RANGED COMBAT WEAPONS: S4 D1 SM- A3+ DL-18 Blaster Pistol Spreadshot special rule: The owner of a model with Range: 0-8 short, 8-16 long this weapon may choose to modify attacks made at +0 to hit at short range, -1 at long range close range as follows: +1 shots, -1 to hit, A4+; +2 S3 D1 SM- A4+ shots, -2 to hit, A5+; +3 shots, -3 to hit, A6+ Ricochet special rule: If the weapon's profile has Bryar Pistol not been modified by the Spreadshot special rule, it Range: 0-8 short, 8-16 long gains the twin-linked and ignore cover special rule +1 to hit at short range, -1 at long range if the target is within 3 inches of a wall S3 D1 SM- A3+ Overcharge special rule: The wielder of a gun with DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle this special rule may choose to overcharge it during Range: 0-15 short, 15-30 long his shooting phase. An overcharged Bryar Pistol +1 to hit at short range, -0 at long range gains +1 Strength and a Save Modifier of -1, and S4 D1 SM-1 A4+ counts its next Ammo Roll as a 5+ T-21 Light Repeating Blaster (Special) DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol Range: 0-15 short, 15-30 long Range: 0-6 short, 6-12 long +0 to hit at short range, -2 at long range +2 to hit at short range, -0 at long range S3 D1 SM-1 A4+ Heavy S4 D1 SM-1 A5+ Sustained fire: 2 dice DH-17 Blaster Pistol Imperial Heavy Repeater (Heavy) Range: 0-6 short, 6-18 long Range: 0-15 short, 15-30 long +1 to hit at short range, -0 at long range +1 to hit at short range, -1 at long range S3 D1 SM- A3+ Rapid Fire S4 D1 SM-1 4+ Heavy Sustained fire: 3 dice Archaic Slugthrower Shortened muzzle special rule: A weapon with this Range: 0-12 short, 12-24 long special rule may be fired in the same turn as the +0 to hit at short range, -1 at long range bearer has moved, at an additional -1 penalty to hit. S3 D1 SM- A4+ Impactful special rule: successful wounds made by Trandoshan Shotgun this weapon reduce the armor save of Plasteel Range: 0-4 short, 4-18 long armor by 1 for the remainder of the battle +0 at short range, -1 at long range Scatter: weapons with this special rule may not be S3 D1 SM- A4+ reflected with a lightsaber Scatter: weapons with this special rule may not be reflected with a lightsaber E-11 Blaster Rifle Range: 0-12 short, 12-24 long Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Launcher +1 to hit at short range, -0 at long range Range: 0-6 short, 6-18 long S3 D1 SM-1 A2+ Rapid Fire +1 at short range, -1 at long range Automatic special rule: A weapon with this special S4 D1 SM-1 A4+ rule may be fired automatically during the owner's Scatter: weapons with this special rule may not be shooting phase. The weapon gains +2 shots, reflected with a lightsaber suffers a -1 penalty to hit at all ranges, and counts its next ammo roll as a 4+ Rail Detonator Gun (Special) (Rare) Range: 0-18 short, 18-36 long Wookiee Bowcaster (Rare) +0 to hit at short range, -2 at long range Range: 0-6 short, 6-18 long S6 Dd3 SM-1 A5+ Blast +0 to hit at short range, -1 at long range DC-17m ICWS (Special) (Rare) S3 D1 SM- A:Auto Blast This weapon may be fired with any of the S5 D1 SM- A:Auto following profiles. The bearer may switch between Stokhli Spray Stick them during any turn where he does not shoot in S4 D1 SM- A:Auto the shooting phase. Stunning special rule: models taking Downed tests Standard pulse resulting from a Stunning weapon count results of 5 Range: 0-6 short, 6-18 long and 6 as being “out of action,” but do not roll on +1 to hit at short range, -0 at long range the Casualty table. Instead, they are automatically S3 D1 SM- A4+ Rapid Fire considered to be captured. Concentrated pulse (“Sniper”) Range: 0-18 short, 18-36 long PLX-2M Portable Missile system (Heavy) (Rare) +1 to hit at short range, -0 at long range Range: 0-18 short, 18-36 long S4 D1 SM-1 A4+ S8 Dd6 SM-3 A:Auto Anti-Armor Grenade Launcher Scatter: weapons with this special rule may not be Range: 0-4 short, 4-10 long reflected with a lightsaber +0 to hit at short range, -1 at long range S5 D1 SM-2 A6+ Blast Class A Thermal Detonators (Rare) Range: 0-S short, S-2xS long Stouker Concussion Rifle (Heavy) (Rare) S7 Dd3 SM-1 A:Auto Large Blast Range: 0-12 short, 12-24 long +0 to hit at short range, -1 at long