Swanspool House Wellingborough BOROUGH COUNCIL OF NN8 1BP WELLINGBOROUGH 15th May 2007 Regulatory Committee Wednesday 23rd May 2007 at 7.00 pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence. Ι 2. Declarations of Interest (if any). Ι 3. Confirmation of the minutes of the meeting held on 25/4/2007. Ι 4. Applications for planning permission, building regulation approval etc. Ι 5. Site Viewing Group Rota for the Municipal Year 2007/08. 6. Planning Application WP/2005/0815 – site of the former Knapp Tool Making Limited, London Road, Wellingborough – approved by the Secretary of State (a copy of the decision can be found in the Members Room). 7. Any other items that the Chairman decides are urgent. Ι Enclosed Lyn Martin-Bennison Chief Executive Membership: Councillor Waters (Chairman), Councillor Morrall (Vice- Chairman), Councillors Bell, Dean, L Lawman, Maguire, Old, Palmer, Patel, Payne, Saxby, Sharp and Ward. For further information contact Democratic Services on 01933 231511. Borough Council of Wellingborough Regulatory Committee Wednesday 23rd May 2007 at 7.00 pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House INDEX Page No. DISTRICT WP/2007/0078/F - Premises between 30 and 32 King Street, Earls Barton. 1 WP/2007/0171/F - 93-99 Arkwright Road, Irchester. 8 WP/2007/0177/O - Land adjacent to 2 Wollaston Road, Bozeat. 11 WP/2007/0179/F - 5 Silver Street, Wellingborough. 16 WP/2007/0191/F - 36 Vicarage Farm Community Centre and Gleneagles Social Club, Grafton Close, Wellingborough. 20 WP/2007/0206/F - Factory, 36 Broad Street, Earls Barton. 24 WP/2007/0252/C - Sywell Aerodrome, Belman Gate, Holcot Lane, Sywell. 31 1 BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH AGENDA ITEM Regulatory Committee 23/05/2007 Report of the Executive Director APPLICATION REF: WP/2007/0078/F PROPOSAL: Removal of old storage building. Construction of 4 new flats - amended plans. LOCATION: Premises between 30 and 32 King Street, Earls Barton, Wellingborough. APPLICANT: Mr Graham Wright. This application is referred to the Regulatory Committee for determination at the request of the Parish Council which has also asked that the application site be the subject of a visit from the Site Viewing Group, the request was declined by the Chairman. PROPOSAL AND DESCRIPTION OF SITE: As described. The application site is an existing single storey range of buildings of no architect merit that is currently being used for storage purposes. The development in the street is characterized by terraces. Along the rear boundary of the site runs an unsurfaced pedestrian alleyway and inbetween the existing building and no. 30 King Street is an accessway that is capable of accommodating vehicular traffic. The density of the development is 85 units per hectare. Amended plans have been received on 27th March 2007. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: BW/84/914 Use of building for light engineering purposes – refused. The reasons on the above decision notice dated 6th December 1984 are: 1. The establishment of a use of this nature is considered inappropriate and undesirable within this predominantly residential area which, if allowed, would be detrimental to the privacy and quite enjoyment of the adjoining and nearby residential properties. 2. King Street in its present form is unsuitable to serve the proposed development and the type of vehicles likely to be attracted thereto. 2 6 14 WP/2007/0078/F 485400 4 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Borough Council Of Wellingborough: Licence No.100018694. Published 09/05/2007 24 18 to 485600 264400 855 264400 MALLARD CLOSE T H 1 E 2 PYG 3 5 t o 7 1 1 1 H 2 T L E 5 7 El Sub Sta B r o 1 o k e s 643 2 Wks 8 M t o 1 e 50 6 w 6432a 48 16 2 s 44 32 30 8 KING STREET 1 3 2 3 5 1 1 5 3 a 1 3 3 3 8 5 5 4 7 8 1 22 12 4 42 32 7 7 3 6 2 VICTORIA CLOSE VICTORIA STREET 1 9 7 5 9 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 9 3 2 a 9 5 6 1 NO 6421 RTH RTH 642 5 5 RO 2 16 30 8 3 A 2 28 D 7 PRINCE STREET 4 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 6 1 2 27 Works 45 a 21 33 7 O 3 16 R Club 1 10 R 20 20 6 1 4 OA to9 7 1 9 to3 D 2 T 2 UR QU CO EEN STREET NS 2 3 5 E 5 TEV 264100 Club S 27 485400 1 264100 855 El S485600 12 u b Scale 1:1250 Sta 13 1 6 1 8 1 3 4 4 1 2 Notwithstanding the above, the Borough Planning Officer in a letter dated 27th December 1984 considered that the use of the building, which had no written planning history, was storage. The Borough Planning Officer also opined that under the then current General Development Order, upto 235m2 of the building could be used for an industrial use, other than a special industrial use. The applicant has confirmed on the application form that the floor area of the building