EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ««« « « « « 1999 « « 2004 ««« Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy PE/VII/PV/03-06/REV MINUTES of the meeting of Wednesday, 23 April 2003, 09.00 - 12.30 and 15.00-18.30 and Thursday, 24 April 2003, 09.00 - 12.30 and 15.00-18.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 09.09 on Wednesday, 23 April 2003, with Carlos Westendorp y Cabeza, chairman, in the chair. 1. Adoption of draft agenda PE 316.274/REV. The draft agenda was adopted with some changes: - Item 12 (H.P. Martin report ) would be voted on after Item 18. 2. Chairman's announcements None 3. Approval of the minutes of the meetings of: 10 March 2003 PE 316.306 19-20 March 2003 PE 316.308 25 March 2003 PE 316.307 The minutes were approved. In the presence of the Council and Commission Presentation of Council common positions (Rule 76 (2) of the Rules of Procedure) 4. Production and development of Community statistics on science and technology *** II T07451 - (COD010197 - COM(01)0489) (COD010197 - A5-0236/02) (COD010197 - C5-0130/03) PV\481010EN.doc PE 316.309 Or. fr EN EN Rapporteur: Giuseppe Nisticò Speakers: rapporteur, Eryl Margaret McNally, Bashir Khanbhai, Withworth (Commission) Decision: the common position was announced Deadline for tabling amendments: 12.00 on Tuesday, 6 May 2003 5. Cultural industries T07853 Draftsperson: Seán Ó Neachtain Exchange of views Speakers: draftsperson, chairman, Myrsini Zorba, Reino Paasilinna, Kosmopoulos (Commission) 6. Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries T08144 PE 321.971/REV. PE 321.971/AM. Rapporteur: Bastiaan Belder Consideration of amendments Speakers: rapporteur, Bashir Khanbhai, Pavret of the Rochefordiere (Commission), chairman, Christian Foldberg Rovsing The chairman would write a letter to President Cox in order to seek a solution with the Commission and the Council of Ministers on the management of macro-financial assistance at inter-institutional level. The chairman announced that the vote would be held at the meeting on 29-30 April 2003. 7. Energy: combined heat and power production, promotion of cogeneration *** I T07922 - (COD020185 - COM(02)0415 - C5-0366/02) PE 321.973 PE 321.973/AM1 PE 321.973/AM2 PE 321.973/CAM Rapporteur: Norbert Glante Consideration of amendments Speakers: rapporteur, Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, Paul Rübig, Christian Foldberg Rovsing, Werring (Commission) * * * PE 316.309 2/11 PV\481010EN.doc Or. fr EN Mr Peter Michael Mombaur, vice-chairman, took the chair at 11. 30. * * * 8. Energy: rules for the internal market in natural gas (amendment of Directive 98/30/EC) *** II T08184 - (COD010077A - SEC(01)0438) PE 322.005 (COD010077A - SEC(02)1038) PE 322.005/B (COD010077A - A5-0077/02) PE 322.005/AM. (COD010077A - C5-0035/03) Rapporteur: Bernhard Rapkay Consideration of amendments Speakers: rapporteur, chairman, Harlem Désir, Rolf Linkohr, Gilles Savary, Ayral (Commission) 9. Energy: completion of the internal market in electricity; conditions of access for cross-border exchanges *** II T07339 - (COD010078 - A5-0074/02) PE 322.001 (COD010078 - C5-0036/03) PE 322.001/AM. Rapporteur: Peter Michael Mombaur Consideration of amendments Speakers: rapporteur, chairman, Harlem Désir, Rolf Linkohr, Gilles Savary, Ayral (Commission) * * * The meeting adjourned at 12. 