
The original documents are located in Box 25, folder “Ford Appearances on Behalf of Republican Members of Congress, 1972-1975 (1)” of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 25 of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Neta: Would you add the following to the GOP Congressional cards: Nov. 29, 1975 / Alaska Don Young B&jgJml Air Force I guest and p:tesent at Alaska events in Faarbanks & Anchorage Ted Stevens II /Hawaii Hiram Fong Air Force I gaest and present at Hawaii events in Honolulu, Dec. 7, '75 Thanks, Susie 12/13/7 5 (Added to our cards; made new cards for the President's files.) Neta (Also added to our xerox copy of cards.) • THE WHITE HOUSE WA S HINGTON 12/1/75 Neta: Attached are the names of those members of Congress who attended WH State dinners. Those who should be added to your cards have their states marked next to their names. Susan • ' " UNITED STATES SENATE August 16, 1974 -- King Hussein 't"A:-t----~S~e~n~a~t;o~r~a;i,.i~or ge Ai ke.n -----~£~e"i"lnoeta1't"tEH_:: and },bs. J. V>f. Ftll~t Senator and Mrs. Milton Young Senator and Mrs. Hugh Scott Senator and :Mrs. Jar:n.e-s--Ea'5~n Se :fl:B: to F aml *ir s • J ohn M c&i-e-ll:an Senator and Mrs Mike :Ma.nsf~ eld- +e.,..____ ... -,enator and Mr-s. Robe rt Byrd ---.;,ena.to and M-P-s . R""Ob~t Gl'iffin- September 12, 1974 -- Rabin of Israel (A) John-S.t.enn.i..s -(-R:-4----!q.,,,,-nai:or and a:co -a it T (A) John Tower ( -enai:ur '11 i erecif -fR.) Sefi'&toP a::fla }~rs . :Sdw~-e September 25, 1974 - - President Leone of Italy N,~ (A) Senator Pete Domenici -(A) &eR<a t ~'fl Pastore {A.} S3e:R:a.tor Herrna.n Talmadge-- (A) Sen;;i tor Marlov,r Cook October 8, 19 74 - - Polish Secy. Edward Gierek ( R ) and Mr s . G4-i,#e.r.d-G-a-s-e (A ) enat or and Mrs. Ed:w..1ncL S, u.skie fR) cenator an':l Mrs. James Pears on (R) ~r a~ ..}, 1_[l:• .s 1-fobnrt Hnmphr·ey l)e, (A ) Senato1· and Mrs . William Roth, Jr. ~ ( A) Senator a nd Mrs . Robert Taft, J1·. (t'o'l ....'z"I-) ---_...., 8eec!Tnt:-Eai:;:t:-e-o'i'-a nd -tvl-'!.~ ~.a-:l!km;:i.n . ' November 12, 1974 -- Austrian Ambassador Kreisky S.C. (A) Senator and Mrs. Strom Thurmond -(R) Senalor .an '1" Howard Baker {..R) Senator. and M'1"s..-R.om..an-.B.t:.-us*a- ~A)----Senat-er and Mrs. Claiborne PeH Se.nat.ox. an_d _Mrs. lames A]] en .(.A) S -~a.tor_____and Mrs Harrison Williams .... December 5, 1974 -- Helmut Schmidt of Germany Senator and Mr . Russell bong ~----,Sen-at-or. a-n w~ .-,.,.____ ,Sena.!;. aR~-Y B~ •LL (A) Senator and Mrs. Charles Percy Te't"\ (A) Senator and Mrs. Bill Brock January 30, 1975 - - Prime Minister Harold Wilson (A) • Sparkman (~----u.(j.1--Ia.to.r--and-M F s, Henry M. Jae-ks on (AR) Senator-cmd Mr--s-:-Milrn Mansfield 10.l (A) Senator and Mrs. Clifford P. C ase ?.._ (A) Senator and Mrs. Hugh Scott N\\<.k (A) Senator and Mrs. Robert P. Griffin 11\.o.s~ (A) Senator Edward W. Brooke (A-) ~ "l!l'be--1"-~. HUFHf)~rey February 5, 1975 -- Prime Minister Bhutto of Pakistan ~) -----Senator Stuart Symington 1J ~ (A) Senator and Mrs. Carl T. Curtis ._.._.......... ...:»-..---....""-L ~'--"--~ ""'""l'----€lce na tor and 13 • Se na tor and Mrs . John G. Towe r Sena tor a nd Mr s . Charl es H . Percy Senvtar a nd Mrs Ted Stevens Se~tar aod Mrs Robert T Staffard HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE DINNER AUGUST 16, 1974 KING HUSSEIN OF JORDAN A-\q_b, (A) Hon. and Mrs. John Buchanan f'\\,~ (A) Hon. and t·lrs. Elford A. Cederberg ~ E;i;;~ J ;i ;i;i gh.l.t,~n e;t1 ftOJ! 1 ~~ ~·!: ~. ~e;;~;i; fi (A;J Uon and Mx;..s. J~l (.J.\) i.IQ;g a.nd ~ ·f•s G~.o:c& ~!ah on fA~J-0*1. rid M;i,·s.... W.i-l-±48.~ha.1-l ~A) t!OlJ iJDd 1'lrs G.Y~ (Tri -z.. (A) Hon. and l\lrs. John J. Rhodes ~. nd Nr.s Leslie C Arends _ (~!