May/June 2015

May/June 2015

EVENTS EXHIBITIONS RENTALSTALS WORKSHOPS 164416644 MAIN STREET (803) (8003) 988-0013 9988 0013 WWW.TAPPSARTSCENTER.COMWWW.TAPPSARTSC WWW T 5 A MESSAGE FROM THE ASSISTANT EDITOR CENTERFOLD • By Kyle Petersen / 8 READS JASON KENDALL • 7KH'RRPRI5DYHQVZRRG 12 SPECIAL • From Mao to Marilyn 14 LISTENS • 5DS7DON 24 WATCHES • -HQQLIHU0RRG\6DQFKH] • Walter Graham 28 CENTERFOLD • -DVRQ.HQGDOO 36 LISTENS • /RFDO5HFRUG5HYLHZV 08 ON THE COVER 14 LISTENS 44 SPECIAL THE DOOM OF RAVENSWOOD RAP TALK • 6DOXGD6KRDOV0XVLF)HVWLYDO • -DVSHU¶V6SROHWR3LFNV JASPER IS . 63 SCREENS Cynthia Boiter (ඌඑග඗කඑඖ&ඐඑඍඎ Kyle Petersen $ඛඛඑඛගඉඖග(ඌඑග඗ක W. Heyward Sims $කග'එකඍඋග඗ක. Forrest Clonts 3ඐ඗ග඗ඏකඉ඘ඐඡ(ඌඑග඗ක • $P\6KXPDNHU Ed Madden /එගඍකඉකඡ$කගඛ(ඌඑග඗ක Chris Robinson 9එඛඝඉඔ$කගඛ(ඌඑග඗ක(ඕඍකඑගඝඛ Kara Gunter 9එඛඝඉඔ$කගඛ(ඌඑග඗ක. 7RP'HPSVWHU$ඛඛඑඛගඉඖග0ඝඛඑඋ(ඌඑග඗ක 52 GAZES 'DYLG/LJRQ'ඉඖඋඍ(ඌඑග඗ක . %RQQLH%RLWHU-ROOH\&඗ඖගකඑඊඝගඑඖඏ'ඉඖඋඍ(ඌඑග඗ක Perrin Hall Brunson 1ඍඟ0ඍඌඑඉ(ඌඑග඗ක • 5XVVHOO-HIIFRDW -XOLD(OOLRWW&඗ඖගකඑඊඝගඑඖඏ(ඌඑග඗ක. Wade Sellers )එඔඕ(ඌඑග඗ක Rachel Haynie 6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක . -RQDWKDQ%XWOHU6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක 56 READS +DOH\6SUDQNOH6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක . .ULVWLQH+DUWYLJVHQ6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක Elizabeth Breen 6ගඉඎඎ:කඑගඍක . -RQDWKDQ6KDUSH6ගඉඎඎ3ඐ඗ග඗ඏකඉ඘ඐඍක • American Sycamore Thomas Hammond 6ගඉඎඎ3ඐ඗ග඗ඏකඉ඘ඐඍක • Smell of Salt, Ghost of Rain Alexis Schwallier6ගඉඎඎ3ඐ඗ග඗ඏකඉ඘ඐඍක $QQLH%RLWHU-ROOH\ 2඘ඍකඉගඑ඗ඖඛ0ඉඖඉඏඍක • Lost Cantos of the Ouroboros 5REHUW%-ROOH\-U0' 3ඝඊඔඑඛඐඍක • Fate Moreland’s Widow CONTRIBUTORS • 3RHPE\0HOLVVD'XJDQ (ULND5\DQ. 'DYLG6WULQJHU . :RRG\-RQHV . 0HOLVVD'XJDQ • 3RHPE\.HQ'HQN .HQ'LQN . 5DQG\$NHUV. 0LFKDHO6SDZQ Will South . 6DUDK*RXJK . Brandon Rushton 63 GUEST EDITORIAL JASPER ONLINE • %\5DQG\$NHUV MDVSHUFROXPELDFRPMDVSHUFROXPELDQHWEORJ IDFHERRNFRPMDVSHUFROXPELDWZLWWHUFRPMDVSHUDGYLVHV A MESSAGE FROM JASPER Dear Friends, 3˞˝˝˒˗ː˝˘ːˎ˝ˑˎ˛ a magazine is a lot about the music direction Dream Girls to the writing a column that bounced around al- of work. vagaries of 19th century female composers most as much as what I chose to feature— ǯȋϐȌ to the curious case of Andy Warhol, among but ultimately I’d like to think (humbly, if into my new role as assistant editor here other subjects. It’s a ride. that’s possible) that I forged a particular at Jasper, that might seem like a fairly ob- Putting it all together though, is a pro- sensibility of what and how we wrote about vious thing to say. After all, cries of being cess, one that requires a lot of thinking, our music scene. I’ve also dabbled in oth- overworked are practically an American brainstorming, and chasing down ideas be- ǡϐǡǡ tradition, particularly among us white col- fore there’s an even a rough sketch of what theater for the magazine when inspired or lar folks who gather together over wine or the magazine is going to look like. And from called upon to, but what has remained con- a beer late at night to commiserate about issue to issue, there’s also always a small sistent is my desire to both to get at the heart our endless mountains of blown deadlines ȋ Ȍ ϐ of a story emotionally and intellectually, to and backlog of projects. But I’m not