Sport and Society Section Sport and Society Section JlLA--j 1zJJJ HERALD o mcinnati s Reds Vacate the Cellar In Favor of the St. Louis Cardinals Talent Is Scarce For Boxing Centers HOW GREAT MEN PLAY THE GAME By Scar', -:-- Legalizing of the Boxing Game in Several States Causes Greater Demand for Boxers Pelkey Is Entitled to Claim Title as White Champion. By THOS. S. ANDREWS HE Outwits Rtcmetcs Put n the legalizing of the , elit of sparring with Jack Dougherty, And i,s the. game states me lorcner weALerweigiit suti ui .am-wauk- INFIELD By MAKING WITH in several It If Brown goes to Australia Going will be a hard matter to secure he will take Dougherty with him, but 'En Think ftes high class matches for all the big should he decide to remain in the states To Bunt, THEN tov. ns to be passed around the coming' he will hike for the coast and be pre lau and winter season. There are now j pared to take on leacn cross, isua An suddenly shirs six states rt. isconsln. New York, Mon- - j dcrson, Joe Kivers or any of the For a long drive tana, Colorado California and Tennes cracks and wind up with Willie Ritchie. see where tue sport is legalized, and The claim that uunooat smitn is tne there are seeral other states where It white champion of America does not is tolerated or recognized officially by hold good. There was no dispute about the common councils of the big cities, the late Luther McCarty holding the especially in such places as Boston, title after he had defeated all the men Philadelphia. Nw Orleans, Cincinnati. sent against him in the elimination St. Louis Cleveland and others. contests and for which Tom McCarey. With all the big centers holding: box- of Los Angeles, gave him a belt em- ing bouts it is only to be expected that blematic of the championship. When the reall hi,7h class matches will be Arthur Pelkey, the Canadian, stopped scarce Tht lightweight contests have McCarty in the first round, the latter been the real classy ones and there are dying as a result of the encounter, a number of 133 pounders who will whether by accident or blow, the fact make good matches, but at the same remains that Pelkey really became the time then are a few of the boys who white champion of America. Neither were considered as stars, who will Jess Willard nor Gunboat Smith had have to a second row seat for a any right to annex the title after that time Bud Anderson, who came into Calgary affair, as long as Pelkey sig- piomineme like a mushroom springing nified his willingness to defend the up and Joe Rivers, the sensational same. Tommy Burns, the former Mexican, both tasted the bitter pill of world's champion, has taken Pelkey I'efeat with the result that Leach Cross under his wing and is now touring the and Harlem Tommy Murphy will ce country in the vaudeville houses and them as idols, while stffch lads as also matching him in exhibitions or Jce Mandot Charlie "White, Jack Brit- - real contests. Gunboat Smith and Jim ton. Pal Brown and Matty Baldwin. Flynn are to meet in New York early will once more step intothe limelight. In August for 10 rounds and they are Jimmy Duffj. the Buffalo light-t- v billing it as a tiUe match. Let the eight, and Young Shugrue and Young tv inner, If there is one, challenge Pel-ke- y Nov. "'SBaSfeSBHiluHKSslSS&Si - " 'yS&A Jack O'Brien might also be mentioned for a match and then he can claim GOSB.STRETCHES - as among the high class ones, while that be is engaging in a real cham- m sasBS'iifisr' - m.T' Freddy "Welsh, is the logical opponent pionship contest. & "BmNggisr ByKIDDfN6 ff S V of Willie Ritchie for a world's cham- DpuetES pionship match, being the champion of False reports are frequently given SSL. -- d3W the British empire. Then, too, Packey out regarding matches for the simple &'a-,BOT- 1 McFarland may decide to set into reason that they happen to be no de- On lite Bask feV running again as a lightweight, or a cision affairs and managers of fight He depends in which case there ers send out reports of the battles to h would be trouble ahead for any of the suit themselves. That is one reason on fiBiurr stars why it would be much better if de- 7& Outguess Ty 7 'WS IT WERE"' "While the Pacific coast and New cisions could be given at all times. pitchers Cobb York have had a cinch on all th"e big I have received a letter from a news- the matches of the past year or two theA paper friend In Winnepeg in which he AND IT WORKS will