The NCAA Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association January 31,1990, Volume 27 Number 5 NCAA Visitors Center scheduled to open in fall Part of the NCAA’s new national NCAA assistant executive director every NCAA championships event though the Theodore Roosevelt raphy exhibitions. office building will serve as the first for the Visitors Center and special contested for the past two academic Award and the College Athletics @A lOO-foot mural, created by true home for the history and tradi- projects. “There are many halls of years. Top XII. nationally known artist John Mar- tion of college athletics all of it, fame around the country for various “Individual and team achieve- The Visitors Center will feature tin, will depict various aspects of not just a few sports. Twelve thou- sports, but the Visitors Center will ments will be highlighted,” :Sprenger something for every college sports college sports. sand square feet of the Association’s salute all of the NCAA’s 77 cham- said. “The academic honors segment fan: l Football and basketball rooms new headquarters in Overland Park, pionships plus Division I-A foot- by the student-athlete will be fea- l A multimedia theater that will that feature 360degree photographs Kansas-the NCAA Visitors Cen- ball.” tured quite prominently.” He said offer various video and multiimage from midcourt and midfield. ter will open sometime after La- Sprenger and Will J. Rudd, the significant space will be devoted to programs. l Some 400 photographs, both bor Day. Visitors Center’s researcher/curator, NCAA postgraduate scholarship aA gallery area for exhibitions current and historic. “For the first time ever, all of have been developing displays for recipients and to the Association’s that will cover everything from “One of the best aspects of the intercollegiate athletics will be sa- well over a year. Rudd is in the honors program, which annually sports equipment to sports-medicine center is that displays will be up- luted,” said ,Robert E. Sprenger, process of obtaining photos from recognizes outstanding achievement research and sports art and photog- See NCAA. page 2 NYSP plans to double its extended program by ‘91 The status of the economically ball, football, swimming, tennis, poor family in the United States track and field, volleyball, wrestling, was the featured topic at a recent or additional sports suitable to local workshop for representatives of the interest and available facilities. pilot extended National Youth At least 15 hours of instructional Sports Program. activities is included in the enrich- The January 12-14 workshop in ment program. Also, no less than San Antonio, Texas, was attended 7% hours is devoted to prevention by project representatives from the of drug and alcohol abuse. Nutri- 45 higher education institutions that tion, personal health, higher educa- are conducting extended programs. tion, career opportunities and job NYSP plans to offer 50 more responsibilities are other topics cov- institutions an opportunity to con- cred. duct extended programs in 1991. Amie Revere, an associate pro- The Omnibus Drug Education fessor at the University of Dayton, Bill, which provided Federal funds gave the featured presentation at to expand NYSP into a year-round the San Antonio workship. Other program, was passed by Congress speakers included Joel Phillips, Eval- in 1988. The extended program’s uation Management Training Asso- purpose is to make important life ciates; Steven J. Danish, chair, experiences available to many at- department of psychology, Virginia risk youths through sports and en- Commonwealth University; Darlind richment activities. J. Davis, Office of Substance Abuse The extended program is offered Prevention; A. Greg Lendo, East for a maximum of 30 days from Baton Rouge Parish Schools, and October 1 to April 30. Instruction is Judith Jurin Semo, Squire, Sanders made available in a minimum of At Dempsey. two of the following activities- Other workshop topics included Steven J. Da&h, crhrsir;&pMment ofpsyddogyat Wrglntk Communweafth Unived& and Whew badminton, basketball, dance, gym- innovative programming, such as Wilson, former wcaptdn of the VCU h8skethidl teum and cum& gnwluate stuhnt, present nastics, physical fitness, soccer, soft- See N USE page 3 lnfomvation on the school% student-athlete monitofing -ram THE NCAA NEWS/January 31,199O kegional evaluators selected for baseball umpiring project A nine-member panel of regional Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017 Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Hawaii), year program arc to dcvclop greater evaluators has been selected to help (New York; Pennsylvania; New Jer- and Tony Patch, 1961 Clay, No. consistency in umpiring mechanics, carry out a three-year experimental sey: Delaware; Maryland; Wash- 103, San Francisco, California philosophies and rules interpreta- NCAA project to improve college ington, D.C.); Hank Rountree, 109 1 94109 (Alaska, Washington, Ore- tions among diffcrcnt conferences baseball umpiring. Blue Springs Court, Buckhead, gon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming). and regions and to improve the l’he program is expected to be in Georgia 30625 (Virginia, North Car- Effective August 