• .a 0 s1e a VOL. LXXV HALIFAX, N. S. MAUCH 12, 1943 No. 19 "COMING 0F .AGE" WI S CONNOLLY SHIELD * • * * <Y-------- 1 0 . T. C. NOTES L'Avare Stars With - Forbes Wins Award Annual Inspection of Unit L'Epitre At Social Pine Hill On Thursday afternoon of March Holds "At Home" 4th, the members of the "Cercle Reported "Quite Successful'' Francais" met at Shirreff Hall for The t raditional "At Home" of Pine Hill 1·esidence, last held several yean; "We axe leaming to strike our enemy in the pit of his one of those enjoyable events - a ago, was revived last Friday, as stomach with our knees, to hit him when he' down,'' stated seance of black magic. The group about 150 guests and residents as­ Brigadier D. A. White, D.S.C., D.O.C., M.D. No. 6, addressing was greeted by the hostess Mlle. sembled in the main dining hall, LaFeuille, and J. McLaren was under the genial t:mceeing of Burt the Dalhousie-King's 0. T. C. after the annual inspection Satur­ Corkum. Immediately following din­ day. Brigadier White stressed in a short, powerful address the master of ceremonies. The female ner, the programme was opened with qualities of a successful officer, and pointed out the changing members of the audience were a toast to the King, after ...vhich thf' aspect of "fair play''. "Our enemies will resort to any trickery amazed to see eight male '11-embers guests were welcomed by Dr. Kerr, or action-we must be ready to meet them on equal terms," he presen at the meeting, but their President of Pine Hill Divinity Hall. added. spirits sank when all eight promptly The winner of the Graeme Fraser retired to their respective corners Award, offered annually to men in Brigadier White, accompanied by Lieut. W. L. Dalt~m, C.R.O., is residence best typifying the manly .tatf officers and special guests at going on active service as a com­ for a bit of boyish chatter. Also qualities of the late Graeme Fraser, the inspection, including Colonel batant officer with the P.E.I. High­ present at this meeting were two a Dal student and Pine Hill resident Odell of the United States Army and landers. He was one of the most distinguished visitors, Miss Laura killed while conducting experiments active officers with the old O.T.C. Colonel Jaquays of the Black Watch, Stanley and Miss Taylor, a contin­ in the Chern Lab in 1931, ·as an­ took the march past of the battalion, before its reorganization. An or­ nounced as Fred Forbes. l\1r. Forbes, headed by Major R. V. Hogan. dained Minister, Lieut. Dalton is ental traveller from Poughkeepsie. well-known on both Studley and For­ B. leaving his parish. The first few minutes of the meet­ Licut.-Col. C. Smith, C.O. of the Sheffman, Helen MacKay, Donkin, Hartling rest, and particularly noted for his contingent, led the general salute to * * * ing were taken up by the singing characterization of the bad-tempered the Brigadier when he arrived, and 0. T. C. made generous loan of Victory Ray along the foul line of French songs, but these were, to father in last year's Glee Club three was at the inspection stand when equipment and otherwise did all in say the least, not fully appreciated acter "Big-Hearted Herbert", gradu­ the unit passed by. their abilities to make Munro Day a ates from Law School thi year. He The band of o. 6 District Depot, successful holiday. The Connolly Shield for the best one-act play was presented to the by the intellectual audience. came to Dal after taking hi · B.A. under the direction of Bandmaster * * * Art and Science Society for its entry, "Coming of Age". Professor Ben­ One of Moliere's farces "L'Avare" frQm Mt. Allison in 1940, and has Robert Cawston, played the flourish­ R. S. M. Marshall has recovered net, in presenting the award, said that any one of the plays entered in the was next on the programme and been a popular resident of Pine Hill es for each company inspection, and from two weeks of influenza, and since that time. competition had a very good chance for the prize, and with a little more was produced by Harry Buxton. the regimental marchpast, "Cock of has returned to artil·e work with the After a presentation to l\lr :-.. the North", while the officers and unit. effo1t could have outstripped the others. Members of the talented cast were Grant, matron of the residen e, 1 cadets passed the reviewing stand. * * • In his review, Prof. Bennet offered some suggestions on how these Misses Connie Brown and Kathryn Prophecy for all those gradu c1 ocially - Major Hogan paid a plays could have been improved. Of "Spy Me This