Hirtii'iViiMTir-^-^-'- "•'"•'rlViiTlii'Viir-"! f-pt •V«[fiiiMir« "j^ .^^' .SW' ^4. jii THE NOTRE DAME If- m. i m m is M m^m 'M P •i "***<-\J -J S I," *^ i § i i fe -v", r^. •:- m --a October 8,1954 and how it started. TERESA WRIGHT says: "Up to 16, my knowledge of acting had been gleaned from seeing movies. When I saw my first professional play, that was it: I only wanted to act. I got into high school plays, wrestled props at Provincetown, understudied, sat for months in producers' reception rooms. One rainy night, sick with a cold, I read for a good role, and got it!" I -found o^t CaimBl£ kqv/e -fke imost deliglniPul flavor QKcf hnHcli/\e£9 oP- Qny ci3Qrette.'Fy Ccinoels and you'll be as entkx^sjQst/c QQI I'' START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! Make the 30-day Camel mildness test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days — see for yourself why Camels' cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than any other cigarette! CAIVI ELS AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE Scholastic Vol. 96 OCTOBER 8, 1954 No. 2 Disce Quasi Semper Victuriis Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Founded 1867 ntercd as second class matter at Xotre Dame, tidiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1101, October 3. 1917. .Authorized fune 23, 1918. Edifor LAWRENCE J. BREHL Associate and Sports Editor PAUL FULLMER Associate Editor ^ FRED C. ECKART JOHN ADAMS News ROBERT KAUFMAN ....Assistant News 'AUL J. LaFRENIERE Copy JHARLES McKENDRICK Color + collar + comfort = —. Assistant Copy DAVE COHEN Features The right ARROW Shirt for you! KEN WOODWARD ..Business Manager JIM GALLAGHER Circulation You don't have to be a math major to figure it out. Arrow DICK HAIRSINE Photo Editor shirts offer you so many fine colors and patterns in your ^UL FITZGERALD favorite collars, that it's a breeze to have plenty of style Photography Coordinator in your wardrobe. JOHN P. DEFANT ....Faculty Moderator Shown above are, the Sussex button-down in a neat tatter- Member of Catholic School Press .Association, As­ sol check, and the smooth Radnor "E" in solid colors. sociated CoUegiatQ Press, Represented for national Both S5.00. The goodlooking Arrow Sussex in a well-bred advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. stripe, S4.50. They're comfortable, "correct"- thrifty too. THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examina­ tion periods at the Universit>' of Notre Dame. Ad­ dress all manuscripts to the Editor, Box 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. Annow SHIRTS & TIES p staff PHOTOS—Pictures taken by UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • CASUAL WEAR photographers appear on the fol- lowing pages: Jim Guide—pages 17, 25, 28. John O'Brien—pages 15, 18, 19, 27. Gerry Traflficanda—page 11 Mike Thompson—pages 12, 14, 25, 29. Make GILBERT'S OUR COVER—As a veteran settles into your ARROW headquarters " dogmatic occupational nonchalance succeeding a campaign, so also does the blase senior—^three years of lines, after- midnight cramming, proms, gridiron spectacles, and sunset visits at the Grot­ to filling the recesses of his mind with memories he'll recall as the century GILBERT'S turns. Jim Shane, Bill Valus and Tony 813-817 MICHIGAN STREET Lapasso display undaunted airs to Open evenings until 9 o'clock SCHOLASTIC Photographer Jim Guide on the golf course. ^ctober 8, 1954 DR. WTURBOW Will Mike Chatter OPTOMETRIST I OPTICAL REPAIRS — Frames Repaired, Replaced Broken Lenses Duplicated As you may, or may not, know WNDU "Bring in the Pieces" is the campus radio station of the Uni­ I EYES EXAMINED 1 versity of Notre Dame. It is located, as Harry Wismer would say, high atop 207 W. Washington the tower of the O'Shaughnessy Liberal Oliver Hotel Phone 4-5777 Arts Building. These plush studios are 3) the tangible expression of WNDU's process of gi-owth into its position as Nationally Advertised one of the most listened to stations in Watches—^Diamonds—^Jewelry collegiate broadcasting circles. Guaranteed Watch Repairing What AVNDU is set up to do is to Fine Engraving keep the student body both entertained and infonned. This is done in the usual fashion that can be placed under the label of music, news and sports. How­ ever, Avhat is unusual about the pro­ gramming on WNDU is the ^vide scope of interest provided in each of these 126 N. Michigan St. Ph. 2-1202 fields. In music, for example, not only is South Bend, Indiana popular music provided ^\nth each par­ ticular disk jockey giving his own treat­ ment of the modem musical scene, but We Welcome You to the -BECAUSE ALCOHOL DRIES MV show music and classical music also HAIR-MAKES IT HARD TO COMBlf come in for their share of time. In fact SO I USE WILDROOrCREAM-OILff WNDU programs two and a half hours THE TWINS IT'S NON-ALCOHOLIC.