FORUM_2013_PROGRAMME_GB_00_Mise en page 1 29/04/13 11:36 Page1 Daniel Hayduk / IRIN © Under the Honourable Patronage of Mr François Hollande President of the French Republic 5TH WORLD FORUM ON HUMAN RIGHTS Sustainable Development / Human Rights: a common struggle? NANTES–FRANCE / 22-25 MAY 2013 LA CITÉ–NANTES EVENTS CENTER From universal principles to local action PROGRAMME This programme, drawn up on 13 May 2013, may be subject to change. The latest version is available on http://www.spidh.org. CONTENTS Wednesday 22 May . 7 Major Groups Meeting . 7 Official opening . 8 Thursday 23 May . 9 Theme 1 What development and what economic model(s) for a more human and fairer world? . 9 Plenary session . 9 Workshops . 10 Theme 2 What equality between people during times of crisis? . .14 Plenary session . 14 Workshops . 15 Agora . 19 Friday 24 May . 23 Theme 3 What territories for tomorrow? For public policies based on Human Rights, for citizenship for all and for enhanced democracy . .23 Plenary session . 23 special session . 24 Workshops . 24 Agora . 28 saTurday 25 May . 30 Official closing session . 30 Preview of Coming Home exhibition . 30 ForuM inFo . 31 Exhibitions . 31 Youth Action . 32 Citizen Action . 33 Scientific Committee . 34 Schedule see summary of dates and rooms at the end of the document F o r e w o r d ThE 5Th WOrld FOrum ON humaN rights iN NaNTES - FraNCE 22 – 25 may 2013 We're delighted to welcome you to the 5th of poverty and terrorism. globalisation, which has World Forum on human rights. With the lasting constantly continued to gather pace since 2008, commitment of local and regional authorities – needs to go hand in hand with reinforced solidarity. nantes Métropole, Pays de la loire region, depart- What we need is sustainable development whereby ment of loire-atlantique, the City of nantes – as man isn't simply a commodity and the earth isn't well as their local association partners and their transformed into an industrial wasteland. networks through uCLG (united Cities and local By placing human rights at the heart of pub- governments), the nantes Forum has become a key lic policies, the Global Charter-Agenda for Human event in the international calendar. For more than Rights in the City – the fruit of protracted inter- ten years now, thanks to the visionary initiative of national consultation and an awareness-raising Jean-Marc ayrault and Pierre sané, the Forum has campaign driven in part by sPidh nantes - Pays de been a platform for the sharing of information and la loire - offers principles, methods and concrete good practices, a laboratory for long-term thinking objectives to reconcile democracy and citizens, "on as well as action on the ground. The event brings a human scale". together human rights actors from every continent, be they politicians, international organisations, a new global governance is also set to ngos, civil society representatives, independent emerge to implement the "three pillars" of the experts or researchers. united nations, namely international security, human rights and sustainable development. in The forum will open with a tribute to stéphane the face of immediate emergencies, regional crises hessel who was one of those citizens of the and humanitarian disasters, development can only world who took part in our debates with a degree come through peace, security through democracy of courage, energy and faith in the future that and justice through solidarity. those who met him in nantes at previous forums will never forget. his cheerful affability and natural With its welcoming and open spirit, together benevolence went hand in hand with unshakable with its philosophy of pluralism and tolerance, convictions on a range of issues - freedom, dignity listening and mutual respect, the nantes World and secularism to name but a few -, convictions he Forum should be seen as an opportunity to invent had no hesitation in drumming out with authority. the future, whereby the primacy of human rights Far from dwelling on the past, he who was one of does not boil down to an egotistical calculation, a the leading witnesses to the glory of the French pledge or group demand, but rather a quest for that resistance, the tragedy of the death camps and which is common to all men and women around the the founding years of the un, concentrated his globe, a tireless drive towards "a better world with energies entirely on future challenges, inventing a greater freedom". new global perspective in the field ofh uman rights, Before ending, i would like to thank the per- reconciling the absolute need for development with manent secretariat team - led by Franck Barrau - protection of the environment, working alongside for their tireless efforts to ensure this latest Forum friends such as Michel rocard and edgar Morin. does justice to the reputation of nantes and lives Beyond friendship and admiration, it suffices up to all your expectations. to say we will miss