One", Prof. Bennet Gymnasium Addresses Bean, and Mr. Eric Kruh. Mr. Kruh from the Res this year in tht va i­ weekend visit to Mrs. Hogan, Eliza­ said that though it afforded very good entertainment, there was a ten­ was particularly striking as the ous faculties was read by ld 1 Afterwards, in the Gymnasium, beth Jean, and Molly ... R. S. 1\1. Grant, whose biting satire is fam l Colonel Odell gave a short address Lockhart visited his home in Oxford. dency for the minor parts in the play to carry away the peprformance "femme fatala", and proved himself to many grads of English 2. comparing R.O.T.C. to C.O.T.C. He and place the emphasis in the wrong place. a very worthy compatriot of Hedy Following a half-hour interm i m pointed out the magnifiicent work 1 done by College graduates who be­ One Moment Please He lauded the Delta Gamma So­ present, uut of all the plays present­ Lamar. the audience took its seats for tPP came officers and led the organiza­ ciety for their efforts in presenting ed, this production most closely re­ After the fall of the final curtain, feature presentation, "Vari tion 'odales meets .Mt. A. Debating upon the theme of Romeo and Juliet , tion work of the army after Pearl "Far, Far Away", a play which was sembled the sort of performance refreshments were served and copies Opus 43," originally composcc! by Harbour. Society Friday evening in the Arts different from the usual type pre­ that would be found in the legiti­ of the new issue of the French news- William Shakespeare, and inte. p1 t ­ :\1ajor Keene, District Headquart­ Building at 8 o'clock. Everybody sented at Dal but he said that too mate theatre. • paper ''L'Epitre" were distributed ed for Friday's gathering by "\ 'el. ers, then gave several pointers on out to support our debaters. Let's many pains were taken in trying to among those present. Striking fea- S. Gra-, and David Col--.11. 'tar the appearance of the various com­ not have any meagre crowds like • Play Win , and Losses. parts of Romeo and Juliet were panies during inspection, minor present a true Cockey dialect, with there have been so far this year. "Coming of Age", which was pre­ ture. about th1s 1ssue was that 1t taken by Ted King, and Bill Arney, faults in the dress being noted. a resultant loss of spontaneity. consisted of three pages, and the while the numerous other character Remember Dal! Support odales! sented in the Gym last Friday, has While he pointed out the nature of members of the group were the first parts, including several not list~d the these mistakes was not serious, the Of the final aud wimung play, he its main plot woven about the "keep up to scratch" motto lay be- MUSIC CLUB to express their appreciation to the original Shakespeare version, were said that there was a strong ten­ "eternal triangle", with a father and editors for their efforts For all ably filled by ot~er resident~. Tl'e hind his words. Meeting 8 p. m. Saturday at the dency towards over-action on the son, played by Abe Sheffman and . ·. plot was modermzed by makmg the The inspecting officers exl?ressed home of Miss E. Campbell, Tower part of the father and butler. He who are mterested m th1s pubhca- Capulet- Montague feud a Ji1 t lc themselves as well pleased W1th the Peter Donkin, vying for the favor mentioned that this was a very dif­ of a girl, played by Helen MacKay. tion, copies can be obtained free of shop-worn after several c~nturies . an showing of the men, and the effici-1 Road. charge in the Library, the supply internicene rivalry between Canad a '~ ency of the officers and men of the ------~--- ficult play for undergraduates to (Continued on page four) unit was praised. Students' Council meets Sunday. is limited. (Continued on page three) I Munro Day Complete Success Smith Wins Malcolm Award Russian Aims Stated By Next Year's Camp us Leaclers Levitz Highlights Show Vice-consul M. Kutsenko With Nimble Footwork "Our Red Army is fighting a war had hoped to enlist the aid of Great Munro Day activities started at that an ex-artsman should. Dur­ of liberation against German forces, Britain and the U.S.A. by raising the three o'clock Tuesday afternoon in ing the first half of the contest, the who have intruded into our country bogey of revolution. · The Germans the Gymnasium. The first attrac­ Law boys seemed to be well in the for the purpose of enslaving it," had already used this policy success­ tion of the afternoon was the bas­ lead, with Medicine running a very stated Mr.
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