June 12, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 12491 giving Red Wings fans everywhere the with 27 points, including a remarkable won the Conn Smythe Trophy for the most sweet taste of victory. I immediately six goal effort in the finals, the last of valuable player in the playoffs; called my daughter Erica to share in which proved to be the series clincher. Whereas Nicklas Lidstrom, Kris Draper, her joy as a Red Wing fanatic. Knowing In addition, Captain Nicklas Lidstrom, Kirk Maltby, Tomas Holmstrom, and Darren with his calm demeanor and McCarty have all been members of the team that for her, those last few seemed like for the last 4 Stanley Cups won by the Red an eternity. unshakable nerve, became the first Eu- Wings, and Chris Osgood, Chris Chelios, and This euphoria spilled out into the ropean born player to captain an NHL Brian Rafalski have each earned their third streets of Detroit last Friday, where team to a Stanley Cup championship. Stanley Cup Championship; over a million fans joined the Red The Red Wings continue to set the Whereas Marian and Mike Ilitch, the own- Wings organization in celebration. standard for championship-caliber ers of the Red Wings and community leaders Unfazed by the 92-degree heat, the Red hockey and teamwork. From long-time in Michigan, have once again returned Lord Wings faithful flaunted their red and members of the Red Wings organiza- Stanley’s Cup to the city of Detroit; tion, to veteran additions to the roster, Whereas Red Wings head coach Mike Bab- white, swelling with pride over victori- cock, following in the footsteps of the great ously navigating the difficult path to to new, young talent that helped to en- ergize the team, the 2008 team united Scotty Bowman, has won his first Stanley the cup. Cup Championship; Throughout the season, each member and won in classic Red Wings fashion. Whereas the Red Wings, who have played of the Red Wings organization worked In doing so, the Red Wings have once in Detroit since 1926, continue to be prized tirelessly toward their ultimate goal to again taken hockey fans across the and cherished by all Michiganders and Red bring the Cup home to Hockeytown. country on a tremendous journey. Wing fans across the country; The members of the 2008 Red Wings in- Let the record reflect a symbolic ges- Whereas, since 1952, Red Wings fans have clude Andrea Lilja, Kyle Quincey, ture as if to throw an octopus onto the continued the tradition of the ‘‘Legend of floor of the Senate. Go Wings! I know the Octopus,’’ throwing octopi onto the ice, Niklas Lidstrom, Justin Abdelkader, my colleagues join me in congratu- each of the 8 tentacles symbolizing the origi- Dan Cleary, Pavel Datsyuk, Derek lating the players, owners, and fans of nal 8 games needed to win the Stanley Cup; Meech, Dallas Drake, Kirk Maltby, the Detroit Red Wings on capturing the Whereas Detroit, otherwise known as Aaron Downey, Brett Lebda, Brad Stu- Stanley Cup once again. ‘‘Hockeytown, U.S.A.,’’ is home to the most art, Chris Chelios, Darren McCarty, Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask loyal fan base in the world; Jiri Hudler, Brian Rafalski, Kris Drap- Whereas the passion and support of all Red unanimous consent that the resolution Wings fans have assisted the team through er, Mikael Samuelsson, Henrik be agreed to, the preamble be agreed Zetterberg, Mattias Ritola, Darren this long and difficult season, enabling the to, the motions to reconsider be laid players to achieve the greatest prize in all of Helm, Mark Hartigan, Jakub Kindl, upon the table, with no intervening ac- hockey, the Stanley Cup; Valtteri Flippula, Jonathan Ericsson, tion or debate, and any statements re- Whereas each Red Wings player made a Niklas Kronwall, Thomas Kopecky, lating thereto be printed in the valuable contribution to the team’s success Johan Franzen, Thomas Holmstrom, RECORD. and will be remembered on the most illus- Chris Osgood, Jimmy Howard, Dominik The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without trious sports trophy, the Stanley Cup; and Hasek, Head Coach Mike Babcock, and objection, it is so ordered. Whereas those Red Wings players are Chris Assistant Coaches Paul McLean and The resolution (S. Res. 593) was Chelios, Dan Cleary, Pavel Datsyuk, Aaron Todd McLellan. agreed to. Downey, Dallas Drake, Kris Draper, Jona- The Red Wings are one of the original The preamble was agreed to. than Ericsson, Valtteri Filppula, Johan The resolution, with its preamble, Franzen, Mark Hartigan, Dominik Hasek, six teams of the National Hockey Tomas Holmstrom, Jimmy Howard, Jiri League, and since their inception in reads as follows: Hudler, Tomas Kopecky, Niklas Kronwall, 1926, have been a constant source of S. RES. 593 Brett Lebda, Nicklas Lidstrom, Andreas pride and inspiration for hockey fans Whereas, on June 4, 2008, the Detroit Red Lilja, Justin Abdelkader, Kirk Maltby, throughout Michigan. The Red Wings Wings defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins, 3 to