Chapter 246-887 Chapter 246-887 WAC PHARMACY—REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT WAC 18.64.005 and chapter 18.64A RCW. WSR 91-18-057 246-887-020 Uniform Controlled Substances Act. (Order 191B), recodified as § 246-887-070, filed 246-887-040 Designation of nonnarcotic stimulant drugs for purposes 8/30/91, effective 9/30/91. Statutory Authority: RCW of RCW 69.50.402 (1)(c). 69.50.201. WSR 89-17-023 (Order 226), § 360-36-260, 246-887-045 Prescribing, dispensing, or administering of Schedule II filed 8/8/89, effective 9/8/89; Order 138, § 360-36-260, nonnarcotic stimulants. filed 11/8/77.] Repealed by WSR 12-21-118, filed 246-887-080 Sodium pentobarbital registration disciplinary action. 10/23/12, effective 11/23/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 246-887-090 Authority to control. 69.41.080, 69.50.310, and 18.64.005. Later promulga- 246-887-100 Schedule I. tion, see chapter 246-886 WAC. 246-887-110 Adding MPPP to Schedule I. 246-887-220 Chemical capture programs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 246-887-120 Adding PEPAP to Schedule I. 69.50.320, 18.64.005. WSR 05-20-106, § 246-887-220, 246-887-130 Adding MDMA to Schedule I. filed 10/5/05, effective 11/8/05.] Repealed by WSR 15- 246-887-131 Adding Methcathinone to Schedule I. 12-020, filed 5/22/15, effective 6/22/15. Statutory 246-887-132 Adding Aminorex to Schedule I. Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 69.50.320, 69.41.080, and 246-887-133 Adding Alpha-ethyltryptamine to Schedule I. 2013 c 19. 246-887-140 Schedule II. 246-887-230 Registration requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 246-887-150 Schedule II immediate precursors. 69.50.320, 18.64.005. WSR 05-20-106, § 246-887-230, 246-887-160 Schedule III. filed 10/5/05, effective 11/8/05.] Repealed by WSR 15- 246-887-165 Adding Xyrem to Schedule III. 12-020, filed 5/22/15, effective 6/22/15. Statutory 246-887-170 Schedule IV. Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 69.50.320, 69.41.080, and 246-887-180 Schedule V. 2013 c 19. 246-887-190 Adding buprenorphine to Schedule V. 246-887-240 Authorized individuals. [Statutory Authority: RCW 246-887-200 Other controlled substance registrants—Requirements. 69.50.320, 18.64.005. WSR 05-20-106, § 246-887-240, 246-887-210 Standards for transmission of controlled substances filed 10/5/05, effective 11/8/05.] Repealed by WSR 15- sample distribution reports. 12-020, filed 5/22/15, effective 6/22/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 69.50.320, 69.41.080, and 2013 c 19. DISPOSITION OF SECTIONS FORMERLY 246-887-250 Controlled substances training. [Statutory Authority: CODIFIED IN THIS CHAPTER RCW 69.50.320, 18.64.005. WSR 05-20-106, § 246- 887-250, filed 10/5/05, effective 11/8/05.] Repealed by 246-887-030 Dispensing Schedule V controlled substances. [Statu- WSR 15-12-020, filed 5/22/15, effective 6/22/15. Statu- tory Authority: RCW 18.64.005 and chapter 18.64A tory Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 69.50.320, 69.41.080, RCW. WSR 91-18-057 (Order 191B), recodified as § and 2013 c 19. 246-887-030, filed 8/30/91, effective 9/30/91. Statutory 246-887-260 Storage requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 18.81.080 and 42.17.290. 69.50.320, 18.64.005. WSR 05-20-106, § 246-887-260, WSR 83-01-083 (Order 171), § 360-36-020, filed filed 10/5/05, effective 11/8/05.] Repealed by WSR 15- 12/17/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005 and 12-020, filed 5/22/15, effective 6/22/15. Statutory 69.41.075. WSR 82-19-022 (Order 169), § 360-36-020, Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 69.50.320, 69.41.080, and filed 9/8/82; Order 108, § 360-36-020, filed 10/26/71.] 2013 c 19. Repealed by WSR 15-13-086, filed 6/15/15, effective 246-887-270 Controlled substances records and reports. [Statutory 7/16/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 2013 c Authority: RCW 69.50.320, 18.64.005. WSR 05-20- 276, and 2013 c 19. 106, § 246-887-270, filed 10/5/05, effective 11/8/05.] 246-887-050 Sodium pentobarbital for animal euthanasia. [Statutory Repealed by WSR 15-12-020, filed 5/22/15, effective Authority: Chapter 69.50 RCW and RCW 18.64.005. 6/22/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 69.50.- WSR 92-12-035 (Order 277B), § 246-887-050, filed 320, 69.41.080, and 2013 c 19. 