NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg VOLUME 13, NO. 9 Exulting the importance of ideas and information —Edward R. Murrow SEPTEMBER 2021 WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • WWW.MYTHURMONT.NET • WWW.TANEYTOWN.NET Four Running For Town Council Interest in serving on the Town St. Catherine's shutting doors November 1st Council has increased. Page 2 fter a month on speculation, The Daughters of Charity cur- Ascension Living, the oper- rently make up approximately Pippenfest Celebrates A ators of St. Catherine’s nursing 20 residents in skilled care with 40th Anniversary home, announced it will be clos- a total of sixty Sisters within the Organizers are looking to ing Nov. 1. entire facility, according to Bren- make up for last year’s missed Officially known as St. Joseph’s ton. Daughters will continue event. Page 3 Place, the facility is owned by the to provide care for their seniors Daughters of Charity and has within the facility, “through Green Team Honored been leased to Ascension Living another healthcare management Team recognized for tree care since 2010, according to George company," he said. activities throughout the town. Brenton, provincial director of Saint Joseph’s Provincial House Page 4 facilities. was originally built in 1964 as a “After thoughtful and prayerful housing for approximately 400 Taneytown To Get Observatory discernment and discussions with sisters for what used to be the St. Catherine’s will officially close its doors on November 1st Telescope in in Bollinger Park the Daughters of Charity, we have southeast providence, accord- Another wing is known as For the current 140 employees will allow residents to peer decided to close Ascension Living ing to Brenton. However, with Setonville and was converted into of Ascension Living St. Joseph’s deep into the night sky. Page 5 St. Joseph’s Place, a skilled nursing the declining numbers of women low-cost senior living for Houses Place, Molly Gaus, Vice President and independent living commu- joining the order, in the early for America 10 years ago. A third of Marketing and Communica- The Maryland Iron Festival nity in Emmitsburg,” according 2000s, many of the administrative wing is being rented by Mount St. tions wrote in an email “we are in The Catoctin Furnace to a statement released by Ascen- activities conducted in Emmits- Mary’s for storage. St Catherine’s the process of seeking well qualified Historical Society’s Maryland sion Living. burg for the Daughters were encompassed the remaining wing, nurses and staff members, to care Iron Festival. Page 25 “This transition will help moved to their St. Louis Provin- which the Daughter of Charity are for the senior members but will no ensure the long-term stability of cial House, and need for the mas- currently exploring other options longer have the numbers (enough COMMENTARY those options for older adults in sive facility became problematic. for use of. residents) to retain everyone. As Word From Winterbilt the midst of continuing staffing As a result other uses for the facil- Mayor Don Briggs was disap- we go through this transition, our Navigating the rumors behind challenges across the industry,” ity were explored. pointed to learn of the shutdown. top priority will be taking care of the origins of COVID-19. according to a statement released One wing of the four wing Not only were approximately our residents as well as our valued 10-15% of the over 100 employ- associates. Our team will coordi- Page 10 by Ascension Living. X-shaped facility is currently ded- The nursing facility included icated to the Shrine of Saint Eliz- ees regional to the Emmitsburg nate the transition of all current area, but he also found the facility’s non-Daughters nursing residents The Bulwark short term rehabilitation, long abeth Ann Seton which was town location convenient for visit- to an appropriate community The evacuation of Afghanistan term care as well as respite and originally designed as the chapel holistic care. for the Daughters. ing residents, he said. (nursing homes) of their choice.” – a bad idea, badly executed. Page 11 American Mind Community honors local fallen firefighter Reflections on censorship - has attalion Chief Joshua Laird, ever be sufficient to describe his Laird began fire- it gone too far? Page 10 B46, of Fairfield, died Aug. 11 life, ‘dedicated’ comes to mind. fighting as a volun- after sustaining injuries fighting a Dedicated to his family, his pro- teer at the Fairfield ARTICLES two-alarm structure fire in Ijams- fession, his co-workers, friends, Township Volunteer The Book of Days ville, Maryland, according to the and his community, Josh some- Fire Company 1. The life and times of John Paul Frederick County Division of Fire how found time to serve others, He joined Frederick Jones. Page 13 and Rescue Services (FCDFRS). whenever and wherever there was County Division of Officials said the fire was a