City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:00 AM REGULAR City Hall Commission Chambers City Commission Manuel A. Diaz, Mayor Joe Sanchez, Chair Michelle Spence-Jones, Vice-Chair Angel González, Commissioner District One Marc David Sarnoff, Commissioner District Two Tomas Regalado, Commissioner District Four Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager Maria J. Chiaro, Interim City Attorney Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk City Commission Meeting Minutes March 13, 2008 CONTENTS Present: Commissioner González, Commissioner Sarnoff, Chair Sanchez, Commissioner Regalado and Vice Chair Spence-Jones PR - PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS MV - MAYORAL VETOES AM - APPROVING MINUTES CA - CONSENT AGENDA PA - PERSONAL APPEARANCES PH - PUBLIC HEARINGS SR - SECOND READING ORDINANCES FR - FIRST READING ORDINANCES RE - RESOLUTIONS BC - BOARDS AND COMMITTEES DI - DISCUSSION ITEMS M - MAYOR'S ITEMS D1 - DISTRICT 1 ITEMS D2 - DISTRICT 2 ITEMS D3 - DISTRICT 3 ITEMS D4 - DISTRICT 4 ITEMS D5 - DISTRICT 5 ITEMS Minutes are transcribed verbatim. Periodically, agenda items are revisited during a meeting. "[Later...]" refers to discussions that were interrupted and later continued. City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 4/2/2008 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 13, 2008 9:00 A.M. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE On the 13th day of March 2008, the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, in regular session. The meeting was called to order by Chair Joe Sanchez at 9:18 a.m., recessed at 12:01 p.m., reconvened at 2:10 p.m., recessed at 5:26 p.m., reconvened at 5:52 p.m., and adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Note for the Record: Commissioner Sarnoff entered the Commission chambers at 9:20 a.m. and Commissioner González entered the Commission chambers at 9:33 a.m. Commissioner Spence-Jones entered the Commission chambers at 2:15 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Maria J. Chiaro, Interim City Attorney Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk Chair Sanchez: We'll go ahead and start with the invocation, followed with the pledge of allegiance, and then we'll go to the protocol programs for the Commission meeting. There are several items in the protocol. I believe all except two are here. If they are not here for the presentation, we will either continue it to the next Commission meeting, regular Commission meeting or, if it's agreed upon by the Commission, we could take it up after lunch, first item after lunch. So at this time, please stand up as we do the invocation, followed by the pledge of allegiance by Commissioner Regalado. Invocation and pledge of allegiance delivered. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PR.1 08-00272 CEREMONIAL ITEM Honoree Presenter Protocol Item Miami Bicycle Month Mayor Diaz Proclamation Volunteers for IRS VITA Sites for EITC Carolina Rabasa Mayor Diaz Certificate of Appreciation Filomena Lopez Mayor Diaz Certificate of Appreciation 08-00272 Protocol List.pdf PRESENTED 1. Mayor Diaz presented a Proclamation in honor of Miami Bicycle Month, in an effort to promote bicycling as an environmentally safe form of transit. 2. Mayor Diaz presented Certificates of Appreciation to Carolina Rabasa and Filomena Lopez in recognition for assisting City of Miami residents with their federal tax obligations. Chair Sanchez: Okay. At this time, the protocol program of the day, I would like to recognize the Mayor of the City of Miami, Mayor Manny Diaz, who will be presenting a proclamation to Miami -- reference honoring Miami Bicycle Month and then volunteers for IRS (Internal Revenue Service) vital [sic] sites for EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit), and then he's got certificates of appreciation for two individuals that the Mayor will be presenting. Presentations made. City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 4/2/2008 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 13, 2008 Presentations made. MAYORAL VETOES NO MAYORAL VETOES Chair Sanchez: Okay. For the record, there are no mayoral vetoes. APPROVING THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETING: Motion by Commissioner Regalado, seconded by Vice Chair Spence-Jones, to APPROVED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Commissioner Sanchez, Regalado and Spence-Jones Absent: 2 - Commissioner González and Sarnoff Chair Sanchez: We need to approve the minutes of the following meetings -- there's only one meeting, the regular Commission meeting of February 14, 208 [sic]. We need a motion. Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Chair Sanchez: There's a motion by Commissioner Regalado. Vice Chair Spence-Jones: Second. Chair Sanchez: Second by Vice Chair Spence-Jones. No discussion on the item. All in favor, say "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair Sanchez: Anyone in opposition, having the same right, say "nay." Motion carries. ORDER OF THE DAY Chair Sanchez: (INAUDIBLE) to order. Want to take this opportunity to welcome each and every one of you to our historical City Hall. The order of the day is the agenda that is in front of us today. Those are the items that'll be taken up during this meeting. [Later...] Chair Sanchez: We move on to the consent agenda. Before we move on to the consent agenda, Mr. City Manager, are there any items the Administration or Legal may want to pull from the agenda? Pedro G. Hernandez (City Manager): Mr. Chair, Commissioners, we are withdrawing item PH.10 and continuing FR.1. Chair Sanchez: Okay. FR.1 is being continued to the next regular Commission meeting -- Mr. Hernandez: Correct. Chair Sanchez: -- and the reason why that is being done, that's the panhandling ordinance. They're still working on a fiscal impact study that should be prepared to accompany that resolution, and also, the mapping was not correct on this agenda book. The mapping has been changed, so therefore, we felt that the ordinance, although it is prepared to move, it did not have the proper documentation in this agenda. And therefore, as the Chair and someone who continues to require that all ordinance that come in front of this Commission have a fiscal impact study, we requested, through the Administration, that this item be continued to the next regular Commission meeting. All right. For the record, those are the items that have been City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 4/2/2008 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 13, 2008 withdrawn and continued. [Later...] Chair Sanchez: All right. FR.6 is the art entertainment mural regulation. I had stated -- and I need to clarify -- that at 2 o'clock -- that was going to be the first item after 2 o'clock. Well, it's going to be the second item after 2 o'clock because we're going to take up RE.2, which is the Museum Park, and the reason is we're paying this consultant a lot of money for being here, so let's get him out of here quick. All right, but it'll be the second item coming back after lunch. [Later...] Commissioner González: RE.2. Vice Chair Spence-Jones: RE.2, we just said that we're not going to take up until after -- Commissioner González: Oh, I'm sorry. Vice Chair Spence-Jones: -- lunch, so we're going to move to RE.3. Well, actually, RE.4. Is there anybody from --? -- okay -- Capital Improvements. Ola O. Aluko: Ola Aluko, director of Capital Improvements, City of Miami. RE.4 CONSENT AGENDA CA.1 08-00203 RESOLUTION Department of A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Capital ATTACHMENT(S), ACCEPTING TWO GRANT AWARDS, IN AN Improvements AGGREGATE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $650,000, FROM THE STATE Program DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, FOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, CONSISTING OF $250,000, FOR THE FAIRLAWN STORM SEWER PUMP STATION - PHASE III, PROJECT B-50704 AND $400,000, FOR THE MIAMI FLAGAMI/WEST END STORM SEWERS IMPROVEMENTS-PHASE II, PROJECT B-50695; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM(S), TO IMPLEMENT THE ACCEPTANCE OF AND ADMINISTRATION OF SAID GRANTS; ALLOCATING THE REQUIRED MATCHING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000, FROM PROJECT B-50704, AND IN THE AMOUNT OF $400,000, FROM PROJECT B-50695. City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 4/2/2008 City Commission Meeting Minutes March 13, 2008 08-00203 Legislation.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit2.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit3.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit4.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit5.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit6.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit7.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit8.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit9.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit10.pdf 08-00203 Summary Form.pdf 08-00203 Text File Report.pdf 08-00203 Text File Report2.pdf 08-00203 Amendment.pdf 08-00203 Attachment A-1.pdf 08-00203 Attachment D-1.pdf 08-00203 Exhibit 1.pdf 08-00203 Agreement.pdf 08-00203 Attachment A.pdf 08-00203 Attachment B.pdf 08-00203 Attachment C.pdf 08-00203 Attachment D.pdf 08-00203 Attachment E.pdf 08-00203 Attachment F.pdf This Matter was ADOPTED on the Consent Agenda. Votes: Ayes: 5 - Commissioner González, Sarnoff, Sanchez, Regalado and Spence-Jones R-08-0104 CA.2 08-00204 RESOLUTION Department of A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH Police ATTACHMENT(S), ACCEPTING THE BIDS RECEIVED JANUARY 23, 2008, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION ("RFQ") NO. 69034, FOR THE PROVISION OF LATENT PRINT EXAMINATION SERVICES, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, ON AN AS-NEEDED BASIS, FOR A PERIOD OF TWO (2) YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR THREE (3) ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS; APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PRE-QUALIFIED LIST, COMPRISED OF TWO (2) QUALIFIED PROPOSERS, AS LISTED ON "EXHIBIT A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE VARIOUS FUNDING SOURCES, SUBJECT TO BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RFQ, TO ADD QUALIFIED FIRMS OR INDIVIDUALS TO THE CONTRACT WHEN DEEMED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI'S BEST INTEREST WITHOUT FURTHER CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT(S), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM(S), WITH EACH OF THE PROPOSERS.
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