OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF POLITICAL PARTIES A LIST OF FULLY REGISTERED POLITICAL PARTIES AS AT 31st JULY, 2020 www.orpp.go.tz NO Registration Name of the Party and Date Two National Leaders of the Party Leaders Position Physical Address, Postal . No. of Permanent Registration and Office Status Address, Telephone, Fax and email His Excel. Dr. John Pombe Magufuli Chairperson 1. No. 0000001 Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Dr. Bashiru Ally Kakurwa Secretary General 0754 022915 [email protected] 01st July, 1992 Head Quarters Kuu Street, Dodoma P.O. Box 50 Dodoma Tel +255 26 2322982 Fax: +255 26 2322965 Website: www.ccm.or.tz Email: [email protected] Lumumba Street P.O. Box 9151 Dar-es Salaam Sub-Head Quarters Tel. +255 22 2182200 Fax: +255 22 2185245 Kisiwandui Karume Road, Unguja Sub-Head Quarters P.O Box 875 Zanzibar Fax +255 24 2239342 0773 789820 Admin. Mr. Professor Ibrahim Haruna Chairperson 0684 625442 2. No. 0000002 The Civic United Front (CUF- Lipumba [email protected] Chama cha Wananchi) in vacant Secretary General 0772 444828 short CUF [email protected] Mtendeni Street 21st January, 1993 Mjini Magharibi, Unguja P.O. Box 2124 Head Quarters Zanzibar Plot No. 98 Block A Buguruni Pandya 1 Sub-Head Quarters P.O. Box 10979 Dar es Salaam Tell. +255 22 861009 Fax. +255 22 861010 0783 588280 DSG BARA Hon. Freeman Aikael Mbowe Chairperson 0784 779944 3. No. 0000003 Chama cha Demokrasia na Hon. John John Mnyika Secretary General 0784 222222 Maendeleo (CHADEMA) House No. 170 Ufipa Street, Kinondoni P.O. Box 31191 21st January, 1993 Head Quarters Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 22 2668866 Web: www. chadema.or.tz Email: [email protected] House No. B1.19/4 Shehia; Kisiwandui Mjini Magharibi Sub-Head Quarters P.O Box 2425 Zanzibar Tel. 0771 878033 DC ZNZ 0754 711230 DSG ZNZ Mr. Kamana Masoud Mlenda Chairperson 0652 622593 4. No. 0000004 Union for Multiparty [email protected] Democracy (UMD) Mr. Moshi Rashid Kigundula Secretary General 0715 651831 [email protected] Kwambano Street 21st January, 1993 Tabata Chang’ombe Head Quarters P.O. Box 61117 Dar es Salaam House No. E/124 Sub-Head Quarters Amani Masumbani, Shehia, Kilimahewa Bondeni. Unguja P.O Box 2499 Zanzibar Tel. 07776 137077 DC ZNZ 0777 796184 DSG ZNZ Sub-Head Quarters Msamalia Street in Dodoma Changombe Dodoma 0684 395684 2 Hon. James Francis Mbatia Chairperson 0754 318812 5. No. 0000005 National Convention for [email protected] Construction and Reform Ms. Elizaberth Mhagama Secretary General 0712 013016 (NCCR-Mageuzi) [email protected] elizabethmhagama2019@gmail. com 21st January, 1993 Plot No.2 Kilosa Street Ilala P.O. Box 72474 Dar es Salaam Tel & Fax +255 22 2862238 Head Quarters Website: www.nccrmageuzi.or.tz Email: [email protected] House No. MP21C Mtopepo, Mkapa Road Sub-Head Quarters Shehia, Mtopepo. Unguja P.O Box 4134 Zanzibar Tel. 0712 537653 DC ZNZ 0767 450345 0714 227610 DSG ZNZ Mr. Oscar Emmanuel Makaidi Chairperson 0655 919101 6. No. 0000006 National League for [email protected] Democracy (NLD) Mr. Tozy Ephraim Matwanga Secretary General 0714 019929 [email protected] Head Quarters Plot No. 73 Block D Sinza Madukani P.O. Box 352 st 21 January 1993 Dar es Salaam Email: [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters Kiembe Samaki House No. KS/MB/289/C. P.O. Box 145 Zanzibar Tel. 0777 847099 DC ZNZ 0652 407740 0654 525452 DSG ZNZ - Vacant- Chairperson 7. No. 0000008 United Peoples’ Democratic Mr. Hamadi Mohamed Ibrahim Secretary General 0774 694719 Party (UPDP) [email protected] Head Quarters House No. MK/714 Matopeni area Mtoni Kidatu 3 4TH February 1993 street along Mkapa Road; Shehia, Mtoni Kidatu, Unguja; P.O. Box 3121 Zanzibar Tel. 0773 328156 DC ZNZ Sub-Head Quarters House No. 46 Magomeni Kagera P.O. Box 11746 Dar es Salaam Tel. 0715 202366 DSG Bara Mr. Simai Abdalah Abdullah Chairperson 0777 413780 / 0714 673038 8. No. 0000009 National Reconstruction [email protected] Alliance (NRA) Mr. Hassan Kisabya Almas Secretary General 0685 351535/0629 044319 Head Quarters Bububu Street, Tandika - Kilimahewa (Mtoni kwa Azizi Ali) 8th February 1993 - P.O. Box 40766 Dar es Salaam. Sub-Head Quarters House No. B4-70 Mwembe Shauri Kariakoo, Unguja P.O Box 2265 Zanzibar Tel. 0626 968987 DC ZNZ 0777 422104 DSG ZNZ - Vacant- Vice President 9. No. African Democratic Alliance Mr. John Paul Shibuda Secretary General 0754 465597 / 0784 744457 00000011 Party (ADA-TADEA) [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters House No. 70 Kondoa Street, Magomeni 5th April 1993 P.O. Box 1086 Dar es Salaam Sub-Head Quarters Amani kwa Mbawala Amani Road Shehi, Amani. Unguja P.O Box 184 Zanzibar. Tel. 0776 303330 VP ZNZ 0776 620062 DC ZNZ 0715 560243 DSG ZNZ Mr. Augustino Lyatonga Mrema Chairperson 0754 325648 Tanzania Labour Party (TLP) [email protected] 4 10. No. Mr. Richard Lyimo Secretary General 0788 181890/ 0688 021042 00000012 [email protected] Head Quarters Plot No. 10 Block W 24th November 1993 Morogoro road Usalama bus stand, Magomeni, P.O. Box 90093 Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 22 2443237 Email Address. [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters House No. KS/110 Kidongo Chekundu Road Opposite Kidongo Chekundu Mental Hospital, Unguja Tel. 0777 860337 DC ZNZ 0713 740072 DSG ZNZ Mr. John Momose Cheyo Chairperson 0786 613723 11. No. United Democratic Party [email protected] 00000013 (UDP) Ms. Saum Rashid Secretary General 0715 611043 [email protected] Block 36 B - Ilemela Steet Mwananyamala 24th March 1994 Head Quarters P.O. Box 5918 14112 - Dar es Salaam [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters House No. 21 Mchanga Mdogo Sokoni, Wete, Pemba P.O. Box 299 Pemba, Zanzibar Tel. 0777 878565 DSG ZNZ 0673 878565 Mr. Mohamed Ally Abdulah Chairperson 0653 008436 12. No. Chama cha Demokrasia [email protected] 00000053 Makini (MAKINI) Mr. Ameir Hassan Ameir Secretary General 0777 424274 / 0715 424274 [email protected] 15th November 2001 Head Quarters House Number MBB/AZM/09 Azimio Street, Mabibo P.O. Box 10612 Dar es Salaam. [email protected] 5 Sub-Head Quarters House No. SHP/A/35 Pangawe Taveta “Meli nne” Mwanakwerekwe, Unguja P.O Box 2872 Zanzibar Tel. 0777 472736 DC ZNZ Mr. Philipo John Fumbo Chairperson 0769 506455 13. No. [email protected] 00000057 Democratic Party (DP) Mr. Abdul Juma Mluya Secretary General 0766 594920 [email protected] 7TH June 2002 [email protected] Head Quarters KIFA Football Grounds Mburahati –Ubungo Adjacent to Madoto Mburahati Polisi Station