September 8, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1185 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RECOGNIZING DEBBIE BYLER FOR Lucky represented a Santa Fe-area House RECOGNIZING NORTHWEST RECEIVING THE PATIENT ADVO- seat in the Roundhouse from 1987 through INDIANA’S NEW CITIZENS CATE AWARD FROM THE 2016, where he served as chairman of the in- HEALTHSOUTH REHABILITATION fluential Finance Committee, among other im- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY HOSPITAL OF ALTOONA portant committee posts. When it came to OF INDIANA state finances and fiscal matters, Lucky’s com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BILL SHUSTER mand of the subject was encyclopedic. One of his colleagues once said that Lucky had prob- Friday, September 8, 2017 OF PENNSYLVANIA ably forgotten more about state finances than Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the experts that appeared before his com- great pleasure and sincerity that I take this Friday, September 8, 2017 mittee ever knew. Truer words were never time to congratulate thirty individuals who will Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to spoken. Over the course of his long and mem- take their oaths of citizenship on Friday, Sep- recognize Debbie Byler of Martinsburg, PA, orable career, Varela was a champion for fair tember 15, 2017. This memorable occasion, winner of the Patient Advocate Award from the wages and reasonable pay increase for state presided over by Judge Philip P. Simon, will HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Altoona. employees, and protecting those who served be held at the United States Courthouse and Debbie is cofounder and coordinator of our state by working in state government. Federal Building in Hammond, Indiana. John’s Way Medical Equipment Ministry, a When Lucky saw a problem, he acted to cor- America is a country founded by immi- faith-based outreach program of Clover Creek rect it. grants. From its beginning, settlers have come Church of the Brethren. John’s Way provides His leadership and compassion shined from countries around the world to the United wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds and other throughout his life. He inspired those who got States in search of better lives for their fami- medical equipment to individuals who do not to know him and many who never met him. lies. Oath ceremonies are a shining example have the necessary funds or medical insur- His life and his service have left an indelible of what is so great about the United States of ance. imprint on the thousands of New Mexicans he America—that people from all over the world Debbie has been instrumental in the growth helped while in office, but even more impor- can come together and unite as members of of John’s Way which donated 16 pieces of tantly, Lucky Varela’s legacy will live on a free, democratic nation. These individuals equipment in its first year in 2009. Last year, through the many people he mentored and re- realize that nowhere else in the world offers a the program made available more than 4,200 lationships he fostered. better opportunity for success than here in Before I close, I want to share some of the items to those in need. She oversees 40 vol- America. remembrances from those who knew him and unteers who take requests, clean and repair On September 15, 2017, the following peo- worked with him. ple, representing many nations throughout the equipment, pick up donations and deliver Senator TOM UDALL said Lucky ‘‘represented world, will take their oaths of citizenship in items to clients. the people of Santa Fe with honor, integrity Hammond, Indiana: Dominic Kwadwo Manu, Debbie and her work at John’s Way have and heart. He will be remembered for his hon- Anas Hashem Mohammad Salameh, Mikhail had a significant, positive impact on the local esty about the need to address our challenges Gennadiyevich Kapustin, Beata Joanna community. Given her admirable actions in in order to move our state forward, and espe- support of individuals and families facing hard- cially for his deep knowledge of the state Nabrzyska, Jaroslaw Nabrzyski, Radoslaw Jan ship, Debbie is unquestionably deserving of budget and its impact on everyone in New Nabrzyski, Daniel Joseph Perfilio Smith, this recognition. As such, it is my honor to Mexico. Ramiro Malagon Ramirez, Ma Marina Diaz de help celebrate her having received this award. ‘‘Lucky truly made New Mexico a better Malagon, Martha Alicia Vargas Somosa, f place. He understood the numbers; just as im- Raymundo Ibis Quintas Garcia, Sheri Ahmady, portantly, he understood the people behind Monica Diaz Nevarez, Susana Jasna Diurych HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY those numbers—their struggles, hopes and Diaz, Lola Li Fuller, Luz Maria Hernandez, OF LUCIANO ‘LUCKY’ VARELA dreams. He gave selflessly to the people of Hana Kang, Biljana Loskoski, Leticia Noguez, ´ Santa Fe and the entire state of New Mexico, Jose Angel Recio, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, An- HON. BEN RAY LUJAN and we are better for his leadership. We will dres Saragoza, Farhat Naheed Shiekh, OF NEW MEXICO miss him dearly.’’ Swetha Vinjimoor, and Anna Sijie Xiong. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Former Governor Bill Richardson called Although each individual has sought to be- come a citizen of the United States for his or Friday, September 8, 2017 Lucky ‘‘a master legislator whose expertise on the budget and finances was unparalleled. He her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- ´ Mr. BEN RAY LUJAN of New Mexico. Mr. was also a gentle soul who cared deeply tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the life about his Santa Fe constituents and his won- each is inspired by the fact that the United and legacy of a true public servant and a dear derful family.’’ States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- friend from my home state of New Mexico. Regarding Lucky, Attorney General Hector scribed it, a country ‘‘. .of the people, by the I have been fortunate in my life to have had Balderas said he was ‘‘grateful and honored to people, and for the people.’’ They realize that the example, the mentorship and the friend- have had the opportunity to serve under his the United States is truly a free nation. By ship of some truly extraordinary individuals. I leadership in the New Mexico House of Rep- seeking American citizenship, they have made was deeply saddened to learn that one of resentatives. He was a strong voice for New the decision that they want to live in a place those extraordinary individuals, former State Mexico’s children, families and state employ- where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment Representative Luciano ‘Lucky’ Varela, is no ees.’’ of the Constitution, they can practice religion longer with us. New Mexico House Speaker Brian Egolf as they choose, speak their minds without fear Lucky was a political giant in New Mexico, called Lucky ‘‘a stalwart advocate for working of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- a true public servant who was loved and re- people, for using our resources wisely, and for test should they choose to do so. spected by all who knew him. Representative the people of Santa Fe. Lucky was beloved in Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask you and my Varela was seen by many as the conscience Santa Fe for many reasons, not the least of other distinguished colleagues to join me in of the New Mexico Legislature—caring, knowl- which was that he knew more about the congratulating these individuals who will be- edgeable, and always ready to lend a hand to state’s budget than most of us ever will. He come citizens of the United States of America anyone in need. During his 30 years of dedi- never shied away from asking tough questions on September 15, 2017. They, too, will be cated service, he became one of New Mexi- and giving selflessly of his time and energy to American citizens, guaranteed the inalienable co’s most profound political leaders, and one make New Mexico a better state.’’ rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- of our state’s best representatives for working We will miss Lucky, but we will never forget ness. We, as a free and democratic nation, families. him. congratulate them and welcome them. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:52 Sep 09, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08SE8.006 E08SEPT1 E1186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 8, 2017 TRIBUTE TO BRAD PIERCE today. The Florence Douglas Center officially and positivity in the face of such adversity is opened in August 1977. remarkable. As such, it is my pleasure to wish HON. MIKE COFFMAN Over the years, the Center established Shelly the best as she continues to reclaim OF COLORADO many traditions and helpful programs. Along her health and life. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with social events, bingo twice a week and on- f going bus trips to casinos, the Center offers Friday, September 8, 2017 many opportunities for seniors to learn. There IN RECOGNITION OF THE 70TH AN- Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to are several course options, including Zumba NIVERSARY OF THE OPTIMIST express my appreciation to Brad Pierce, Au- instruction and French and Spanish lessons. CLUB OF GREEN BAY rora City Council Member At Large, for his Technology has changed quite a bit since many years of extraordinary work and dedica- 1977, and the Center has kept up to date by HON.
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