1, January, process for selecting and evaluating place by August 1, according to Jon Jon olina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Jones and Patch will serve four- umpires for regional tournaments Bible, national coordinator of the Bible Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia); year terms; Christal, Ravan and and the College World Series. NCAA Baseball Umpiring Pro- Bruce Ravan, 80 Paula Court, Mary Runchey will serve for three years, Bible’s address is 609 Rolling gram. Bible is a lawyer and professor Esther, Florida 32569 (Florida, Mis- and Steiner, Roundtree and Willi- Green, Austin, Texas 78734. of business law at Southwest Texas sissippi, Alabama, Louisiana); ams will serve two years. Their Umpires with at least five years of State (Jniversity. His selection was Randy Christal, 4601 Frontier Trail, replacements, if the program is con- Division I experience who want to announced in the August 16, 1989, Austin, Texas 78745 (Texas, New tinued past three years, will serve be considered for a regional tourna- issue of The NCAA News. Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas); Bob three-year terms. ment assignment should contact Jones, 50 I7 George Avenue, Kansas Bible said the goals of the three Bible or the regional evaluator. The regional evaluators will ference umpire supervisors. Details City, Missouri 64133 (North Da- screen umpire applications for Di- of the clinics will be announced. kota South Dakota, Nebraska, Kan vision I regional assignments in The regional evaluators and their sas, Missouri, Iowa, Colorado); Florida International to join 1991, and lists of umpires will be territories are Don January, 52 Dick Runchey, 44933 Albert Drive, made available for Divisions II and Humphrey Street, Swampscott, Plymouth, Michigan 4X I70 (Michi- Trans America league in July III postseason competition. Massachusetts 0 1907 (Maine, New gan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wis- Regional evaluators also will as- Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu consin, Minnesota); Dale Williams, Florida International University tennis in 1990-91 and in basketball sist in conducting a series of umpir- sctts, Connecticut, Rhode Island); 2268 North Rose Avenue, Signal has accepted an invitation to become and soccer in I99 I-92. a member of the Trans America ing clinics-estimated at eight a Gus Steiner, 5573 Mohawk Drive, Hill, California 90806 (California, The TAAC, formed in September Athletic Conference. year that will be started in 1991. 1978, includes the University of Florida International received It is expected that these clinics will Arkansas, Little Rock; Centenary the invitation during the confer- be mandatory for umpires assigned College; Georgia Southern College; ence’s meeting January 7 in Dallas, to Division I regionals and for con- Georgia State University; Hardin- Texas, and will officially join the Countdown begins Simmons University; Mercer Uni- league July 1. versity; Samford University; Stetson The countdown has begun for current national office buildings “We are pleased to have Florida Ilnivcrsity, and the University of NCAA the NCAA’s move to its new will be closed. International coming into our Texas, San Antonio. national office building in Over- In its next few issues, The league,” said TAAC Commissioner dated on a regular basis,” Sprenger land Park, Kansas. NCAA News will publish more Louis G. McCullough. However, Hardin-Simmons is of- The move is scheduled Friday said. “As soon as possible after the information about how the As- Florida International, an NCAA ficially leaving the TAAC in June, through Sunday, February 23- fall championships season is com- sociation will serve its member- Division I independent, will compete so the TAAC will have nine 25. pleted, for example, we will display ship during and after the move. in baseball, cross country, golf and members for 1990-9 I. new NCAA champions and high- Beginning February 26, the The News also will help read- light top individual performances.” Association will have a new mail- ers get acquainted with the new Sports personalities also will be ing address and telephone building by reporting on several recognized, Sprcnger said. “People number. The address will be: of its features and by publishing Committee Notices floor plans. like President Bush, Bill Cosby, NCAA Articles also are planned about former President Ford and Kareem 6201 College Boulevard the warm welcome the NCAA is Member institutions are invited to submit nominations to fill interim Abdul Jabbar the only three-time Overland Park, Kansas receiving from Overland Park vacancies on NCAA committees. Nominations to fill the following vacancy MVP in Final Four history will 6621 l-2422 and the advantages of the Asso- must be received by Fannie B. Vaughan, executive assistant, in the NCAA be featured. office no later than February 14, 1990. “Nothing like this has ever been The Association’s new tele- ciation’s presence in the city’s phone number will be 913/339- College Boulevard community, National Youth Sports Program Committee: Replacement for Alexander done for intercollegiate athletics,” Adams, retired from the (Inivcrsity of Dayton.
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