LEVER lothes for Rah! Rah! Rah! c ollege Chaps. KM llir I touts Made hy BLAND TAILORING CO. Bland Tailoring Co. Suits pressed Siv Monthslree New Masonic Temple Siit, PrMMd Si x Mouths Kree THE SKIFF NEW MASONIC TEMPLE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER; PUBUSHED UNDEH THE Avsncaa OP THE STUDENT BODY OP TEXAS CHRISTIA* UNIVERSITY. VOL. VI. WACO, TEXAS, OCTOBER T ,1907. NUMBER :;. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The Evangelistic Meetings. I Where Money Is Worth More. This University exists lor the pin- pose or emphasizing the essential con neciion between religious culture ami Miller-Cross Co. Waco's best store s Famous for excellenl values, lower WACO'S POPULAR SHOE HOUSE prices on lltt' best (fxls. We guarantee everything in Intellectual training. Once each year quality and style an effort is made to bring n, bear on Corner 4th and Austin Streets the Students, by means ol' special Ladies Suits and Furnishings evangelistic services, tin. motives and SOLE AGENTS Mens Clothing and Other Togs. Influences thai impel to Christian set vice. Ii is not always easy to find Walk-over 3.50. and 4.00 shoes ECIAL PAVsORS To COLLEGE PEOPL a speaker thai exactly meets the re- Stacy-A dams $5 and $6 shoes quirements demanded. He musl he a strong man, with personality ami Clapp 6.00 and 7.00 shoes Individuality; he must be educated, Everything Man. woman or child Wears GOLDSTEINS must he a lover of men, free from SUCCESSOR tO 00: OS TEIN « M/CEL sensationalism, from narrowness and THE COLLEGE MANS SHOE HOUSE, i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ from bigotry ami must be a strong and acceptable sneaker. In Hie present minister, Rev. A. K. Dilhber of Port Worth, Texas, all the FOOTBALL SEASON OPENS requirements have been met Bro. FIRST GAME WITH BAYLOR TIED Dnbber spoke for the first lime in Chapel last Wednesday night and from First Game Of Season Is With Ft.Worth University. Neither Side Best Game of Football Seen in Waco in Several Seasons. that service the whole audience went Each Side Scores. Scores. away heartened, inspired and helped. He has spoken each morning in chapel since then and each evening al 7:15 HARD-FOUGHT BATTLE FROM START TO FINISH. MANY BLOOR'S THIRTY YARD RUN AND SLAWSON'S LINE PLUNGING and the interest has been Steadily SPLP:NDIU FKATURFS. T. C. U. SHOWS UP STRONC; WERE FEATURES. increasing. The address on Thursday morning was only fourteen minutes long, bui crowded with thought and With several til' ilte Purple and "Pete" were Hie principal ground gain- helpfulness. Many declared that more Those who were fortunate enough lar players. lint considering ever] White warriors injured and some mil era. Thomas and si at quarter, both was accomplished in those fourteen to be present on last Saturday at Car- ibing lb,, work of Robinson, Wiley, of ii entirely, T. ('. U. ami Port Worth ran the team well. "Tommy" is the minutes than some speakers do in roll Field saw one of the finest exam Newton, Black and I'uitt was most best thai the locals have in siock at three times that period, pies of football that has been deliver University opened the loot hall season noteworthy. The latter is an excep- Interference and at handling punts It was the chapel talk on Saturday ed ill Waco for years, With no foul- tionalh good man and his work in here in a game Unit was never a and Si always makes good in punting, morning that, perhaps, has mosl im- ing attributed to either side and with the second half deserves especial men lirst class articli ilte sport, al- pressed the students. "I write unto and cannot he surpassed in running penalties resulting generally from ' tion. Baylor's Interference was good though tit times sensational stunts through a broken Held. Stewarl was you. young men. because you tire over-ardousness of the player; with and Hie work of lite backfleld w.i were pulled oil'. The conlesi was in Hie game all Hie lime and the big strong and because the Word of Cod every man in moleskins lighting lo strong and consistent. tellow abide!h in yon." was the text, and (fee his greatest capacity, the lovers of close throughout and Ii was anybody's <""ises !