find a strong competitor for star states that the reports given out about attractions in Milwaukee. Some of the Caponi-Hic- ks fight were badly the biggest matches of the past ten garbled. "It "was a very poor fight at ears have oeen held there, especially times," writes this friend, "but toward the Papke-Kell- y and Papke-Ketch- el the end, that is before the foul, it be- bouts, which were among the greatest came quite lively and would no doubt COAST LEAGUE. fights ever staged over the short have developed into a good contest, At Los Angeles. R. H. E. route. It is not likely that Milwaukee but at that point Caponl hit Hicks Portland 7 14 1 will open till late in September, when low and the bout ended In the sev- BASEBALL RESULTS Tuesdays games Los Angeles 2 5 3 A Little Sport; A Little Gossip the dabs, with the sanction of the enth instead of the twelfth. The foul Batteries: Fortland. Krauseand-Fish-er- ; commission. wil endeavor to uphold was unintentional without a doubt, but Los Angeles, Tozer, Perritt and the good name of that city as a box- some reports sent out said that Caponl )E MANDOT, the southern light baseball players in 189L The contract Is Chicago condition was signed by McGraw, George Kurz. ing center had been awarded the verdict. The AMERICAN LEAGUE. National League Standings. weight in to Connor, 9t 3r fact is, no decisions are given here At Boston. 1st game. R. H. E. If They At San Francisco. E. H. E. himself for several battles sched J. Frank Stratton and Edward:' Pal Brown the Minnesota light-i- s in this case the bout goes to Hicks Chicago 0 4 0 San Francisco ..3 8 0 Miaxs. It reads: "We, the undersigned and Won. Lost Pet. Win. Lose the-Ocal- a eight, has receu ed a very flattering on a foul. There have been many Boston 2 1 1 New York 65 27 .707 .709 .699 Oakland .. 4 10 0 uled to take place In the near future. baseball players, and members of offer from "Snowy" Baker, of Ans- - other such reports sent out from here Batteries: Chicago. Scott, Benz and Philadelphia ...53 34 .609 .614 .602 Batterler: San Francisco. Henley and Mandot has started a campaign, which Giants, agree to play with Ocala, trails, to make a trip to that country about fights, all of which do harm to Kuhn; Boston, Foster and Thomas. Chicago 48 45 .516 .521 .511 Schmidt; Oakland, Lohman and Mitze. he believes will end in a title match club, until further notified, for board, for a series of five or six battles . the game instead of helping it." Second game. R. H. B. Pittsburg 45 46 .495 .500 .489 shaving, washing expenses. Also a ci- nn-nt..- 1 ,..,,., .. l,lh,. with Willie Ritchie. He will remain d&atiixn. .1...nit? l......iseai jo iugi c Chicago 3 S 6 Brooklyn 42 45" .483 .489 .477 At Sacramento. R. H. E. go gar once a week." , iiuuuucia promis-inrarou- ng in Chicago for a week, and then to PaLjBro-n- is one of the most I BANKERS "WILL PLAY GAME Boston 5 6f 3 Boston 39 SI .433 .440 .429 vflnico t - ! " 9 - ......... Lath-ro- p. 9 2 Mt Clemens. lightweights in the country WITH CLOUDCROFT TEAM Batteries: Chicago. O'Brien, Cincinnati 37 59 .385 .392 .381 Sacramento 12 Connie Mack has a physician's word totHK, being only 21 years of age, Benz and Schalk; Boston, Leonard St. Louis 36 58 .383 .389 .379 Batteries: Venice, Koestner and El- that Jack Ccombs will be sounder than strong as a bull and with a very Members of the First National bank Carrlgan. liott. Sterritt; Sacramento, Lively, Al Schoer, a catcher recently pur- ever In September. This ball team will leave Saturday after- and chased from, the Youngstown club, of adds another healthy wallop in either hand. Pal Where They Play Thursday. Stroud and Cheek. Inter-Stat-e angle as to who will pitch the open- has had over 75 battles and has never noon for Cloudcroft. whsre they have At Philadelphia. 1st game. R .H. E. Brooklyn at Pittsburg. the league by the Brooklyn ing game in the world's series. sleep pro- game 0 6 4 Coast League Standings. Dodgers, has reported to Bill Dahlen. tasted the bitterness of the a scheduled with the nine of the Detroit Philadelphia at Cincinnati. He will be used as a substitute catcher. ducer. He has been reared on a farm mountain resort. The game is to be Philadelphia S 13 1 New York at Chicago. Won. ..ost. Pet. When the which up range country Min- Sunday Sunday Mc-Ke- e; 59 4S .551 trade "drew" Hal in the iron of nlaved afternoon.
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