the lucid and exacting views he had on the themes we will be discussing through- out this 5th Forum. The Forum has already tackled Emmanuel DECAUX head-on the challenges of the global recession Professor of international law at the University of from the point of view of human rights, the risks of Paris II Panthéon-Assas undermining the social pact with the widening gulf President of the International Permanent Secretariat between rich and poor and, globally, the threats human rights and local governments 5Th World ForuM on huMan righTs nanTes 3 F o r e w o r d since it was first held in nantes, in ple, the right to a healthy environment, 2004, the World Forum on human rights access to water and the protection of our has been a platform for dialogue, listen- natural resources represent just some ing and sharing between activists, ngo of the themes that now need to be given managers, researchers, local authority greater priority during our reflection proc- representatives, politicians and engaged esses. citizens. and given their proximity to citizens, By bringing these actors together towns and cities have a crucial role to play. once again, this 5th forum will be another designated European Green Capital 2013 opportunity for collective reflection, pav- by the european Commission, the City ing the way for the construction of a new of nantes and nantes Métropole (urban approach to human rights via the appro- Community of nantes) are delighted and priate concerted action. proud to contribute positively to the action of human rights defenders. Be it in this sixty-five years after the adoption field or in the field of sustainable devel- of the universal declaration of human opment, international action undertaken rights, the struggle to enforce individual at state level can only serve any purpose and collective freedoms remains abso- if it is supported on the ground by local lutely paramount.The work conducted in authorities and civil society. the field of slavery, for example, focusing on the Memorial to the Abolition of Slav- it goes without saying that nobody ery in nantes, represents a historical com- can possibly have all the answers to each memoration but it also reflects today's of these questions. dialogue and reflec- ongoing struggle against modern forms of tion remain the keys to inventing the ways enslavement. and means to promote these new rights. We are convinced that thanks to the qual- Beyond this struggle, we are now fac- ity of speakers and calibre of debates at ing new issues that go hand in hand with the 5th World Forum on human rights, the changes in our society and in the way we event will be an essential step along the produce and consume. hence, for exam- road to achieving our ambition. Patrick RIMBERT Gilles RETIÈRE Mayor of Nantes President of Nantes Métropole 4 5Th World ForuM on huMan righTs nanTes F o r e w o r d Today, human rights and sustainable But sustainable development is not simply development form the cornerstones of con- a matter of developing policies aimed at protect- temporary government policies throughout the ing natural resources or adopting a long-term uest médias uest o world. These two principles demand a radical vision safeguarding the rights of future gen- egion / egion reform of approaches and the implementation of erations. it also requires inclusive governance, r oire oire a new type of governance, capable of federating whereby the economic and social rights of all are l common initiatives around a collective ambition. taken into account. The realisation of this ambition is neither illusory Pays de la Pays This principle will surely offer the very real nor utopian. But it requires a far greater focus on prospect of seeing the living conditions of popu- public-spiritedness, peace, solidarity and social lations around the world improve. cohesion. The fight against poverty, development it is through the implementation of exem- cooperation and aid, problems of access to plary policies designed to serve the men and water and hunger are just some of the problems women who live in their territories, as well as and issues requiring responses. their commitment to defending fundamental rights that local authorities will enable these These are the dimensions we are trying to objectives - crucial to the future of our planet - incorporate into our policies locally (agriculture, to be attained. in rio back in 1992, Johannes- renewable energies, sustainable economy, the burg in 2002 and then once again in rio for the elimination of discrimination, etc.) and at inter- rio + 20 conference last year, states recognised national level. i'm thinking here, in particular, the importance of the role played by towns, cities about the cooperation between the Pays de la and local governments in supporting and achiev- loire region and Burundi, the central themes ing sustainable development objectives.
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