The tourist’s book of runestones c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 1 c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 2 CONTENTS Sweden Italy The USA Runmaster Eriksgata References c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 3 SWEDEN c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 4 SOME NAMES Ålstorp Stentoften Getinge Fallo Vestra Strö Runamo Kareby Eksjö Stora Harrie Björkeporp Velanda Nömme Östra Gårdstånga Skällenäs Månstadskulle Björkö Holmby Karlevi Störa Västölet Brahe k:a Hällestad Resmo Södra Kedum Kumlaby Skårby Björn Flisa Ryda Brahe sk:a Dagstorp Seby Levene Ödeshög Örja Sandby Sparlösa Häggestad Holmby Gårdby Slädene Heda Bösarp Bjärby Håle Rök Allhelgona Lerkaka Särestad Kvarntorp Lundagård Bogby Kållands-Åsaka Svanshal Gårdstånga 2 Bägby Skalunda Haddestad Valleberga Köping Råda Kumla Skivarp Tings Flisa Källby-Hallar Gärdlösa Norra Nöbbelöv Transjö Husaby Karleby Gårdstånga 3 Sandsjö Sunnevad Harstad Valkärra Ingelige Hög Leksberg Väderstad Hjärup Nöbbele Karleby Ekeby Vismarlöv Enet Stora Ek Strålsnäs Fosia Sjöbylund Frölunda Grönlund Fuglie Växsjö Mellongarden Sörby Fuglie Hög Aringsås Norra Lundby Högby Bösarp Ivla Dagsnäs Västra Skrukeby Jordberga Bolmaryd Norra Vånga Axstad Tulltorp Rörbro Postgården Bjälbo Östra Bräkentorp Härlingstorp Appuna Vämmenhög Replösa Ballstorp Hov Sjörup Tuna Larvs Hed Vadstena Västra Nöbbelöv Ryssby Bitterna Vestra Stenby Solberga Skaftarp Skånum Kälvesten Orsjö Runstensholm Vårkumla Vinnerstad Rydsgård Nävelsjö Olsbro Fornåsa Skårby Vetlanda Bröstig Örevad Bjärnäs Bäckseda Lillegårdet Skänninge Bergsjöholm Brobyholm Kölaby Allhelgona Krageholm Fageräng Blidsberg Vistena Baldringe Värneslätt Dalum Järstad Stora Köpinge Mellby Bengtsgården Herrberga Glemminge Repperda Västgården Gottlösa Östra Herrestad Alseda Skräddgården Mörby Simris Myresjö Södra Ving Sya Norra Åsum Vallsjö Fänneslunda Veta Elleköpinge Komstad Järstorp Viby Hästveda Nöbbele Rogberga Kårarp Sölvesborg Glömsjö Lekeryd Sjögestad Gunnarp Runemo Barkeryd Lunnevad Gummarp Forsheda Sunnerhänga Gammalkil c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 5 Vikingstad Stora Lundby Örsta Ramsund Nybble Ägor Sund Angarns Stenkvista Lagerlunda Malsundet Åsta Turinge Västerlösa Nykyrka Kusta Gripsholm Flistad Mjälnäs Lingsberg Harby Ledberg Ene Mölnby Östa Kärrsjö Sigtomta Vallentuna Mervalla Kaga Täckhammar Jarlabanke Suanti Tra Gillberga Gamla Spånga Bällsta Klippinge Kärna Skresta Jarlabanke Bro Överselö Slaka Hässle Täby Tä Lagnö Skeda Eriksberg Broby Bro Aspö Valla Runtuna Såsta Hjulsta Sankt Lars Östberga Fällbro Svinnegarn Landeryd Äresta Risbyle Back Norrby Reva Lövsund Gällsta Ristingsbro Törnevalla Tystberga Sursta Tjursåker Vadet Sättersta Lindö Håga Lilla Greby Lästringe Lilla Mällösa Görlinge Skärkind Kristinedal Lotteräng Giresta Kimstad Skåäng Mällösa Fittja Kullerstad Fredriksdal Näle Gryta Skjorstad Ytterstene Södergården Övergrans Oklunda Långbro Grana Varpsund Östra Stenby Björke Fresta Kumla Furingstad Västerljung Karby Häggeby Ingelstad Gillberga Kyrkstigen Skadevi Björnsäs Sörhusby Nora Sjusta Julita Gård Berga Ed Skokloster Floda Trosa Bro Husby i Bro Sigtuna Bjudby Nora Torsätra Älgesta Blacksta Tjuvstigen Väppeby Harg Blakstabor Gerstaberg Hummelsta Viggeby Fyrby Uringe Malm Ågersta Nordians Hög Stäringe Betby Veckholm Skånela Halgesta Sund 7 in Gotland Ämno Hargs Bro Sundsgård Betby Västra Vappeby Tjusta Ånhammar Möjbro Ramby Lundby Gryt Torsätra Folsberga Husby Vänga Istaby Enköping Markim Gåsinge Near Norrköping Ullunda Snåttsta Kattnäs Skårby S:t Ilians Vreta Frustuna Bjäresjö Målhammar Söderby-Ängeby Ludgo Dagstorps Råby Vidbo Aspa Hunnestad Anund Skepptuna Aspa Bro Ölsta Salthäng Lövhamra Grinda Bogesund Stora Ritterne Granby Edeby Danderyd Kjula Ås Granby Hällen Korpbron Veda Kjula Söderby Lid Råcksta Jäder Orkesta c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 6 Yttergärde Roslags Bro Gävle Vittinge Bårresta Söderby Karl Sörby Kålsta Solsta Roslagen Hille Isby Frösunda Bro Okelbo Drävle Näs Harg Norrala Altuna Vreta Rasbokil Hudiksvall Sala Odenslunda Årby Malsta Hassmyra Stora Benhamra Måby Gård Hög Fläckebo Brotorp Broby Bro Hälsingtuna Odendisa Vada Funbo Jättendal Skultuna Össeby Karberga Nolby Lungerås Svista Vaksala Berga Nasta Väsby Uppsala Attmar Apelboda Össeby-Garns Kroksta Tuna Odensbacken Gillberga Fjuckby Målsta Järsberg Stångberga Björklinge Byn Västra Hovlanda Norrhall Huddunge Selånger Övre Ullerud Mälsta Hässelby Högom Rö Kårsta Hade Skön Södra Lunger Gillberga Österfarnebo Timrå Stora Mellösa Lövstalund Kungsgården Frösön Åsby Malmby Torsåker Västerby Kalleby Ubby Årsunda Järvsö Rävsal Rimbo Ovansjö Österbännbäck Hoga Salmunge Valbo Lilla Runhällen Skee Husby-Sjuhundra Järvsta