^ of classics daily, something of a record as far as campus radio stations go. As RESTAURANT far as sports and news are concerned we can note that there are six news shows daily on the station, while every PIZZA and SPAGHETTI major Notre Dame athletic event re­ our specialties ceives coverage by the campus station. What is additionally unique about CHOPS CHICKEN WNDU's programming is its refusal to T-Bone—STEAKS—Porterhouse merely supply the basic format of music, news and sports. At various times during KEEPS HAIR NEAT- S THAT the year WNDU has various panel dis­ 713 E. LaSALLE BUT NOr-^H/-GREASy.71 WOULD BE cussions on topics of vital interest to 2 blocks east of Hill St. GET WILDROOr rT—' ILLEGAL- the student body. These prove to be not CRCAM-OIW I—' MY NAME Phone 3-0951 CHARLIE.'?' J IS-ORSfEff only current in their interest value, but also clear up many questions which perplex the student mind. Likewise dis­ cussion forums in various fields of aca­ demic intei'ests and a new dramatic series display the multitude facets of ROt^*- student radio as it is at Notre Dame. mtvc* —Bill Byrne ^nin^ %OHh\ LOOK YOUR BEST WITH MflLOROOT CREAM-OIL. KEEPS HAIR NEAT- RELIGION TEACHERS NEEDED Miwtad for iww modiin* pMform> BUT flOT-UGHSV-GREASV. ». Imm«diat« dalivcfy. Spadal ratM NON-ALCOHOUC. REUEVES Members of the Confraternity of ••tludwiH. DRYNESS. REMOVES F"** ddivary. pick^ip and Mrvk*. LOOSE DANDRUFF r Christian Doctrine who have com­ pleted their freshman year are ROYAL TYPEWRITER CO. 309 E. Jefferson needed to teach religion to students South Bend of high school age in South Bend. Phone No, 2-3336 Anyone interested should contact Jack Casey in 109 Sorin before next Thursday. The ScholastJ^ solution to the problem will be found. Maybe we could all go to the movies on that night. Flub of the WEEK This WEEK'S flub was made by a good friend of mine, who was asked this question by his prof: "Frank, what do we call a man who by Jim 0*$hea and John O'Brien commits an act of infidelity?" Frank's reply was quick and confi­ dent: fop of the WEEK "An infidel," he said. A I sent a shirt to the ND laundry this week . Hooray for Pangborn Hall! Gung-Ho! It was quite wonderful to learn that And by the way, have you seen the way shirts are being done at the laundry we'll soon have another hall on campus, these days? They come back all done up in a real gung-ho cardboard collar stay and the WEEK pauses here to salute that has a picture of the Dome on it, and is emblazoned with the words "Notre Dame Thomas and John Pangbom, who made Laundiy." This, of course, gives the impression that the laundry is located some­ this possible. It'll certainly be a relief, where under the Dome, an impression which I'm sure will confuse freshmen for years to come. The new system does have its advantages, he can flip them up and down after this era of forced singles and and watch the Dome move (a pastime which will prove invaluable once the movie cramped cubicles, to see a hall with circuit has been exhausted). 100 natural-bom doubles in it. (I hate to say that campus living conditions Egyptian Antics have become crowded, but there's a guy Tomatoes, Too in our hall whose roommate is a broom.) Speaking of the movie circuit, it Tossing flowei-s isn't exactly my line, certainly is exhausted! I dropped down so I'd like to take time out here to Three Cheers for Ralph to the Granada a couple of nights ago to throw a few i-otten tomatoes too — Ralph Marterie was pretty good last take a look at a new cinemascope epic especially at that cynical group of stu­ Tuesday night, when he dropped in for entitled The Egyptian. Gad, fellas, was dents who have forgotten that there are an impromptu concert at the Field it ever terrific! It was all about a guy eight more games on the Notre Dame House. It seems that Ralph was sche­ who went around Egypt murdering football schedule. A veiy nice bunch, duled for a nearby dance hall date, kings and taking out sulti-y females. I must say—they're all for the team— when the dance hall burned down. This Then, after the whole thing was all over, when it wins. If this is Notre Dame columnist writes with the sincere hope a great big sign flashed on the screen spirit, men, then I'd rather be without that the concert was profitable, so we and said, "All these things took place it.
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