MQR 15 2002 9:48 FIM FR FISO 500E 13135942268 TO NHTSFI-OUSC P.O1 Ford Motor Company Environmental & Safety Engineering Automotive Safety Office Production Vehicfe Safety & CompIiance Date March 15, 2002 Number ofpages includingcover sheet -41 To: From: VIN Coordinator Kevin E. KCrschke Administrator National Highway Traffic Safety Administration J’, 400 Seventh St. SW Washington DC 20590 Phone (313) 32-37893 Phone Fax Phme (313) 59-42268 Fax Phone cc: --_. 0 For your reviev ’ [L1 Reg ily ASAP 0 Please comment VIM Coordinator: Attached is Ford’s 2003 Model Year i’ehicle 113entification Code Report for all Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury, Th!nk, and Ford Built Mazda badged vehicles. The original and a copy are being forwarded via private carrier. Please call me if you have any quest.ions. , MRR 15 2002 9:49 RM FR RSO 500E 13135942268 TO NHTSR-OUSC P.02 James P. Vondala, Director Automotive Safety Office Environmental& Safety Engineering March 8.2002 Adrninistrat0r National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 400 Seuenth Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20590 Attention: VlN Coordinator Subject:: 2003 ModelYlear Vehicle Identification Numbtrr Codes Pursuant to the requirements set forth in Part 565 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Vehicle IdentificationNul nber (VIN), Ford Motor Company is submitting 2003 model year VIN code information coverir g all passenger cars and buses, trucks, and multipurposepassenger velhides to be manufirctured or sold by Ford (including Ford-built, Mazda-badgedvehicles). The format of the VIN coding con sists of alphn-numeric characters grouped accordingto the requirements of Part 565 of 7 itle 49. Page 1of the attachment lists Ford Motor Company World Manufactirrer identifier (WMI: three-digit ciodes. The Society of Automotive Engineers has previously concurred in the ass ignmentsof all the WMI codes listed on page 1 of the attachment. Page 2 of the attachment lists the I restraint system type codes for passenger cats (Ford VIN position no. 4). Page 3 lists the bra (e system and GWR class codes for trucks, buses and MPVs with ahernatbe "combinatior " codes for trucks, buses and MPVs equipped with Second Generation Airbags or Second GImeration Airbags and Side Air Bags, Curtains, or Canopies (Ford VIN positicm no. 4). Page 4 of the attachment reiteratesVIN information refating to the "check digit' (Ford VIN position no. 9)aind vehicle model ycar (Ford VIN position no. 10) as set forth in Part 565 of Title 49. Page 5 of the attachment lists VI14 codes for the Fordvehicle manufacturing plants (Ford VIN position no, 11). Ford VIN position lumbers 12 through 17 are utilizedfor vehicle alphanumeric identifiers, which are sequential y assigned tiy the vehicle assembly plants. Fairlanr Plaza South 330 Town Center Drive, DM rborn, Mlchigan 18126-2738USA MRR 15 2002 9:49 RM FR RSO 500E 13135942268 TO NHTSR-OUSC P. 03 2003 VIN Report 2 March 8.2002 Page 6 - 18 of the attachment list /IN code informationfor passenger cars. Page 8 details the generic passenger car VIN format. Pages 7-18 detail individual passenger car VIN coding