11 The INSIDE STORY of The WORLD TOMORROW Broadcast 1 The Ambassador College and WORLD TOMORROW official seal. Both proclaim-as this seal pictures -the end of this oge. But even more, this Work and the seol with thelittlechild,the lion and the Iamb, show the happy, peaceful conditions on this earth in the world tomorrow, as the scripture from Isaiah portrays. AMBASSADOR COLLEGE PRESS Pasadena, California The Inside Story of The WORLD TOMORROW Broadcast by RODERICK C. MEREDITH Copyright © 1963 by Ambassador College All Rights Reserved ttNc. MAN EVER SPOKE likethis man," reported their officers to the Pharisees regarding Jesus. The multitudes "were astonished at His doctrine." Today the same living Christ, through The WORLD TOMOR- ROW broadcast, The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, and THIS WORK, proclaims in mighty power around the world His SAME GOSPEL the same Gospel preached by Peter, Paul, and the original Apostles. Twenty-two million people hear this dynamic Message every week, on every inhabited continent of the earth. And today, just as 1900 years ago, multitudes are ASTONISHED at His doctrine, and say: "No man ever spoke like this!" It is as shockingly different today as it was then. WHY should that be? Every week thousands hear this astonishing Message for the first time. And so itis natural that many begin to ask: "WHO IS THIS? Who isbehind this Work? Who sponsors it? HOW can such a powerful program go out over the air world-wide, without ever making an appeal for public financial support? WHY do they never beg for contributions? HOW can they publish such an attrac- tive,interesting news magazine and never charge asubscription price or accept any advertising?" One man said, incredulously, "It's a mystery to me-I simply can't understand it! Nobody ever did anything like it before-and yet this Work keeps growing and multiplying in power and scope." It's no secret. There's never been anything to hide. Continuously, over the air,in The PLAIN TRUTH, by personal letter to the entire mailing list, we have revealed the TRUE FACTS. But new listeners hear the program for the first time every day-and they WONDER! This booklet, giving the frank, straightforward TRUTH -the INSIDE STORY of this Work, became, therefore, a necessity. Here, written by Roderick C. Meredith-Second Vice President of this Work of God, is the account of how he first checked up what he found-and what are the TRUE FACTS. -GARNER TED ARMSTRONG CHAPTER ONE A Foreword by Herbert W. Armstrong pEOPLE hearaMessageaston- prophet. They tried to discredit Him ishingly different, and itis only by asking, "Have any of the rulers or natural, I suppose, that some ask: of the Pharisees believed on Him?" "WHO ARE YOU?" ItiS the same Mes- Jesus Christ did not have the endorse sage Jesus preached, and they asked ment of the organized religious denom- the same question about Him! Some inations,ortheir leaders! said He was Elijah, some said Jeremiah On the other hand, the enemies of or one of the prophets. Religious leaders Christ's Truththe real false prophets said He was a false prophet. (Jesus said they would be MANY!) The people asked John the Baptist. sometimes seek to attract people to their Was he the Christ? Was he Elijah? false way by exalting the person of Heanswered,"No!"He wasnot theirleader and inducing people to worthy even tountie the thongs of follow that person. Christ's sandals, he said. For thirty years, on the air, and in Who was he, then? John answered The PLAIN TRUTH, I have been say- that he was merely a voice in the wil- ing: "DON'T believe ME-check up derness of religious confusion, calling in your BIBLE-BELIEVE YOUR BIBLE- people to repentance! BELIEVE GOD!" Always I sayand so BUT THE MAN IS NOT IMPORTANT! does Garner Ted Armstrong"Listen It is his MESSAGE ifit be the TRUTH withoutprejudice,withopen mind, thatisimportant. WHY do people then check upgo to your BIBLE, and always want to follow a MAN? I asked believe what you read there!" this in a recent editorial in The PLAIN Of course you need to know, first, TRUTH. Why do people look to the whether you can BELIEVEthe BIBLE. man himselfeither to become a fol- Can you really BELIEVE GOD? Have lower of THE MAN, or an accuser and you proved that God existsthat He persecutor? is REAL? You can. We offer, continual- Enemies of the TRUTH know this ly,the free booklet, Does God Exist? human trait. The Pharisees useditto and also, Seven Proofs God Exists. And turn people away from the vital Mes- alsotheeye opening,well -illustrated sage of Jesus. They called Him a false booklet, PROOF of The Bible. 