BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS A.-PURE CHEMISTRY JANUARY, 1935. General, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry. Isotope effeet in the Lyman series of hydrogen. column current for a W cathode. For an oxido S. S. B a l l a r d and H. E. W h i t e (Physical Rev., cathode the p.d. depends on the no. of striations, but 1933, [ii], 43, 941).—Using H20 containing a high the results are not reproducible. M. S. B. [H2], six members of the Lyman series of H have Transition probabilities in the sharp and been observed as close doublets. In agrecment with. diffuse series of the alkalis. L. S. O r n s t e in and the theory of broadening of lines due to the Doppler J. K e y (Physiea, 1934,1, 945—952).—The transition effeet, the H1 component is broader than the H2. probability for p —d and s—p lines in Na and K L. S. T. has been determined using the a.c. arc. It has also Spin of hydrogen isotope. G. N. L e w is and been cale. for Rb and Cs from previous data. M. F. A s h l e y (Physical Rey., 1933, [ii], 43, 837).— M. S. B. The emission spectrum of mol. H , containing approx. Starting potential of the glow discharge in 25% HJ, 50% H XH2, and 25% Hi shows th at the neon-argon mixtures between large parallel spin of H2 is neither 0, 1/2, nor 3/2; it is, in all plates. I. Results. F. M. P e n n in g and C. C. J. probability, 2/2. L. S. T. A d d i n k . II. Ionisation and excitation by elec- Band spectrum of the H*H2 molecule. M. F. trons and metastable atoms. F. M. P e n n in g A s h l e y (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 770).—An (Physiea, 1934, 1, 1007—1027, 1028—1044).—I. electronic isotopic shift of approx. 2-4 wave-nos. has Measurements previously madę with purc Ne have been observed. L. S. T. been extended to pure A and mixtures of A and Ne. He fluorescence and collisions of the second II. Calculations have been made of : the relation between Vc, the starting potential of the corona kind of excited He atoms. W . M a u r e r a n d R. discharge between infinite parallel plates, and -/)2, W o lf (Z. Physik, 1934, 92, 100—115). A. B. D. C the ionisation coeff. for A (A in mixture < 0-01%); Partial resolution of the B el line 4572-69 A. the ionisation coeff. rl2e due to direct ionisation of A and probable spin of the Be9 nucleus. A. E. atoms by eleetrons; the relation between t)2 and the ionisation by metastable Ne atoms; the influence P a r k e r (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43,1035—1036).— of the energyloss of the eleetrons in elastic collisions; There is a separation of 0-033±0-005 cm.-1 between the relation of Vc to the proportion of A and the the two components of the B ei line 4572-69 A. The weaker component, a 21P1—31Z>2 transition, contains gas d. M. S. B. 36±4% of the total intensity, which indicates a Efiect of mercury vapour on the high [spectral] nuclear spin of 1 /2 for Be9. L. S. T. terms of the alkali [metals]. B. P o n t e c o r v o Metastable 2i> level of the nitrogen atom. H. (Atti R. Accad. Lincei, 1934, [vi], 20, 105—109).— Hg vapour has a very weak effeet in displacing the St u c k l e n and E. P. C a r r (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 944—945). L. S. T. limits of the series of Na and K. O. J. W. Paschen-Back efiect and the polarisation of Intensity measurements in the first positive resonance radiation. Sodium (52P1/2,3/2-32S1/2). bands of nitrogen. A. E l l i o t t and W. H. B. N. P. H e y d e n b u r g (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 4 3 , C a m e ro n (Proc. Physical Soc., 1934, 46, 801—804). 1045).—Preliminary data are given. L. S. T. —Integrated intensities measured by photographic photometry, using as sources the high-frequency Zeeman efiect and the magnetic quenching of discharge, the d.c. discharge, and the afterglow of the fluorescence of S2 and Te2. 1.1. A garbiceantt active Ń, show that the probability of transition (Compt. rend., 1934,199, 1036—1038; cf. A., 1933, between two vibrational levels is independent of 1095; 1934, 1, 353).