OOURT DIRECTORY.] N. & E. RIDINGS YORKSHIRE. BRO 517 Bolckew Henry William Ferdinand J.P. Bower Edward Chivers B.A., D.L., ;J.P. Brambles George, 3 ·Blenheim terrace~ Maroon hall, Marton R.S.O Broxholme crescent, Scarborough Bridlington. Quay llolland Rev. Arthur Middleton B.A.. 8 Bower Mrs. Farmanby, Pickering Brambles Miss, Promenade cottage, Abbey terrace, Whitby Bower Thomas, Wea.therhill, Wassa.nd, Bridlington Quay Holland Miss, 119Castlerd.Scarborough Seaton, Hull Bra.meld Henry Edward, Balmoral ter- Bolland Wm. B. High st. Loftus R.S. 0 Bower Wm. 8 Royal cres. Scarborough race, Saltburn-by·the-Sea llolton Lord D.L.,I.P. Bolton hall, Wens- Bowes Rev. Thomas, Hawes R.S.O Bramley Charles, Bubwith, Selby ley, Leybura R.S.O Bowes Frederick, g· Cambridge terrace, Brampton George Arthur, 3 Grange ter. Bolton B. C. 5 Suffolk ter. Hornsea,:aull Borough road east, Middlesbrough Linthorpe rd. Lintborpe, Middlesbro' Bolton E. 5 Flamboro'ter.Hornsea, Hull Bowes James,mUnion st.Middlesbrough Bramwell Jn. Milne M.. B. Easington,Hull Bolton John, Waterford lodge, Bruns- Howes John, Nawton R.S.O. York Brancker Rev. Peter Whitfield M.A. wick terrae.e, Scar borough Bowes John, Prospect ho.Leyburn R.S. 0 Scruton, Bedale BoltonJ.U.r2TheCrescent,Scarborough Bowes The Misses, Market place, Kirby Brand Alexander Tbeodore M.D., c.H. Bolton Joseph Turner, 134 North Marine Moorside S.O· In very, Beverley rd. Great Driffield: road, Scarborougb Bowes Mrs. Frenchgate, Richmond! Brand Jeremiah, Newbeggin, Richmond llol.tonMrs.Belgrave ter.Sowerby,Thirsk Bowes Mrs. Market place, Richmond Brand Thomas, 9 York terrace, Whitby llr~lt.on Mrs. 8 Grosvenor cres. Scarboro' BowesRichd.Monk end,Croft,Darlington Brandham Mrs. ~ Swiss terrace, .New­ Bone F. 27 Corporation rd. Middlesbro' Bowland HenryJohn,Commercial street, ·begin, Hornseaf Hull Eone M. 73 Westward st.Middlesbrougb Norton, Malton Brandram Miss,u Trinity rd.Scarboro' llonsa.ll lsaac, High street, Marske-by- Bowles George, Clifton villa, King's rd. Braunton M. 33Pollard st. Middlesbrough the-Sea R.S.O North Ormesby, Middlesbrough Bray Rev.R.E.Westbournevils.Beverley Booker W. H. 9 Grosvenorrd. Scarboro' Bowman Thomas, The Terrace, Naffer- Brazenall Edwin Thomas, 140 Borough Boolds J. H. Woodlands rd. Middlesbro' ton road, ureat Dritfield road east, Middlesbrough Booth G.R The Grange,Gt. .AytonR.S.O BowmanWm.97Prospect rd.Scarborough Brearey C. B.2BelleVue par.Scarborough Booth J"ohn, Na:fferton, Hull BownJn.L. Wilberforce lodge,Pocklingtn Brearley Thomas Percival, Portington Bootb. J. M. 3 South ter. Hornsea, Hull Bowron Mrs. West lodge, Cotherstone, grange, Portington, Howden Booth Joseptl Henry, The Evergreens, Darlington Breckenfield Mrs. Lunedale, Darlington Cambridge rd. Linthorpe,Middlesbro' Bows Mrs. 12 Crescent avenue, Whitby Breckon Mrs.4Albert ter.Middlesbrough Eooth Leaper, Westwood road, Beverley Bowyer Mrs. Potter hill, Pickering Brerlon A.M._ss.Aberdeen walk,Scarboro' Booth Miss, High bridge, Howden BoyceJames,s6Traf:\lgar sq.Scarborough Brentnall F. S. 31 Albert ter.Middlesbro' Booth Mrs. Na:fferton, Hull Boyd.Alex.Fielding, Walkergate,Be>erley Brett Rev. G. J. Ea.singwold Booth