6 The Inside Story of The WORLD TOMORROW Broadcast Mr.Herbert W. Armstrong, Presidentof Ambassador College,andthevoice of The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast. Your starting point,if you search to that Word, itis because that man for TRUTH, IS to be SURE that God IS, speak falsely (Isaiah 8:20). and that the Bible is HIS woiw-that it Once you have proved, and are SURE, iS ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY. Then you of the ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY of the may be sure that if we do speak God's BIBLE, you have a solid foundation for Word faithfully,exactly asitis, we belief. So Isay, as does God's Word, have brought you the TRUTHbut if "Let GOD be true, though every man be we, or any man, speak NOT according a liar." The Inside Story of The WORLD TOMORROW Broadcast 7 Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong, Executive Vice President of Ambossodor College, and co -speaker as The WORLD TOMORROW. If you can believe the BIBLE.,ittells whole worldisreligiouslydeceived? you that today the whole world is de Thirty sevenyearsago 1 simply ceived religiously-yes,ALLNATIONS. couldn'tbelieveit untilIfoundit Ifthatisnotso,thentheBibleis proved! And even then my head was nottrue,and youhave No BASIS swimmingI found myself all mixed fortruth!Yet,isthere anything so up. To see with my own eyes in the shocking sohardtobelieve - as Bible preciselythe opposite of what thisflatBiblicalstatementthat the Ihad been taught from boyhood in A panoramicview of part ofthe student body at Ambassador CollegeinPasadena during a recent Forum. Sunday School-well,this was pretty InthebackgroundisMayfair-one ofthe beautifulandstatelywomen'sstudentresi- hard to take! Yet, there it was, in plain dences.Inthe foreground, a beautiful stream type before my eyes! cascades to the gardens below. If this were the year 30 AD., and you took a trip to Jerusalem, and there speaking to a throng around Him you should see an ordinary -looking young man about the age of 33, teaching the same things you hear me and Garner Ted Armstrong say over the radio to day, it would have been just as aston- ishing to you then asitis todayand asitwastothose who heard Him then. You would have seen no halo overthisyoung man'shead.There would have been no sign pinned on Him identifying Him as the Messiah, the Son ofGOD. You would have been truly awn ;shed! His doctrine was so different! And He spoke dogmatically, withas- surancewith power and AUTHORITY. Would you possibly have said: "Well who does He think He is,anyway?" HOWwould you have checked up on Spirit in Him that really did theWORK theCHRISTHimself? Would you have the Work ofGOD.After He had gone to the leaders of the established called and taught and trained His orig religious denominations, to see whether inal12 Apostles, and had shed His theyendorsed Him? They would have life's blood for the sins of the world, told you: "He's a false Prophet." and had been resurrected, He ascended Or would you have done asthe toheaven. Then He senttheHoly Bereans were commended for doing, Spirit to enter into His Apostles-and whentheyheardtheApostlePaul all members of HisCHURCH. speakingthe same doctrines?They lis Now, theSAME SPIRITthat had em tened without prejudice, then searched powered Him, in His individual human THE SCRIPTURES,whether these things body,enteredintotheCOLLECTIVE were so. Would you have looked to the BODYof all His Disciples who formed FRUITS Of Jesus Ministry? HisCHURCH.Thus the Church ofGOD After John the Baptist was put in becamethe collectiveBODY OF CHRIST. prison, he sent two of his disciples to Jesus Christ is, still today,IN THE MIDST Jesusto discernwhetherHe was the of this Spirit empoweredBODY.He is true Messiah. And Jesus merely pointed its LEADER its livingHead. ItisHIS to theFRUITS theACCOMPLISHMENTS. INSTRUMENT,by which Christ, today, "Go your way," Jesus told them, "and carries onTHE WORK OF GOD. tell John what things you have seen What isthat WORK? Jesus gaveit andheard"(Luke 7:22). inHis GREAT COMMISSION:"Go ye Jesus came toSTARTthe veryWORK intoallthe world, andPREACH THE OF GODfor this New Testament period GOSPEL." leading up to His second Coming. But He had foretold apostasy. He He said that of Himself He could do had foretold"wolves"coming in nothingit was the power of God's "sheep'sclothing"to DECEIVE the 10 The Inside Story of The WORLD TOMORROW Broadcast world. He had said they would ENTER not preached. The world was deceived IN, professing to come in HIS NAME into accepting a FALSE gospeL Today claiming to be CHRISTIANyet deceiv Christ has raised up HIS WORK, and ing the whole world. THAT HAPPENED! once again allotted two 19 year time For two 19 year time cycles the orig cycles for proclaimingHis SAME final Apostles did proclaim HIS GOSPEL GOSPEL, preparatorytoHISSECOND the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. COMING. But in 69 A.D., they fled. In 70 A.D. He said:"This GOSPEL OF THE came the military siege against Jeru- KINGDOM shall be preached [and pub salem.
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