§ 571.4 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–06 Edition) (C) Requiring periodic reporting to gible for preenlistment processing to an officer of the court (including a pro- determine their mental and medical bation officer). eligibility. (D) Involving supervision by an offi- (g) Restrictions on help. Recruitment cer of the court (including a probation personnel will not help in any way to officer). For example, a sentence sus- secure the release of individuals from pended on sole condition that the of- any type of civil restraint so that these fender must not commit a like offense individuals may enlist or start reen- in the next 12 months does not bar listment processing. The term ‘‘civil waiver consideration. restraint’’ includes confinement, pro- (vi) For prior service personnel. Al- bation, parole, and suspended sentence. though the applicant must reveal all Persons under civil restraint that offenses committed, only those require makes them ineligible for enlistment a waiver that are committed during are not eligible for preenlistment proc- and/or subsequent to the last period of essing to determine their mental and honorable service, and/or those not pre- medical eligibility for enlistment. viously revealed. For Reserve Compo- nent personnel of any Service, waivers § 571.4 Periods of enlistment. are required for all offenses shown that Enlistments are authorized for peri- require a waiver, whether or not a ods of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years. The enlist- waiver was authorized for entry into ee’s option determines the number of the Reserve Component. Waivers grant- years. ed to enter the Reserve Components are not valid for Regular Army enlist- § 571.5 Enlistment options. ment. Personnel who enlist in the Regular (d) Waiting period. The waiting period Army for 2 or more years are author- following release from civil restraint ized certain initial assignment choices. gives the individual an opportunity to They must meet the criteria given in demonstrate a satisfactory adjustment AR 601–210. Also, a valid Army require- and the Army a basis to judge the ap- ment must exist for the skill under plicant’s rehabilitation before enlist- which enlisted. ment. (e) Required investigations. If the ap- plicant does or does not admit a record PART 575—ADMISSION TO THE (to include arrests, charges, juvenile UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY court judgments, and convictions), and the enlisting agency has reason to be- Sec. lieve a record exists, enlistment action 575.1 Military Academy. will be held in abeyance pending an in- 575.2 Admission; general. vestigation. 575.3 Appointments; sources of nomina- (f) Civil restraint. (1) If all civil re- tions. 575.4 [Reserved] straint is ended and there is substan- 575.5 Entrance requirements. tial evidence of rehabilitation as a law- 575.6 Catalogue, United States Military abiding member of a civil community, Academy. the applicant may be processed for en- listment. AUTHORITY: Secs. 3012, 4331, 70A Stat. 157, (2) Recruiting personnel will not help 238; 10 U.S.C. 3012, 4331–4355. directly or indirectly in the release of SOURCE: 44 FR 11781, Mar. 2, 1979, unless an individual from a pending charge so otherwise noted. that he or she may enlist in the Army as an alternative to further prosecu- § 575.1 Military Academy. tion or further juvenile court pro- (a) Organization and administration. ceedings. Equally important, recruit- (1) The United States Military Acad- ing personnel will in no way con- emy is under the general direction and tribute, either tacitly or expressly, to supervision of the Department of the the false notion that the Army con- Army. The Secretary of the Army has dones such a practice. Persons subject designated the Chief of Staff of the to a pending charge are not eligible for Army as the officer in direct charge of enlistment. Therefore, they are not eli- all matters pertaining to West Point. 360 VerDate Aug<31>2005 04:40 Jul 30, 2006 Jkt 208124 PO 00000 Frm 00370 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\208124.XXX 208124 Department of the Army, DoD § 575.3 (2) The immediate government and the normal requirements for admission military command of the Academy and to a civilian college or university; each the military post at West Point are candidate must obtain an official nom- vested in the Superintendent. In the ination to the Academy. The young absence of the Superintendent, the person interested in going to West Deputy Superintendent, if present for Point should, therefore, apply for a duty, shall have such government and nomination from one of the persons au- command. The Dean of the Academic thorized to make nominations listed in Board has charge of the faculty and all § 575.4. In the application, each prospec- academic work, and acts as representa- tive candidate should request a nomi- tive of the academic departments and nation to the United States Military as adviser on academic matters to the Academy, and give residence, reasons Superintendent. The Commandant of for wanting to enter the Academy, and Cadets is in charge of the administra- status of education and training. tion and training of the Corps