BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES GRADUATE PROGRAM MILK PRODUCTION AND REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL AND CROSSBREED DAIRY COWS IN SELECTED DISTRICTS OF WEST GOJAM ZONE, AMHARA REGION, ETHIOPIA M.Sc. Thesis By Melku Muluye Kassahun Department: Animal Production and Technology Program: M.Sc. In Animal Genetics and Breeding Major advisor: Kefyalew Alemayehu (PhD, Asc.prof) Co-advisor: Solomon Gizaw (PhD) June, 2016 Bahir Dar A BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY COLLGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE GRADUATE PROGRAM MILK PRODUCTION AND REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL AND CROSSBREED DAIRY COWS IN SELECTED DISTRICTS OF WEST GOJAM ZONE, AMHARA REGION, ETHIOPIA A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Animal Production and Technology, School of Graduate Studies BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY M.Sc. Thesis By Melku Muluye Kassahun SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.SC.) IN “ANIMAL GENETICS AND BREEDING” June, 2016 Bahir Dar B APPROVAL SHEET As member of Board of Examiner of the Master of Science (M.Sc.) thesis Open Defense examination, we have read and evaluated this thesis prepared by Melku Muluye Kassa- hune entitled “MILK PRODUCTION AND REPRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL AND CROSSBREED DAIRY COWS IN SELECTED DISTRICTS OF WEST GOJAM ZONE, AMHARA REGION, ETHIOPIA”. We hereby certify that, the Thesis is accepted for fulfilling the requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Science (M.Sc) in ANIMAL GENETICS AND BREEDING. Board of Examiners ________________________ __________________ ________________ Name of External Examiner Date Signature ________________________ __________________ ________________ Name of Internal Examiner Date Signature ________________________ __________________ ________________ Name of Chair Person Date Signature I DECLARATION This is to certify that this thesis entitled “MILK PRODUCTION AND REPRODUC- TION PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL AND CROSSBREED DAIRY COWS IN SE- LECTED DISTRICTS OF WEST GOJAM ZONE, AMHARA REGION, ETHIO- PIA” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of science in “ANIMAL GENETICS AND BREEDING” to the Graduate pro- gram of college of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University by Mr. Melku Muluye Kassahun, (ID. No. (R) 0602042/2006) is an authentic work carried out by him under our guidance. The matter embodied in this project work has not been sub- mitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to the best of our knowledge and belief. Name of the Student Melku Muluye Signature & date __________________________ Name of the Supervisors 1) Kefyalew Alemayehu (PhD, Asc.Prof) (Major Supervisor) Signature & date________________________________ 2) Solomon Gizaw (PhD) (Co-Supervisor) Signature & date__ ___20/05/2016_ II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I praise the Almighty God for giving me the courage and strength in my life. I would like to pass my great indebtedness to those individuals and institutions that were involved directly or indirectly in this work so that my study came to success. I would like to appreciate the LIVES (Livestock and irrigation value chine for Ethiopian small holders) of ILRI for their logistic support. My first earnest appreciation goes to my research advisors, Kefyalew Alemayehu (PhD, Asc.Prof.), Solomon Gizaw (PhD) for spending their precious time to give genuine and regular advice, and to correct this manuscript from the very beginning to very end. Special thanks are due to the Bahir Dar University college of Agriculture and Environ- mental Sciences for allowing me the chance of studying this M.Sc. program. My deepest gratitude is also extended to Mecha, Bahir Dar Zuria and Yilimana Densa dis- trict Agriculture Office, especially for Derso Ayele and Gessesse Admasu for supporting me creating a comfortable environment in the time of data collection and supporting the available equipment used for the study. Additionally, Mr. Biazn Ayele, Dr.Solomon Ori- on, Getinet Assefa and Gedamu Alemie are highly appreciated for providing me infor- mation important for this work and collecting the questioner data. My special heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation goes for my colleagues Mr. Asefa Getie, Tezera Aderajew and Moges Takele for their unreserved moral and material support throughout my study and for their kind help during data analysis. III STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR I hereby, declare that this thesis is my authentic work and that all sources of materials used for this thesis have been appropriately acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced M.Sc. degree at Bahir Dar Univer- sity. I soberly declare that this thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate. Brief