10022 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 8 April 2, 2009 After I stepped down from Congress in who are interested in the cause of individual the United Press International, Baptist Medical 1984, I partnered with Burt in the coin busi- liberty, peace, and sound money. Many of Center and Florida City Magazines Inc. In the ness, a partnership which lasted until I re- them got their introduction to these ideas Star-Telegram, his goal has always been to turned to Congress in 1996. Our partnership through one of the many organizations nur- present the issues that are important to his was based on nothing more than our words. tured by Burt Blumert. community and keep citizens informed. Over As anyone who ever dealt with Burt could tes- Madam Speaker, perhaps the highest com- the years, Harral served as Senior Editor of tify, that was all that was needed, because pliment one can pay to a departed friend is to Metro news, Ombudsman, Editor of the edi- Burt’s word was truly his bond. I am unaware say that they left the world better than they torial pages, Editor of zoning operations, and of anyone who dealt with Burt who questioned found it. That is certainly true in the case of supervised the online department. Under his his integrity or his commitment to his cus- Burt Blumert. While I am saddened that I will tenure in 1995, the Texas Associated Press tomers. never again benefit from Burt’s good humor Managing Editors (APME) recognized the As well-known and respected as he was for and wise counsel, I am comforted by knowing weekend and daily commentary sections as his leadership in the coin business, Burt was that I was blessed by his friendship and the best in the state. best known as a promoter of libertarian ideas. thought that the vibrant and growing freedom Madam Speaker, I am proud to recognize Burt was a long time friend and patron of Mur- movement will serve as a living monument to Paul K. Harral for his years of service to Fort ray Rothbard, one of Mises’ top American stu- Burt for years to come. I therefore join friends Worth. His devotion serves as an example to dents and a pioneer in economics, political of liberty around the world in mourning Burt’s those who had the privilege of working with theory, history, and much else. Burt helped passing, and saluting all he accomplished dur- him. Even though he is retiring, his contribu- Murray establish the Center for Libertarian ing his lifetime. tion will be forever appreciated by the Fort Studies, and served as its president from 1975 f Worth community. It is an honor to represent until his death. him as a member of the 26th district of Texas. IN RECOGNITION OF PRINCETON’S Burt also played a key role in the flourishing f of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, which, as its BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM name suggests, is the leading center for the TRIBUTE TO KEITH CLARKE promotion and development of Austrian eco- HON. BRAD ELLSWORTH nomics and libertarian political theory in the OF INDIANA HON. KEN CALVERT nation. Burt served as a founding board mem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA ber of the Institute and the chaired the Insti- Thursday, April 2, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tute’s board after the original chair, Mrs. Thursday, April 2, 2009 Margit von Mises, passed away in 1993. He Mr. ELLSWORTH. Madam Speaker, I rise also published The Rothbard-Rockwell Report, today to congratulate the Princeton Commu- Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today a well-read libertarian newsletter written by nity High School Boys Basketball Team for to honor and pay tribute to an individual Murray Rothbard and Mises Institute President winning its first 3A State Championship. The whose dedication and contributions to the Lew Rockwell. victory capped a perfect 29–0 season for the community of Corona, California are excep- Burt played a major role in making the ideas Tigers and earned them their first state title in tional. Corona has been fortunate to have dy- of liberty a force on the internet by serving as school history. namic and dedicated community leaders who the publisher of Lewrockwell.com, as well sup- The Tigers defeated the Rochester Zebras willingly and unselfishly give their time and tal- porting the development of Mises.org. Burt by a score of 81–79 in a thrilling double over- ent and make their communities a better place also played an instrumental role in the devel- time victory at Conseco Fieldhouse in Indian- to live and work. Keith Clarke is one of these opment of Antiwar.com. Burt also served as apolis. I was able to attend the game and it individuals. On April 16, 2009, Keith will retire chairman of my first run for the presidency, was one of the best I’ve seen, with 16 lead as the Director of the Building Department for and important counselor in the second. changes and a last second pair of free throws the City of Corona. In addition to his work with these organiza- to put Princeton over the top. Keith graduated from Pacifica High School tions, Burt was a friend, mentor, and patron to As Tigers’ coach Tom Weeks said, ‘‘That’s in 1973 and obtained his Associates Degree in numerous libertarian scholars and activists. He what Indiana high school basketball is about. Engineering from Cypress Junior College in was incredibly generous with both his time It doesn’t get any better than what we saw to- 1976. He attended the University of California and his resources. Talking to Burt was always night.’’ at Los Angeles and then attended California a treat, because he had one of the best These young men are shining examples of State University at Long Beach from 1977 to senses of humor I have ever known, and it the idea that success in life comes to those 1979. seemed like he was always in a good mood. who are willing to set goals and work hard to After attending college, Keith became a Events that would send his friends into fits of achieve them. They are an inspiration to me General Contractor and contracted a variety of depression, rage, or both would be used by and everyone in the Princeton, Indiana, com- projects which included masonry structures, Burt as fodder for a series of jokes and wise- munity who have followed them throughout the patio covers and room additions. From 1981 cracks. Even in the last days of his battle with years. to 1982, Keith worked as a Deputy Concrete cancer he remained upbeat. One of Burt’s Go Tigers! and Masonry Inspector for Southern California friends called him shortly after learning about f Testing Labs where he performed inspections Burt’s cancer, but instead of consoling Burt, on masonry and concrete structures in order this friend ending up having his sprits lifted by RECOGNIZING PAUL K. HARRAL to insure compliance with approved plans and Burt’s humor. FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS structural specifications. In 1982, Keith came It is somewhat of a comfort to myself, and to the City of Corona and he began as a I am sure to Burt’s other friends, to know that HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Building Inspector. He quickly rose up the he lived long enough to see so many of his ef- OF TEXAS ranks: he became a Senior Building Inspector forts bear fruit. Today, the Mises Institute IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 1984, an Assistant Building Official in 1986, teaches sound economies and the principles a Building Official/Director in 1989, the Acting of liberty to thousands of students every year Thursday, April 2, 2009 Director of Parks and Community Services in while Mises.org is one of the leading econom- Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise 2005 and the Building Official/Director from ics websites in the world. Lewrockwell.com is today to recognize Paul K. Harral for his serv- October 2005 to March 31, 2009. one of the top providers of political, economic, ice to the Fort Worth community throughout Keith is a member of several organizations, and cultural commentary on the web, while his career with the Fort Worth Star Telegram. including: the International Association of Antiwar.com is the leading source of informa- After providing his expertise for nearly a quar- Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, the Inter- tion for scholars, journalists, and activists look- ter-century in almost every news department national Conference of Building Officials ing for material to combat the propaganda of of the Star Telegram, Harral will retire at the (ICBO), the International Association of Elec- the war party. end of April. trical Inspectors, the International Fire Code As I travel across the country, I am as- Media is Harral’s passion. Before joining the Institute, Building Officials and Code Adminis- tounded at the number of young people I met Star-Telegram family in 1986, Harral served trators, the Citrus Belt Chapter of ICBO, and VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:50 Aug 09, 2011 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E02AP9.001 E02AP9 wreier-aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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