O UTLIN ES A UCT I O N B R I D G E B EI N G A CON CI S E S TATE' EN T O' T ' E RU LES O ' T ' E GA' E TOG ET' ER ' I T' An elucidation of th e essential points a Bridge player must ' now in order to play AU CTI ON C' AR LES STUART STREET ” A C e ' ' U ' ' D e uthor of oncis hist , hist p to at , ” ” B d e U ' ' D e x B ' n ri g p to at , S i t ridge a ds , “ ” and Good Bri ge . N E' YOR ' 1909 C O ' YR I G ' T . 1 9 09 B Y C ' ARLE S S T UART S TRE E T I ntroduction In the following few pages I have tried to show the Bridge player what he must know in order to play Auction . R eali ' ing the pain ful fact that there are many who wish to I e learn , and few students , hav outlined in this brief manual a system of play which has been tested and found satisfactory . ' AR T C LES S U ART STREET . OU TLI N ES O' AU CTI ON BR I D GE will be mailed on receipt of price , 7 5 cents . AD D RES S C' ARLES STU ART STREET 2 Sl st t . N . Y . 40 East S , The R ules of Auction In addition to the generally known rules of Bridge the following rules govern the play of Auction h e e 1 . T valu of the tricks is the same as in e e e Bridge , but no one can v r scor towards the e e e th e h e gam xc pt declarant , and only when e he fulfills his contract . The oppon nts can e e e i n n ver score xc pt the honor column . h e 2 . T winners of th e rubber add 2 50 h e points in t honor column . e e e 3 . The d al r must declar to win at least the odd trick in a trump suit or at No ' trumps th e he cannot pass bid . 4 . th e e After original d claration , each play er in turn has the right to pass , to double or 6 AU CTION BRIDGE or redouble , to make a higher bid than the previous one Thus , one odd in Clubs out ' ranks one in Spades , and one in No trumps is higher than one in Hearts . Also , the player who undertakes to win two odd in Diamonds is making a higher bid th an the one who ven e th e tures one in H arts , because two in Diamonds e'ual 1 2 as against 8 for the one trick in Hearts . So also a bid of two in ' c Diamonds outranks one in No trumps be ause , e 1 2 one while each bid 'uals , the who de clares to take the greater number of tricks is considered the h igher bidder . 5 . A player always may bid higher than ' r the previous bid , even if it is his pa tner s , but cannot raise his own bid after the other e e three play rs hav passed . ec e 6 . The final d larant 'wheth r doubled or not'plays the dummy except that when a ' player has raised his partner s bid i n the ec same suit , the original d larant of that suit is the one who plays the dummy . d e 7 . When he fulfills his contract , the AUCTION BRIDGE 7 clarant scores towards th e game all th e tricks e he wins , wheth r exactly the number he undertakes to make , or more . e l 8 . When the d clarant fails to fu fill his contract neither side can score anything to wards th e game but th e adversari es score 50 points in th e honor column for each trick that the declarant misses ' this penalty is in creased to 1 00 points for each trick if the de l r e 2 0 c a ant has been doubl d , and 0 if either he or his partner has redoubled . n e e e 9 . O a d claration of one spad , wh ther ' doubled or not , the declarant s loss is limited 1 00 e to points , regardless of the numb r of tricks the adversaries take . e ec e 1 0 . If a play r d lar s out of turn , the e let e play r on his left may the d claration stand , whereupon th e bidding continues ' or he may e demand a new d al . e 1 1 . If a player in his d claration fails to c all a sufficient number of tricks to outbid the h e e e e previous call , is forc d to incr as his bid 8 AUCTION BRIDGE to the proper number and his partner is de barred from any further declaration unless e e the adversaries mak some oth r bid , or double . 1 2 . A player is always entitled during the play of th e hand to know what was the value v in of the final declaration , but if an player i e forms his partner n regard to a pr vious call , e e e the oppon nts may demand a n w d al . n e f e 1 3 . Doubling a d r doubling a f ct the trick value in the score wh en the declarant e th e fulfills his contract , but do not chang value of th e tricks in bidding ' one Heart still outbids a doubled Diamond . ec 1 4 . A d laration can be doubled and re e e doubl d , but that is all . A play r cannot ' double his partner s call nor redouble w hen e e his partn r has doubled . But wh n his part ' e ner s call has be n doubled by the opponent , e he can r double . e 1 5 . A doubl is considered as a continua tion of the bidding and allows furth er declara AUCTION BRIDGE 9 t l “ ions to be made . It is on y after three play ers in succession have passed that the bidding i e s nded . 1 6 . If a player whose declaration has been doubled fulfills his contract , he scores not only his doubled trick score but also 50 points in the honor column for fulfilling his contract e and 50 points more for each trick ov r . If he or his partner has redoubled he scores in the same way 1 00 points instead of SO. t 1 7 . If a player doubles out of turn his lef h and opponent may demand a new deal . ' e 1 8 . If eith r of the declarant s opponents ec leads out of turn , the d larant may consider the card led as an exposed card or may call a lead from either adversary when it is his turn to lead . 1 9 . There is no penalty for a lead out of th e turn on the part of declarant . 2 0 . e When the declarant r vokes , the adver sari es score 1 50 points in their honor column in addition to the penalty the declarant has 1 0 AUCTION BRIDGE incurred if he has failed to fulfill h is contract . Having revoked he can score nothing in the trick column but is entitled to honors or e chican . e e d e 2 1 . Wh n either adversary revok s the clarant may score 1 50 points in the honor col mn e r h u or tak 3 t icks from t em , which tricks m ay be counted by him towards fulfilling his contract but carry no bonus in the honor col umn if the declaration has been doubled . AUCTION BRIDGE 1 1 The ' alue of the D eclaration l There are five channe s of profit in Auction , five things to play for . 1 To w in an am e t es eciall . y g bu p y th e r r ubbe . As th e e e be ob'ct of any gam must to win it , it is wise to declare and to play wi th that end in view and with th e score consta ntly in mind . 2 To o t i th e a vers ari es w en . u b d d h sh ort of th e suit th ey are bidding i n eve n if you cannot go gam e on your bid . ' or ex e e tw o ' ear e ampl , should th y bid on ts wh n you are short in ' earts but have a very long and strong Club suit , you should bid four in Clubs , not w ith th e idea of going far in Clubs but of preventing 1 2 AUCTION BRIDGE them perhaps from w inning th e game . ' ere you are not playing so much to w i n yourself as to ' eep them from w inning. To score in th e onor col mn 3 . h u by b eati n g their ma'e . ' hen holding good cards in their suit and having re e t e e no g at str ng h of your own , it is b tt r not to e e ' tr e e .
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