-O:i:i. n dJ;h;.;s T.homas-E-.-M.e.r-ga+i- · · tR) Hen. anQ.· HFs • Themas P. 0 1 Ji! oi-H , Jr. STATE DINNER - SEPTHIBER 12, 1974 - RABIN OF ISRAEL (A) l-l0fl:. a s. Is. H. fiountain (A:) W~:R. and Hes . F. Bd·.+M-tl- Heher-t f~ (A) Hon. and H. Michel -ff\-)-He-n . ~oh~~~n--------J\1-'vl-r: . Ancl& son GR) Lon nd 1'1rs. Benjamin Gilman (R) Hon. and Mrs. Sa te:1g.e.r: STATE DINNER - SEPTEMBER 25 , 19 74 - LEONE OF ITALY ~~ (A) Hon. and Mrs . Silvio 0. Conte ·~rJe.n. and- \J-r . J::,..;..H . t'ounta-in - ~~ !lem. 1:n1d !!Ys~Ile-t-e.: \.IJ..:--RGdir:iOrJr: 4"-~J;lo.n . I. JJ.i~Ange l~REH\Cal 1-0- • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE DINNER OCTOBER 8, 1974 - POLISH SECRETARY; EDlvARD GIEREK f Lt,..... (A) !-Ion. and Mrs. Edward J. Derwinski 'Cl~ H haddeu uJ..skj_ I t.L- (A) Hon. ~!rs. Paul Findley Ol-\.iP (A) Hon. and ~lrs. William H. Harsha . EA~ W~n cL Mr.s.. cie N TecJ :.i;i ... e_ ~\ If (A) Hon. and J\lrs. Bob Wilson EA~ HGR i:i.cL!\lrs CJement Zablocki fl?) Hon aud l>1rs Pa~ ~i ~ STATE DINNER NOVEMBER -12, 1974 AUSTRIAN Af!BASSADOR KREISKY ~c).. (A) Hon. and Mrs. William s. Broomfield i*r- Hon. and MPS. Goodloe ~G' Kt (A) Hon. and ~!rs. Tim Lee Carter I Hon. and r-s. Dav~-d W...-~ N•'( (A) Hon. and Mrs. Frank Horton (P) W8R: a:RG Mrs David F Satterfield , TIT· EA1--4fon-:- anEl-Mr s-.-AJ-ll.l..l.n. rl+ (A) Hon. and Mrs. Charles E. Wiggins (R lo . and fl.IFS-. Danie-i---..-+JcGd (R~ncl-M~nald M Fraser (R) Hon Hammerscbmi dt • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STA.TE DINNER DECEMBER S, 1974 HEL~IUT SCHMIDT OF GERMANY EA) I !ou. and- MP3. Joe± 'f. Broyhill A'e>..o (A) Hon . and ~1rs. Jack Edwards . ~ on. and ~!rs. William. L. Hungate v'v\ •c..h (A) Hon . and Mrs. Edward Hutchinson We..b · (A) Hon. and ~!rs. John Y. McCollister '~~ J;;IQD a:od ~li:s Mel:idn Pric~ ER) He . and a·s. Brock A.darns (R) Ilen -:-a-nd4f.r . lbert - (Rj Ion. and Mrs. Barber B. ConalrJ,.e, Jr. (R) Hon. and Mrs Snm11e 1 - I. Devine ~-MFs, Jo~. llfaggo;i;i,er STA.TE DINNER JANUARY 30, 1975 PRnIE MINISTER HAROLD WILSON OF ENGLAND E~' !!8R1 ;;u:~iil ~lii;S r: •u: l AJb?Ft' M~~ CA.) Hon. and Mrs. William S. Broomfield Findley l L.L (A.) Hon. and Mrs. Paul (Al l;lQD l~a:)a)e L Hay~- .,,..t 1-Z.. (A) Hon. and Mrs. John J. Rhodes Shriver j(CVll"\ (A) Hon. and Mrs. Garner E. (R) Hon Cha:r..1-es C. Diggs, Jr. (A Mrs. Diggs (R) -H0n n Thom E. lorgan_ (R) lleR. aRe HFs. Otto E. Pe:ssma:n HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE DINNER FEBRUARY 5, 1975 PRHIE MINISTER BHUTTO OF PAKISTAN (A}-l::lon. b.H. Fountain . fAT-Ho . ee l=l. Mamilt-on . Y"\. c,,i\ (A) Hon. and r-.Irs . Edward Hutchinson .... 1>~ (A) Hon. and Mrs. Albert w. Johnson I t.c.,. (A) Hon. and Mrs. Robert H. Michal - EAc1 M0R. and-M hn '1 c;.k, Ir- f't\,·~ (A) Hon. and Mrs. Guy Vander Jagt -(1\) Hon. and ks. lemefrt~ ab4e€~- -f~d Mrs John B- Anderson A?ril 19, 1975 - Zambian State Dinner ( R) 5e!idl0f & James- B. f'li.:J.:ren ( ~) ( l'.},.-(,:; • Mei:":R~ on O~~A ) Senator & Mrs. Dewey Bartlett (Fl) Senator & .t-ha;. ~o'Bort Byrd Ort.1 (A) Senator & Mrs. Robert Packwood (R) SecatQI: & ~l:t:s ,kij J J jam E:r:oxmj re l~ (A) Senator & Mrs. James McClure (~) Senata:r: & Mr:s ,I BeDDett .Johnston, ,Jr• & May 8, 1975 - Singapore State Dinner r.. a'la F-anni: Q..._, (A) Senator Mrs. Richard Schweiker ~~ (A) Senator & Mrs. Hiram Fong Wll-S.enator. & Mrs . Henry Bellman ( .a..tu...t.--a.. Mrs..• Lawton Ghi-le.s ..J.A .-& M-r s-_.,;orattt-t'rtinn­ ~..,_~.u~~·or &Mr;s Vance Hartke. ..(l! ) Senator Qi M:r:s .Joseph Montoya f .t.¥ (A) Rep. & Mrs. Bill Archer (A) Rep a & Mrs.
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