Lakewood Propagation

Lakewood Propagation

1Page LAKEWOOD PROPAGATION 50 mm Tubestock list 14th April 2020 ABN: 19 137 375 430 Phone 07 5445 9695 PO Box 490 Palmwoods, Qld Mobile Tel: 0402 863182 [email protected] [email protected] Saunders Lane / Winston Road South, Palmwoods, QLD, 4555. * View highlighted stock, labels and info sheets at All highlighted Complete Plant Management stock includes the Label in the price. Plants available now. 1000 Anigozanthos Ranger $1.75 100 Azalea Dogwood $1.14 1000 Anigozanthos Orange Cross $1.75 700 Azalea Red Wings $1.14 500 Anigozanthos Tango $1.75 50 Azalea Elizabeth Lawrence $1.14 100 Acanthus mollis $1.80 200 Azalea violacea $1.14 3000 Acmena smithii minor $1.24 500 Azalea Kirin $1.14 800 Acmena Mini Pilly $1.24 100 Azalea Carnival Fanfare $1.14 1600 Acmena Forest Flame $1.24 300 Azalea Carnival Time $1.14 2000 Acmena Allyns Magic PBR + Tag $1.90 300 Azalea Carnival Rocket $1.14 1000 Alcantarea odorata $3.25 400 Azalea Alphonse Anderson $1.14 1000 Alcantarea edmundoi $3.25 200 Azalea Glowing Embers $1.14 700 Alcantarea regina $3.25 100 Azalea Pride of Dorking $1.14 1000 Alcantarea imperalis Rubra $3.25 50 Azalea Gretel $1.14 1000 Alocasia brisbanensis $1.56 400 Asteromyrtus Fireball PBR + Label $2.30 1200 Austromyrtus dulcis $1.11 50 Alectryon coriaceus $1.20 2000 Austromyrtus Copper Tops $1.11 80 Aglaonema Lucky Red T.C. $2.65 2000 Agave attenuata $1.60 80 Aglaonema Night Sparkle T.C. $2.65 1000 Agave victoriae reginae $3.00 1000 Alpinia zerumbet variegata $1.75 1600 Agave geminiflora with Label $2.50 1500 Alloxylon flammeum $2.50 100 Acalypha Spitfire $1.09 400 Backhousia myrtifolia $1.19 1000 Buckinghamia celsissima $1.12 3000 Buxus Faulkner $1.16 2000 Blechnum Silver Lady $2.50 700 Buxus harlandii $1.16 700 Barleria Purple Gem $1.24 600 Buxus sempervirens $1.16 400 Brunfelsia latifolia Compacta Var $1.19 400 Buxus microphylla Japonica $1.16 500 Baeckea virgata $1.14 300 Buxus microphylla microphylla $1.16 500 Baeckea Clarence River $1.14 1000 Breynia Ironstone Range $1.20 300 Baeckea virgata Dwarf $1.20 600 Beaucarnea recurvata $1.30 4000 Cordyline fruticosa Rubra T.C. $2.08 2000 Carex glauca Blue Cascade PBR $2.20 800 Cordyline fruticosa Negra T.C. $2.08 200 Cassia brewsteri $1.25 2500 Cordyline Firestorm T.C. $2.08 3500 Callistemon Hannah Ray $1.12 100 Cordyline americana T.C. $2.08 600 Callistemon Dawson River $1.12 1000 Cordyline Red Sensation T.C. $2.08 500 Callistemon Kings Park Special $1.12 1500 Cordyline terminalis Ruby T.C. $2.08 300 Callistemon Wildfire $1.12 1000 Cordyline Pink Diamond T.C. $2.08 700 Callistemon Wilderness White $1.12 2000 Cordyline fruticosa Tangelo T.C. $2.08 100 Callistemon Pink Alma $1.19 1000 Cordyline fruticosa John Klass Red T.C.