“With God All Things Are Possible!” The Catholic Community of the East End of Pittsburgh October 20, 2019 Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time Pastoral Staff Rev. Thomas J. Burke, Administrator [email protected] Rev. David Taylor, Senior Parochial Vicar [email protected] In Residence Rev. James Adeoye [email protected] Rev. Augustine Temu [email protected] Office Staff Christine Pacifico [email protected] Terri Price [email protected] Mass Schedule Joyce Broadus [email protected] Saturday 4 pm St. James 5:30 pm St. Bede Director of Religious Education Teresa Maynor [email protected] Sunday 8 am St. Bede 9 am St. Charles Lwanga, Music Ministry Mother of Good Counsel Church Jennifer Gorske 412.370.2638; [email protected] 10 am St. James Carla LaRocca DiDonato 412.422.2460; [email protected] 11 am St. Bede Pat Morgan 412.425.3834; [email protected] Gerard Rohlf 412.657.7570; [email protected] Monday—Saturday 9 am St. Bede Social Ministries & Community Outreach Anne Scheuermann 412.241.1309; [email protected] Confession Saturday 9:30 am - 10:30 am St. Bede Communications Cathy Raffaele 412.241.1392; [email protected] Novenas 9:30 am St. Bede Glennen Lloyd [email protected] Monday Miraculous Medal Perpetual Novena Bulletin [email protected] Wednesday Mother of Perpetual Help Novena Thursday St. John XXIII Novena for the Sick Housekeeping/Maintenance Eucharistic Adoration Paul Denk, Matthew Denk, Donald Graham, Annette Shunk, Jim Speranza, Melissa Viator Saturday 9:30 am - 10:30 am St. Bede Faith Formation (CCD) Principals Sunday 9:45 am - 10:45 am St. Bede Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic Academy: Ms. Stephanie Michael Baptisms and Weddings 412.242.3515; [email protected] St. Bede School: Sr. Daniela Bronka By appointment only 412.661.9425; [email protected] St. Bede St. Charles Lwanga St. James 509 S. Dallas Ave Church 7705 Bennett Street 718 Franklin Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Office 7114 Kelly Street Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Pittsburgh, PA 15208 [email protected] [email protected] 412.661.7222 [email protected] 412-241.1392 412.731.3020 Monday-Friday 8:30 am - 5 pm Monday-Wednesday 9 am - 3:30 pm Monday-Wednesday 8:30 am - 4 pm Thursday-Friday 10 am - 2 pm Website cceepgh.org @cceepgh All our churches are accessible. Mass Intentions October 19 - 27 SATURDAY VIGIL 4 pm Kenneth Armstrong (Estella & Matthew Armstrong) Burke Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30 pm Rose Fitzgerald (The Fitzgerald Family) Taylor TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY 8 am For the People Taylor IN ORDINARY TIME 9 am Nick & Rosa Fratangelo (Family) Burke 10 am Margaret Drohan (Joyce & Michael) Taylor 11 am Charlotte & Betty (The Hardiman Family) Burke Monday Weekday 9 am Robert Scholle (Trichtinger Family) Burke Tuesday St. John Paul II, Pope 9 am Anthony & Luigia Ambrogio (Family) Temu Wednesday Weekday 9 am C. A. McInterney (Family) Taylor Thursday Weekday 9 am Aileen Minnock (Steve Spadone) Adeoye Friday Weekday 9 am Robert Scholle (Arlene Trichtinger) Taylor Saturday Weekday 9 am Rosie Fitzgerald (Daly Family) Temu SATURDAY VIGIL Living Intention, Grace Corbett 4 pm Taylor Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (James & Linda Carr & Family) 5:30 pm Joanne Horan (Steve & Paula Blaney) Burke THIRTIETH SUNDAY 8 am Tree of Life Victims (Deb McMahon) Burke IN ORDINARY TIME 9 am For the People Taylor 10 am Anthony Andolina (Family) Burke 11 am Aileen Minnock (Alan & Tiffany DeGennaro) Taylor Scripture Readings Protection of God’s Children October 20 Report suspected child abuse First Reading Exodus 17:8-13 Childline: 800.932.0313 Second Reading 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 If a child is in imminent danger, call 911 Gospel Luke 18:1-8 October 27 Anointing of the Sick First Reading Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 For those seriously ill, elderly, or preparing for surgery, Second Reading 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 please call Fr. Tom at 412.661.7222 Gospel Luke 18:9-14 or Fr. Taylor at 412. 731.3020. Those who are in hospitals or nursing homes may request the Catholic Chaplain on duty for the Sacrament. Bulletin Submissions Hospitalized and Homebound If you, a family are due no later than Noon on Fridays. member or if you know a parishioner who is unable to Larger announcements must be submitted get to church and would like to receive Communion, a week prior to the Friday deadline. please contact us at 412.241.1392. [email protected] Pastor’s Note Never Give Up! When I was a teenager, I worked as a paper boy with the Pittsburgh Press and Post-Gazette and also as a cashier at Brownsville Road Foodland in Carrick. I was still involved with Boy Scouts but started to face peer pressure from my friends to quit because being a Scout as a teenager wasn’t the “cool thing to do.” When I reached the Rank of Life Scout (one below the highest Rank of Eagle Scout) I was tempted to quit and just go with what my friends were doing. But my parents and one of the Scout Leaders, Tom Hipkiss, encouraged and challenged me to not give up. I remember them saying “Tommy, don’t quit, just hang in there!”