www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association ZOJ О -c -4 30 rainian Wee ото voi Li No. 42 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER іб, i983 25 cents Non-profit foundation established Babi Yar Park dedicated; to produce film on Mazepa Grigorenko is keynote speaker GREENWICH. Conn. - The Ma– explained Dr. Matkiwsky. "and 1 do by Marie Halun Bloch czenko of the Ukrainian Autocephalous want to emphasize that this will be a Orthodox Church in Denver. The zepa Foundation inc.. a non-profit DENvER The long-awaited dedi– organisation dedicated to the promo– colossal film with famous stars and the assembly was addressed by Mayor best writing, directing and cinemato– cation of Babi Yar l'ark took place on Federico Pena of Denver, as well as by tion of Ukrainian culture and increased Sunday. October 2. at an assembly of international media exposure of the graphic talent available." other officials of the Denver municipal some 300 Ukrainians. Jews and others. Ukrainian people has been formed with A large portion of the money requir– government. ed to make the film will come through The 27-acre park at East Yale and headquarters in Greenwich. Conn. A keynote speaker was Helen J. the Mazepa Foundation, from the South Havana streets has been set aside Dr. Zenon Matkiwsky of Short Hills. Ginsburg of the Babi Yar Park worldwide Ukrainian community. as a memorial to some 200.000 men. N.J.. is chairman of the board ol Foundation. As a primary mover in the trustees of the Mazepa Foundation, women and children slain by the Nazis Dr. Matkiwsky added. "We have during their occupation of Kiev and planning of this memonalto the Jewish which has as its first priority the been assured of the cooperation of the. victims of the Nazis, she described the production of a multi-million dollar buried in the Kiev ravine called Babyn Ukrainian Research institute of Har– Yar. work of the foundation over the years in movie based on the life of the legen– vard University in Carobridge. Mass. The gateway into the park is formed bringing the idea to realization. Most dary Ukrainian hero, lvan Stepanovych and from professors in the Slavic of a pair of huge granite monoliths, the important, she expressed warm hope Mazepa. Department of York University in largest ever quarried in Marble. Colo. for continued cooperation between the "History is in the making," said Dr. Toronto. Other Ukrainian authorities Jewish and Ukrainian communities. Matkiwsky. "The film 'Mazepa' will be will also be called upon to ensure the The left-hand one is inscribed: "in of epic proportions, it will propogate historical integrity of costumes, music memoriam to the two hundfed thou– our culture and inspire Ukrainians and other details." sand victims who died in Babi Yar, Ukrainian victims recalled throughout the free world, but most Kiev, Ukraine. USSR September 29. importantly, because of the magnitude A Mazepa Foundation membership 1941 - November 6. 1943, the majority lvan Stebelsky. president of the of the project itself, it will gain us drive will begin immediately through Jews, with Ukrainians and others." Babyn Yar Park Committee, described increased access to the mass media." the media, by direct mail, and through There follow short inscriptions in the efforts of the committee that the meetings in the United States and Hebrew and Ukrainian. The right-hand Ukrainian victims at Babyn Yar be "Additionally, profits from 'Mazepa' Canada. monolith is inscribed with a poem. The included in the Denver memorial. The realized by the foundation will be used resulting cooperation between the "There are more than 2 million adult park has been landscaped with 100 to produce more theater and Tv films Jewish and Ukrainian communities in Ukrainians in our two countries," said trees. with Ukrainian themes, to publish building this memorial is unique in the Dr. Matkiwsky, "1 know they will rally books and other publications based on entire free world. , Ukrainian history and folklore, and to to our support, to help promote Ukrai– Earth from Babyn Yar record and promote Ukrainian artists." nian culture as it has never been pro– As the main speaker. Petro Grigo– he said. moted before...to open a window to The dedication was held in a small renko reviewed some historical events "No other major film has ever been Ukraine through which all peoples of amphitheater in the park, at the center that served to separate the two peoples organized the way we're doing it." the free world will see the truth." of which a container ol earth from Ukrainians and Jews - and remark– Babyn Yar in Kiev has been placed, ed on the fact that Jews played a part in inscribed in the stone surrounding the the Ukrainian republic during the war earth are the names of major and other for independence. He emphasized the Toronto group plans famine documentary important