<*« °f trouble to the For T. C. U. nearly every man ... ,, ,, offi asc. All the old men showed up speaker drew a picture of the glory sport had their till. Those who love game until the tune was up 111 the a Mar Saturday. Every man who to advantage, Wallace and Pyburn of youth and the strength of young a light for its own sake, man again i last hail of play. Fumbling was the ii nggled for the Purple and While HI ■ 'I as guards, or the new men manhood that inspired many a moth- man. were satisfied; those who de main thing that showed the shortness played the game all the time. Don't Ulovi i ami I [arwood at full and liiv- er's son to raise his Ideals into loftier light in agillt) and good generalship of time of training and although de talk back, it is a. mailer of common m ai at kie played well as did Muse structures. came away from the game with their plorablo ii at least made the battle know led:;,,. T,, pick stars you must as sip, tackle. Massey at center is a If space pei milled, ii would be a hearts glad. Interesting and result doubtful, The pick in bunches. Stewart, Wallace, new addition to Varsity ami his pass- pleasant lask to refer to each of the T. ('. t'. mole-skins carried off the The game was not perfect, be- Massey, Capt. Pete Wright, Thomas. ing is ;,iv aj B accurate. seven addresses of the week ami lo honors in Juggling the pig-skin and cause of circumstances not under con Knighl, BlOOr, Clover, Itillingsley and record some of the brilliant epigrams on the other hand the "packers" made trol. It was not slow, however, and Muse, aii played football. There was and splendid passage! that have en not a single third-down. Twice mi oe there was frequent fumbling, but the Stewart's good work in Hie line and The Line- riched the students' note books, but count of fumbling Nies' men carried Jp. field was heavy ami wet, it having his bucking; Massey's brilliant kick Hie limit of these columns forbids. II the ball to within fifteen yards of T. F. W. U. T. C. U. rai 1 for twenty-four hours previous for goal; Wright's, Hloor's and Clo\ is confidently asserted that th t ('. I'.'s goal, hut the purple ami white 1 t'Jll' ' 1 1. e. Billingsley to the game. The condition of the er's line plunging; Thomas's handling ing has already resulted in much good. line-was Impenetrable and the hall I. Blawson 1. 1. Stewart weather prohibited fast ball, but It of Baylor's passes and his sensational It is earnestly hoped that, before went over on downs. Ware 1. g Wallace was the Intenslt) with which each tackle in fir.-i hall; Knight's quick another week bas passed, the lives of Hoi n c. Massey side [Ought for everj inch that en wank I'm- the only touchdown. These For the visitors, Blawson ami Nies many more of our men anil women 1,. Blawson r. g. Pyburn lilies the game to a high rank. The Considering that Baylor averaged eight were exceptionally good. Blawson may be completely dedicated to Christ. Jaenke r. 1. 1! vins, Muse score was disappointing to both sides, pounds heavier than '1'. C. ('.; that showed up well in line-plunging and .Mr. Dubber has a message lo young Crosby r. e. Wright each eleven being confident of victory, a heavy team has a decided advan- the big tackle several limes ripped men ami women, a message striking- Xies q T loin is, Perkins and as a result the season of '07 in tage on a muddy field and that almost off long runs. His last run I Hie ball ly appropriate to a community of stu liorden 1. 1'. Knighl local circles promises to be the most Hie ' mile last half was played on being gotten on a fumble) would sure- dentS. II is Ibis: No life can lie I'aylon r. h. It imr, Tyson Interesting In the history of football Baylor's territory exponents of the ly have resulted in a touchdown, but complete without Christ; no career Ward 1'. b. (i love ', Harwood in Waco. Purple ami white are by no means for Knight's sensational tackle w«Ji- can he successful if the religious nal Referee, Bhirley, Summarizing the wink of the two discouraged. The T. C. U. line was in T. ('. CJ.'s fifteen yard line, Xies nre is undeveloped; and the young Time-keeper, Marlin. Ft izzell. teams it can be said thai Baylor has noticeabl) weak at times under the at quarter handled his team well anil man who attempts to make the light Umpire, Edwards, a splendid eleven and thai they pill onslaught of Baylor's beavj Backs, put up a good game himself. that st inevitably be made is up a (dean gallant fight. In no oilier but ai critical moments it held heroi- Head-lineman, Obenchain. handicapped if lo bis physical and POT T. C. I'.. I'.loor. Knighl and gl has il 1 n so hard lo pick stel- Time ol' halves, 20-20. mental equipment be not added the ■ (< 'oiiliiiiioil on fourth page) strength and inspiration which is alone furnished by our holy faith.
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