Darren McCarty, Derek Meech, Chris Osgood, have won the third most Stanley Cup 2 in game 6 of the National Hockey League Kyle Quincey, Brian Rafalski, Mikael Championships in the NHL, earning the Stanley Cup Finals; Samuelsson, Mattias Ritola, Darren Helm, distinction as one of the NHL’s most Whereas that triumph marks the 11th Jakub Kindl, Brad Stuart, and Henrik Stanley Cup Championship in the history of Zetterberg: Now, therefore, be it successful franchises, and the most the Red Wings, bringing the total number of Resolved, That the Senate congratulates dominating over the past decade and a Stanley Cup Championships won by the Red the Detroit Red Wings on winning the 2008 half. The Red Wings excellence, along Wings to more than the number won by any National Hockey League Stanley Cup Cham- with the undying love and support of other professional hockey team in the pionship. the fans in Michigan and the enormous United States; popularity of hockey in Michigan, Whereas that triumph also marks the f make it clear why Detroit is widely fourth Stanley Cup Championship for the known as Hockeytown, U.S.A. Red Wings in 11 seasons, building on the CELEBRATING 50TH ANNIVERSARY team’s reputation as one of the greatest dy- Veterans such as Nicklas Lidstrom, nasties in the history of the National Hock- OF MACKINAC ISLAND’S HIS- Chris Chelios, Darren McCarty, Kris ey League; TORIC PRESERVATION AND MU- Draper and Kirk Maltby have remained Whereas the championship win caps a his- SEUM PROGRAM integral figures on the ice and positive toric season in which the Red Wings set a Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask role models in the community for National Hockey League record for the most unanimous consent that the Judiciary many years. Dearborn native Brian victories during the first half of the regular season (30–8–3), captured a seventh consecu- Committee be discharged from further Rafalski, and Northern Michigan Alum consideration of H. Con. Res. 325 and Dallas Drake further deepen the team’s tive division title, earned a berth in the Stanley Cup playoffs for the 17th consecutive the Senate proceed to its immediate Michigan roots. Drake returned this season, and won a sixth Presidents’ Cup Tro- consideration. year to the team that drafted him and phy for the best regular season record in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without can now add a Stanley Cup champion- National Hockey League; objection, it is so ordered, and the ship to the one he earned as a member Whereas, led by Captain Nicklas Lidstrom, clerk will report the concurrent resolu- of the 1991 Northern Michigan Univer- the Red Wings, employing a combination of tion by title. sity NCAA hockey championship team. both youth and experience, became National Hockey League champions through pure grit The assistant legislative clerk read While this is first and foremost a as follows: team accomplishment, I would be re- and determination; miss not to highlight a couple of indi- Whereas Nicklas Lidstrom, born in A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 325) Va¨ stera˚ s, Sweden, became the first Euro- celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the viduals who contributed mightily to pean-born National Hockey League player to Mackinac Island State Park Commission’s the team’s overall success. Henrick captain a Stanley Cup Championship team; Historical Preservation and Museum Pro- Zetterberg, the Conn Smythe trophy Whereas Henrik Zetterberg, through his gram, which began on June 15, 1958, and for winner, set a Red Wings playoff record hard work and skill on both ends of the ice, other purposes. VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:14 Jan 21, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S12JN8.003 S12JN8 WReier-Aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD 12492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 June 12, 2008 There being no objection, the Senate creating Michigan’s first State park. In ceedings and the bill be placed on the proceeded to consider the concurrent 1958, the Mackinac Island State Park calendar. resolution. Commission established the Historical The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I am Preservation and Museum Program. objection, it is so ordered. pleased that the Senate is acting on This program has served as the pri- the House Concurrent Resolution, H. mary caretaker and purveyor of the Is- f Con. Res. 325, which was introduced by land’s considerable tale. I am pleased ORDERS FOR MONDAY, JUNE 16, Congressman STUPAK and recognizes to extend my warmest congratulations 2008 the celebration of the 50th anniversary to those individuals involved with this of the Mackinac Island State Park program who have painstakingly re- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Commission’s Historical Preservation stored and preserved Mackinac Island unanimous consent that when the Sen- and Museum Program.
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