Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 64 (3) 163-192 (1994) SPB Academie Publishing bv, The Hague New species of Zyzzya, Cornulella, Damiria, and Acheliderma (Porifera: Poecilosclerida), with a review of fistular genera of Iophonidae R.W.M. van Soest S. Zea & M. Kielman 1Institute of Systematics and Population Biology (Zoölogisch Museum), University of Amsterdam, P.O. 2 Box 94766, 1090 GT Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Depto. de 3 Biologi'a; Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (INVEMAR), Punta de Betin, Apartado Aereo 1016, Santa Marta, Colombia Keywords: Caribbean coral reefs, Seychelles reefs, sponges, Poecilosclerida, lophonidae, fistule growth form, excavating growth form Abstract stratum. Du matériel publié ou inédit d’autres parties du monde, appartenant à ces genres, a été examiné en vue de comparaisons, ce qui a abouti à plusieurs changements nomenclatoriels et à la New sponge species belonging to the closely related fistular découverte de trois autres nouvelles espèces de l’Océan Indien. genera Zyzzya, Cornulella, Damiria, and Acheliderma are Les nouvelles espèces sont: Zyzzya invemar (Caraïbes), Cor- described from reef habitats off the coasts of Colombia, Bonaire nulella santamartae (Caraïbes), C. tyro (Seychelles), C. amiran- and Curaçao in the southern Caribbean. With very few excep- tensis (Seychelles), Damiria leonorae (Caraïbes), D. toxifera tions these sponges are small to tiny specimens inhabiting (Seychelles), etAcheliderma lisannae (Caraïbes). Pour toutes les crevices and other cryptic habitats; some may be excavating. For à ainsi Indo- espèces appartenant ces genres qu’au genre comparisonboth published and unpublished material belonging Pacifique prochement apparenté Paracornulum, on donne des to these genera from other parts of the world was examined, and diagnoses succinctes. Genres et espèces de ce groupe sont dis- this yielded several nomenclatorial changes and a further three tribués dans les eaux tropicales et subtropicales des trois océans. new species from the Indian Ocean. The new species are: Zyzzya La position systématique des cinq genres a été jusqu’à présent invemar (Caribbean), Cornulella santamartae (Caribbean), C. controversée; cependant, leur proche parenté avec Cornulum tyro (Seychelles), C. amirantensis (Seychelles), Damiria On avait généralement été acceptée. démontre que c’est la leonorae (Caribbean), D. toxifera (Seychelles) and Acheliderma famille des lophonidae (récemment ressuscitée) qui pourrait lisannae (Caribbean). All species belonging to these genera, as vraisemblablement regrouper ces genres. On passe brièvement well as to the closely related Indo-Pacific genus Paracornulum, en revue les genres de cette famille, avec un essai d’analyse are briefly diagnosed. The genera and species of this group are phylogénétique préliminaire des genres fistuleux. En dépit du found to be distributed over tropical and subtropical waters of fait que les relations phylogénétiquesrestent en partie obscures, all three The five far ofcontroversial oceans. genera were so sys- it les relations est clair que dans tous ces genres de proche tematic allocation, although their close relationshipwith Cornu- parenté dépassent les limites des zones marines contiguës: elles lum was generallyaccepted. The recently revived family Iophon- sont souvent disjointes. idae is demonstrated to be the likely assemblage for them. A brief survey of Iophonidaegenera is presented and a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the fistular genera is attempted. Introduction Although several parts of the phylogenetic relationshipsremain unsolved, it is nevertheless clear that in all genera the closest relatives are not found in adjacent but are often disjunct. marine distributions areas, Shallow-water of sponge genera may be summarized into four patterns, viz. Résumé Tethyan, Indo-Australian, northern cold waters and southern cold waters (Van Soest, 1994). Tropi- De nouvelles espèces de Spongiaires appartenant aux genres cal sponge genera are either disjunct Tethyan, viz. fistuleux et nettement Damiria apparentés Zyzzya , Cornulella, occurring in the West-Indian-Caribbean-Brazilian et Acheliderma sont décrites d’habitats récifaux au large des areas, potentially in Tropical West Africa, poten- côtes de Colombie, Bonaire et Curaçao (Caraïbes du Sud). A tially in the East Pacific and in the Indo-West Pacif- très peu d’exceptionsprès, ces Spongiaires sont des exemplaires or centre des ic, have their in Indo-Australian petits ou minuscules peuplant crevasses et d’autres habitats they outwards the Red Sea and cryptiques; il est possible que certains puissent perforer le sub- waters extending to East Downloaded from Brill.com10/10/2021 12:33:45AM via free access 164 R. W.M. van Soest et al. - New species