. I did listen and on my fifteenth birthday, No- vember 24, 1985, I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the first in Troop 614 from St. Norbert in Overbrook. After graduat- ing from Clarion University and first working at Triangle Tech as Admissions Counselor, I then became a District Execu- tive with the Greater Pittsburgh Council for the Boy Scouts of America before entering the Seminary. This weekend we celebrate the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings focus on being persistent and not giving up. In the First Reading from Exodus, we read how the people of Israel are engaged in a battle with the evil King Amalek. Through Moses and Joshua and their persistence, God grants them victory. In the Gospel of Luke we read the parable of the unjust judge and the persistent widow. Jesus teaches us that God alone grants justice and vindicates the oppressed, and reminds us to pray always without becoming weary. The gift of faith allows us to trust that God will provide for us not just answer our prayer. The key is to continue to pray and God will handle the rest. As we continue to move closer to merging our three parishes into one, let us keep moving forward and having…Faith! Never Give Up! Safe Environment/Sacramental Coordinator It gives me great pleasure to appoint Melissa Viator as our new parish Safe Environment/ Sacramental Coordinator effective November 1. Melissa will be the main contact for volunteers at St. Bede Parish and School, St. Charles Lwanga and St. James and record and maintain all the sacramental records. Spe- cial thanks to Judy Myers, Georlia White and Cathy Raffaele for being the Safe Environment Coordinators. All Saints Day is Friday, November 1st. We will have three Masses: 9 am at St. Bede; 9am at St. James (with our stu- dents from Sister Thea Bowman Catholic Academy); and 7pm at St. Bede. All Souls Memorial Mass will be held Saturday, November 2nd at 9 am at St. Bede. Families that have lost a loved one during the past year are invited to attend. Throughout the month of November, we will have a Memorial Board listing the names of all the CCEEP Parishioners who had their funeral Mass held at CCEEP the past year and a Book of Re- membrance will once again be in the front of the church near the altar where you can place names of loved ones who have passed on. We will remember them at every daily and Sunday Mass throughout the month of November. Special Memorial Candles are available to purchase for a donation of $5.00. A label of your loved one’s name will be made and placed on a seven-day candle that can be placed in front of the Memorial Board at any of the three campuses. A special flyer is enclosed in this week’s bulletin. Please contact our CCEEP Office Manager, Terri Price, at 412.661.7222 for more information. 2020 Mass Intentions: In the next few weeks we will have a special flyer in the bulletin to make reservations for daily and Sunday Masses at all three of our campuses for 2020. Terri Price, our CCEEP Office Manager will be handling the Mass intentions. Stay posted for further information. There are still some 9 am daily Mass intention openings for the remaining 2019 year. If you would like to have a Mass said for your loved ones, please contact Terri Price at 412.661.7222. Congratulations to our Director of Music, Jennifer Gorske, who has completed the Lay Ecclesial Ministry Program for the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Something to Think About… Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there! Will Rogers With God, All Things Are Possible! Fr. Tom Burke [email protected] Father Taylor’s Reflection October 13 It is sometimes said that persistence pays S off, but from the faith perspective it always T ST. BEDE comes down to what we are persistent Offertory about. We can work hard for those things that enrich only our own lives. This can E Envelopes Online Total lead to selfishness. Putting our best efforts to make life better $4.043 $3,628 $7,671 for all is the better motive. I have attended many gatherings W PSP 2019 that are prayer focused. It is so encouraging to hear people Goal $90,500 Received $61,704 pray for the needs of others.
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