of Cadets (b) A candidate’s mental qualifica- and is also head of the Department of tions for admission are determined by Tactics. performance on one of the regularly ad- (b) Mission. The mission of the United ministered College Entrance Examina- States Military Academy is to educate, tion Board series of tests. The Military train, and motivate the Corps of Cadets Academy will consider scores made on so that each graduate shall have the the tests which are offered in Decem- character, leadership, and other at- ber, January, March, and May at more tributes essential to progressive and than 700 College Board Test Centers continuing development throughout a throughout the United States and career of exemplary service to the Na- abroad. In general, a center will be tion as an officer of the Regular Army. within 75 miles of the candidate’s (c) Courses of instruction. Courses in- home. Candidates register for the pre- clude academic education and military scribed tests in accordance with the training. In accomplishing its mission, regularly published instructions of the the Military Academy strives to de- College Board and pay the required fee velop in each cadet the following directly to the College Board. traits: (c) The candidate’s physical quali- (1) The knowledge, skill, intellectual fications are determined by a thorough curiosity, discipline, and motivation medical examination and physical apti- provided by a sound education in the tude test. To qualify, a candidate must arts and sciences requisite for contin- be in good health, have good vision and ued professional and intellectual hearing, have no deformities, and have growth. the physical strength, endurance, co- (2) A highly developed sense of per- ordination, and agility of active per- sonal honor and professional ethics. sons in their late teens. The medical (3) Professional and personal com- examination and physical aptitude mitment to the responsibilities of an tests are held at selected military in- officer for soldiers. stallations throughout the country (4) Selflessness. (and overseas) on the Thursday and (5) The willing acceptance of respon- Friday preceding the regularly sched- sibility for personal actions and the ac- uled March administration of the Col- tions of subordinates. lege Board tests. (6) The initiative and good judgment to take appropriate action in the ab- § 575.3 Appointments; sources of nomi- sence of instructions or supervision. nations. (7) Physical and moral courage. Admission to the Military Academy (8) The physical strength, endurance, is gained by appointment to one of the and conditioning habits required of a cadetships authorized by law. Gradua- soldier. tion of the senior class normally leaves about 915 vacancies each year. Can- § 575.2 Admission; general. didates are nominated to qualify for (a) In one major respect, the require- these vacancies the year prior to ad- ments for admission to the United mission. Those nominees appointed States Military Academy differ from enter the Academy the following July 361 VerDate Aug<31>2005 04:40 Jul 30, 2006 Jkt 208124 PO 00000 Frm 00371 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\208124.XXX 208124 § 575.3 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–06 Edition) and upon graduation are obligated to nominating authorities hold prelimi- serve in the Army for a period of not nary competitive nomination examina- less than 5 years. There are two major tions to select their nominees. Those categories of nomination (Congres- selected are required to be actual resi- sional/Gubernatorial and Service-Con- dents of the geographic location rep- nected) and two minor categories (Fili- resented by the nominating authority. pino and Foreign Cadets). Cadetships (b) Service-connected nominations. authorized at the Military Academy There is no restriction on the residence are allocated among various sources of of nominees who compete for an ap- nominations from the major categories pointment under these quotas. All ap- as follows: plications for a service-connected nom- ination must be submitted to the Su- Cadets at perintendent, United States Military Congressional/Gubernatorial the Acad- emy at any Academy, West Point, NY 10996, not one time later than 15 December for the class en- Vice President ................................................... 5 tering the following July. A descrip- 100 Senators (5 each) ....................................... 500 tion of the Service-Connected nomina- 435 Representatives (5 each) ........................... 2,175 Delegates in Congress from: tion categories follows: District of Columbia .................................... 5 (1) Presidential: Children of career Virgin Islands .............................................. 1 military personnel in the Armed Guam .......................................................... 1 Governor/Residential Commissioner of Puerto Forces who are on active duty, retired, Rico ................................................................ 6 or deceased, are nominated through Governors of: this category. The term ‘‘career’’ in- Canal Zone ................................................
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