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Diplomatic reports said ordered his TOiOOO troops in the indpendence came from a guard of 2,770 South Vietna­ officially named "Lam Som tani ^ leader Sheikh Mujibur there were antigovemment out­ clandestine radio station Identi­ east to puTdown the revolt. mese reinforcements flew today 719" by Saigon headqMarters. Rahman declared his province's breaks in Karachi and other fied as the Voice of Indepen­ Yahya Khan, in a nationwide Into Khe San^, the ..forward “ Optf atlon Lam Som 719 stiU independence from West Pakis­ B I^ A I ^ IN Karachi, and other broadcasf heard in neighboring dent. Bangla Desh (Bengali' baw foLSouth Vietnam’s L ^ s continues,'—Thleu said in a tan. Pakistani President“^ a West Pakistan cities in support, India, Imposed press censorship HOmeland):TTie Sheikh did not offensive. President. Nguyen speed!/in-th^Mekong Rlyer Mohanlmad Yahya K h ^ de- of the Rahman forces. tlvoughout Pal^tan and or­ speak personally as he did Van Hilen said the operation Delu. - - . dared him a traitor and Populous East Pakistan, dered the end of all political earlier today and his proclama­ "stilLcontinura.” In Saigon, U.S. headquarters ordered his army to crush the parated from Wejt Pakistan by activity Including that by tion was read by an announcer. Tliieu did not felaborate ,but reported that American aircraft revolt; ' 1,000-mile-wide India, had Rahman's, Awami League The broac\9ast, monitored in Soiih Vietnamese headquarters losses in the final week of the Indian news agencies said sought previously to break which won a majority in Ag^tala, the capital of India’s has not ruled out the possibility Uios campaign and strikes in there were heavy casualties in awajr from the larger but less Parliament in the December Union Territory of Tripka, by ^Humiliating^ new forays might be made into Nbrth Vietnam and Cambodia the Press Trust of Indlia, ^ d " Xaos from Khe Sanh against were the highest since the SEN. EDWARD M. KENNEDY, D-Mais., described the the Sheikh declared the 75 the Ho Chi Minh Tlrail, North spring of 1968 during a big AmerlcaiMuipported operation In Laos as a nightiqare ending in Vietnam’s military lifeline. Communist offensive in South million people of East Pakistan a “ hnmlllatfaig retreat" and panic. (TIPI) as-citizens o f the sovereign All but a handful of the 24,000 Vietnam. Independent Bangla Desh, South Vietnamese troops who Radio Pakistan, in a news crossed into Laos Feb. 8 broadcast before the speech by returned to -South Vietnam Calley earlier this week, including President Yahya Khan, said the some who were chased out by army had won control of the Teddy hits North Vietnamese tanks, "niere situation in the east. But other were Indlcatldns of a North evidence reports by Indian news agen­ Vietnamese buildup around Khe cies said the East Pakistani Sanh and field reports said forces were still battling the eight Americans were killed pondered West Pakistani froops who rout and seven wounded in new outnumbered them 7 to 2. action around the outpost. FT. BENNING. Ga. (UF*I)- retreat ... so obviously in In a broadcast to the nation, WASHINGTON (UPI) -In a U.S. Air Force tra^aport llie -jury in the murder court-, Yahya Khw> announce he was. bitter attack on Nixon admlnis- panic," he said. , planes ferried the South Vletnrf-— ot Lt- William L. < ^ e y Despite confltCtUtg cluliiks ul suspending all political activi­ tratlon war policy. Sen. Edward” mese reinforcements — battle Jr. dampened speculation it ties wid imposing press censor­ Kennedy of Massachusetts said victory or rout, he said millions tested marines—into the base in was near a verdict by asking of Americans saw the Laos ship throughout Pakistan. He Thursday that “ America is South Vietnam’s northwest cor­ today for m ateifil for a operation in terms of many lost said he had ordered his troops coming out of Laos on the ner from rear areas. They detailed study of the village Of UiS. helicopters, high American My Lai. “ to do their duty_fuUy„.aJnd„ skids." replaced U.S. units which had Moments after the siz-officer Arabian restore the authority. Reports ^ Speaking to a^meetlng of casualties and— the South Vietnamese.