o NILES HERALD-SPECTATORI :::.t e S1.50 Thursday, March 31, 2016 nilesheraldspectator.com GO A caution tale Mother tells story of daughter's battle with heroin addiction.Page 4 ROBERT J. MISKINS The leper priest Broadcaster-singer Wayner Messmer steps back into role ofFather Damien. Page 19 SPORTS Highlight reel Read about the Pioneer Press All-Area boys and girls basketball players and watch videos about the first-team players at chicagotribune .com/suburbs. NATALIE HAYES/PIONEER PRESS CHRIS SWEDAI PJ Newberg speaks about heroin use and opiold abuse at Nues North High School on March 22 at a Parent Advisory Council. CHICAGO TRIBUNE LIVING Another kind of March madness Pioneer Press relationship columnist Jackie Pilossoph offers a not-so-sweet 16 real-life things that drive people mad about their significant other. Inside CHUCK BURTON/AP 2 SHOUT OUT NILES HERALD-SPECTATOR nilesheraldspectator.com Jim Robinson, Jim Rotche, General Manager Phil Junk, Suburban Editor president of John Puterbaugh, Pioneer Press Editor: 312-222-2337; jputerbaughtribpub.com Georgia Garvey, Managing Editor Astellas Americas Jim Robinson lived in Skokie for more than 20 Matt Bute, Vice President of Advertising years. Now living in Glenview, he will assume the 'o [email protected] position ofpresident ofAstellas Americas on April 1. Local News Editor: MAILING ADDRESS Based in Tokyo, Astellas Pharma Inc. is a global Richard Ray, 312-222-3339 435 N. Michigan Ave, pharmaceutical research company focused on urology, [email protected] Chicago,IL60611 oncology, infectious disease, immunology and cardiol- Local Sports Edftor PUBLICATION INFORMATION: Ryan Nilsson, 312-222-2396 ogy and advancing new therapeutic areas and Nues Herald-Spectator is published discovery research. 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Advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold at the Skokie Park District Publisher harmless from and against any liability, loss or expense lincluding reasonable attorneys feesl arising from -roy claims resulting from publication by Publisher of the Advertiser's ads. Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you - Pioneer Press staff e NETworksprecnts T - BEAUTYBEAST THE SMH HIT BR()ADWAY WSICAL One Vlleek Only May 24-29. 3&ee Groups 10-n call 3129771710 Tkkets available at all 800. 775. 2000 ' BROADWAYIN CHICACOCOMs Broadway In Ctnkagoand Ticketmaster retail frvcations Experience Metromix.com, now on all your devices. met romîx.com - 3 t-*0 «T ii! PRE-OPEN ING CItAR I ER MEM BERSI lips NOW AVAILABLE Join Online & Save! ffc.com/parkrîdge 826 Touhy @ Cumberland East Lakeview - Gold Coast - Halsted & Belmont- Lincoln Park - Oak Park Old Town South Loop - Union Station West Loop - PARK RIDGE 4 NEWS NATALIE HAVES/PIONEER PRESS PJ Newberg speaks about heroin use and opioid abuse at Nues North High School on March 22 at a Parent Advisory Council. After her daughterbecame addicted to heroin, Newberg started a campaign to educate schools and anyone who will listen about the spread of the drug into the suburbs. 'I felt shame and fear and helplessness' where she said her daughter your self-esteem and youhas not started pinpointing Mother shares cautionary tale of daughter'swas hospitalized to havebecome a shell of yourself' the severity of opioid and part of her ann surgically She said she doesn't know heroin abuse beyond gen- heroin addiction with Nues North parents removed due to complica-why her daughter started eral drug awareness efforts tions with using syringes tousing the drug. She hadthroughout the school dis- BY NATALIE HAYES Glenview resident PJMarch 22 for the monthlyinject heroin. never taken prescription trict. Pioneer Press Newberg - who said hermeeting of the Parent Advi- "It's been a nightmare- pillslike so many other "We continue to educate 21-year-old daughter hassory Council, Newbergshe was hospirnli7ed be-addicts, and Newberg said our kids through the student Heroin use and overdosesbeen battling a heroin addic- shared her story Her daugh- cause she has no veins left,"she had educated her fromservices department, but have skyrocketed hi the U.S.,tion that started when she ter started using heroin with she said. an early age to avoid drugstargeted heroin use isn't on and to the shock of manywas a 16-year-old sopho- herboyfriend, a former foot- Newberg said she doesn't and alcohol. our radar screen," he said. parents in communities likemore at Glenbrook South - ballplayerat Glenbrookknow where her daughter is "The only thing she sud- "At the end of the day, this is the North Shore area, thehas taken on a mission to South who was three years now. denly cared about was get- something we want to con- drug,aswellasothereducate North Shore par- older, she said. Days after returning to ting high," Newberg said. "I tinuetalking about and opioids, have infiltrated theents about the drug. Newberg's daughter hasIllinois, her daughter left the felt shame and fear andmake it known inour least likely of places - the According to a 2014 Chi.- been in and out of rehabhospital and was missinghelplessness and Ididn't schools - there has to be a suburbs. cagx Thbune report, Newb- more than 15 times, she said, she said. know what to do." semblance of awareness." At Nues North Higherghas held presentations at and despite multiple Stints Newberg's daughter con- Newberg ishoping to Like other concerned School,principal Ryanthe Glenview libraiy, North- injail, she's still using heroin. tinued using she said, evenexpose what she says is theparents at the Parent Advi- McTague saidpainidllerbrook library Deerfield Vil- A Roosevelt Universityafter her boyfriend diedNorth Shore area's growingsory Council meeting Sko- abuse among studentsis lage Hall and with Wilmette study released in 2015 found from an overdose and threeproblem with heroin usekie resident Gail Paskead now more rampant than anyand Skokie police depart- that in Illinois, 25 percent ofof her close friends diedwith a website she startedsaid she was surprised to other dnig, and kids havements. state-funded treatment ad- after using heroin, all within called "North Shore Secretlearn that the stigma sur- been caught trading or buy- "The big thing is, it's amissions were for heroin,a short period of time. Heroin Problem," where she rounding heroin had ing pills between classes. proactiveapproach,"said while nationally that figure Fightingback tears as she lists statistics and resourceschanged for this generation "As a principal thisis Skokie policeSgt.David was only 16 percent Intold her story Newberg saidfor parents seeking help. of teenagers. something I'm very con-Pawlak at the time. "It's not Chicago and the collar coun- she did everything in her The Niles North parent "I asked my kids and they cerned about, because (opi-reactive once you find outties, 35 percent of thosepower to keep her daughtercouncil saidthe schools said no, they hadn't heard of ates) are accessible in a wayyou have a problem." entering treatment reportedoffthe drug to no avail. should be doing more topeople using it,"Paskead we've never seen beftre," he He told the Tribune thatheroin use as their reason "The drug is so physicallystop kids from taking said."ButIdon't think said.
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