quotations from this the- sis are allowable without special permission provided that accurate acknowledgement of the source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances, however, per- mission must be obtained from the author. Name: Melku Muluye Signature: ______________ Place: Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar Date of Submission: 10/06/2016 G.C. IV ABBREVIATIONS / ACRONYMS AFC Age at First Calving AFS Age at First Service AI Artificial Insemination ANOVA Analysis Of Variance ANRS Amhara National Regional State CCI Calving to Conception Interval CI Calving Interval CSA Central Statistics Authority DA Development Agent DAGRIS Domestic Animals Genetic Resources Information System DMY Daily Milk Yield DO Days Open EC Ethiopian Calendar FAO Food and Agricultural Organization GDP Gross Domestic Product GL Gestation Length GLM General Linear Model GOE Governmental Organization of Ethiopia HH House Hold IGAD International Governmental Agricultural Development ILCA International Livestock Center for Africa ILDP International Livestock Development Program ILRI International Livestock Research Institute LL Lactation Length MASL Meter Above Sea Level MOA Ministry of Agriculture MOARD Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development NSPC Number of Services Per Conception RK Rural Kebele PADETES Participatory Demonstration and Training Extension System SAS Statistical Analysis Software V SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science TMY Total Milk Yield WoA Woreda office of Agriculture ZDA Zone Department of Agriculture VI MILK PRODUCTION AND REPRODUCTIVE PERFOR- MANCE OF LOCAL AND CROSSBREED DAIRY COWS IN SELECTED DISTRICTS OF WEST GOJAM ZONE, AMHA- RA REGION, ETHIOPIA Melku Muluye1, Kefyalew Alemayehu2, Solomon Gizaw3 West Gojam Zone Agricultural and Rural Development Departement1, Bahir Dar University College of Ag- riculture and Environmental Sciences, Department of Animal Production and Technology2, Ethiopia, Inter- national Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Ethiopia3 Abstract The aim of the study was to evaluate milk production and reproductive performance of Indigenous and their crossbreed of different exotic blood level of dairy cows and factors affecting their performance in rural, peri-urban and urban production system of selected districts of West Gojjam Zone, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. A total of 180 small- scale dairy cow owners were purposively selected and interviewed with pre-tested struc- tured questionnaire to obtain information on the milk production and reproductive per- formance of cows. For monitoring study from 180 farmers, 60 dairy farmers who have lactating cows were involved. The cows with exotic blood level of (0%, 25%, 50% and 75%) were purposively selected. Monitoring study was also conducted to obtain milk pro- duction based on, lactation stages, production system, exotic blood level and parity of cows. The monitoring results showed that, the average daily milk yield for local and their crossbreed of different exotic blood level of 25%, 50% and 75% at Early, Mid, and Late lactation stages, for local cows with mean daily milk was 2.36±0.84 litres, 3.38±0.94, 2.82±1.01and 0.89±0.58 litres early, mid, and late lactation stages, respectively. For 25%, with mean daily milk yield was 4.49±1.50 litres and 5.76±1.67, 4.84±1.49, and 2.86±1.35 litres in early, mid and late lactation stage, respectively. For 50%, with mean daily milk yield was 7.34±2.99 litters and 9.86±3.71, 7.57±3.57 and 4.59±1.68 litres in early, mid and late lactation stage, respectively. For 75% with the mean daily milk yield was 8.78±2.16 litres11.37±2.74, 9.22±2.34 and 5.74±1.40litres in early, mid and late lactation stage, respectively. The milk production was significantly (P<0.05) decreased in 3rd lacta- tion stage than 2nd and 1st for both local and for all crossbreed. From the survey results, the overall average lactation length for Indigenous and their crossbreed of 25%, 50% and 75% was 8.31±2.21, 8.28±0.71, 8.42±0.57 and 10.03±1.59 month, respectively. The mean VII age at first service (months) for local and their crossbreed of 25%, 50% and 75% was 46.68±5.08, 34.56±6.64, 28.80± 5.48 and 25.20± 4.88, respectively. The mean AFS for crossbreed was 29.52±.3.96 month. Age at first calving (Months), for local and their crossbreed of 25%, 50% and 75% was 55.44±6.72, 46.56±5.92, 39.72±6.04 and 36.36±4.56, respectively. The mean AFC for all crossbreed was 40.88±5.51month. Days open till conception (days) for local and their crossbreed of 25%, 50% and 75% was 294.60±43.20, 112.80±42.00, 109.80±54.00, 103.50±36.00, respectively. The mean DO for all crossbreed was 108.70±11.00 day. Calving interval for local and their crossbreed of 25%, 50% and 75% were 22.15±4.22, 17.52±4.36, 16.30±2.59 and 15.70±3.21 month, respectively.
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