P.O. Box 10488 Dar es Salaam Email. [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters House No. MWK 2950 Mwanakwerekwe Adjacent to Jitimai ya Zamani grounds P.O Box 3193 Zanzibar Tel. 0777 292966 DC ZNZ 0777 909820 DSG ZNZ Ms. Bertha Nkango Mpata Chairperson 0756 756032 14. No. Sauti ya Umma (SAU) [email protected] 00000066 Bw. Majalio Paul Kyara Secretary General 0658 270003 [email protected] 17th February 2005 Head Quarters House No. 102 - Magomeni Kagera, Mikoroshini Street, Ndugumbi Ward Kinondoni District P.O. Box 5480 Dar-es Salaam. sautiya [email protected] 6 Sub-Head Quarters House No. P05/006 Pandawe, Nyarugusu Road Shehia Pandawe. After Mwanakwerekewe right turn at Kijitoupele School. P.O Box 1626 Zanzibar. Tel. 0658 232129 DC ZNZ 0779 063311 0714 214605 DSG ZNZ Hon. Said Soud Said Chairperson 0777 477496 15. No. Alliance for African Farmers [email protected] 00000067 Party (AAFP) Mr. Rashid Ligania Rai Secretary General 0715 331177 [email protected] [email protected] 03rdNovember, 2009 Head Quarters House No.11 Mindu street. Tandika Temeke Opposite Bandari Play grounds P.O. Box 42575 Dar es Salaam Sub-Head Quarters House No. 10B Wawi, Chake Chake P.O Box 140 Pemba, Zanzibar Email [email protected] z Mr. David Daudi Mwaijjojele Chairperson 0677 316032 [email protected] -Vacant- Secretary General 16. No. Chama cha Kijamii (CCK) Head Quarters Plot No. 147 00000079 - Ubungo National Housing, near Loyal Njombe Hotel. 27th January, 2012 - P.O. Box 32679 Dar es Salaam. Email: [email protected] m Crossroad to Bubwini Kaskazini B District Sub-Head Quarters Mjini Maghatibi Tel. 0777 453049 DC ZNZ 7 0772 167577 DSG ZNZ Hon. Hamad Rashid Mohamed Chairperson 0715 252509 17. No.00000080 Alliance for Democratic [email protected] Change (ADC) [email protected] Mr. Doyo Hassan Doyo Secretary General 0717 608080 / 0766 608080 [email protected] 28th August 2012 Head Quarters Plot No. BG/ML/804 - Buguruni Malapa Street P.O. Box 20035 - Dar es Salaam Website: www.adctz.com Email: [email protected] [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters Bububu Kihinani Mjini Magharibi P.O Box 3146 Zanzibar Mr. Hashim Rungwe Spunda Chairperson 0754 387370 18. No. Chama cha Ukombozi wa [email protected] 00000081 Umma (CHAUMMA) Mr. Ali Omar Juma Secretary General 0772 674080 [email protected] Head Quarters Block No. 45 Plot No. 376 4th June, 2013 Kameruni Road, Kijitonyama Near Makumbusho Market P.O. Box 34011 Dar es salaam Email: [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters House No. B3/186 Mwanakwerekwe, Opposite Mwanakwerekwe Petro fuel Station before the Market. Unguja S.L.P 45 Zanzibar. Tel. 0774 112211 DC ZNZ 0622 412241 0777 412241 0771 487267 DSG ZNZ Mr. Shaaban Mambo Shaaban Ag: Chairperson 0767 395326 19. No. Alliance for Change and Ms. Dorothy Jonas Semu Ag: Secretary 0772 378787 Transparency (ACT- General [email protected] 8 000000083 Wazalendo) Head Quarters House No. 203 Mpakani A Street Kijitonyama, 5th Mei, 2014 P.O. Box 105043 Dar es Salaam Tel. 255 22 2771103 Mob. 0713 442791 0653 619906 Website: www.act.or.tz Email: [email protected] Sub-Head Quarters House No. Z5/12 Kidongo Chekundu Mjini Magharibi P.O. Box 2455 Zanzibar [email protected] Tel.
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