Agenda Planning Committee Date: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 10:00am Venue: Town Hall, St Annes, FY8 1LW Committee members: Councillor Trevor Fiddler (Chairman) Councillor Richard Redcliffe (Vice-Chairman) Councillors Christine Akeroyd, Jan Barker, Michael Cornah, Neil Harvey, Kiran Mulholland, Linda Nulty, Liz Oades, Sandra Pitman, Heather Speak, Ray Thomas. Public Speaking at the Planning Committee Members of the public may register to speak on individual planning applications: see Public Speaking at Council Meetings. PROCEDURAL ITEMS: PAGE Declarations of Interest: Declarations of interest, and the responsibility for declaring the same, are matters for elected members. Members are able to obtain advice, in writing, in advance of meetings. 1 1 This should only be sought via the Council’s Monitoring Officer. However, it should be noted that no advice on interests sought less than one working day prior to any meeting will be provided. Confirmation of Minutes: 2 To confirm the minutes, as previously circulated, of the meeting held on 18 April 2018 as a 1 correct record. Substitute Members: 3 1 Details of any substitute members notified in accordance with council procedure rule 23. DECISION ITEMS: 4 Planning Matters 3 - 168 5 Unauthorised Advertising Action Plan 169 - 173 INFORMATION ITEMS: 6 List of Appeals Decided 174 - 186 Page 1 of 186 Contact: Lyndsey Lacey-Simone - Telephone: (01253) 658504 – Email: [email protected] The code of conduct for members can be found in the council’s constitution at http://fylde.cmis.uk.com/fylde/DocumentsandInformation/PublicDocumentsandInformation.aspx © Fylde Borough Council copyright 2018 You may re-use this document/publication (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium. You must re-use it accurately and not in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Fylde Borough Council copyright and you must give the title of the source document/publication. Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This document/publication is also available on our website at www.fylde.gov.uk Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at the Town Hall, St Annes Road West, St Annes FY8 1LW, or to [email protected]. Page 2 of 186 Planning Committee Index 23 May 2018 Item No: Application Location/Proposal Recomm. Page No: No. 1 16/0621 MILL FARM SPORTS VILLAGE, FLEETWOOD ROAD, Issued 6 MEDLAR WITH WESHAM APPLICATION TO DISCHARGE DETAILS ASSOCIATED WITH CONDITIONS ON PLANNING PERMISSION 13/0655 RELATING TO CONDITION 11- MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMUNAL AREAS, CONDITION 33- CAR PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN, CONDITION 34 - AFC FYLDE EVENT MANAGEMENT PLAN, CONDITION 34 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN AND CONDITION 46 - HOURS OF OPERATION 2 17/0690 MILL FARM SPORTS VILLAGE, CORONATION WAY, Grant 29 MEDLAR WITH WESHAM CHANGE OF USE OF SECOND FLOOR OF MAIN STAND TO USE AS A 19 BEDROOM HOTEL (USE CLASS C1) WITH ASSOCIATED ALTERATIONS TO EXTERIOR OF STAND 3 17/0762 ST ANNES HEBREW CONGREGATIONAL Grant 38 SYNAGOGUE, ORCHARD ROAD, LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 1PJ OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING SYNAGOGUE AND ERECTION OF REPLACEMENT SINGLE STOREY SYNAGOGUE, 3 STOREY BLOCK OF 9 APARTMENTS AND CAR PARK (ACCESS, LAYOUT, APPEARANCE AND SCALE APPLIED FOR, ALL OTHER MATTERS RESERVED) 4 17/0968 FORMER PIGGERIES, POOLSIDE, FRECKLETON Grant 66 ERECTION OF 3 DETACHED RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS 5 17/1006 FORMER RAILWAY PLATFORM / LAND OFF BACK Grant 78 GLEN ELDON ROAD AND ST ANNES ROAD EAST, LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 2 ERECTION OF ONE THREE STOREY BUILDING (NO.6 UNITS) AND ONE TWO STOREY BUILDING (NO.4 UNITS) PROVIDING A TOTAL OF 10 FLATS, WITH ACCESS FROM BACK GLEN ELDON STREET AND ST ANNES ROAD EAST WITH PARKING AND LANDSCAPING 6 17/1018 57-69 POULTON STREET, KIRKHAM, PRESTON, Grant 91 PR4 2AJ DEMOLITION OF EXISTING COACH HOUSE AND ERECTION OF 2NO. SEMI-DETACHED Page 3 of 186 DWELLINGHOUSES 7 18/0043 HIGH MEADOWS, LOWER LANE, FRECKLETON, Approve Subj 106 97 PRESTON, PR4 1TS ERECTION OF 11 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS WITH ASSOCIATED ACCESS, PARKING, GARDENS, LANDSCAPING AND FENCING. 8 18/0068 SUMMERER FARM, WEETON ROAD, SINGLETON, Grant 115 POULTON-LE-FYLDE, FY6 8NQ ERECTION OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDING TO HOUSE CATTLE. 