NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of India Undertaking) REGIONAL OFFICE-LUCKNOW 569/153, Barabirwa, Kanpur Road, LUCKNOW-226 012 T E N D E R D O C U M E N T F O R Transportation of Seed by Road on (Annual Contract Basis) for FY: 2017-2018 at NSC, Area Office: Agra, Meerut, Shahjahanpur Price ``` 1500.00 NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of India Undertaking) REGIONAL OFFICE-LUCKNOW 569/153, Barabirwa, Kanpur Road, LUCKNOW-226 012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl.No. Details Items Page No. 1. Section - I Tender Notice 1 2. Section - II Essential conditions for 2-3 Transportation of Seed by Road (On Annual Contract Basis) For F.Y. 2017-2018 & EMD 3. Section - III Technical Bid 4 4. Section - IV Financial Bid 5 5. Section – V Terms & conditions 6-10 6. Section - VI Draft of contract agreement 11-13 7 Section-VII Instruction to Bidder- On line Mode 14-15 -1- NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of India Undertaking) REGIONAL OFFICE-LUCKNOW 569/153, Barabirwa, Kanpur Road, LUCKNOW-226 012 Phone No: 0522-2421832, 2421826, e-mail: [email protected] Section -I No: 1-(9)-II/Admn/NSC-LKO/2017-18 Date:-20/06/2017 E-T E N D E R N O T I C E National Seeds Corporation Limited, Regional Office, Lucknow invites e-tender in two bid system from reputed firm for appointment of Transport contractor on per ton per Km. basis for transportation of seed by road on annual contract basis for FY 2017-18 for its Area Offices located at Agra, Meerut, Shahjanhanpur. Tender documents along with terms and conditions can be downloaded from web site www.indiaseeds.com , eprocure.gov.in, indiaseeds.eproc.in. Tender fees is ` 1500/- (five hundred only). The last date of receipt of tenders is 14.07.2017 up to 1.00 P.M. Tenders will be opened on same day at 3. 00 P.M . Tenders without tender fees, earnest money will not be entertained. The Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. (Dr. P.K. Tyagi) Regional Manager -2- NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDER TAKING) REGIONAL OFFICE LUCKNOW Section-II Essential conditions for Transportation of Seed by Road (On Annual Contract Basis) For F.Y. 2017-2018 1. e-tenders are invited under two bid systems (A).Technical Bid (B).Financial Bid from a reputed and experienced transport companies/firms or organizations. 2. Tender Document can be downloaded from www.indiaseeds.com , eprocure.gov.in, indiaseeds.eproc.in. For payment of tender fees ` 1500/- & EMD amount please follow instruction of Section-VII . E-tender website is indiaseeds.eproc.in. 3. Participants should go through the Terms and Conditions before submitting this tender. 4. EMD of unsuccessful tenders will be refunded on request application. 5. Financial bid will be opened only for those parties who qualify in technical bid. 6. Terms and Condition mandatorily signed by the authorized signatories of the Firm/company or organization and further it will become the part of Agreement. 7. All the details pertain to Technical and Financial Bid should be given very precisely in the uploaded format. 8. Only government deptt, PSU’s, Co-operatives, Autonomous Institutions corporation work experience certificate will be entertained and Turnover (work) should not be less than ` 50.00 lac in previous two years. 9. Experience Certificate should not be older than two years. 10. A valid RTO registration certificate is mandatorily be provided with technical bid. 11. Other documents must be attached as per the format of technical bid. 12. Financial bid contains only rates in different slabs in per ton per km. 3 13. Solvency certificate of the Firm/Company or Organization (In case of proprietor it may be of proprietor.) firm is mandatorily from their banker or from Charted Accountant and it should not be less then ` One Crore . 14. Upon acceptance of the tender by NSCL, security deposit ` 4.00 lac for each Area Office mandatorily has to be deposited by the party within 15 days after issue of work order. EMD amount will be adjusted as security deposit. Conditional Tender will not be accepted. 15. Procedure for Submission of Tender: Please follow instruction of Section-VII . E-tender website is indiaseeds.eproc.in. 16. Schedule of the tender & EMD:- S.No. Area Office Tender date Tender EMD opening time (in lacs) 1 Agra, Meerut, 14.07.2017 14.07.2017 ``` 2.00 lacs Shahjahanpur By 13.00 hrs By 15.00 hrs for each unit 1. Only MSME’s are exempted for payment of Tender Fee and EMD subject to valid documentary proof of registration with NSIC. 2. The entire participant should mandatorily submit a self declared certificate that they have read all the essential condition and terms and condition which will became the part of agreement carefully and agree for the same on Rs. 100. Stamp paper. 