is 120m2 and its current use is as a store for leather goods. The current regulations that appertain to changes of use are contained in the General Permitted Development (Amendments) Order 1995 and a storage building now carries a B8 classification. The present Order says that upto 235m2 of floor area of a B8 use can be changed to a B1 use without planning permission. The B1 nomenclature includes offices not within class A2 (financial and professional), research and development etc and light industry. It should be noted that the lack of any written permission, apart from the above mentioned refusal, has the consequence of the building having unregulated hours of operation and it could also be serviced by vehicles of any size. NATIONAL, REGIONAL AND LOCAL PLANNING POLICY: Regional Spatial Strategy 8 Northamptonshire County Structure Plan - GS5, H3 and H6 Borough of Wellingborough Local Plan – E4, G1, G4, H2, H12 and T9 Supplementary Planning Guidance – Parking, Planning Out Crime and Building Better Places Planning Policy Statement 1; Delivering Sustainable Development Planning Policy Statement 3; Housing Planning Policy Statement 7; Sustainable Development in Rural Areas Planning Policy Guidance 13; Transport Planning Policy Statement 23; Planning and Pollution Control SUMMARY OF REPLIES TO CONSULTATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED: 1. NCC Highways – makes the following comments: • No part of building to extend over the public highway that passes along the eastern side of the application site • Windows adjacent to the highway must be of a type that do not open outwards • “In view of the high demand on parking in the vicinity of the application site you should satisfy yourself as to the acceptability of relaxing the car parking requirement for the development. It is not appropriate to include the two on street parking spaces as part of the formal parking provision for the development.” • The isle width must be 6m. to allow the two cars parking space to be used. • The applicant should discuss the refuse collect aspect of the scheme with the appropriate Officer of the Borough Council of Wellingborough. 2. Earls Barton Parish Council – expresses concern regarding the proposal and requests a visit from the Site Viewing Group. The Parish Council raises the following issues: 3 • Overdevelopment of the site. • Reference to dire car parking situation locally and opinion that the off road car parking provision is inadequate. • Request reassurance that permission has been given for the access road to the side to be used in connection with the development. 3. Environmental Protection Service – no comment received. 4. Council’s Conservation and Design Officer – considers that there are two problems with the design: i) The three dimensional bulk of the proposal. The deep roof span is incongruous and is inconsistent with the existing street form. ii) The concept of the front bay windows is applauded, but the proportions of the fenestration need to be vertical like the rest of the street. 5. Neighbours – letters of objection received from the occupiers of 25, 28, 32, 38 King Street who cite the following reasons for opposing the application: • Loss of privacy • Belief that the proposal is trespassing • Loss of light • Flats development will be out of character • Utility meter will be affected • Disruption of refuse collection • Reference to the existing parking difficulties locally and belief that the proposal will add to the serious traffic problem in King Street • Statement from the adjoining land owner that he will not allow the proposed development to attach or bond to his property The applicant has been notified regarding the assertion of the adjoining land owner that the proposed development will not be allowed to attach to no. 32 King Street. The applicant has responded thus “We would not assume any right to attach to existing structures. My plans show a new external wall on all 4 sides of our new building. Our new building is independent and free standing.” ASSESSMENT: The material planning considerations are: • Compliance with policy • Effect on the visual amenity of the area • Effect on neighbours amenities • Highway and parking • Crime and disorder • Biodiversity • Accuracy of submitted plans Compliance with policy Earls Barton is designated in the local plan as a limited development village. It is considered that the principle of a new dwelling which is to be located within the built up 4 area of the village and on brownfield is entirely consistent with elements of national guidance, regional and development plan policy that seeks to direct new residential development in the rural areas to such sites.
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