Fl RCCf'C5tiOflBlMillQC to ihe Central Texas Coast Edwin Doran, Jr. k Bernard P. Brown, Jr. TAMU-SG-7 5-606 Sea Grant CoHege Program ~ Texas ARM University A RECREATIONAL GUIDE TO THE CENTRAL TEXAS COAST by EdwinDoran, Jr. and Bernard P. Brown, Jr. DEPARTMENTOF GEOGRAPHY TEXAS ARM UNIVERSITY Publishedby the CENTERFOR MARINE RESOURCES SEA GRANT PROGRAM TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY june, 1975 TAMU-SG-75-606 ACKNOW LED GEMENTS The Center for Marine Resourcesand its principal activity, the Sea GrantProgram, of TexasA&M Universityare dedicated to improving knowledgeof marine-relatedactivities in Texas,for the benefitof the peopleof Texas.The Marine Advisory Services section, whose principal function is providinginformation throughbooks, pamphlets, meet- ingsand other public information activities, has sponsored a number of projects,in thiscase an arrangement with theCenter for AppliedGeo- sciencesof TexasA& M to produceinformational aids which fall within its areasof expertise. Manyhundreds of ownersof facilitieswere helpful in supplyinginfor- mationto BernardBrown during his collection of field data; this booklet would havebeen impossible to producewithout their graciouscoopera- tion. Several individuals on the Texas A&M campus provided assistance: MaryKutac, who did the manuscripttyping and was useful in many otherways during work on the booklet,should be recognizedand thanked. Dr. RobertBerg and the Office of UniversityResearch made available theservices of RogerMaynard who drafted all of the mapswith skill and patience. The authorsin particularwish to expresstheir appreciationfor the grantfrom the MarineAdvisory Services program of SeaGrant at TexasA&M Universitywhich madethe work possible. Note: The information for this publicationwas collected during February,March, and April 1974. Facilities,prices, etc. mayhave changed since that time. Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Table of Contents. Introduction 133 Index Map . Data Sections West Galveston. 14 Surfside 40 San Bernard 52 Caney Creek 62 Matagorda 74 Palacios 78 Point Comfort. Port Lavaca. 90 Port O' Connor. 104 Seadrift 112 Goose Island 123 Appendix INTRODUCTION Thisguide has been prepared asa publicservice, to assistanyone who is planninga recreationaltrip to theCentral Texas coast and needs to know aboutfacilities in thearea. Some 528 facilities are described in the pages which follow. Becauseof limits on funds and time the guide describes only the coastal areabetween, but excluding, Galveston and Rockport. No attempt was madeto listbusinesses in larger cities such as Freeport, Palacios, and PortLavaca, but mostof the remainingfacilities within about ten miles of the shorelineare described. All datawere collected in the field by BernardBrown, and most coastal facilities were located during his work.Certainly there have been some omissions, and we should appre- ciate having these called to our attention. Thedouble-page index map at the backof the bookshows the CentralTexas coast. On it areoutlined rectangles which show the areas coveredby the eleven larger-scale maps, each at thebeginning of its respectivesection of text. The content of the individualsections is organizedfirst in alphabetical order by facility: motels, launch ramps, marinas,etc., each with a locationalcode number. The locational code isshown on the detailed map and also is used to identifythe facility in thesecond sub-section inwhich all facilities are listed geographically and describedindetail. A fewfacilities not included on the detailed maps are locatedon the index maps by letters. Descriptions of these may be found in the Appendix section. For example, let's suppose you want to visit the Freeport area for fishing and swimming. Locate Freeport on the index map; note that it is included on the Surfside detail map. Using the Table of Contents find the Surfside section. In the first subsection under Surfside you can find a list of motels, fishing facilities, launch ramps, and beaches,each with a location code number. You can then learn more facts on each by check- ing the same code numbers in the second sub-section and also can locate the facilities by finding the location code numbers on the Surfside detail map. An extra copy of this recreational guide may be obtained by sending a check or money order for $2.00 to: Center for Marine Resources Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 If you need or prefer more detailed maps than those in this booklet there are at least two excellent sources. A circular describing and giving prices of county road maps in Texas may be obtained from: Texas Highway Department Attn: File D-10 P.O. Box 5051, West Austin Station Austin, Texas 78763 Counties are covered by one or two maps, occasionally with supplements, and prices range from $.50 to $1.00 per sheet, depending on the scale. Even