result a need. He did so with humility, Fire and Rescue Ser- Ecology of lightning striking the home with energy, and with an endless vices in 2000 as part The cause of the decline of from a strong line of thunder- sense of humor. Most of all, he of Recruit Class 4 the Eastern Monarch Butterfly storms moved through the region. set an example of dedicated ser- and was assigned to population. Page 14 While operating inside, Laird vice for his daughters, instilling in Green Valley Station fell through the first floor of the Erin and Maddy the ideal that it is 25 upon graduation In the Country structure into the basement. A good to give of your time and tal- from Firefighter Preventing raptor road-kill. mayday was sent out and rapid ents. We are sad, but we are richer school, according to Page 15 intervention crews were deployed for having known and worked the FCDFRS. to rescue him. Upon extraction, with him. Rest in peace, Josh. Throughout his Gardening Laird was provided emergency And keep an eye out for us down over twenty-one Battalion Chief Joshua Laird The ripening of apples on the medical care and transported by here,” she said. years of duty, trees is a sure sign of Fall. a Maryland State Police helicop- “We are in constant contact Laird served at multiple stations, Laird from the Green Valley Station ter to the Washington Hospi- with the Laird family and our including New Market, West- to his hometown of Fairfield before Page 18 tal Center. Laird died later that DFRS families and are doing view, Spring Ridge, United, Car- traveling to Mount St. Mary’s Uni- evening from injuries sustained everything we can to make every roll Manor, Braddock Heights, versity’s for a public viewing on Young Equestrian from the fall. resource available,” said FCDFRS and as a Safety Officer, according Aug. 16. Ivy: fun comes in pint sizes. Laird was a 21-year veteran of Chief Tom Coe. “This unexpected to the FCDFRS. Laird was post- As of August, there have been over Page 22 FCDFRS as well as a member of loss of a father, a husband, and a humously promoted to Battalion 70 firefighter fatalities in the United Fairfield Fire and EMS. He was brother to firefighters across the Chief on Aug. 13. States in 2021, according to the Four Years At The Mount also a member of the Fairfield Area nation, will have a lasting impact A ceremonial procession escorted United States Fire Administration. This month we asked out School Board for four years a mem- on the Frederick and Fairfield students to write about a ber of the Pippinfest Committee. communities. We are and will PRE-SORTED professor who influenced them The Pippinfest Committee and be here for them now and in the STANDARD the most. Page 34 the entire Fairfield community future.” U.S. Postage is mourning the loss of Joshua Maryland Governor Larry Postal Customer PAID Humor Laird, according to Sally Thomas, Hoag ordered flags to be flown at More totally useless facts to Chair of the Pippinfest Com- half-staff until the completion of Gettysburg, PA waste your time with. Page 47 mittee. “If a single word could Laird’s internment. Permit No. 53 2 | EMMITSBURG NEWS-JOURNAL | SEPTEMBER 2021 EMMITSBURG NEWS Animal ordinance approves chickens mmitsburg residents will be be provided a covered coop at rate offense. Property owners are Eallowed to raise and keep least 10 feet from any lot line on an honor system, according to chickens in backyard coops fol- and the backyard must either be Gulden. “As long as they’re com- news-journal lowing amendments to the town surrounded by a fence or con- plying with the code, no citations animal ordinance. Under the tain a chicken run. In addi- will be issued,” he said. P.O. Box 543 amended Code, a maximum of tion, chickens are not allowed The final vote was 3-1, with Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 six chickens can be kept in back- for commercial use, and are not Commissioner Frank Davis vot- 301-471-3306 yard pens or coops. Residents allowed to be slaughtered on the ing against the update, and Com- www.emmitsburg.com must also comply with other zon- premises. Manure not used for missioner Joseph Ritz abstaining, emmitsburg.net, taneytown.net, woodsboro.net ing regulations already in place. composting or fertilizing must citing a conflict of interest due to mythurmont.net, myfairfield.net, & mygettysburg.net Chickens must also be registered be removed within a reasonable his neighbors owning chickens. with the Maryland Department period. Ritz said however, had he voted, of Agriculture, along with a copy The proposed changes were he would have objected to the Covering the news, events, history; and culture of the Historic Toms Creek Hundred geo- of the registration submitted to made following a request by chicken provision, as it did not graphical area: Emmitsburg, Zora, Carroll Valley, Fairfield, Greenmont, Harney, Rocky Ridge, Detour, St.
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