$2.08 100 Callistemon Little John $1.55 700 Cordyline congesta $1.14 600 Callistemon Little Silver PBR +Label $2.00 100 Cordyline stricta $1.14 400 Callistemon Little Caroline PBR+Tag $2.00 100 Clusia Family Tree + Label $2.50 200 Casuarina cunninghamiana $1.09 3500 Cupaniopsis anacardioides $1.92 2Page 1500 Casuarina glauca Prostrate $2.45 30 Colocasia esculenta (Japanese Taro) $2.00 1400 Cuphea hyssopifolia Mauve $1.07 900 Croton Speckled Gold Dust $1.35 1500 Cuphea hyssopifolia White $1.07 300 Caesalpinia ferrea Libidibia ferrea $1.20 1000 Cuphea Jocelyn's Pink PBR +Label $1.66 300 Calliandra Hula Girl $1.30 1500 Dianella caerulea $1.09 7000 Dietes grandiflora $1.09 3000 Dianella Variegated T. Culture $2.27 400 Duranta Squatters Gold $1.09 300 Dianella Emerald Fountain PBR +tag $2.20 400 Dichondra repens $1.09 50 Euonymus jap. Micro Tom Thumb $1.14 900 Evolvulus pilosus Saphhire Blue $1.09 50 Erigeron karvinskianus $1.09 200 Evolvulus pilosus White $1.09 100 Elaeocarpus reticulatus Pink $2.30 200 Escallonia Iveyi $1.11 600 Elaeocarpus reticulatus Green Dream Pbr $2.95 300 Ficus elastica Sofia T.C. $2.35 1000 Flindersia australis $1.14 900 Ficus hillii Emerald $1.14 500 Flindersia schottiana $1.19 400 Ficus Midnight Petite PBR + Label $2.08 100 Flacourtia sp Shiptons Flat Seed grown $1.60 50 Ficus hillii Flash $1.14 500 Grevillea lanigera Mt Tamboritha TC $2.50 800 Ficus Benji Pbr $2.60 400 Grevillea Ned Kelly T.C. $2.50 3000 Gardenia florida $1.12 500 Grevillea Robyn Gordon T.C. $2.50 500 Gardenia Golden Magic $1.12 600 Grevillea Little Robyn Gordon T.C. $2.50 800 Gardenia Aimiee Yoshiba $1.12 100 Grevillea Superb T.C. $2.50 2000 Gardenia Ocean Pearl $1.12 300 Grevillea Sandra Gordon T.C. $3.25 900 Gardenia Four Seasons $1.12 200 Grevillea Honey Gem T.C. $3.25 1500 Gardenia Professor Pucci $1.12 900 Graptophyllum Holly Hedge $1.18 600 Gardenia magnifica $1.12 100 Gardenia True Love + Label $1.85 60 Gardenia radicans $1.12 4000 Gardenia psidioides White Star Pbr $2.95 400 Gardenia Lacey Lady $1.12 300 Hibbertia Little Rocker + Label $1.55 100 Hibiscus Cairo Red $1.12 2500 Harpullia pendula $1.50 100 Hibiscus Cairo Pink $1.12 200 Hibiscus Fijian White $1.12 2000 Hibiscus Psyche $1.12 200 Homalomena Emerald Gem TC $2.50 900 Hibiscus Ritzy $1.12 300 Hemigraphis exotica $1.10 900 Hibiscus Lollypop Norwood Label $1.12 700 Hibiscus tiliaceus Rubra $1.21 600 Hibiscus Tiny Tina $1.12 100 Ixora Coral Malay Norwood Label $1.24 400 Hibiscus Popsicle PBR $2.00 5000 Ixora Pink Malay Norwood Label $1.27 200 Ixora Dwarf Red $1.24 1100 Ixora White Malay Norwood Label $1.27 700 Ixora Dwarf Yellow $1.24 600 Ixora Tropic Blush $1.24 100 Ixora Dwarf Pink $1.24 800 Ixora coccinea $1.24 200 Juncus filiformis spiralis $2.08 6000 Juniperus conferta $1.19 400 Jacobinia pauciflora Firefly $1.07 700 Juniperus conferta All Gold $1.19 100 Jasminum multipartitum $1.14 4000 Lomandra longifolia $1.07 1500 Lomandra Little Pal T.C. $2.08 6000 Lomandra hystrix $1.07 3000 Lomandra hystrix Little Cricket TC. $2.08 300 Ligustrum undulatum $1.07 7000 Lomandra longifolia Verday PBR TC. $2.08 7000 Liriope Evergreen Giant $0.96 1000 Lomandra longifolia Dalliance PBR TC. $2.08 3000 Liriope Evergreen Giant Elite Form TC. $1.76 2000 Lomandra Little Con T.C. $2.08 500 Leptospermum Petersonii $1.11 3000 Lomandra con Echidna Grass TC. $2.08 300 Leptospermum poly Copper Glow $1.16 6500 