5/28/92, effective 6/28/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 246-887-280 Approved controlled substances. [Statutory Authority: 18.64.005 and chapter 18.64A RCW. WSR 91-18-057 RCW 69.50.320 and 18.64.005. WSR 11-05-034, § 246- (Order 191B), recodified as § 246-887-050, filed 887-280, filed 2/8/11, effective 3/11/11; WSR 05-20- 8/30/91, effective 9/30/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 106, § 246-887-280, filed 10/5/05, effective 11/8/05.] 69.50.201. WSR 89-17-023 (Order 226), § 360-36-210, Repealed by WSR 15-12-020, filed 5/22/15, effective filed 8/8/89, effective 9/8/89; Order 138, § 360-36-210, 6/22/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005, 69.50.- filed 11/8/77.] Repealed by WSR 12-21-118, filed 320, 69.41.080, and 2013 c 19. 10/23/12, effective 11/23/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 246-887-290 Controlled substances registration disciplinary actions. 69.41.080, 69.50.310, and 18.64.005. Later promulga- [Statutory Authority: RCW 69.50.320, 18.64.005. WSR tion, see chapter 246-886 WAC. 05-20-106, § 246-887-290, filed 10/5/05, effective 246-887-060 Sodium pentobarbital administration. [Statutory 11/8/05.] Repealed by WSR 15-12-020, filed 5/22/15, Authority: Chapter 69.50 RCW and RCW 18.64.005. effective 6/22/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005, WSR 92-12-035 (Order 277B), § 246-887-060, filed 69.50.320, 69.41.080, and 2013 c 19. 5/28/92, effective 6/28/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.64.005 and chapter 18.64A RCW. WSR 91-18-057 (Order 191B), recodified as § 246-887-060, filed WAC246-887-020 246-887-020 Uniform Controlled Substances 8/30/91, effective 9/30/91. Statutory Authority: RCW Act. (1) Consistent with the concept of uniformity where pos- 69.50.201. WSR 89-17-023 (Order 226), § 360-36-250, filed 8/8/89, effective 9/8/89; Order 138, § 360-36-250, sible with the federal regulations for controlled substances filed 11/8/77.] Repealed by WSR 12-21-118, filed (21 C.F.R.), the federal regulations are specifically made 10/23/12, effective 11/23/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 69.41.080, 69.50.310, and 18.64.005. Later promulga- applicable to registrants in this state by virtue of RCW tion, see chapter 246-886 WAC. 69.50.306. Although those regulations are automatically 246-887-070 Sodium pentobarbital records and reports. [Statutory applicable to registrants in this state, the pharmacy quality Authority: Chapter 69.50 RCW and RCW 18.64.005. WSR 92-12-035 (Order 277B), § 246-887-070, filed assurance commission (commission) is nevertheless adopting 5/28/92, effective 6/28/92. Statutory Authority: RCW as its own regulations the existing regulations of the federal (5/13/16) [Ch. 246-887 WAC p. 1] 246-887-040 Uniform Controlled Substances Act government published in the Code of Federal Regulations treatment is available, and further, it is not possible for the revised as of April 1, 1991, and all references made therein to physician to provide a written prescription for the drug at that the director or the secretary shall have reference to the com- time. If a Schedule II drug is dispensed in an emergency, the mission, and the following sections are not applicable: Sec- practitioner must deliver a signed prescription to the dis- tion 1301.11-.13, section 1301.31, section 1301.43-.57, sec- penser within 72 hours, and further he must note on the pre- tion 1303, section 1308.41-.48, and section 1316.31-.67. The scription that it was filled on an emergency basis. following specific rules shall take precedence over the fed- (7) A prescription for a substance included in Schedule II eral rules adopted herein by reference, and therefore any may not be refilled. inconsistencies shall be resolved in favor of the following (8) A prescription for a substance included in Schedule II specific rules. may not be filled more than six months after the date the pre- (2) A separate registration is required for each place of scription was issued. business (as defined in section 1301.23) where controlled (9) Except when dispensed directly by a practitioner substances are manufactured, distributed or dispensed. authorized to prescribe or administer a controlled substance, Application for registration must be made on forms supplied other than a pharmacy, to an ultimate user, a substance by the commission, and all information called for thereon included in Schedule III, IV, or V, which is a prescription must be supplied unless the information is not applicable, in drug as determined under RCW 69.04.560, may not be dis- which case it must be indicated.
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