^troops in headlong Jiiry began its tenth day of ^ said 10,000 more troops Democratic state chairmen, flight. deliberations word was sent out had landed from ships. Kennedy said American super­ W*it‘ Pakiitan (pop. 55 million I “ America is coming out of for five pencils. The jurors ' Arrayed against them were a vision of the South \^etnamese Bellevue fo it Pokittan I pop. 70 million) Laos on the skids," he said. asked not for lea d ,p < n ^ used force of ia,000 East Pakistan operation Inside Laos w ^ "a “ Hie cause of peace has foi; ballot marking but for five ' Rifles, a few thousand poll* flagrant violation of the spirit suffered another blow because nominees different colored pfeaae pencQa and civilian volunteers hurried­ of legislation passed by Con­ once. Bga^p we. have let ly armed wityweftpon# smug- gress," Natio PAKISTAN, a nattoB ktng r « (* , efltanmUc dU- fertflcw iqid«eegnpilr^ parent plastic sheci inthout any Eaat PaUttan openly diaOeaced the aotlMrfty.of the Weft* middle, expressed fears that By WARREN GOSSETT dialk or pencil marka on It; .ever i^UdstaiMaiitrolleil llovcniinait. (NEA) the'fiRhtinK in East Pakistan ' Times-Mews Staff Writer The overlay was for prosecu­ may spill over the border into BELLEVUE — Names of 12 tion exhibit No. 4, a huge Indian territory and an official Bellevue men were placed in blown-up aerial photograph of in the Indian Foreign Ministry Coalition to hold nomination for five posts on the the h a n ^ of My Lai 4 where in, New Delhi said “the city council during a caucus Calley is charged with ordedng, VIini< presiding over and pattleipatlng safeguarding of our borders in niursday night at the d ty hall. in a d ai«h ter of Hagerman that situation becomes our anti-war rallies llie city election scheduled mese dvillans on serious responsibility.” fbr April-S to elect a hew mayor, drug term 1968. WASHINGTON (UPI) -A the month. a podtion now h ^ by Charles coalition of antiwar, dvilrights A month ago a group known Wi-ight, and four councilmen. and welfare organizations and as the . Emergency National Oounclimen whose terms are appealed b ill SiStied Qiicagor 7 defendants is jdan- Student Anti-war Conference Jerome expiring ara^Ondlle Cameron, TWIN FALLS — Idaho ^ n in g.i^ weelcs of demonstra­ aclaio^ledged after a meeting Joseph Bergin, GIm Stefana, Supreme Court sessions will tions against the Vietnam War with a reported attendance of and Ralph Griffin. conclude in Twin Falls today BOISE (U P I) - Gov. CecU of dredge or placer mines with­ dinsaxlng with a nationwide 2,500 students that it had voted Nominated for the mayor’s soIoiT with arguments scheduled on D. Andrus signed into law out a permit from the state. moratorium May 5. doOT Chicago 7 defendant post were Woodrow Watts, the appeal of one of the Thursday bills regulating stir- ' One of the bills was amended “ Civil disobedience wiU esca­ Rennie Davis' proposal to close daiide Ballard and Arzy Lance. “ Minidoka Six,” Anna Lee face mining and authorizing during the session to require late throughout the last week in down Washington-the first week Details p. 12 April to massive dimensions Chosen for'ih e three two-year passes Bronson. state appropriation of unappro- that plans for restoration of a in May. The group dedded One of six young persons during the fir^ week of M ay," council terms were Kenneth priat^ waters in the Thousand surface mining area t>e sub­ instead to focus on a morator­ given state penitentiary sen­ leaders of the.People's Coali­ ium-type march in Washington Wright, BUI Showalter, Ralph JEROME - F r e d k Nelson, Springs area. mitted to the State Board of tences by District Judge tion for Peace and Justice said and San Francikn April 24. Griffin, Garth Sims, Joe Bergin, 65, former state representative One measure he signed would Health and that the plans be Sherman Bellwood, Rupert, Thursday. ^ At a lengthy news conference Glen Stelma and ' Floyd from Jerome County, died approved before the mining Wendell Miss Bronson has appealed to give the State Park Board au­ Many of the demonstrations Thursday, there-i»ere asser­ Boushele. .. Thursday in St. Alphonsus operation'tan begin. the supreme court for relief in thority to appropriate all unap­ will be aimed ^ tth e heart of tions o f a new-found uiJty Voters also' must elect a Hospital, Boise, of a heart her four-year sentence on propriated water in Malad Can­ Other bills signed by the gov­ the nation's financial conununi- among tlft varibifi groUps. councilman for a one-year tetro ailment. grounds she was a juvenile at yon, ITiousand Springs. Nlagra ernor included: budget . ty in New York the first few-* "Chicago 7 defendant David currently- held by Griffin, Nelson was appointed to the the time and should have been Springs.
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