Lighting The Road To The Future Data Zone Harrah’s Fest Highlights Page 6 “The People’s Paper” November 1 - November 7, 2014 49th Year Volume 27 www.ladatanews.com A Data News Weekly Exclusive Election 2014 Mary Landrieu Cedric Richmond Chris Bruno Nakisha Ervin-Knott Janet Ahern Data News Weekly Endorsements Page 2 Newsmaker Publisher Donna Brazile Why I Support Leading the Fight for What’s Right Mary Landrieu Page 4 Page 9 Page 2 November 1 - November 7, 2014 Cover Story www.ladatanews.com Data News Endorsements Throughout the history of America, Blacks have struggled to first gain the right to vote, and secondly, to keep it. We must exercise our right to vote in every election so that our voice can be heard, and the change we seek, can come to pass. By Terry B. Jones There are many races on the ballot and we at more accessible to the people our elected officials Data News Weekly after carefully looking at some are supposed to serve . It is again time to go to the polls on November of them . We have decided in this issue that we have 4th; making the primary on a Tuesday, which may chosen thus far to endorse these candidates . It is U.S. Senate: Mary Landrieu cause some people difficulties in getting to the a mix of incumbents and one newcomer to elected In the race for the U .S . Senate we endorse Mary polls, so we suggest that if you can please consider politics that we are endorsing in this cycle because Landrieu; she has been a committed leader who has early voting as an option . In the face of many of the we feel some have done an excellent job for their built bridges of understanding between people from challenges that some are making efforts to as far constituents and deserve to be re-elected, while diverse backgrounds and been an effective voice for as people trying to keep some away from the polls others have become comfortable in their seats of Louisiana and the interest of its constituents . Since it is necessary for what is at stake our voices need power and it is important to pump new blood into her election to the U .S . Senate in 1996 she has been to be heard . the veins of government to give it life and make it a staunch advocate for the people of her Congres- Cover Story, Continued on next page. DATA NEWS WEEKLY P.O. Box 57347, New Orleans, LA 70157-7347 | Phone: (504) 821-7421 | Fax: (504) 821-7622 INSIDE DATA editorial: [email protected] | advertising: [email protected] Terry B. Jones Contributors Freddie Allen CEO/Publisher The Bookworm Sez Edwin Buggage Cover Story . 2 Commentary . 8. Edwin Buggage Dr. Benjamin Chavis Parnell Herbert Terry B. Jones Newsmaker . 4 Publisher’s Page . 9. Editor Glenn Summers MG Calla Victoria Calla Victoria State & Local News . 5 Home Style . .10 . James Washington Art Direction & Production Executive Assistant MainorMedia.com Data Zone . 6 National News . 11. Editorial Submissions June Hazeur [email protected] Book Review . 7. Advertising Inquiries Accounting [email protected] Please call 504-309-9913 for subscription information or to obtain a back issue of the paper ONLY. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. www.ladatanews.com Cover Story November 1 - November 7, 2014 Page 3 Cover Story, Continued from previous page. Mary Landrieu Cedric Richmond Chris Bruno Nakisha Ervin-Knott Janet Ahern sional District . As always she is fac- he along with Senator Landrieu the New Orleans Council on Aging court in an efficient and effective public safety is important and we ing a battle from several opponents were able to send about $56 million for his philanthropy with the senior manner and be proactive in cases cannot endanger our citizens and one which is well-funded Republi- in total federal funds for Louisiana community . With his amazing port- on her docket as to create an envi- with the passage of this proposi- can Congressman Bill Cassidy . He that ranged from renovations to the folio as an experienced attorney, ronment where there are fewer de- tion this decision to fund public and his proxy’s inside of elements Fort Polk barracks to ongoing Hur- judge and civic service, he is well lays in the courtroom . safety is in the hands of the voters . of the Republican Party have cre- ricane Katrina recovery projects . suited to retain his seat and we glad- If this Amendment passes it would ated ads that distort and in many He has been a supporter of Presi- ly endorse Chris Bruno for Judge of Constitutional authorize the City to have the flex- instances outright lie about the re- dent Obama and the Affordable Civil District Court Division F . Amendment 6: Yes ibility that other municipalities al- cord of Mary Landrieu . Care