3. Certificate under Section 194 C (6) of Income Tax Act 1961 is mandatory for all transporters. 4. GST Registration No. 4 Section-III NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDER TAKING) REGIONAL OFFICE LUCKNOW TECHNICAL BID 1 Tender for Area Office (Agra/Meerut/Shahjahanpur) 2 Name of the Participant 3 Address 4 Name of the Proprietor/Partner/Director 5 Registration of the Firm/Company or Organization under Partnership Act /Companies Act or any other act which is in force.(Enclose copy of registration) 6 Service Tax Reg. No. (enclose copy) 7 Income Tax Pan No. (enclose copy) 8 Bank Details A. Name of Banker & Address B. Account No. C. IFSC CODE 9 Solvency certification of the firm/Company or Organization (enclose copy) 10 Reference of transportation work undertaken from (experience Certificate) (a) NSC b) Work experience certificate from the Govt. organization or PSU’s organization for work more than ` 50.00 lacs (enclose copy) 11 Authorization of competent authority of the Firm/Company or Organization to sign this Tender document and participant in the tender in case of representative (enclose copy) 5 Section-IV NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LTD. (A Government of India Undertaking) REGIONAL OFFICE: Lucknow FINANCIAL BID I am quoting rates for transportation of seeds on annual contract basis for FY 17-18 as per Ton per kilometer in rupees (the rates quoted must be inclusive of loading) Sr. For Distance (in Freight Rate per ton per km in ``` No. Km) (inclusive all taxes) Agra Meerut Shahjahanpur 1 0-100 2 101-200 3 201-300 4 301-400 5 401-500 6 501 AND ABOVE I / We agree with all the terms and conditions as laid down by your Corporation. 6 Section-V NATIONAL SEEDS CORPORATION LTD. (A Government of India Undertaking) REGIONAL OFFICE: LUCKNOW TERMS AND CONDITION FOR TRANSPORTATION OF SEEDS BY ROAD (On Annual Contract Basis) 1. Agreement for transportation of seeds shall be valid up to 31.03.2018. 2. Whenever the security deposit falls short of the stipulated amount, the transporter shall make good the deficit, so that the deposit, at any point of time remains intact of ` 4, 00,000/-. NSC reserves the right to forfeit the security deposit (in part or full) in the event of the failure of the transporter to comply with the terms of the contract. The security deposit or such part thereof as has not been forfeited or adjusted will be refunded to the transporter only on expiry of the contract and on satisfactory completion of the work under agreement and on production of no due/no demand certificate from consignor units of NSC relevant to the contract period and after deducting the outstanding dues, if any, against the transporter on account of shortage, damages delayed lifting/delivery etc., NSC reserves the right to forfeit the security deposit in the event of failure of transporter to produce acknowledgement copy of the lorry receipt or consignment note from the consignees or execute the transportation job to the NSC’s satisfaction. 3. The consignment of NSC’s goods will normally contain seed material of such other goods as NSC may specify certification and packing material. It should be understood by the transporter that the NSC’s goods are of such nature that the same can be damaged in transit due to various facts and after having understood the same the transporter shall be responsible for delivering the goods without deterioration in quality for any reasons what so ever and to make good any loss that NSC may suffer on that account NSC’s losses are deductible from the bills of the transporter and/or from the amount of security deposit/EMD, and while doing so transportation charges will also be proportionately disallowed for such of the quantities reported short/damaged. In the event of NSC’s loss exceeding the amount of the security deposit and the bills which may be payable to the transporter the later shall pay the amount on demand from NSC without any dispute. 4. NSC does not guarantee any specific volume of work at any time during the period of the agreement. The agreement itself does not confer any right on the transporter to demand that the entire work should necessarily or exclusively be entrusted to him. NSC reserves the right to appoint one or more transporters and distribute the work among them during the currency of this agreement and no claim for compensation shall lie against NSC on account of such division of work. No transporter can demand division of work but NSC may empanel/award more than one transporter at L-1 rates so that the movement of seeds is not hampered due to non-availability of trucks .
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