9 18/0081 2 MARGATE ROAD, LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 3EG Grant 122 PROPOSED REPLACEMENT DORMERS TO SIDE ELEVATIONS 10 18/0206 82 POULTON STREET, KIRKHAM, PRESTON, PR4 Grant 130 2AH CHANGE OF USE FROM FORMER OPTICIANS (CLASS A1) TO PRIVATE HIRE OFFICE (SUI GENERIS) FOR PRIVATE TAXIS AND CHAUFFEUR ADMIN OFFICE, INCLUDING A SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION 11 18/0240 FORMER GEC MARCONI SITE, MILL LANE, Grant 136 BRYNING WITH WARTON MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO RESERVED MATTERS APPROVAL 15/0706 FOR SUBSTITUTION OF HOUSE TYPES ON 8 PLOTS (NOS. 84, 85, 94, 95, 102, 103, 149 AND 150) 12 18/0267 FORMER GEC MARCONI SITE, MILL LANE, Grant 149 BRYNING WITH WARTON MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENT TO RESERVED MATTERS APPROVAL 13/0786 FOR SUBSTITUTION OF HOUSE TYPES ON 51 PLOTS 13 18/0335 LYTHAM GREEN, EAST BEACH, LYTHAM ST ANNES Delegated to 163 Approve INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND FIBRE OPTIC CABLING, 50MM RIGICOIL DUCTING BETWEEN 5NO. CENTURION ACCESS CHAMBERS AND 1NO STREET CABINET TO PROVIDE WIFI INFRASTRUCTURE. Page 4 of 186 Background Papers In accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972, the background papers used in the compilation of reports relating to planning applications are listed below, except for such documents that contain exempt or confidential information defined in Schedule 12A of the Act. • Fylde Borough Local Plan (As Altered) October 2005 (Saved Policies) • Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan • Fylde Local Plan to 2032 (Submission Version) December 2016 • Bryning-with-Warton Neighbourhood Plan • Saint Anne's on The Sea Neighbourhood Development Plan • National Planning Policy Framework • National Planning Practice Guidance • The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) • Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) • Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2014 and Addendum I and II November 2014 and May 2015 and Housing Market Requirement Paper 2016 • Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement at 31 March 2017 (as amended July 2017) • Strategic Housing Land Availability Schedule (SHLAA) • Consultation on Additional Evidence in Support of Fylde Local Plan to 2032 – August 2017 • Other Supplementary Planning Documents, Guidance and evidence base documents specifically referred to in the reports. • The respective application files • The application forms, plans, supporting documentation, committee reports and decisions as appropriate for the historic applications specifically referred to in the reports. • Any additional information specifically referred to in each report. These Background Documents are available either at www.fylde.gov.uk/resident/planning or for inspection by request at the Town Hall, St Annes Road West, St Annes. Page 5 of 186 Planning Committee Schedule 23 May 2018 Item Number: 1 Committee Date: 23 May 2018 Application Reference: 16/0621 Type of Application: Discharge of Conditions Applicant: Mill Farm Ventures Agent : PWA Planning Location: MILL FARM SPORTS VILLAGE, FLEETWOOD ROAD, MEDLAR WITH WESHAM Proposal: APPLICATION TO DISCHARGE DETAILS ASSOCIATED WITH CONDITIONS ON PLANNING PERMISSION 13/0655 RELATING TO CONDITION 11- MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMUNAL AREAS, CONDITION 33- CAR PARK MANAGEMENT PLAN, CONDITION 34 - AFC FYLDE EVENT MANAGEMENT PLAN, CONDITION 34 - TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN AND CONDITION 46 - HOURS OF OPERATION Ward: MEDLAR WITH Area Team: Area Team 2 WESHAM Weeks on Hand: 92 Case Officer: Andrew Stell Reason for Delay: Application Deferred by Committee If viewing online this is a Google Maps link to the general site location: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.7964955,-2.890898,701m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Summary of Recommended Decision: Issued Report Update Introduction This application was considered by Committee on 18 April 2018 when the decision was deferred for the following reason: “Committee resolved to defer the decision on the application until such time that the full and formal comments of the Local Highways Authority had been received in relation to the Car Parking Management Strategy have been received and considered and were available for the Committee to inform their decision. Also to allow Wesham Town Council opportunity to comment on the revised plans.” Since that meeting the council has received further comments from the County Highway Authority and from Kirkham Town Council which are included below. Wesham Town Council have also been asked for their further views and any that are received will be included in the Late Representations Schedule, although their most recent comments are already included in the report as normal. An additional officer consideration section is provided in this ‘Report Update’. The original report from the April agenda is included for context and additional information for members. The recommendation remains to accept the details as was previously presented to Committee. Page 6 of 186 Lancashire County Highway Comments “Thank you for the opportunity to provide further comment on the discharge of condition application 16/0621. These comments are in response to the latest submitted version of the Car Park Management Strategy (CPMS), Ref. MF/TMP/Version 3.6. I have previously provided statutory comments to the LPA in regard to the parking requirements for AFC Fylde and
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