as follows: Page 7 - Ford C 'own Victorial, Page 8 - Ford Fc ICUS, Page 9 -Ford Mustang, Page 10 - Ford Ti burus, Page 11 - Ford TI iunderbird, Page 12 - Ford Z (2, Page 13 - Lincoln LS, Page 14 - Lincoln Town Car, Page 15 - Mercury Grand Marquis, Page 16 -Mercury'Sable, Page 17 - Th!nk Ileighbor, Page 18 -Th!nk 3ty. Pages 19 -38 of the attachment li st VIN code nformationfor buses, trucks, and multipurpose passenger vehicles. Page 19 det iils the generic bus, truck, and multipurpose passenger vehicle VIN format. Pages 20-38de tail individual vehicle line VIN coding as follows: Page 20 - Ford Ezonoline, Page 21 - Ford Escape, Page 22 - Ford Ewmion, Page 23 - Ford Ertpedition, Page 24 - Ford EIcplorer (4-Dr .), Page 25 - Ford E cplore Sport Page 26 -Ford E Kplorer Sport Trac, Page 27 -Ford F-150, Page 28 - Ford F-SeriesSuperduty F-250& F-350, Page 29 - Ford F*SeriesSupttrduty F450 & F-550, Page 30 - Ford F.Series Superduty F-650 & F-750, Page 31 - Ford Ranger, Page 32 - Ford V lindstar, Page 33 -Lincolr Aviator, Page 34 - Lincolr I Blackwood, Page 35 - Lincolr I Navigator, Page 36 - Mazda B-Series, Page 37 - Mazda Tribute, Page 38 - Mercuy Mountaineer. If there are any questions regardir g this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, / J. P. Vondale Attachment 2003 MY VIN hpon.doc #.-I. MRR 15 2002 9:49 QM FR QEO 500E 13135942268 TO NHTSQ-OUSC P.04 2003 MODEL YEAR VEHICLE IDENlrlFlCATlON NUMBER (VIN) ELEIMENT COCIING INFORMATION 1. World Manufacturer Idelntification (VIN Positions I,2, and 3) VIN CODE Vehicle-- Manufacturer --Make TvDe 1F4 Ford Motor Cornpany, USA F ord MPV - Limousine 1FA Ford Motor Company, USA F ord Passenger Car IF5 Ford Motor Company, USA , Ford Bus IFC Ford Motor Company, USA F'ord Basic (Stripped) Chassis 1FD Ford Motor Company, USA F'ord IncompleteVehicle 1FL Ford Motor Company, USA Th!nk Low Speed Vehicle 1FM Ford Motor Company, USA F'ord MPV 1FT Ford Motor Company, USA Ford Truck (Completed Vehicle) ILI Ford Motor Company, USA Lincoln Passenger Car - Limousine ILJ Ford Motor Company, USA LiIicoln IncompleteVehicle 1LN Ford Motor Company, USA Lincoln Passenger Car IME Ford Motor Company, USA Mpslrcury Passenger Car IMH Ford Motor Company, USA Mercury Incomplete Vehicle ZFA Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Ford Passenger Car 2FD Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Ford Incomplete Vehicle 2FM Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Ford MPV ZFT Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Ford Truck (Completed Vehicle) 2ME Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Mercury Passenger Car 2MH Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd. Mercury IncompleteVehicle 3FA Ford Motor Company (Mexico) f :ord Passenger Car 3FD Ford Motor Company (Mexico) f :ord IncompleteVehicle 3FT Ford Motor Coimpany (Mexico) f :ord Truck (Completed Vehicle) 4F2 Ford Motor Company, USA Mazda MPV 4F4 Ford Motor Coimpany, USA Mazda Truck (Completed Vehicle) 4M2 Ford Motor Cotmpany, USA Mercury MPV 5L1 Ford Motor Coimpany, USA Lincoln MPV - Limousine 5LM Ford Motor Cotmpany, USA Lincoln MPV 5LT Ford Motor Cotmpany, USA Lincoln Truck (Completed