The Oxford Democrat

The Oxford Democrat

x fi.i r l> etHocvnt I KK MS. TWO IN »|.LARS PEE YEAR TIIE WoKU> IS (SOVERNEC It*# MICH.- ONE IH.LLAR AM# FIFTY CENTS IN ADVANCE NEW VOL. SERIES. 18. No s. PA HIS, MAINE, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, |8#7. OLD SKKIES. VOLI MF «-t K<\ ie nifc OXFORD DEMOCRAT M ISt Uiioih II. |. A \ \. Aad. b#»> l. • I •»« m Mr*n« her aitwuUr ** Sjr &•(. I kn«>w ! Hiram Pr« k A • rrtMH liMl Strange Phenomenon- "The Pal- BR my mou<ia- h* ba I lt*#« • »« mt'WH r'« a •><•» *v prop. ie iWU, W I didu't ITII8. • atine WM. A. IMUUSN k fl* or kair Co. «ur<l, ptrtrd b«- he »»■ twean Light." OOiKO AS A Mrtijkt t'p«w enowgh to Wai# mt* in SUBSTITUTE. lutt a in Wbeo tM o#rr oata to rinrunt>ii. biMi. the l»nk iLi' Tkfjf niikrj RboJ<- I»'and a korae ko mmr »*j or anr lw • Iticli r*-»da a* aay bot fee 1rntrrJ llw Hut I [k'f* dreadful drin^W h tke Bin? igt. doo> mm it. (°a|><ain. forgot muciiir^i »f- &he n>»(. hid the broke ilukit into ikt n»>M a*«y (mm «(>»< k are iOHH J I' I' li K g like t l<.xot- l«r > M<l monlrd ol lutalilwi »n lU Old Til a wind V r<lur. young akik flgr<i |rt4ull> ml ««>»- wr, and ra«M good that blow* aobody tko «lo, U'l I Ik InprtuoutlV |u«tr4 the I>lu|ut2 Jour b* ti'»i ktitt Willi with ai World. Tke I'rovitUac* Joarua! tkua de- rWiintlita. n»ijfcbc>r. c > ! t ^r. eh< ««■ distant lantrrn a " ^ glan.ed acr f it l( <(4 tIm l> )•' («4 K>ll» ( •[•I'rful »>A< er \\ b*l »r ibra if: Kvrrjr <inl talk »ho«itJ \\ H» ro« it* Ti «h are with • ki. rtopptd and tti' «»♦*•. t- I*- >ar* ■ I KUl OH ■lotij platform beyonj gold, tua|flN pajMM X4»- lrt«r, Iftj tk# fuiuarl ilofl'l prr iihI •• Hoc. W P. lata n>fmkr I • I air, trocWt work and ikr SWIkU, of be ao. t* Vamlarr t ofldurtar! I *«y. cowdwctor! •«'»« mmj liktvtae. *i ko« W ran «n«r with t C fn.» ^« r»<i». »• «••»# <ii'| ray valaal'lc met- iMMMiic*. o4 i-o«r»». o*|TtM RM<- Island. an1 a Miin lu« Hlwi rlw do vukr tkf Tr* oaem ia like a 11« tn ^ ••••»■ wrong pt»»rnj»r That Vf» <•'- of ri*«r; Uia it **'• y a*4 h k »kt» tua for a ('cwtounl ki* Itlock lui Kn( to tkr deep«r a daj. yvung mattr** on ia Ulaiul, HiIm9I ■ IkMM, ••» ««<fcumol polilf |xropU ik*M dava* U-r aint Hiram !*• « k no Kort'a Newport ia ike lea* uoim it Mokea. ••m!" jou br, ind M'fnirt a J M C.ilM IMi • Aw! '* roff of a letter on lh« «•«» Ma>K l»M mm of tb« MmrcI what on urlh atrang* <kxi>^4>«« *" wrtj^n U J lu do ? ia tko < gout' M«t) Mumc charts of hililk—d. lad tko Now. tWn."* I. •UUil mil* I >r lrr-»f*tl« off Rlurk vkicb ia <|uutk soothingly. lW aol*: ffi. aod I relat- All lb** (mm ■? I>UaJ, ** biar *»f<l dinnitr had t! jo* of »»•»» ttri.h ol'l (rl|r>* ll IW*! •ortli a »ut )rrt -f W'l,'!i ,f'i if Lit*' to ed iIm oI tl*« oar poem ia the At- partiralara battW I had brrn ^ m* hi • *« it« Mailing dilcnirt ibr isoit W l»*t ia VIKGIN & )oir*rl{ in nirfc wars * a Lml*. tad w be L tba diff^reoor bttvtea No UPT3?f. weather. I'« U r-twHMd in; and •• jniaMj furrtiaked tK« ah'a " U«/kH and liwtlrM 10*1 ncr ; and I «ti to nuk* cafe giad kmt of Duia'i «l " ark and an «u an 1 * aticm-nt power! of Tbc trrfcbiAop* Oao a wry jukrd alix^l and. a dinntu* u Ik* togrtbrr. hjr |mmcid( m§» the conduct- Bo ane«-r and ike ATTOIHEVS AT LAW. Ln (rtt with <W- ta tU Jrttrr «u written biirk ark. otker it a kaorairk. 