Stora Runhällen Utbyristningen Sika Stora Ramsjö Brastad c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 7 ACROSS SWEDEN THROUGH THE RUNESTONES Rilli’s handbook of runestones c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 8 ÅLSTORP DR 321 34 Photo album 1999 I 3, 4 - 1324196; 6191701 On the road from Kävlinge to Landskrona. From Dösjebro drive 1.7 km toward [Annelöw] Landskrona. At Furunäs, just after the plate to Furuhill, 5 m on the right, in a garden, the runestone is visible from the car. The runestone has two of its sides carved. The inscription on the face to the south-west is not easy to read. Looking at the side to the north-west, the inscription starts in the vertical band on the left and going up. --- i N æ q æ c i i n a t a s i h … [st]ina denna … stones these i f T i y u f æ F æ l æ K i i f t i R u f a f a l a k i efter Ufa Falagi in memory of Ufa Falagi c i N s i n … sin … his The original inscription must have been something like “Fred raised this runestone in memory of Ufa Falagi, sin father (or, son etc.)”. From the fact that the beginning of the inscription is missing it can be inferred that either the runestone was originally taller and that the lower part is now missing, or that it is embedded under the ground. VESTRA STRÖ DR 334 DR 335 42 RO38. Photo ROp39, Vep63, album 1999 I 5 to 8. Skåne 11 2C4 north of Eslöv 1339,695; 6197,084 From the church of Vestra Strö drive 200 m to the [south-]west along the road from the church to Östra Karaby. On the left, in a field, the 7 raised stones can be seen from the car. The two runestones are part of a great monument. They are standing on Tullshögen (the mound of Tull), north of Trollenäs and just south of the road Strö – Ö. Karaby. The runestones are standing on a natural knoll. N 1 2 The stones 1 and 2 have runic inscriptions. c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 9 The first runestone Photo album 1999 I 6 The inscription is carved on the side facing south inside the band of a snake that has four vertical parts. The inscription starts on the left and going up. f ? æ q i y l i T h u k u æ R u N æ y q i c i f a th i R l i t h u k u a r u n a R th i s i Fader lit hugga runar dansi Father let carve runes these A man called Father let carve these runes u f T i y » c u R B R u q u R c i N u f t i R o s u r b r u th u r s i n eftir Assur brodur sin in memory of Asur brother his in memory of Asur, his brother. i c N u R u æ R q T u q R i u i k i k i i s n u r u a r th t u th r i u i k i k i Is nur uar tudr i uikiki He north was killed while viking He was killed while viking to the north. The inscription is remarkable, it talks about a man that died during an expedition (viking). Such an expedition could have been an expedition for exploration, commercial or military or all them together. Such expeditions mostly headed east (and then south through Ukraine and Russia to Turkey) and west (to England). But in this case the destination was to the north, we do not know where exactly. The second runestone Photo album 1999 I 7, 8 The inscription has been carved on two sides. The side facing west shows a very interesting figure where elements of a mask could be guessed (see also the runestones Allhelgona in Lund and Trelleborg museum). The inscription starts on the left and going up. F æ q i y l i T h u k u æ c T i N q æ … f a th i R l i t h u k u a s t i n th a Fadir lit hugga stin dansi Father let carve stone this A man called Father let carve this stone … T i y B i u R N t i R b i u r n [eft]tir biurn in memory of Björn. i c æ k i B æ T i ª i q æ N u ª i s a k i b a t i f i th a n u f Is skepp ägde hade med honom He ship owned had with him. He had owned a ship with him. c:\documenti\runstenar\runresa\italyUSA\010106 10 Another interpretation is “he became food for the birds” which is a way to say that he was killed in battle. STORA HARRIE DR 324 35 Visit The runestone is in the nave, behind the last bench, inside the church southern internal wall, in the lower western part. GÅRDSTÅNGA church Photo VEp3, Frosta härad, Skåne 11 2C4 near the road E22, 10 km north-east of Lund On the site there were several stones. Now they are in Östra Gårdstånga DR 329 and the two Gårdstånga runestones are in Lund at Runstenkullen DR 330 and DR 331. DR 331, originally found in the walls of the church of Gårdstånga together with DR 329, actually is in runstenskullen and has the Tor’s hammer. f y u k u l f y R i c q u c T i N » q i c i f r u k u l f r r i s th u s t i n a th i s i …fr uk Ulfr… …fr and Ulf… ...fr och Ulv reste sten denna Frökulv raised stone this u f T i y » c ª u T u f t i r a s m u t efter Osmund in memory of Osmund l i B æ f e l æ l i b a f e l a beloved fellow.
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