larger-scaledand more detailed maps may be obtained by writing for the "Index to Topographic Maps of Texas" which is supplied free from: Distribution Section United States Geological Survey Federal Center Denver, Colorado 80225 From the index map the locations of individual sheets may be identified. Most of the Texas coast is covered by sheetson a scaleof 1:24,000 inch = 2000feet!, at a costof $.75 per sheet. A variety of additional materials on specific areasof the coast may be obtained by writing to Chambers of Commerce. The Chambers of the following cities supplied information to the authors, some of which has been incorporated into the Guide: Freeport Palacios Port Lavaca Port O' Connor Two hints to travellers might be useful: Except for gasoline purchases the use of credit cards is not recommended becausemany establishments will not accept them. Medical facilities are available only in the cities, and much of the Texas coast is miles from medical assistance. Taking a First Aid kit along in fishing or camping gear is thus a wise idea. West Galveston BARS Location Code Double T Lounge 10 SandDollar Restaurantand Lounge 8 BEACHES Galveston Island State Park 14 West Galveston Island 15 FILLING STATIONS Boughton's Store 7 Seas FISHING FACILITIES West Bay Bait Camp GROCERY STORES Boughton's Store 4 7-11 No. 2 129 7 Seas West Bay Bait Camp 2 West Galveston HISTORICAL SITES Location Code J amaicaBeach burial site 13 HOUSE RENTALS Mitchell Realty 5 Thelma Woolsey Realty 11 West Bay Realty Company 5 West Galveston Realty 13 LAUNCH RAMPS Chocolate Bayou Bridge West Bay Bait Camp LIQUOR STORES 7 Seas MARIN AS West Bay Bait Camp MOTELS AND HOTELS West Bay Bait Camp PARKS, CAMPGROUNDS AND REFUGES Galveston Island State Park T. C. Beach Club 147 6 Texas Campgrounds West Bay Bait Camp 2 3 West Bay Fishing and Hunting Club RESTAURANTS Sand Dollar Restaurant and Lounge The Barn, 7 Seas West Galueston Location Code 1 Launch Ramps CHOCOLATE BAYOU BRIDGE PUBLIC BOAT LAUNCH RAMP Access:Chocolate Bayou at FM 2004 Fees:Free Other: Surfaced Location Code 2 Fishing Facilities WEST BAY BAIT CAMP Address: Box 5188, San Luis PassBridge, GalvestonFishing pier: Yes Bait camp: Yes Fees:$1.00 Typeof structure: Wood Bait: Shrimp, live-dead!;mullet live-dead!;squid Facilities: Soft drinks; sandwiches;restrooms Owner: Rooster Collins Grocery Stores WEST BAY BAIT CAMP Address: Box 5188, San Luis PassBridge, GalvestonType: Local; drive-in Other: Fishingtackle Owner: Rooster Collins Launch Ramps WEST BAY BAIT CAMP Access: Box 5188, San Luis PassBridge, Galveston Fees: $1.50 Other: Shell Owner: Rooster Collins Comments: Row boats for rent Marinas WEST BAY BAIT CAMP Address: Box 5188, San Luis PassBridge Galveston Boat rentals: Row Owner: Rooster Collins Motels and Hotels WEST BAY BAIT CAMP Address: Box 5188, San Luis PassBridge, Galveston No. ofunits: 5 Owner: Rooster Collins Parks, Campgroundsand Refuges WEST BAY BAIT CAMP Address: Box 5188, San Luis PassBridge, GalvestonType: Private;campground Fees: $2.50 and $3.00with electricity Facilities: Electricity; patrolling;showers; restrooms sanitation!;drinking water; swimming;fishing; boating West Galveston Location Code 3 Parks, Campgroundsand Refuges WEST BAY FISHING AND HUNTING CLUB Addkess: 2605 DickinsonAve., Dickinson,Texas mailing! Type: Private Other: Hunting areaabout 700 acres;dove, duck, quail; by membership Fees:$25.00/year Owner:John Battistoni Manager:Rooster Collins Location Code 4 Filling Stations BOUGHTON'S STORE Address: 23230 San Luis PassRoad, Galveston Telephone:737-9136 Company:Gulf Products:Gas only Owner Harv Boughton Grocery Stores BOUGHTON'SSTORE Type: Local;drive-in Other: Bait, live and frozen Owner: Harv Boughton Location Code 5 House Rentals MITCHELL REALTY Address: 21502 San Luis PassRoad, Galveston Telephone: 737-2750 Manager: Betty Phillips WEST BAY REALTY COMPANY Address: 21502 San Luis Pass Road, P.O.Box 5165, GalvestonTelephone: 737-1740 No. of units: 15 Rates twin double- two bedstwo people!: $125 to $250/week Other: Half priceoff season Sept. 6 - May 31! Owner: David Feinman Location Code 6 Parks, Campgroundsand Refuges TEXAS CAMPGROUNDS Address: San Luis Pass Road, Galveston Telephone: 622-8383 Type: Private; campground Other: Private club West Galveston Location Code 7 Parks, Campgroundsand Refuges T.C. BEACH CLUB Address: San Luis PassRoad, Galveston Type: Private; campground Other: Private club Location Code 8 Bars SAND DOLLAR RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Address: 17426 San Luis Pass Road, Galveston Telephone: 737-9139 Owner: Leonard Cegelsk i Restaurants SAND DOLLAR RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Address: 17426 San Luis PassRoad, Galveston Telephone: 737-9139 Price range: To $4.25 Owner: Leonard Cegelski Location Code 9 Filling Stations
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