1'aptim >tain(j*<l »Ltrf. (mcmm- rMillrat ln< or AI lk> I >tk » kM n<U ar.d kia (or ai* m«- kjr i>r*t «mfaf4 M * A K* '• blnvin; wp ilxvrd rf|* l»r A. C. Writer. on If too make •j>airm; ""Hp- I'kil-* J" tkf pkvairian. the ItUixl, a perforation a vol- Jrl-pkt bt>lrJ conduct* take If* with a *aur»cal tkroogk u. viixtur "I'll*! • a|K>logi*cd, grin to Samuel I.. ume If »ftj well fur l a*lfl- or MitrWn, I. L. D., of New of wk» ia that a matke- joii brrakiag ruibVaalv into thr tm-Ut ol a on bi* faoa. Skakapeare. «»•%« •( |kf •»H alivwl 'k# «»r* to talk Y-rk CioUw aboal nlw. )»wl rat «n ** MtK-al ? Betanee the bo»rg ipfow l««t I u in aba»rd»»y port ia C-m. wa«^>i all/ irtauriog. And now. nr." be added, •nddenlt rm- tfu'i a It will be aeeti tkat tl»« than ■ jv»t got f- .m ir writer greater the kolt. f «mr«l»c •)<*«<|it»a u «••*»« ww irUrrta j. wif« and 1 »tart«-d a* if I aoppoae* up bad k<«:i «h >t. raming lb* btirk bt»«ii»e*«-hka manner of %>• r •• •• •» * •' i• 'Sat «K. »«t *' llut tke »L * a* t«l ik«« M•<i»*.V I otmng to join y > •«. an-1 rr> M» p cart i«i jr. to A See York dntilt l« I •«" I u.d, |rtl aboot by k«*t >tM* I'M I •«» »»J l-«t» n^rrtfiillj. every day life," I tbmk the !adt m $000 >|«r»ti»| io« to n(«t krr at Pln'a " right coneeal tbe murt'rr of it' A wortk of old !•••><•'« W*«l C l«fl» « » M.n», too." »aid tka in tb«- pa»*nj»f«. gold out of the te«-tk If l»-lpkiA— young waiting rouui—«lw vmc on to ia«.Ct yearly III iti I'rr >< ■ n<l tow " lady. of W « W ViK*i(. rowt<ln*t U»a«« of ab- W krf« '" gentleman kij;h «»ar.«lir<;j. I P Iluartl, ke and the te*tk S ft <*an that car*l«>«i T kr pills, tkewwleea. i. •*»'> »• Captain I>al«." applied ti r r •<> Mark a* ** of Rk< l«!and. in i recent to an k>ttr? Thro Allow •* K~j letter. makr Bir." I. aiiclf That*# the crape einda, tWn boor boun- w ijauik buidcnkaf name." I antwered • «t | ,•> tint M< W 't* < prompt- "Tke Palatine ka-l tke HANDKRSOIf 4c y tkr »'m •« «.a: • • itb Mim mitfortune. UKAHCK. Etrj'i aiutliluJiiHMM '**•«, •f- tifully ib I* "»r '•Irar M«r* «'ir Ui tkr " tuae One ju..•>•"! and to ltu!« I aill iit( lake toa to thr year* ago. A tracker ia a aekool ATTORNEYS AND waiting room A •lender, ladr-like w*« anatow*)* pvhlte save a OH NSKLUlRS. oww« w«th an<i ikr thing fall into tke haada tkat aro e»»-r k»r. know* no mora • Vf- jr readr to Irnn j< kmtbrr will doobtleaa in the to bo written aod tuat* \«4 I *. * Ilia ib'ut join waiting tadiet' with a ■krf properly p«o< trttfli.og than a kittra I'. ,t I department, plwnder wrork* are wkrtker tar. •tout pl«-ntjr. rd. The bo» gave the \«»K« Ml. JOU." # Iriah aur*> uJ two delicate children luUu«in| a* iht to- 4¥. Harr» in or Britain. Tke korrora of « |)>d lit I (e«l Frjee tko ••ill of k« M •• proo-i ikrn, *itk th« of two atvi three rear* eCort: Tke of V juat of age. J>be arene were on quality nvrrrjr Writ." sprang iw»l, but no n»or* than " •oh littU band m« ia rv>t «pi« ana. an 1 the forward with a a* aaya. Skakapearo atrained." I» f o' f •» alight height agitated fa**, »h^ n be OKOIIGE A. £m| f. Or. t w >nl 1 V f ma ijjkt e*pe< ted. a« at that da* WILSON, rlia^mj up (k>M to utr? I • a Newport I' »*o«i ■** should aught of undreaa uniform wa• tirkft• with a>*im wrrw •«rll a htttf gtimpae my ifx-lf a ne«t of «ti«till« r» of run tbiak *o! and •old III elUr •• and u.( week. aid \tiornn at gilt WtlUiu ■ lesiera or pr(rr»(,«r( [EitLt«|«. Lav. Wh®| ■i.tiU?" I Wt iaoli6e<1. to be iur*. ker. in (oiton ia tin »• " »*wii!injljr inovgk, lU Krwl^oo-f* muAdi country eoi re- Wk». M with i tair ftniiiarr of " ('> tnJ (ue«t llJ lU Ji-or wiT of ikf rbri " pr*Hr piritr*, who, •if Mujr H#lly Ii|kt4 l.»]i>V And then »U <lr*« i»vH to drfiwd tnrkru." It little chi- In for Lack. k>im develop* m«.* It ► »r, disappointed by idioayoctary of tkc tnnea. wr-ra >«n." | tkr o*Tt lit. an J runlu* 4. Ibe fAir a* well •• i 1m low!. K< rtw Jd •* con»i l»r»<l mor* i>tW k>« bn<l« oil in* !• lb* ** worthy of lb* J>«» Nf« York train in"* N »4 mhiIt rat pllo«« lb* coUoa k wood. 1 m- f of last immni. ** ikin tin- lbrr«. T>i- crop •kmliUr M't looked n» * unlortuntir >Uko«|h iiapUrm^lt at I Y«•«.

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