KAREN LEE BAR- SINAI Co- Investigator at MTRL, Technion Israel Institute of Technology Profile: https://mtrl.net.technion.ac.il/karen- lee- bar- sinai/ Email: [email protected] ACADEMIC 2017-MID 2021 PhD Candidate, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Material Topology Research Laboratory (MTRL) leD by Prof. Aaron Sprecher 2012-2013 Loeb Fellow (LF’ 13), Harvard Graduate School of Design 2006-2007 Master of Science (MSc), Cities Space and Society, The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Dissertation Topic: Evaluation anD analysis of urban seconD homes and temporal tenancy in Jerusalem (Dissertation awarded Distinction) 1999-2004 Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch), Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (Cum Laude) 1998-1999 BA Honors anD Fine Arts, University of Haifa, Israel (1 acaDemic semester) PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION LicenseD architect in Israel since 2009 (registered Architect since 2004), license number 118896. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2017-Present Researcher, Material Topology Research Lab (MTRL), Technion Faculty of Architecture, Haifa. Focus: Robotically-controlleD Digital fabrication at the large-scale of the environment. 2006-2017 SAYA/Design for Change- founding partner. The practice pioneereD the ‘Resolution Planning’ approach- applying architecture, landscape and urban design thinking for envisioning and aiding conflict resolution, namely in the Israeli-Palestinian context. The boDy of work produced served Israeli and Palestinian leaDers in former negotiations, as well as the American State Department’s team. 2013-2014 Research Fellow, Harvard Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School-Researching the application of Design thinking to negotiations. InitiateD a seminar series anD stuDent research projects. 2005-2006 Schwarz-Besnosof Architects, Haifa- Housing projects anD various public builDing competitions. 2003-2004 Research and Teaching Assistant, the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Aiding Prof. Alona Nitzan-Shiftan (architectural theory anD criticism). 2003 Galia Weiser Architecture- Urban Design projects. 2 RESEARCH INTERESTS A – Urban anD LanDscape Design B - Computer Aided Manufacturing C - Architectural Robotics TEACHING EXPERIENCE Architecture and Urban Design Studios 2020 [Spring] Robotics, Architecture, Environment Seminar. Faculty of Architecture, Technion- IIT. 18 Undergraduate and graduate stuDents. 2020 [Winter] ‘Locally Sourced, Purpose Oriented’ Architecture Studio. Faculty of Architecture, Technion- IIT. 14 UnDergraDuate stuDents. 2019 [Spring] ‘Jerusalem Lab: Rites of Passages, Terms of Abode’, The Graduate Program on Urban Design, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. The lab operates as a design-research group, collectively analysing, Documenting, mapping anD aDDressing an urban phenomenon particular to Jerusalem as well as to Urban Design at large. The 2019 lab focuseD on the southern Jerusalem seam with Bethlehem where the separation wall anD checkpoint 300 are situated. 25 graduate students. 2018 [Spring] ‘Jerusalem Lab’, The Graduate Program on Urban Design, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. FocuseD on the hybriD conDitions of ‘publicness’ in the private domain and vice versa In collaboration with the ‘Urban Think Tank’, ETH, Zürich. Co-teaching with Arch. Ofer Manor, ~20 graDuate stuDents. 2017 [Spring] Jerusalem Studio, The Graduate Program on Urban Design, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. The studio focused on the industrial zone of Talpiot, looking at urban design strategies to address it’s changing nature. In collaboration with the graDuate program in Architecture at the University of Lichtenstein (approximately 15 graDuate stuDents). Co-teaching with Arch. Ofer Manor, ~20 graDuate stuDents. 2016 [Spring] Jerusalem Studio, The Graduate Program on Urban Design, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. The studio envisioned strategies for the Malha Basin in Southern Jerusalem, where large urban (a staDium, arena, large mall etc.) facilities are situateD alongsiDe major transport infrastructure. In collaboration with Prof. Alex Krieger anD the Urban Design program at Harvard Graduate School of Design (approximately 12 graduate stuDents), anD the graDuate program in Architecture at the University of Lichtenstein (15 graduate students). Co-teaching with Arch. Ofer Manor, 20 graDuate stuDents. 2015 [Fall] Second Year Architecture Studio, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. The studio focuseD on housing in Talpiot, Jerusalem. Co-teaching with Arch. Barak Pelman, 18 undergraduate students. 