35 and resumed on Wednesday, 23 April 2003 at 15. 15, with Jaime Valdivielso of Cué, vice-chairman, in the chair. * * * 10. Untying: enhancing the effectiveness of aid T08135 - (INI022284 - COM(02)0639 - C5-0626/02) Draftsperson: Neena Gill Exchange of views Speakers: draftsperson, Christian Foldberg Rovsing, Michel Hansenne, Lenormand (Commission) 11. Company law: takeover bids PV\481010EN.doc 3/11 PE 316.309 Or. fr EN *** I T08031 - (COD020240 - COM(02)0534 - C5-0481/02) PE 321.997/DT PE321.997/AM. Draftsperson: Giles Bryan Chichester Consideration of amendments Speakers: draftsperson, Christian Foldberg Rovsing, Imelda Mary Read, Francesco Fiori, Nicholas Clegg, Hans Karlsson From 16.00: VOTES 12. Corporate social responsibility: a business contribution to sustainable development T08111 - (INI022261 - COM(02)0347 - C5-0574/02) PE 322.007 PE 322.007/AM. Draftsperson: Hans-Peter Martin Adoption of draft opinion Amendments adopted: 4, 7, 4, 9 (2nd part), 10, 11, 12 (1st part) Amendments rejected : 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 (1st part), 12 (2nd part), 13, 14, 15 Decision: the draft opinion, as amended, was adopted by 21 votes to 15, with 1 abstention. 13. Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme (2003-2006) *** II T07796 - (COD020082 - A5-0357/02) PE 322.003 (COD020082 - C5-0037/03) PE 322.003/AM. Rapporteur: Eryl Margaret McNally Adoption of draft report Amendments adopted: 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 18, 12, 19, 13, 14, 15 (oral amendment), 20, 21 (oral amendment), 1, 2 Amendments withdrawn: 5, 7, 9, 11, 16, 17 Decision: the draft report, as amended, was adopted by 43 votes to 0, with 4 abstentions. 14. Guidelines for Trans-European Energy Networks (amendment of Decision 1254/96/EC) *** II T07751 - (COD010311 - A5-0324/02) PE 322.004 (COD010311 - C5-0033/03) Rapporteur: Nicholas Clegg PE 316.309 4/11 PV\481010EN.doc Or. fr EN Adoption of draft report Amendments adopted: C3, 5, C4, 7, C5, 1, C1, C2 Amendments withdrawn: 4, 6, 2, 3 Decision: the draft report, as amended, was adopted by 46 votes to 4. 15. Energy: combined heat and power production, promotion of cogeneration *** I T07922 - (COD020185 - COM(02)0415 - C5-0366/02) PE 321.973 PE 321.973/AM1 PE 321.973/AM2 PE 321.973/CAM Rapporteur: Norbert Glante Adoption of draft report Amendments adopted: 21, 102, 104, 107, 109, 113, 115, 120 (1st and 2nd part), 121, 28, 126, 32, 33, 34, 131, 35, 38, 39, 143, 41, C2, C3, ENVI 20, 161, 166, 45 (2nd part), 46, 47, 48, 50, 177, 178, 182, 184, 188, 189, 42, 193, 194, 52, 195 (1st part), 53 (1st part), 197, 53 (2nd part), 200, 54, 205, 198 (1st part), 211, 240, 212, C4, 225, 226, C1, 230 (oral amendment), 237, ENVI 31, 239, 1, 68, 69, 3, 4, 72, 5, ENVI 3, ENVI 5, 6, 7, 8, 86, 14, 15, 17, 18, ENVI 10, 19, 20 Amendments rejected: 110, ENVI 15, 111, 112, 120, 123, 124, ENVI 16, 137, 138, 139, 154, 162, 45 (1st part), 169, 172, ENVI 25, 176, 179, 180, 183, 185, 186, 187, ENVI 27, 51, 199, 201, 203, 207, 210, 204, 57, 73, ENVI 2, 78, ENVI 8, 16, 90, 91, 92 Amendments withdrawn: 22, 23, 114, 24, 117, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 127, 36, 134, 135, 37, 136, 140 (1st part), 40, 140 (2nd part), 43, 145, 147, 159, 165, 49, 195 (3rd