Murraya paniculata $1.22 400 Michelia Figo $1.24 3000 Murraya Min a Min PBR $1.30 1500 Melaleuca thymifolia $1.12 1000 Murraya Hip High PBR inc Label $1.82 400 Melaleuca thymifolia White Lace $1.12 300 Metrosideros Fiji Fire T.C. $1.82 300 Melaleuca Mini Quini + Label $1.74 200 Metrosideros Little Ewan PBR +Label $1.97 1000 Melaleuca linariifolia Claret Tops $1.12 600 Metrosideros Springfire $2.10 500 Melaleuca Little Red PBR + Label $1.84 1500 Melastoma affine $1.12 800 Monstera deliciosa $2.30 1400 Malpighia Pixie Pbr $2.85 2000 Monstera deliciosa Double Planted $2.55 1000 Ophiopogon jap Mondo Grass $1.19 1500 Ophiopogon jap Mini Mondo Grass $1.12 1000 Philodendron Compact Xan TC $2.30 100 Pratia pedunculata $1.07 500 Philodendron Hope TC + Label $2.30 500 Pleiogynium timorense Burdekin Plum $1.98 800 Philodendron Green Goddess $2.75 3Page 3000 Photinia Red Robin $1.65 1400 Pandanus amaryllifolius Pandan TC. $2.20 200 Phyllanthus multiflorus $1.12 400 Pavetta australiensis $1.12 800 Phyllanthus cuscutiflorus $1.17 1000 Pennisetum advena Rubrum TC $2.08 200 Ptychosperma macarthurii $1.55 50 Pandorea jasminoides $1.11 4500 Randia fitzlanii syn Atractocarpus $1.19 500 Rhoeo discolor $1.19 100 Russelia Ruby Falls $1.09 600 Rhaphiolepis indica intermedia $1.19 700 Russelia Tangerine Falls $1.09 3000 Rhaphiolepis Springtime $1.19 1000 Rhaphis excelsa $2.00 100 Rhaphiolepis Ballerina $1.19 5000 Radermachera Everlasting Beauty $3.50 100 Rhaphiolepis Apple Blossom $1.19 160 Ravenala madagascariensis $1.56 100 Royena lucida $1.19 400 Syzygium Hunchy $1.24 100 Spiraea Double White May $1.07 1000 Syzygium Resilience Cutting Grown $1.24 300 Strobilanthes anisophyllus $1.07 100 Syzygium alatoramulum $1.24 600 Spathiphyllum Power Petite T.C. $2.35 40 Syzygium Little Tom Pbr + Label $1.76 100 Spathiphyllum Sensation Dwarf T.C. $2.35 3000 Syzygium Resilience Tissue Culture $2.08 2000 Stenocarpus sinuatus $1.20 200 Syzygium Cheetah PBR + Label $2.18 500 Serissa Snow Leaves Pink $1.07 400 Scheffera Mdm de Smet $1.50 500 Serissa Snow Leaves $1.07 6000 Tulbaghia violacea $1.11 2000 Tibouchina Jazzie $1.12 500 Thysanolaena maxima Tiger Grass TC $2.00 900 Tibouchina Alstonville $1.12 1000 Trachelospermum jasminoides $1.14 60 Tibouchina Jules $1.12 150 Trachelospermum Yellow Star + Label $1.92 500 Tibouchina Little Beauty PBR+Label $1.76 500 Tristaniopsis laurina $1.25 600 Tibouchina Illusion PBR + Label $1.76 1000 Trachelospermum jas Triclor $1.24 400 Tibouchina Purple Star PBR + Label $1.76 50 Thuja orientalis Aurea Nana $1.82 60 Tabebuia chrysantha $1.12 40 Vitex trifolia variegata $1.09 200 Viburnum tinus $1.16 600 Viola hederacea $1.09 3000 Viburnum odoratissimum $1.16 600 Viola Baby Blue $1.14 900 Viburnum Emerald Jewel $1.19 4000 Westringia Zena $1.09 4000 Westringia Wynabbie Gem $1.09 3000 Waterhousia floribunda $1.30 1000 Westringia Jervis Gem $1.09 200 Xanthostemon Little Goldie $1.22 800 Xanthostemon chrysanthus $1.22 2000 Xanthostemon verticilliatus $1.22 Plants available in Two Weeks.

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