Vehicle) WC Th!nk Nordic AS, Norway --T h!nk Passenger Car 00~~4 2003-InitiaLxls WMI Table Page 1 MRR 15 2002 9:49 FIM FR FISO 500E 13135942268 TO NHTSR-OUSC P. 05 Ila. 2003 MODEL YEAR VEHICLE IDENTIFICATIONNUMBER (VIN) ELEIMENT CODING INFORMATION Restraint System Type lor Passenger Cars Only (VIN Po sition 4) Code Pass1mger Car Identifiers h Active Belts (arlesignated seating p xiitions) - Valid for FICAIIVSS 500 Low-Spee d Vehicles seating p isitions) seating p Mions) 2003-lnitial.xls Passenger Car I iestraintsl'able Page 2 MRR 15 2002 9:49 FIM FR FaSO 500E 13135942268 TO NHTSR-OUSC P. 06 2003 MODEL YEAR VEHICLE IElENTIFIC:ATION NUMBER (VIN) ELEMENT CODIN13 INF0R:MATION Ilb. Brake System and GVWR Class for Truck, Bus, and MPV (VIN Poi ition 4) Brake System (only) for Buses and lncomplet 3 Vehicles--GWVR class as shown are not applicable ViN CODE I 7 Lt. Truck's & -MPV's w/ DN & Pass Lt. Trucks & Air Bags & Truck's MPV's wl side Air Bags Brake GVWR wlo Air DN & Pass Air Curtains, or System Class GVWR Ranye Bags 0ags Canopies HydrauIic Class A: Not greater than 3,CDO pounds T Hydraulic Class B: 3,001-4,OOO pc lunds U 6 Hydraulic Class C: 4,001-5,000 pc lunds Y C Hydraulic Class D: 5,001-6,000 pc bunds z D HydrauIic Class E: 6,001-7,000pc lunds R E Hydraulic Class F: 7,001-8,000 pc iunds P F Hydraulic Class G: 8,001-8.500pc iunds V Hydraulic Class G: 8,501-9,000 pc bunds H N Hydraulic Class H: 9,001-10,000 p wnds J S Hydraulic Class 3: 10,001-14,000Ibounds K W Hydraulic Class 4; 14,001-16,000Ibounds L X Hydraulic Class 5; 16,001-19,500 1 bounds M A Hydraulic Class 6: 19,501-26,000 1 iounds N Hydraulic Class 7: 26,001-33,000 1iourldS P Air Class 3: 10,001-14,000I bounds T Air Class 4: 14,001-1 6,000I bounds U Air Class 5: 16,001-19,500 Ibounds V Air Class 6: 19,501-26,000 I bounds w Air Class 7: 26,001-33,000I ,ounds X I- - 0 {.Iv G Truck / hi PV / Bus 20C)3-lnitial.xls Brake System, GVVVF ,and Restraints Table Page 3 MRR 15 2002 9:49 FIM FR REO 500E 13135942268 TO NHTSFI-OUSC P. 07 2003 MODEL YEAR VEEWICLE IDENTIFlCATlOlrl NUMBER (VIN) ELEMENT CODING 1NF ORMATION VIII. VIN C ieck Digit (VIN Po;ition 9) See Paragi-aph 565.5(c)of Part 56 5. The check digit must have a value of 0, 1,2. 3,4, 5.6,7,8,9, or X. KX. Vehicle Model Year (VIN Posit on IO) ---VIN CODE YEAR 8 '981 C '982 D '983 E a 984 F ' 985 G '1 986 H 987 J ' 988 K ' 989 L .990 M '1 991 N 'I 992 P 'I 993 R 'I 994 S .I 995 T 'I 996 V '1 997 W ,I 998 X 'I 999 Y 2000 1 :too 1 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 201I 2012 2013 2003-1nitial.xls Check Digit i i Model Yex Page 4 MFIR 15 2002 9:50 FIM FR FJSO 588E 13135942268 TO NHTSQ-OUSC P. 08 2003 MODEL YEAR VEHiICLE IDENTIFICETlON NUIMSER (VIN) ELEMENT CODING lNFORNATION X. Vehicle Asser ibly Plant (VIN positior 11) The plant of manufacti re VIN code is de ;ignated as follows; Passenger LmSpeed .ight TfuCKSI Heavy Name: Location ---Cars Vehides Trucks A Attanta: Hapeville, Georgia B Oakvilie; Oakville, Ontarils x C Ontario Truck: Oakville, (hl:ario X D Ohio: Avon Lake, Ohio X E Kentucky Truck; Jefferson County, Kentucky X F Dearborn; Dearbarn.
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