2015 [Spring] Jerusalem Studio: Playscapes , The Graduate Program on Urban Design, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. The studio was devoted to playscapes in the city. ConDucteD in collaboration with the Jerusalem municipality anD local Arab anD 3 Jewish communities. The studio resulted in several plans to be executed by the municipality (see press coverage). 20 graduate students. Workshops 2019 ‘Robotic Moonscaping’, Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Strategies in Architecture, France. Exploring grounDscaping strategies towarDs lunar construction. Co- teaching, approximately 20 undergraduate students. 2015 [Spring] ‘Light on the Seam’ Jerusalem workshop. The Graduate Program on Urban Design, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. The workshop exploreD light and urban design in-between conflicted Jerusalem Neighbourhoods. 2014 [Spring] Leading a Design Thinking Special Project- Harvard Program on Negotiation (PON) and the Harvard Business School (HBS) on applying design thinking to international conflicts. 2013 [Spring] ‘Designing a Yes’ seminar series- Harvard Program on Negotiation (PON), on applying design and architectural thinking to negotiations anD conflict resolution. 2012 [Fall and Spring] ‘Designing a Yes’- seminar series, Harvard Program on Negotiation (PON) with the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)- Initiating a seminar series on applying design and architectural thinking to negotiations and conflict resolution. (see recording of a session on Jerusalem). 2012 [January workshop] ‘Designing Peace’- Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)- a workshop for architecture, lanDscape architecture anD urban Design stuDents focuseD on envisioning Israeli-Palestinian peace through Design. 2010 ECOWeek Workshop, Sustainable planning and conflict management workshop, Tel Aviv University. An Israeli-Palestinian professional anD stuDent workshop on eco-parks as a platform for east-west cross borDer environmental cooperation. 2005 [Summer] Borders in Transition Workshop, Bergün, Switzerland, (EASA- European Architecture Student Association)- borders and cross borDer cooperation. SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2020 Young CAADRIA Award 2020 2019 ACADIA 2019 StuDent Scholarship AwarD 2019 Azrieli PhD Fellowships in Architecture- for acaDemic years 2019-2022 . 2019 Zeff, Fein and Daniel Excellence Award for PhD Candidates, Technion- IIT 2013 Loeb Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Design- AwarDeD to leaDing practitioners in design. 2012 Project of the Year- Third Prize by The Israeli Architecture Journal- AwarDeD to SAYA’s educational recycling park, Kfar-Saba. 2012 The Israeli National Design Award (‘Ot Haitzuv’)- AwarDeD to SAYA’s eDucational recycling park, Kfar-Saba. 2010 2nd prize, Atlantic City Holocaust Memorial International Competition- 1 of 712 entries. SAYA’s ‘FielDs of Memory’ selecteD as one the two finalists in a three-rounD competition. 4 2009 Emerging Israeli Architects award: 40 architects under 40 -AwarDeD by the Israeli association of architects. 2006 Chevening Award, UK government- Full support of UK-based graduate studies (LSE), and living expenses for emerging leaDers. 2006 America-Israel Cultural Foundation Award (AICF) -AwarD given to promising young architects and artists. 2005 Reiskin Prize- Technion faculty of Architecture - AwarDeD annually to outstanDing final projects in architecture. 2002-2003 Presidential Distinction Award, Technion- awarded during three semesters for outstanding academic achievements. 1998 BA Honors Program, University of Haifa– AccepteD to the excellence program in combination with Fine Arts. Full tuition grant and access to all the university’s courses (one semester attenDeD). EXHIBITIONS: Exhibitions abroad: 2014 [October-December 2014]-“ARCHITACTICS: The Role anD Responsibility of Architecture in Conflict Resolution”. The Heller School of Social Policy and Management, Program of Conflict and Coexistence, Brandeis University. 2014 [April 8-May11, 2013] -“ARCHITACTICS: The Role anD Responsibility of Architecture in Conflict Resolution”, The US Institute of Peace (USIP), Washington, DC, USA. Exhibitions in Israel: 2013 “ARCHITACTICS”: The Role anD Responsibility of Architecture in Conflict Resolution”. ZeZeZe Gallery, Tel Aviv. 2003 Solo photography exhibition "Within a white square", the Photography Gallery, The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Haifa. Curatorial Projects and Group Exhibitions: 2018 Subarctic Reportage. 13-23 May 2018. Technion Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Architecture Gallery, Technion. Co-curateD by Aaron Sprecher, Tom ShakeD, Karen Lee Bar-Sinai, Yael Engelhart. ARCHITECTURE & URBAN DESIGN 2019 Design of the main public gathering area, Kibbutz Be’eri, Israel- Redesigning 4200sqm of outdoor public space for a Kibubutz in Southern Israel. IncluDing built and landscape elements,
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