Act, fighting to bring health- Data News Weekly supports ready have where the New Orleans She is one of few people on Capi- care for all to Louisiana . We stand Judge Civil District Constitutional Amendment 6 . This City Council can ask the voters to tol Hill who has support on both with him in this fight . Court Division D: amendment raises the cap on the consider an increase to pay for en- sides of the aisle . She is a principled As a leader in Washington, Ce- Nakisha Ervin-Knott millage dedicated to police and fire Cover Story, Continued independent voice that we need in dric is not afraid to make tough Sometimes change is good, and protection in Orleans Parish . Our on page 10. the Nation’s Capitol . Her race along calls . For example, his leading pro- not because someone is absolutely with a few others may determine forma sessions on the floor in Con- doing a bad job, but what happens whether the Democrats continue gress, continuing to do the work of sometimes they have stayed in of- to hold a majority in the U .S . Sen- the people of Louisiana instead of fice too long and not as effective as ate . This is an important race and choosing to go home to campaign someone with a fresh set of eyes we must get out and support Mary like many of his colleagues in the that can possibly give a new vision Landrieu . She is a valuable voice House and the Senate did . We sent and direction to an office . This is and in The U .S . Senate where se- him to work, and that is what he what Nakisha Ervin-Knott has to of- niority matters; she is a voice that has done . We firmly believe in Con- fer . A different vision for Civil Dis- has risen into the ranks of leader- gressman Richmond’s commitment trict Court Division D, she comes ship . She chairs several commit- to the people of New Orleans, and with great credentials . She has tees and is also part of major com- we look forward to his returning to been practicing law for 16 years in mittees and subcommittees that Washington, to continue doing so . a variety of capacities in addition to are important to Louisiana . Some being involved in many civic activi- of which includes the Committee Judge Civil District Court ties including holding the office of on Energy and Natural Resources, Division F: Chris Bruno Past President of the Independent Subcommittee of Homeland Secu- Effective, Efficient, Competent Women’s Organization, a demo- rity and the Ad Hoc Subcommittee and Compassionate are a few words cratic women’s organization dedi- on Disaster Recovery and many that describe Judge Chris Bruno, cated to promoting the issues and others . She is a voice that we cannot who has been sitting on the bench candidates of the Democratic Party . afford to lose on Capitol Hill, so we at Civil District Court since being She is poised and ready to steer the strongly endorse Mary Landrieu in elected in 2008 . He is running for court in a new direction under her her race for the U .S . Senate . re-election on a record of excel- leadership, and we put our full sup- lence, hard work and dedication . port behind Nakisha Ervin-Knott, a U.S. House of In his work in the courtroom his voice of change for the better . Representatives, 2nd docket moves in a timely manner and those who appear in his court Judge Domestic Court Congressional District: matters are and resolved efficiently Section 2: Janet Ahern Cedric Richmond and fairly in a timely manner . He Data News Weekly strongly en- is not only a man who serves well dorses Janet Ahern for Judge of Do- Data News Weekly is proud to in his role on the bench, but in the mestic Court Section 2 . We feel she endorse Congressman Cedric Rich- community as well, serving those has the experience as an attorney mond in his campaign to retain his in need . When not on the bench he handling family law for over two seat and continue to represent Lou- has been involved in many philan- decades . She is a woman with a vi- Highly Qualified, Hard Working, Fair isiana’s 2nd Congressional District thropic efforts . One is helping to sion to bring much needed changes in the U . S . House of Representa- build a new senior activity center to Domestic Court . It is her goal to PLEASE VOTE FOR NAKISHA ERVIN-KNOTT tives . During his time in Washing- on Jackson Avenue for Mercy En- have interpreters available for our ton, D .C ., Congressman Richmond deavors which is a non-profit se- citizens that do not speak English, ON NOVEMBER 4TH 2014 has been responsible for bringing nior activity center catering to all also she would like to take a more back sorely needed funding for denominations .
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