range C-22 Fragmentation Grenade S7 Dd3 SM-1 A:Auto Blast Range: 0-S short, S-2xS long S3 D1 SM- A:Auto Blast Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor Rifle (Special) (Rare) Range: 0-18 short, 18-36 long C-10 Concussion Grenade -1 to hit at short range, +1 at long range S3 D1 SM- A:Auto S6 D2 SM-2 A:6+ Stunning special rule: models taking Downed tests resulting from a Stunning weapon count results of 5 DEMP-2 Ion Carbine (Special) (Rare) and 6 as being “out of action,” but do not roll on Weapon may be fired with either of the following the Casualty table. Instead, they are automatically profiles: considered to be captured. Range: 0-12 short, 12-24 long +2 to hit at short range, -1 at long range MELEE COMBAT WEAPONS S3 D- SM-1 A5+ Stun Baton Range: 0-12 short, 12-24 long S+1 D1 SM- +0 to hit at short range, -0 at long range Stunning special rule: models taking Downed tests S3 D- SM- A5+ Blast resulting from a Stunning weapon count results of 5 Both profiles have the Stunning special rule: and 6 as being “out of action,” but do not roll on models taking Downed tests resulting from a the Casualty table. Instead, they are automatically Stunning weapon count results of 5 and 6 as being considered to be captured. “out of action,” but do not roll on the Casualty table. Instead, they are automatically considered to Swords and Knives be captured. S:U D1 SM- Scatter: weapons with this special rule may not be Parry: Fighters with this weapon are able to parry. reflected with a lightsaber Chains and Whips MM9 Wrist-Rocket system (Heavy) S+1 D1 SM- Range: 0-9 short, 9-18 long Flexible: Attacks made bury this weapon cannot be May be fired with either of the following profiles: parried. Fumble: Every Fumble rolled in melee counts with the Stunning special rule. double towards your opponent's Combat Score Plasteel Armor (Rare) Clubs, Mauls, and Bludgeons Confers a 4+ save, increased to a 3+ against S+1 D1 SM- weapons with the Stunning special rule. Vibroknife Reinforced Plasteel Armor (Rare) S3 D1 SM-1 Confers a 3+ save. The first time a fighter wearing Parry: Fighters with this weapon are able to parry. this armor is Downed, count him as being pinned instead. Vibrosword S4 D1 SM-1 Beskar Armor (Rare) Parry: Fighters with this weapon are able to parry. Confers a 2+ save. Armor save modifiers are reduced by one (so a modifer of -2 becomes -1 etc). Vibroaxe S5 D1 SM-1 ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Force Pike Custom Tibanna Gas Mixture S5 D1 SM- Unwieldy Any blaster can equip this item to add one to its Stunning special rule: models taking Downed tests strength. However, the weapon will automatically resulting from a Stunning weapon count results of 5 fail Ammo rolls, regardless of modifiers. and 6 as being “out of action,” but do not roll on the Casualty table. Instead, they are automatically Infra-Red Sight considered to be captured. Any ranged weapon can be equipped with this item. The weapon then reduces cover saves against Lightsaber (Rare) it by 1. This bonus does not apply to weapons S5 Dd3 SM-3 firing more than one shot or to Overwatch. Parry: Fighters with this weapon are able to parry. Reflect: Force-sensitive characters wielding this Vision-Linked Sight weapon get a +4 to their Parry tests, and on a Models using a weapon equipped with this item successful parry may make a BS test to see if they gain a +1 on their To Hit roll. This bonus does not are able to redirect the attack at their attacker. An apply to weapons firing more than one shot or to attack made in this manner retains its original Overwatch. profile. Laser Sight Crushgaunts (Rare) Models using a weapon equipped with this item S6 Dd3 SM-1 gain a +1 on their To Hit roll. This bonus does not apply to weapons firing more than one shot or to ARMORS Overwatch. Furthermore, the target of the attack Padded Armor may make an additional save, on a 6+, to notice the Confers a 6+ armor save. laser sight and avoid the shot. Flak Armor Telescopic Sight Confers a 6+ armor save, increased to a 5+ against A fighter using a weapon equipped with a template weapons and weapons with the Scatter telescopic sight counts the short range of his special rule.
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