—The decrease in the fluores­ excitation conditions. N. M. B. cence of S2 and Te2 vapours under a magnetic field is explained by the Zeeman and Paschen-Back Wave-lengths and terms of the fluorine spec­ effeets. J. W. S. trum, F IV. B. E d l ś n (Z. Physik, 1934,91, 19—26). A. B. D. C. Additional bands in the band system of sul- Moving striations in neon. (Frl.) B. van phur. R . K . A s u n d i (Current Sci., 1934, 3 , 154; Manen (Physiea, 1934, 1, 967—978).—In the cf. A ., 1931, 996). L. S. T. positive column with moving striations for Ne at Spectra of potassium, K rv and K V, and of cal- o-2 mm. pressure, the difference between the max. cium , Ca v and Ca V I. I. S. Bcwen (Physical Rev., and min. potentials of a striationfallswithincreasing 1934, [ii], 4 6 , 791— 792).— Data and classifications 2 BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS.— A. for 19 new lines of K rv, 26 of K V, 36 of Ga v, and 31 ing mechanical and magnetic moments to the of Ca vx, including singlet and intercombination nucleus. The nuclear spin is 9/2. The approx. lines, below 650 A., are tabulated. The presence in nuclear y-factor is 0-83, giving a magnetic moment of ncbulao of lines due to the forbidden 3P— 1D trans- 3-7 nuclear magnetons. N. M. B. itions in S i, Cl ii, A in , K rv, and Ca v is discussed. Excitation of atomie lines in. the molecular N. M. B. absorption in Cd vapour. E. K a l in o w s k a (Acta Highly ionised potassium and calcium spectra. phys. polon., 1933, 2 , 111—117; Chem. Zentr., A. E. W h it f o b d (PhysicalRev., 1934, [ii], 46,793).— 1934, ii, 19).—From the dependence of the intensity Classifications of 75 lines of K vi, K v i i , K vnx, K ix, of the fluorescence on that of the exciting light it is Ca v i i , and Cavm, and term vals. are tabulated. sliown that excitation of Cd atom to the 23SX state N. M. B. at approx. 600° rcquires two absorption processes by Nuclear moment of scandium (Sc15). H. the Cd mol. At approx. 900° only one is needed. S c h u l e r and T. Schmidt (Naturwiss., 1934, 2 2 , H. J. E. 758—759).—The kyperfine structure of the S c Polarisation of the fluorescence of Cd vapour. spectrum between 4700 and 6500 A. was investi- L. S o s n o w s k i (Acta phys. polon., 1932, 1, 327— gatcd. The nuclear moment is 7/2. A. J. M. 332; Chom. Zentr., 1934, ii, 19).—Data are recorded. Nuclear moment of scandium. H. K o p f e r - H. J. E. m a n n and E. R a s m u s s e n (Z. Physik, 1934, 9 2 , Fluorescence of m ixtures of Cd and Zn S2—86).—The moment is 7/2. A. B. D. C. vapours. F. Spiewankiewicz (Acta phys. polon., 1932,1, 345—350; Chem. Zentr., 1934, ii, 19—20).— Hyperfine structure and nuclear moment of Light between 2300 and 2150 A. excites a band at cobalt. N. S. G r a c e (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 4850—6400 A. in the mixed vapours at 780°. 762).—Examination of the hyperfine structure of H. J. E. the spectrum of Coi indicates that the nuclear Extension of the platinum i-like isoelectric moment of Co is 5/2 and > 9/2. L. S. T. secjuence to tellurium IV , lead V , and bismuth VI. Absorption measurements in the band spectra G. K . S c h o e p f l e (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 374). o f zinc and cadmium vapours. S . M r o z o w s k i L. S. T. (Z. Physik, 1934, 91, 600—608). A. B. D. C. Fluorescence and absorption spectrum of I2 Intensity measurements in a fine structure vapour. I. I. A g a r b ic e a n u (Ann. Physiąue, 1934, [xi], 2 , 347—447).—Six anti-Stokes lines of the multiplet of As I I . S. T o l a n s k y and J. F. H e a r d (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1934, A, 146, 818—824).—The fluorescence spectrum of I 2, excited by the XX 5460, mean vals. of the intensity ratios in the fine struc­ 5770, and 5790 Hg lines, have been observed for the ture triplet of As II X5231 (5s3P1—5pzP0) are first time, the excitation being independent of the 0-98 :2:2-99, in agreement with the theoretical vals. width of the exciting line.
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