saying out. These problems range from the logis- acknowledge all of the outward realities of that to garner your sympathy, but rather tical—a photographer may have locked his art while at the same time recognizing that to push it towards our fearless leader, Edi- keys in the car on the way to a shoot or a how and why it makes us tick is usually a lit- tor-in-chief Cindi Boiter. planned feature falls through because the tle more complicated than that. Having worked closely with Cindi on subject is out of town—to concerns about That’s pretty much what the magazine ϐǡ - ϐ has done across the board as well, but as timately understand the laborious process stories we tell or how much we should tem- the new assistant editor I’d like to continue of corralling a legion of talented freelanc- per our desire to educate and promote with and strengthen that mission. As Columbia’s ers to not only take on assignments, but to critique and taste. It’s hard to predict what arts scene grows, there’s a clear hunger to ǡ ϐ these quandaries will be ahead of time, or challenge ourselves, in all sorts of ways, and the magazine’s vision and challenges our how best to prepare for them. You just deal. there’s always going to be some tension and readers. All of that is only partly why Cindi asked disagreement over any sort of change. How- We’ve mostly succeeded this time, with for my help though. Since I started with Jas- ever long my tenure in this position will be, an eclectic array of subject matter that per as music editor back in 2011, she’s al- I’d like for us here at Jasper to do our best to ȋϐ - ways encouraged all of the editors to bring give our community ways of thinking, reject- ly relevant) hip-hop roundtable with rap- their own vision to their subject matter, and ing, challenging, or re-thinking the role of pers FatRat da Czar, Preach Jacobs, and for the most part I think I’ve done a good arts in our social world as well as deep with- Karmessiah to centerfold Kendal Jason’s job living up to that. The music coverage in our own interiority. Again, a tall order. fascinatingly introspective performance art in Jasper has drifted dramatically over the But you don’t make a magazine if you piece that grapples with masculinity and years—the record review section, now a don’t like a little bit of challenge. the mythos surrounding The Wizard of Oz. ǡ ϐ In between, we hopscotch through talking magazine’s existence, and for a while I was Jasper// as in Johns, the abstract expressionist, neo-Dadaist artist Jasper Magazine – – is dedicated to the promotion and as in Sergeant, the Revolutionary War hero support of Columbia, SC artists and arts lovers. Jasper Magazine is copyrighted and as in Mineral, the spotted or speckled stone may not be reproduced in any manner without the publisher’s written consent. Jasper as in Magazine, the Word on Columbia Arts Magazine is a division of Muddy Ford Press, 1009 Muddy Ford Road, Chapin, SC 29036. MAY/ JUN 2015 / VOLUME 004 / ISSUE 005 0ʃʕʖʇʔ CORALEE HARRIS . CINDY PATTERSON . FORBES PATTERSON HOWARD HUNT . WILLIAM SCHMIDT . SARA JUNE GOLDSTEIN SUSAN FELLEMAN & PETER CHAMETZKY . MIMS & RON RUST GALLERY WEST . SUSAN LENZ & STEVE DINGMAN KARL L. LARSEN . WILL BARNES & ERICKA SIZEMORE -ʑʗʔʐʇʛʏʃʐ TONI ELKINS . LEE SIPE . KATIE FOX . DIANE HARE . WILLIAM FICK . LOCALHAPPINESS.NET . MARJORIE RUSS TRIFON CEILLE BAIRD WELCH . PHILIP MULLEN . KAY & JIM THIGPEN . KIRKLAND SMITH . AMY OVERSTREET . ALEX SMITH SUSAN CARTER . BILLY GUESS . EASTER ANTIQUES . ATTICUS FINCH . CRAIG BUTTERFIELD . SHANI GILCHRIST RANDY HANNA . BONNIE GOLDBERG . KAY REARDON . PILATES OF FOREST ACRES . NANCY MARINE LEMUEL & GERARD ERLEY-WATSON . NANCY MILLER CHAMBERS $ʒʒʔʇʐʖʋʅʇ ALVIN NEAL . CHARLES LESSER . RUSS & JEANNIE EIDSON . LAURIE & DUNCAN MCINTOSH . JOSEPH COUNTS TRACIE BROOM . WILLIAM STARRETT . JANNA MCMAHAN . DICK MOONS . MARGEY BOLEN . MELINDA COTTON ROBERT COFFEE . C. HOPE CLARK . WENTWORTH TRADD . WATERMARK HYPNOSIS . HEATHER GREEN BOB WAITES . CATHERINE J. PETERSEN . TODD MATHIS & CULLY SALEHI . HARRIET MCMASTER . THEODORE M. TSOLOVOS DOREEN TUOHY & LEE SNELGROVE . EILEEN BLYTH . LAUREN MICHALSKI . SHIRLEY SMITH . JEANNE FAITH D’ORLEANS NANCY BROCK . BOHUMILA AUGUSTINOVA . ROSALIND GRAVERSON . DAN COVELL . MARY ANN HURST $ʔʖʋʕʖ3ʇʇʔ ERIN BOLSHAKOV . NANCY KAUFFMAN . GIGI WOODS ADDAHOUMI . WILD BLUE SKY . ROBIN GOTTLIEB LIZZIE GILLIAM WRENN . LADYBUG ART STUDIOS . RON HAGELL . HARRIET SHOWMAN . ANTHONY S. IMPERIAL, M.D. TRINESSA DUBAS . GLENDA KEYES . TRACE BALLOU . JONATHAN SHARPE . DEBRA A. DANIEL . ALEXIS STRATTON ANN HAGAN . ROBBIE PRUITT . NANCY WASHINGTON . ELENA MARTINEZ-VIDAL . DARIEN CAVANAUGH . RAIA JANE SULLIVAN HIRSCH ISN’T IT TIME THAT YOU JOIN THE The Jasper Guild is a group of supporting artists and arts lov- ers who appreciate not only the vital Columbia, SC arts scene, but the magazine devoted to promoting it. Members of the Jasper Guild recognize the labor-of-love that is Jasper and work to do their parts to ensure • APPRENTICE that Jasper continues to publish 1 year delivery of Jasper Magazine to your home & your name a 100% LOCAL & artist-pro- listed in Jasper Magazine for 1 year - $50 duced magazine. You’re invit- ed to join us in our mission to make Columbia, SC the South- • JOURNEYMAN east arts capitol by becoming All the above + your name in print in LARGE LETTERS - $100 a member of the Jasper Guild. And the next time you open a • MASTER copy of Jasper you’ll be able to $250 say, All the above + a non-transferable Econobar PASS for 1 year - • CENTERFOLD SPONSORSHIP “I helped All the above + your name/dedication printed on the centerfold - $500 make this • PUBLISHER All the above + your choice of 3 books from the Muddy Ford Press happen $1000 and here’s catalogue - “But I’m just a starving artist myself,” you say? my name • ARTIST PEER to prove it!” Practicing artists in dance, theatre, music, visual arts, film, & literary arts are invited to join The Jasper Guild at a reduced rate & see your name in Jasper Magazine for 1 year - $25 Visual Artist Stephen Chesley Revisits Archibald Rutledge in THE DOOM OF RAVENSWOOD 8 . -$63(55($'6 t is more than an understate- ment to call noted outdoors writer Archibald Rutledge ȋͳͺͺ͵Ǧͳͻ͹͵Ȍ ϐ Ǥ author of more than 50 books, hundreds of maga- zine articles in such publi- cations as Field and Stream, Outdoor Life, and numerous additional magazines di- rected toward boys, as well as thousands of poems, Rut- ledge was a natural choice to ǯϐ laureate in 1934.

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