Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1991-1992 Eastern Progress 10-24-1991 Eastern Progress - 24 Oct 1991 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1991-92 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 24 Oct 1991" (1991). Eastern Progress 1991-1992. Paper 10. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1991-92/10 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1991-1992 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Weekend weather I Style Sports Arts Friday: Chance of Special time showers, high 80, low On the road Music review 59. Saturday and Sun- Take a peek at past Rick Crump, triathlon athlete, Nirvana's new CD day: Showers, high of EKU Homecomings practices what he preaches evolves from the past 75, low near 56. STYLE magazine Page B-7 Page B-3 THE EASTERN PROGRESS Vol. 70/No. 10 October 24,1991 26 pages Student puMMftn of Eastern Kentucky Unrversty, Richmond. Ky. 40475 O The Eastern Progress, 1991 Administrators slash current budget by $2.6 million By dint Riley lege will put 10 percent of its operating bud- the council's November meeting. Eastern happens between the faculty and the student." Managing editor gets, with the exception of salaries, in reserve UK community college system,$3.2 million; budget chief Jim Clark said Wednesday. Arts and Humanities' dean Robinette said Western Kentucky University. $2.4 million. until March 31. said College of Arts and Hu- As things now stand. Eastern has to reduce there was little panic among his colleagues manities Dean. Dr. Dan Robinette. Murrey State University, $1.4 million; University golf coach Lew Smither gath- 5 percent of its spending from state-appro- about how to deal with the cutbacks. Morehead State University. $1.4 million; ered his team together at the Arlington Golf Gov. Wallace Wilkinson whittled priated money, Clark said. The stale funds "Other stales have been experiencing this Northern Kentucky University, $1.1 million; Course Tuesday afternoon and told them their Kentucky 's$l 55 million revenue shortcoming about half of the university's $96.4 million for a long time; Kentucky was just slow in Kentucky Slake University. $730,000. season was over. down to $85 million before he called last week operating budget. coming," he said. "We were a bit prepared for Two weeks ago the Council on Higher He told the 17-member team, a team he for the stale's various agencies to find cuts in Clark said the budget cuts were not un- it" Education said they are going to ask the considered the best in Eastern's history, that a their budgets. expected. Looking for a way to sum up what the governor to fund higher education at $1.82 state revenue shortfall is forcing the team to So far, Kentucky's eight publicly supported "This is something we have been working budget woes mean to college administrators, billion over die next two years. abort the rest of its fall season. universities and the community college system on for a while," Clark said Wednesday. Robinette said, "It is going to affect smooth "If the money is not there, you can't spend have been asked by the Council on Higher The council's plan asks the 1992 legis- "We are asking that each budget unit sailing, but not to such a degree that we can't lature to fund the state schools' requests at it," Smither said. Education to pick up 37 percent or $31.5 mill ion carefully review all of their proposed expen- adjust in the tough waters. It certainly won't Across campus, deans, department chairs of the remaining tab. 92 percent m the 1992-1993 fiscal year and ditures for the rest of the year in salaries, sink the ship." at 100 percent in 1993-1994. and coaches are slashing their current budgets The Council on Higher Education will operating costs and equipment," he said. In addition, Robinette said, 'The measures With the current c utbacks, higher edu- to help the university find $2.6 million in cuts. meet Nov. 4 to vote on the final budget cut Neither tuition nor current salaries will be are not as drastic as some of our sister schools." cation officials will have to replace what has On Monday, the university's Council of package for the stale's schools. effected by the cutbacks, Clark said. According to Council on Higher Educa- been slashed from the present budgets, dark Deans met to discuss what action each of the The council's current plan to trim higher 'The president does not want anyone to be u<» estimates, Kentucky's other publicly sup- said. col leges would have to take to chop their part educabon'ibudget is based on the same formula alarmed," executive assistant to the president ported schools are expected to cat the House chairman of the education funding of the $2.6 million. as schools are allotted money by the state. A Dr. Charles Whitlock said. 'The whole thrust foUowing:The University of Kentucky $11.8 The Council of Deans decided each col- new plan, however, can be decided on before of our cuts is to minimize the impact of what million; University of Louisville, S6.8 million; *W CUT3,ftgeA7^ Commission to be chosen from list of 7 Tower requires in election over 160,000 By Terry Sebastian Editor gallons of paint The four seats on the Richmond City Commission are being sought by seven persons in the upcoming Nov. 5 Work on the tower bitch." Currens said. election. One of his workers agreed with shourd-be finished the assessment as he stood black- The seven candidates were asked ened from sandblasting within the questions about their plans for the of- in about a month tower. fice. His words for the job were harsh Incumbent Dale E. Carrier, 421 By Tom Marshal 1 as he sat on a company truck. Wallace Court, owns and manages News editor "It slinks and it gets all over Carrier Motors. you." Steve Caton said. "It's no fun Carrier is seek- A campus water tower is getting getting the sniff off, either." ing his third one big paint job. The containment curtain will term. Workers from Currens Painting eventually be spread over the entire ConrpanyofHarrodsburg estimate that tower, but for now it will stay at half- Q. What mast. ideas do you 160.000 to 200.000 gallons of paint will be needed to coat the inside of the Later, workers will vacuum away have toward debris from behind the curtain. improving the tower. Another 300,000 gallons of paint Currens said his workers often relationship will be needed for the outside portion go into the towers using respirators between East- of the tower, located next to the to ease breathing in the cramped, ern and the Carrier Alumni Coliseum tennis courts. smelly cavern. city? Work has been underway for over The costing they have been A. "I feel like the thing that I have a week and should be finished in about chipping away has been there for 20 been involved with, we have involved one month, Keith Currens said. to 30 years. the university. In our recycling pro- Richmond Water, Cat and Sew- The job itself had to wait until gram, we have a represenatative from age Works owns the tower and con- suitable weather entered Richmond. the university on the board.' tracted the $134,000 project to the They had to wait until the Q. Why should someone vote for Currens Co. Engineering expenses are weather got cold enough to chip out you? not included in those costs. the materials," said Elder Goble, A. "I have a daughter who is a Some limited work is also being assistant physical plant director. senior at EKU, and I have a son who is done to examine the drainage pipe Once the tar-like substance has a freshman at the University of Ken- system of the tower. been removed, workers will be painting the inside of the lower with tucky. I understand what the points of A large containment curtain sur- rounds the tower to prevent debris an epoxy paint system. views are of the students. One thing I from spreading and causing damage. The outside of the tower will have advocated is a crosswalk on Debris around the lower is due to undergo several coats of paint in- lancaster Avenue." the sandblasting of a coal tar-tike sub- cluding an epoxy primer and a poly Incumbent Joe Hacker, 108 E. stance coating the inside of the tower. urethane finish. Walnut St.. is retired. Workers must go to the top of the As s final touch, workers will re- Q. Why are you running for City tower where an opening allows them paint "EKU" on the side of the tower. Commission? to slip inside where the sandblasting Once the tower is painted, water A. "Well, I believe in progress, and Progress photo fry TIM WEBB takes place. will be flowing back into the 400.000 The dark soot resulting from the over the last two years, die city has had The water tower located next to Alumni Coliseum la covered by a large curtain so workers gallon facility. more progress than before." blasting is nasty. "There's usually several hundred can sandblast the tower In order to paint it. The paint the workers are chipping sway has They call it a bitch-o-matic be- Q.
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