and 4th parts), 202, 198 (2nd part), 227, 55, 216, 217, 223, 224, 56, 232, 233, 234, 236, 238, 10, 11, 12 Amendments lapsed: 105, 106, 103, ENVI 13, ENVI 14, ENVI 15, 116, 118, 119, 122, 125, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 142, 144 (1st part), 146, ENVI 18, 44, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, ENVI 21, ENVI 22, 163 (1st and 2nd parts), ENVI 23, 171, 190, 191, 192, 214, 215, ENVI 28, 219, 221, 222, ENVI 29, PV\481010EN.doc 5/11 PE 316.309 Or. fr EN 228, 231, 235, 67, 2, 70, 71, ENVI 1, 75, 76, 74, 79, ENVI 4, 81, ENVI 7, 82, 83, 84, 9, 85, 13, 87, 93, 94, 95, 98, 101 Decision: the draft report, as amended, was adopted by 32 votes to 0, with 11 abstentions. 16. The sulphur content of marine fuels (amendment of Directive 1999/32/EC) *** I T08103 - (COD020259 - COM(02)0595 - C5-0558/02) PE 321.999 PE 321.999/AM. Draftsperson: Bernd Lange Adoption of draft opinion Amendments adopted: 9, 10, 11, 23, 12, 13, 25, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1, 2, 19, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Amendments rejected : 20, 21, 24 Decision: the draft opinion, as amended, was adopted by 30 votes to 3. 17. Requirements of double hull oil tankers *** I T08145 - (COD020310 - COM(02)0780 - C5-0629/02) PE 322.000 PE 322.000/AM. Draftsperson: John Purvis Adoption of draft opinion Amendments adopted: 1, 2, 3 Decision: the draft opinion was adopted by 30 votes to 2. 18. Shipbuilding: the situation in the world. 6th report T08257 - (INI032062 - COM(02)0622 - C5-0152/03) PE 322.014 PE 322.014/AM Rapporteur: Jaime Valdivielso of Cué Adoption of draft report Amendments adopted: 1, 2 Decision: the draft report was adopted by 26 votes to 2. * * * The meeting adjourned at 18. 10 and resumed on Thursday, 24 April 2003 at 09. 11, with Carlos Westendorp y Cabeza, chairman, in the chair. PE 316.309 6/11 PV\481010EN.doc Or. fr EN * * * 19. Chairman's announcement on the coordinators' meeting The minutes of the coordinators' meeting were approved. From 09.00: VOTES 20. Gas and electricity: rules on the place of supply (amendment of Directive 77/388/EEC) * T08121 - (CNS020286 - COM(02)0688 - C5-0617/02) PE 322.006 PE 322.006/AM Draftsperson: W.G. van Velzen Adoption of draft opinion Amendments adopted: 1 Decision: the draft opinion was adopted unanimously. 21. Energy: completion of the internal market in electricity and natural gas (amendment of Directive 96/92/EC) *** II T07338 - (COD010077 - SEC(01)0438) PE 322.002 (COD010077 - SEC(02)1038) PE 322.002/AM (COD010077 - A5-0077/02) (COD010077 - C5-0034/03) Rapporteur: Claude Turmes Adoption of draft report Amendments adopted: 11, 39, 13 (oral amendment), 14 (1st part), 42, 45, 46, 17, 48, 50, 19, 51 (1st part), 52, 53, 55, 58, 61, 24, 65 (1st part), 66, 67, 26, 70, 29, 30 (1st part), 74, 3, 35, 36, 6 Amendments rejected: 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 (2nd part), 43, 15, 16, 44, 18, 47, 51 (2nd part), 21, 22, 59, 60, 63, 65 (2nd part), 68, 27, 28, 30 (2nd part), 71, 72, 31, 32, 75, 1, 33, 34, 2, 4, 5, 7 Amendments withdrawn: 20, 23, 25 Amendments lapsed: 37 Inadmissible amendments: 40, 41, 56, 57, 64, 73 Decision: the draft report, as amended, was adopted by 44 votes to 6, with 2 abstentions.
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