Mrs. Warlaby, Northallerton BoydArthur,26Newstead rd.Middlesbro' Brett Maj. Arthur,Heslington lane, Gate Booth Wm. Charge .l.l:'. Oran, Catterick Boyden Jn. .A.Chas. Percyrd.Pocklingtn Fulford, York Booty Rev. Chas. Smetham M.A, Vicar- Boyes Bryan, Union road, Beverley BrettF.C.TheElms,St.John'sst.Brdlngtn age, Rudstone, Bridlington Quay Boyes Frederick, Market pl. Beverley Brewin Jn.Geo.63 Norwood st.Scarboro' Booty F. W. & Pavilion sq. Scar borough Boyes Miss, Mill street. N orton, Malton Brewster Frederick, The N ewlands, Border Samuel, Dunnington, York BoyesW.Chester vil.Oak rd.Scarborough Grove hill, Middlesbrough Borrie A. 99 Linthorpe rd. Middlesbro' Boyes William, Westow, York Brewster Mrs. r6 Abbey terrace,Whitby Bosanquet Miss, Belmont lodge, South· Boykett Mrs. High street, Marske-by- Hrewster Mrs. Thorn ton dale, Pickering cliff, Scar borough the-Sea. R.S. 0 Brewster Mrs.J. IC)St.Hilda's ter. Whitby Jlosher Wm. Queen st. Coatham, Redcar Boyne Viscount, Baysdale abbey, Gros- Bridges George H~. 4 Esplanade, Whit by Bosom worth Mrs. Sowerby, Tbirsk mont R. S.O.; & r6 Grosvenor gardens BridgesThos.Bartlett,gAbbey ter. Whtby Bosomworth Rich•t.rd,Ampleforth, York &; Carlton club, London s w Bridgewater Jas.7 Garnet st.Middlesbro' BosomworthA.37Emerald st.Middlesbro Boynton Sir Henry Somerville hart. Briggs Rev. Artbur Cbarleosworth B.A. llostock Gear~ H. Laurel villa, Hilder- M.A., ;~.P. Burton Agnes hall, Hull Clyde ho.Frenchgate head, Richmond thorpe, Hridlington Qua-y Boynton Rev. G. M. A. Harms ton, Hull Rriggs George, Cliff, Selby Bosville Hon. Mrs. Mount St. John,, Boynton Mrs. 5 Downe st. Gt. Driffield BriggsLevi,38 Gladstone st.Scarborough Feliskirk, Thirsk BoyntonRicha.rd,Aysgarth StationR.S.O BriggsMiss,srFalsgrave rd.Scarborough Jrosvill.e Alex. W.Macdonald l. P. Thorpe. Boynton T .Norman ho. BridlingtonQuay Briggs Miss, Little Driffi~ld, Gt. Driffield hall, Rudstone, Bridlington Quay Braby Mrs. 22 Church grn. Bridlington Briggs Mrs.71Grange rd.we.MiddJ.esbro' Botterill Hy. Cranwell ho. Gt. Driffield IBracey Rev. Robert Frederick, The Briggs Mrs. Hailgate, Howden BotteriiiJ. 32Georgest. Tbornaby-on-Tees 1 Manse, N afferton rd. Great Driffield Briggs Mrs. Mayes vil.Ga.teFulfm·d, York Botterill Joseph Wm. Fla.tgate, Howden Bracken Mrs. Hill crest, Whitby Briggs Riley, The Hall, Osgodby, Selby .llotterill Mrs. Ga.rton house, Cromwell BradburyG.82Marton rd.Middlesbrough BriggsRobert,I6Jedburgh st.Middlesbro' parade, Scar borough Brad bury R.1 W estbourne gro.Scarboro' Briggs Thomas, Sowerby, Thirsk Botterill Mrs. 27 Londesborongh road, Bradford George Henry, I Springfield, BrighamF.J.8Manor st.Bridlingtn.Quay Scarborough Quay road, Hridlington Quay Brigha.m John Glashgar, Wellington rd. llotterill Mrs. Vine st, Norton, Malton Bradford Robert Dickie, The_ Mount, Bridlington Quay Bottomley John Mitchell, 4 St. Hildas, Rillington, York Brigham Mrs. Kempsford lodge,Hutton Grove hill, Middlesbrough Bradley Rev. Richard L.Th. Vicarage, Rudby, Yarm 'Bottomley Miss,JWestfield ter.Scarboro' Haxby, York Brigham Mrs. 5 Stanley vils.Gt.Driffield Bottomley Mrs. 7 Bentinck terrace, Bradley Rev. Robt. H. Amplefsrth, York