offistular iophonid sponges and anchorate and Acarnus has Africa and to the Central Pacific. The former pat- ate chelas) sigmas. These and abundant has tern is the more numerous. patterns are ex- palmate isochelas toxas, Iophon plained as having originated from the former shal- palmate anisochelas lacking the toxas; both share with above-mentioned Cornulidae the lack of low Tethys Ocean on the one hand and from a the formerisolated Australia on the other. Two closely sigmas and the possession of ectosomal tylotes with related iophonid genera, viz. Zyzzya and Cornulel- spined heads. For reasons of priority the Cornuli- la, up to now are classed as Indo-Australian, be- dae + Iophon + Acarnus assemblage will have to cause they are known from Indian Ocean and Indo- be named lophonidae Burton, 1929. localities but have been is the of this describe Australian not reported It purpose study to new from any Atlantic area. However, during a minute- southern Caribbean material of Zyzzya, Cornulel- ly executed quantitative survey of the sponge and la, Acheliderma, and Damiria, and compareit with coral faunas of Caribbean Colombian reefs by the Indian Ocean specimens of these genera recently third author, specimens of both Indo-Pacific collected during the Indian Ocean Program of the genera were discovered. Additional material from Netherlands Foundation of Sea Research. This Bonaire and Curaçao was found by students of the comparison yielded the discovery of several new University of Amsterdam (cf. Meesters et al., species from the Indian Ocean as well. of is 1991). This shows both genera to belong to the The phylogenetic position these genera con- sidered in discussion of all related fistule- Tethyan distributionpattern, which was also estab- a closely of the lished for the closely related genus Damiria, and in- bearing genera family Iophonidae. deedthe majority of the warm-water sponge genera. The distributions of the genera Acheliderma, Material and methods Astylinifer, and Fusifer are so far considered ill- known since only single records are known. Recent- Caribbean specimens described below were collected by Ms. M. ly, Ms. Lisanne Arts picked up a species of fistular Kielman, S. Zea and Ms. Lisanne Aerts in the course of surveys Iophonidae uniting characters of these three genera of the sponge and coral communities of the Santa Marta area, and accordingly it is proposed below to unitethem. the Islas del Rosario reefs in the Cartagena area, and the Cura- distribution records of the Combined, genus çao reefs (1988-1994). In addition, several specimens were col- lected students of the of Amsterdam the Acheliderma s.l. fall now into the Tethyan pattern by University studying sub-rubble communities of Bonaire and Curaçao (cf. Meesters as well. et al., 1991). Material was often very limited, because all new The status and family assignment of Zyzzya, species are small (a few millimeters in size), so microscopic sec- Acheliderma, and Damiria is con- Cornulella, tions and spicule mounts are importantadditional type material. troversial. Since all have fistules and tylote ec- All specimens and preparations are stored in the Zoölogisch in- Museum of the University of Amsterdam (ZMA); additional tosomal megascleres, they were traditionally microscopic preparationsare kept in the Instituto de Investiga- cluded in the family Coelosphaeridae (Topsent, ciones Marinas (INVEMAR) Porifera collection (INV-POR). 1928). Lévi & Lévi (1983) separated coelosphaerids For comparison, fistular iophonid specimens collected by R. with palmate isochelae from those possessing arcu- van Soest in the reefs of Curaçao, Indonesia, the Seychelles (In- ate isochelae, and erected a family Cornulidae for dian Ocean) and off the Cape Verde Islands and Mauritania the former. They were followed by Bergquist & were studied, all incorporated in ZMA. In addition, the type specimens of Suberites fuliginosus Carter, 1879 (BMNH Fromont (1988) (though not by Hooper & Kraso- 1846:8:5:8), Dyscliona davidi Kirkpatrick, 1900 (BMNH chin, 1989). Finally, Hajdu et al. (1994) extended 1900:10:19:2), Cornulum dubium Hentschel, 1912 (SMF 964), Lévi & Lévi's Cornulidae to include also non- Damiria simplex Keller, 1891 (ZMB 310b) and Heterocornulum fistular genera (e.g., Acarnus, Iophon). Arguments virguliferum Lévi & Lévi, 1983 (paratype, MNHN DC1. 2964) that these were borrowed from the London, Frankfurt, Berlin, and Paris are, genera compromise an otherwise respectively. Slides of Acheliderma lemniscala of the museums, Top- homogeneous composition family they are sent, 1892 (D.T. 170) and Astylinifer planum Topsent, 1927 usually assigned to, i.e., Myxillidae s.l. The latter (D.T. 1288) were examined in the Paris museum. assemblage contains predominantly sponges lack- Sections
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