Monday from a two weeks’ trip to bers proved the star of the game had appealed to the Hebrew proverb inch castiron water mains and 4,000 The contract price is $7,900, pay­ and Sponseller then attempted to a number of Illinois and Indiana by his lightning speed in getting maker because of their “stateliness feet of 4-inch laid in trenches 5 ment to be made as material ar­ take his owrn life by shooting him­ towns. down the field or behind the op­ of bearing.” feet deep. If rock is encountered rives and work progresses, to the self, but the bullet only passed Mrs. John S. Bush has returned ponents’ line and tackling their * * * * which requires blasting the con­ amount of 85 per cent of the esti­ through the back of his neck and from a visit of three weeks to her runners before any advance had The football game next Saturday tractor is to be paid 8 cents per mates; balance to be paid on tho he will recover. daughter, Mrs. Will Ruger, at La­ been made. will be with Rose Polytechnic In­ cubic foot extra. completion of the work. The mon­ Sponseller was arrested by Dep­ fayette. * * « * stitute of Terre Haute. They T H K H Y D R A N T S . ey or bonds and stock arc to be uty Head and taken to the county Ralph Houghton has returned Captain J. Q. Adams, who was should give Culver the hardest There are to be 15 standard 2 \- provided on or before the date of jail. from North Dakota whore he has for live or six years the army offi- game of the year up to the present inch double nozzle hydrants, set on the commencement of the work. The victim is reported to be in been working on tho big wheat cer detailed at the academy and time, a condition which promises recov­ ranches. who for four years has been treas­ * * * * ery. Mr. and Mrs. Pike, Charles Mut- B R E M E N 4, C U L V E R 0. TICKET MUDDLE. urer of the soldiers' home at Mar­ Captain Byroade with his wife chler and Mary Hissong of Misha­ ion, Indiana, has resigned his po­ and son came down from Chicago waka spent a pleasant Sunday at Game Lost to Culver Through Un­ Commissioners Will Try to Settle it sition in that institution. He will Saturday and spent two days at the George Gam’s. fairness of Umpire. This Week Thursday. return to his old home in Norwalk, academy. 1 LOCAL ITEMS 1 Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Bradley went The Culver football team suf The election commissioners, John fered defeat, at Bremen last Sun­ R. Jones, Wm. Everly and Dr. —Remember the band concert j *° Plymouth last Saturday to re­ Good Political Meetings. Birthday Surprise Parties. day.
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