Brigham Mrs. Westwood rd. Beverley Coatham, Redcar Bradley G. 27 Albemarle cres. Scarboro' Bril!"ham Wm. 12 Alma vils.Gt. Driffield &nltbee Rev. Henry Travis, Marske-by- Bradley John, 9 York pl. Scarborough BrigbtF.Raincliffe vi!. Valley rd.Scarbro' the-Sea R..S. 0 Bradley John J. Market pi. Richmond Bright H. 19 W estbourne pk.Scarborough Boulby Rev. Adam B. A. Aislaby, Whitby Bradley John M. l''renchgate, Richmond BristowJ.Scarborough rd.Norton,MalLon lloulter Rev. John, St. John's avenue, Bradley MichaeJ Henry, Gt.Ayton R.S.O Brittain Chas.E.s Trafalgar sq.Sco.rboro' Bridlington Bradley Mrs. 3 St. John st. Beverley Brittain Wm. B. WeBt rd. Loftus R.S.O Bonlter Rev_ R. S. Middleham R.S.O Bradley Mrs. St. Vincent house, Coat- Britton William, Ill Seaton terrace, Bonlron Mrs. New st. Pocklington, York ham, Redcar Linthorpe road, Middlesbrough Boulton Robert, 25 Castlegate, Malton BradleyMrs.7Station rd.Coathm.Redcar Broadbentfhos.J6Russell st.Middlesbro' Boulton W. W. Wednesdy.mkt.Beverley Bradley Reuben,Hawthorn house, Wold Broaderick Mrs. 8 Rothbury st. Scarboro' Uonrdass Misa,Mkt.pl.Hunmanby R.S.O road, Norton, Malt<m Broa.dbentWillia.m,Io8 North Marine rd. lioarn W. D. 3~ Hig-hfield, Scarborough Bradley Thomas, Bear park, Carperby, Scarborough :Bonrne Alfd. Osmotherley, Northallertn Aysgarth Station R.S.O Broadbury Miss, 20 John st. Whitby Bonrne Miss, The Green, Cotherstone, BradleyT.'f.9Station rd.Coathm.Redcar Broadley W.H.H. .l.P. Hengate,Beverley Darlington Bradley William Timothy, Hall garth, Brock Rev.F.D.H.A.KirkLeavingtn, Yrm HonrneMrs.Belgraveter.Sowerby,Thirsk Carperby, Aysgarth Station R.S.O Brockall Mrs. Aysgarth Station R.~.O BollSfieldJ n. Bowes vil. Bowes, Dar lington Bradshaw E. B. 26Lockwood st. Gt. Driffid Brock bank Mrs. Low Sta.rtforth,Barnard Borille Mrs.H.Osmotherley,Northallertn Bradshaw Georg-e, Bulmer, York Castle Boville Mrs.J. Osmotherley,Nortballertn BradyMisses,2Cromwell ter.Scarborough Brockell Mrs. Carlton, Middleham R.S.O :Boville William, Walk Mill house, Braim John, sen. Hungate, Pickering Brockett Fra.ncis, 7 Esk terrace, Whitby Osmotherley, Northallerton Braim John, jun. Hungate, Pickering Brocklebank Mrs. 24 Alma sq. Scarboro' Bow John, 5 Borough rd. we.1Middlesbro' Braim Joseph,Brook cot.Aislaby, Whitby Brockwell Arthur Butler, I Granville Bowe Mrs. Bainbridge, Askrigg R.S.O Braim Miss, Hleights R.S.O road, South cliff, Scarborough Bowen Ch.as.98 Union st. Middlesbrough BrainbridgeW.South ter.Sowrby. Thirsk Broderick Geo. Old l''aw, Hawes R.S.O Bowen Wm.usAlbertrd.Middlesbrough Braithwaite John W. 8 Benson street, Brodrick Rev.Jn.B. H.A.Sneaton,Whitby Bower Major Henry John, New walk, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough Brodrick Harry E. M.D. Knayt.on, Thirsk Beverley Braithwaite Mrs. 3 Lincoln terrace, St. Brogden Robert, Brock dene, Granville RowerAntbony, Thomton dale,Pickering John's street, Bridlin~on square, Scar bOrough. Bower Edward, II Crown terrace, South Braithwaite Mrs. 103 Linthorpe road, Brogden T.92 NorthMarine rd.Scarboro' cliff, Scarborough Middlesbrough Bromby Miss, North Ferriby, Brough • .
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