1 Swedish Security Service Swedish 2018 2 Xx 3 Contents Preface 2018 - Reflections by the Head of the Security Service 4–5 2018 - Reflections Remit 4 by the Head of the The Swedish Security Service 6–7 Security Service in brief The cooperation International cooperation 8–9 The future Trends and tendencies 10–11 The elections 12 The elections Protecting the elections 12–15 Strategic cooperation for Sweden’s security 1 6 – 1 7 Threats The grey area 18–23 Strategic 16 cooperation Protective security Sweden’s security: stricter legislation in place 24–25 Protective security explained 26–27 Dignitary protection explained 2 8 – 3 0 The new Extremism Protective 24 Security Act Extreme unit 31–35 The drop that hollows the stone 36–37 Ideologically motivated crime 38–39 Reduction Counter-proliferation 40 Aliens cases 41 31 Extreme unit Contents 4 Klas Friberg The intelligence threat is also a security threat The world is changing faster than ever. Political developments in the Baltic Sea region as well as in the rest of Europe, the Middle East and China have an impact also on Sweden’s national security. In 2018, there were several incidents that put the ability of the Security Service to protect Sweden and our democratic form of government to the test. he threats to our country are threats and security is large and as cyber operations, strategic pur- more substantial than they ever-growing. chases and certain diplomatic initia- Thave been in many years. They In the past few years, we have tives, state actors seek to gain an are also broader and have taken on noted that Russia in particular has advantage that could be used to new forms. State actors collect classi- improved its ability to actively and destabilise another country. fied information on a daily basis. covertly influence other states. These This development makes it neces- There are constant attempts to carry activities take place in a grey area sary to increase the capacity of the out influence operations. At the between peace and armed conflict, Security Service and other public same time, there are rapid techno- and are aimed at achieving political agencies tasked with combating logical developments, which are objectives while at the same time crime and other activities carried largely positive but also increase our avoiding an armed conflict. By out in the grey area. Strengthening vulnerabilities. The gap between engaging in grey area activities such the emergency preparedness and Preface 5 developing the total defence capacity number. The intelligence threat is supporters with the intent and are key factors in maintaining also a security threat, which capability to commit terrorist acts. national security. includes serious criminal activities There are also repeated actions To counter the intelligence threat, targeting certain individuals. taken by the white power and the the Security Service, the National New developments in the activities autonomous movements. Defence Radio Establishment (FRA), engaged in by state actors point to To meet this situation, the Security the Armed Forces and the Civil the importance of cooperation on Service must continue to develop. Contingencies Agency (MSB) have both a national and international We have to increase our capacity to agreed to step up the cooperation in level. Lessons learned from elections ensure national security. The threats the area of cyber security, which also in other countries helped us prepare must be reduced. ties in with the national information for last year’s election campaign. In the past few years, the Security and cyber security strategy. These preparations, which began Service has put much effort into Reducing vulnerabilities is a almost two years before the general strategic competence management. responsibility of society as a whole elections, involved close cooperation Seve ral hundred individuals have and should be given a higher priority with the Swedish Police Authority been employed to improve the by all involved parties. We have iden- and other agencies. The efforts paid performance in our different areas tified a number of areas associated of operation. To adapt to the with critical assets that need Reducing changing environment, we need addressing, including a better under- qualified staff in many areas, not standing of what constitutes a criti- vulnerabilities is a least technology. cal asset from a national security While it is clear that the world has perspective, vulnerabilities associ- responsibility of changed, we are also standing at the ated with these, and which security society as a whole and threshold of a new era of rapid enhancing measures should be taken develop ments that could have a large to address these vulnerabilities. should be given a impact both globally, in Sweden and There may also be some weaknesses higher priority by all for the Security Service. Such devel- associated with the design of the pro- opments include artificial intelli- tection, such as the physical security involved parties. gence and 5G, both of which not only or information security. come with new possibilities but The Security Service therefore wel- off and as the elections approached could also keep the vulnerabilities of comes the new Protective Security we knew that we were well prepared. critical assets at a high level. Act which will come into effect on The elections were not affected by For this reason, we continue to 1 April 2019. The Act places stringent any major influence operations by work for a more secure Sweden and a demands on the protective security foreign powers. State governed by the rule of law, efforts of public agencies and private Cooperation with other agencies is also in the face of external pressures. companies. The effectiveness of this also a crucial aspect of counterter- work cannot solely be measured in rorism. In this context, the Security financial terms but should also be Service cooperates with the Military considered in terms of better and Intelligence and Security Service, more robust protective security the National Defence Radio Estab- measures. This is an investment that lishment, the Swedish Police Author- not only secures government and ity and several other public agencies. private business but also protects This work requires perseverance and Head of the Swedish Security Service national security. a long-term strategy. In 2018, it became evident on a The violent extremist movements number of occasions that the intelli- have grown in recent years. There gence threat is also a security threat. have also been acts of violence com- Several countries demonstrated their mitted by individuals affiliated with readiness to go beyond regular intel- the violent Islamist movement, the ligence activities to achieve their white power movement and the political objectives. This was particu- autonomous movement. The larly evident in the case of the for- Security Service handles a steady mer Russian intelligence officer and flow of intelligence related to terror- his daughter, who were poisoned in ism. Based on this intelligence, we Great Britain. Another example was reduce threats on a daily basis by the planned murder of an Iranian preventing criminal activities at an regime critic, revealed by Danish early stage. The largest threat is still authorities. posed by the violent Islamist move- The activities engaged in by state ment. Individuals affiliated with this actors in Sweden have also broad- movement continue to spread their ened in scope and increased in propaganda and recruit new Preface 6 The Swedish Security Service in brief By detecting and preventing offences against national security, countering terrorism and protecting the central government, the Swedish Security Service safeguards Sweden’s democratic system, the rights and freedoms of our citizens, and protects national security. The Service Governance Threats The Swedish Security Service is a The Security Service is mainly To ensure the functioning and main- public agency, answering to the governed by a letter of appropriations tenance of Sweden’s democracy and Government. The Head of the and instructions from the sovereignty, the Head of State, the Security Service has the ultimate Government. Under these, the Service Government and the Riksdag responsibility for its operation. The is to monitor world developments so (Swedish Parliament), as well as infor- Swedish Security Service is both a as to be able to rapidly adjust its oper- mation on Sweden’s national defence security service and a police service, ational activities in response to new and key buildings, are to be regarded with a nationwide remit. A security situations. The annual letter of appro- as critical assets. A threat arises when service aims to raise the level of priations, which is classified, specifies an individual, an organisation or a security in its own country. The the Service’s objectives and remit. foreign power has both the intent and Swedish Security Service does this Like any other public agency, the the capability to commit a crime, e.g. by detecting and reducing security Security Service is also governed by a terrorist attack or espionage. Intent threats to the country and its critical various laws and regulations, e.g. the and capability can change over time. assets, and by reducing vulnerabilities Police Act. What sets the Security When threats change, the Security within these assets. The Service has Service apart is that most of the Service modifies its assessment and five operational areas: counter- steering and planning
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