donors, members ol the fact that the cooperation between executive board of the Jewish Babi Yar Ukrainian and Jewish dissidents in the TORONTO - The Ukrainian Fa- also involved in the early stages of the Park Foundation, the Ukrainian Babyn Soviet Union is reflected in this com– mine Research Committee here has film development. Yar Park Committee, the Canadian mon memorial to two peoples fighting undertaken the financing and spon– The famine committee, which is Ukrainian Committee, as well as that of the common enemy. soring of the first one-hour. 16mm. under the auspices of the Ukrainian the Ukrainian poet Olena Teliha. Kiev Rabbi Raymond A. Zwerin of the color, documentary film on the 1933 Canadian Committee, had budgeted the Mayor Bahaziy and lvan Rohach. Denver Temple Sinai closed the cere- famine in Ukraine. The Toronto famine documentary for approximately newspaper editor, all of whom perished monies with a prayer. committee has engaged Slawko Nowyt– S150.000. Partial funding has been in Babyn Yar. During his weeklong stay in Denver. ski of Minneapolis as producer-direc– received from the Taras Shevchenko Gen. Grigorenko met with the Ukrai– tor. Yurij Luhovy of Montreal as The dedication was opened with a Foundation in Winnipeg and com,mu– nian community and with Gov. Richard associate-director and editor, and prayer by the Rev. Yolodymyr Sytny– nity contributions. Production facili– lamm and Mayor Pena. State Sen. Marco Carynnyk of Toronto, the initia– ties have been set up at St. viadimir Dennis Gallagher introduced the tor of the project, as chief researcher, institute. general to the State Senate. interviewer and writer. Originally, Oleh Rumak of CBC's "Fifth Estate" was The film project will depict the causes and effects of the famine deliberately Grigorenko appearances created by Stalin's regime. Experts from The general gave a number of Tv and 1NS10E: various fields have been interviewed, as press interviews. At the University of well as. survivors of the famine' now Colorado in Boulder he spoke on "The u External Representation of the living in Canada and United States. Ukrainian Helsinki Group comments on Soviet Union as a Potential Enemy of Rare archival film footage of the 1930s Humanity. Particularly of America." Madrid Conference concluding docu– in Ukraine has been successfully located ment - page 2. A two-day visit at the U.S. Air Force and it will be incorporated into the Academy at Colorado Springs follow– ш Texts of invocation and address by documentary. Metropolitan Mstyslavand keynote ed. during which the general met in address by John 0. Flis at D.C. rally in The film is intended f^)r network Tv discussions with the dean and faculty observance of famine anniversary - showing in North Arm;rica, as well as members of the academy. He was page 4. for schools and universities which offer warmly greeted by the 4,000 cadets. He u Letters to the editor - page 6. East European history and Ukrainian spoke to the student body several times, ш Media reports on famine - page 7. civilization courses. The famine docu– on such topics as the Soviet dissident ш Panorama and Sounds and views mentary will be completed by December. movement from the standpoint of Ukraine, the Soviet view of World War - page 8. For further information and financial 11. and the Soviet view ol the German BThe Ukrainian Pavilion at the 1933 support please contact Ukrainian Fa- mine Research Committee, St. via– soldier in World War 11. The two-day World's Fair by Dr.'Myron B. Kuropas - dimir institute, 620 Spadina Ave.. visit ended with a media conference in page 9. Toronto. Ont.. M5S 2H4. Pelro Grigorenko the Officers Club. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER іб, 1983 No. 42 Dissident sketch Dole hails selection of Walesa WASHINGTON - sen. Bob Dole testament to the Solidarity Union he Anna Shevchuk (R-Kan.). co-chairman of the Con– continues to lead, in awarding the prize gressional Helsinki Commission, today to Walesa, the Nobel institute has BORN: 1937 hailed the selection of Solidarity leader reaffirmed a simple, although remark- OCCUPAT10N: Unknown. Lech Walesa as the recipient of the 1983 able fact - that the broadly-based LATEST ARREST: Spring 1981. Nobel Peace Prize. human, civil and workers'rights move– CHARGE: Collecting information The U.S. Helsinki Commission, ment in Poland engendered by Solida– on human rights and sending letters which monitors human rights and rity above all was a movement for to Soviet officials which "slandered" international cooperation in the field of peaceful change. the USSR (Article 187 of the Ukrai– security in Europe, nominated Mr. "During the tragically short Solida– nian Criminal Code). Walesa for the Nobel honor on January rity era. no lives were lost and much SENTENCE: Three years in an 31.
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