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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 14:28 02 February 2015 LIV.-Oii a CoUec/ioii of Unhfi-on~Parugrruy. By OLDCIELII TiroJr.\s. TIICnritisli ;\luscLIm lins rcccirtly rcccivcd frolu Ah. \V. Fostcr n collcctioii of bats iiintlc hy liiiu iu CcntrnI Pnr;igiiny, n region of particular intcrcst nlid iinportnncc to :ill niam- m:ilogists 011 account of tlic lnrgc iiiirulbcr of spccics dcscribctl ~JJ- ilznra from tlicrc, sliccics inaiiy of wl~icli linvc bccn Ilitlicrto by 110 incaiis satisfactorily irlcntificd. I II:IVC tlicrc- forc workcd out XIr. Fostcr’s bcnutifully-prcpar~tlcollcctioii with ii~iiisiinl~Ic~s~I~c, niiil liavc bccii rc\v:irtlctl by fiiitliiig iii it nutlieutic topotjpicnl cxnmplcs of ciglit of ilzarn’s tllirtccii lints nnrl also two spccics IICW to sciciicc. Tlic lattcr arc botIi nicinbcrs of tlic gciius JIoIossiis, n group in wlrich Mr. Fostcr lins bccu cstrnorrliiiarily siicccsfiil, as Iic lins sclit l~omc canniplcs of no lcss tlinii sis spccics of it, a wry surprisiiig proportion oiit of ouly niiictccii spccics nltogctlicr. I Iinrc also tnkcii the ojqiortiinity of comparing with tlic I’nragunynii bats the spcciincus sciit by tlic lntc Mr. 11. Pcrrcns from Goya, on tlic I’nrann, furtlier south in Cor- ricntcs. T~ICSC,for want of Pitragunyan inatcrinl, I 1iavc liitlicrto Iind to trc:it provisioiinlly as rcprcscnting Aznrn’s sI)ccics, but I iion fiiitl tint iu two caws at Icnst thy differ siifliciciitl? to rcquirc scpnratioii. 1 . l’esperlilio doriaillis, Dabs. d. Yilh Ricn. lGtli Ikbrunry, 1901. 6,4 ? . Snliiicay. Fcbrunry, JInrcli, and JIny. Forcnrms 37 to 3‘3 millim. 2. Lasiirrus lorcalis loitariensis, Lcss. S: Garn.“ 8, . Z-ltli Iichrunry and 10th JInrcli. Tlic Rcd Unt wns not obscrvcd by Bzara, his Clrawc-souris qitiijnic, tlrc basis of VcsperfXo uillosissinius, Gcoff., bciiig :Icnrly a southern rcprcicntntivc of tlic Grcf Bat (Lasiurus ;k?rcf[s,P. dc ncnuv.). 3. Ilnsypferus cga nrgeiifiiius, ‘lllios. Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 14:28 02 February 2015 ~,7syptrrii3pp nrgrritiriit3, Tlios. :hi. k Jliig. X. 11. (7) viii. p. 2.17 (1901). 0 . Sapcay. 18th XInrcli. rc Cniiglit flring.” 4. dlyotis ulbescois, Gcoff. Chnirce-soiiri.r doii:ii.rric, hnra; tlic his of T>.yicrfiIio nlbrrrens, Cicofl: 9. Tacaaral. 12th Wovcmbcr, 1900. v C’. ,\Ilc~i, 1’. Diol. SOC.Wnsli. xiii. p. 1G.i (1900). 31* 4% Nr. 0.Tliomna oii n Tliis spccimcn, likc otlicrs collcctcd at Goya by Mr. R. I’errcus, has tlic cliaractcristic wvliitc1iing of tlic posterior abdonicn 011 wliicli tlic naxnc was foundcd. Tlic wings arc also narrowly cdgcd with wliitc. Tlic iicst spccies lins thc abdomen browii tliroiigliout. 5. Myotis niyricans, Wicd. 8 , 3 0 . Villa Rica. February. 3 d , 1 . Sapucay. January and Fcbruary. Thesc specimms diff’cr froin M. albcscciis by tlicir uniformly dark bellirs and otlicr tlctails, and are evidently specifically rlistinct. Rcnggcr sup~ioscdttc two forms to bc identical. MoLossus. Mr. .Foster obtaiiicd no less thnii sis spccics of 1u0bSSU8, using this namc in tlic 1Rrgcr sensc cniploycd by Dobson. Tlic study of tlicsc convinccs nre tlint tlic dental formula in this group, howcrer coiivciiicnt as mi indcs to dctcrniiiirtion, is empliatically not a truc guidc to miitunl rclationsliip. Tltosc who wish that gcncrn should be rcally gcnctic groups should not thcrcforc us(: “ Proiiiops,’I’) rr Myopterus,” and illolossus as scparate gcncra, rinlcss skull-structure and not dental formula is mndc tlicir basis. To commencc with : 111. Fostcri, with tlic csternal iiccu- linrities of ridus, thcrcforc of true Molossiis (9. s.), liss fonr lowcr incisois as in Pi-oaiops arid dIyopferus; whilc ns regards its small uppcr premolar, of sis specimens, tlircc Iravc got it, 8s in ‘r Proiiiops,)’ nud tlirec linvc uot, as in MoOlossus and Myopterus. The same variation occurs in iW. nasufus. Thcn it is quitc cvidciit tlint the broad-faccd flat-liead**’. species cerasles, pla~rirusfris,mid Teianzirickii form a natural group quitc apart from the otlicrs. But tlic lmt-named has a difkrent xiumber of loner incisors to tlic first two, while iiinurus (really, I think, morc closcly allied to lr Promops ” abasus and ylaucirius) has tlic dcntal formula of “iVppterusJJ planirostris and cerasfes. Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 14:28 02 February 2015 Mr. Miller is iio~engaged on a rcvision of the group, and froni his use of “ I’roniops ” in describing ncw species, I prcsnmc lie intciids to USC tlint as a gcnus. TI this is tlrc cnsc, I sliall be intcrcstcd to scc both how lic deals with itlolossus nasutus and Fosferi, aiid whethcr, if he takes Il‘enriiiiiickii froin the planirostris-group and puts rnauriis into it, lic will still he prcpared to maintain that his genera have, ns tlicy should Iinv~,gcnctic rclntionship as tlicir basis, The followiiig is a keyJ by skull-characters only, to tlie spccics in Nr. Vostcr’s collcctioii :- Collrction of Bds from Pctrnpay. 437 A. Skull nrchcd, tnrcrinE nntcriorly. n. Two lower incisors. Upper 11’ nbsent. d. Size Inrgcr.. ............................ dl. rtfus. h‘. Size smnller ............................ Af. olsncrrts. 6. Four lower incisors. d. Upper p’ minute or shsent. A median crcst . ’11. Fosicri. ha. U’per 11’ well developcd. Ro niedinn crest. 111. borrnriorsis. 13. Skull at, broad nntcriorly. n. Sizc lnrgc. Four lower iucisors .............. 31. crrastcs. b. Size mnll. TWOlower incisors .............. :PI. Termrrinckii. G. dlulossus rilfus, Gcoff. Aznra’e Chnucc-sofirissixt?aic, on which .WoIusrris casln~rcrts,Geoff., is blued. 8,2 0. Villa Rica. 24th January, 9th and loth April. Azara’s sistli bat, tlic Chauue-souris chdtnine, lias beeu generally considcrcd, on account of its lr fil ou ruban aigu qui sc reid A la pointc du miiscau” aid its sizc (spread 370 millim.), as being M. rufus, Gcoff., or nn alliccl local form. This rcfcrcncc I am, on tlic wliole, inclined to confirm, for 3lr. Fostcr‘s spccimcri agrccs vcry acll with thc descriptions both of Azara and Rengger, and may tlicrcfore bc talicii to represent M. castatreus. Tlic onc flaw iu the dcscription, tlic Ir blauch8tre en dessou.p,” is cqunlly indpplicable to any otlier allied species. It is truc that with tlic samc cxccption thc description would almost cqunlly scll fit Malossus Fosferi; but as it has to bc allocatcd to one or othcr of tlic two local qxcies, and the present onc sccms ncnrer in sizc, has n more perfectly fr lcnticulairc ” antitragus, and with only two lowcr incisors is nearer Azara’s lr sans . i incisivcs ” than 111. Fosteri with four, I propose to avail mysclf of my privilcgc as first rcviscr and to assign tlie name cnsfn,zeus to tlic species witli Rhich I tliink it has most in common. Should further matcrial show the Paraguaynu form to bc distinguishable from the Brazilian, tlic namc casfaiieus will tlicn havc to bc rcvivcd for it. Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 14:28 02 February 2015 7. itlolossus olrscurus crassicaudatus, Geoff. AZBID’BChaucc-soiiris di.iG’nrc ; tho bnsis of ~Volossuscmssicnrtdntru, Qeoff. 2 d, 3 9 . Yilla Hica. February and Narch. 9. Paraguari. 22nd April. TIICSCspecimens are ratlicr smallcr and thcir skulls arc lnarkcdly lighter and morc delicate, with smallcr brain-cases, than those of Brazilian cxampIcs, so tlrnt I provisionally use as B subspccific nnmc the tcrrn applicd by Gcoffroy to 435 JIr. 0.Tlionins on Q Aznra’s tcutli bat-tlic “ pnrdo acanclndo ” of tlic Spniiish edition. Tlicir forcnrrns rncnsiirc 3G to 30 millim. lliit comparing with tlicsc tlic scrics obtained nt Goja by RIr. Pcrrciis, it is intcrcsting to find tlint tlic latter arc, on thc contrary, tlic Inrgcst of nll tlic forms nssigiicd to tlic coiniiioii and widcly-sprcnd “NoIossiu obsciiriis.” So rnnrkcd is tlic tlifkrciicc, tlint tlic Corricntcs form should clearly Iinvc a spccinl nninc, and mny bc callcti dlolossiis obsciiriis ciirrcnfiiinzJsubsp.
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