■' 1 ■.■r - \' ■ ■ \ i ' . ■<' ■ \ \‘; •.{/ -#V--r ■ ■ • . • % , is \ ^ Atwagie Daily Nat l^nm Raii< The Weather I <> . l>>r llM Week Xnded ' 4 ' ■ ■ I f •> I 4 ■ kejr *0, 196T FlatVIy dmidy, wflTtn and h a - mdid ■tenagM end temorrciwr, chanoe o> eCtemoion abowena, I ‘ I 1 5 ,2 1 0 lUgh «M»0, tenr Uonigbt about 70. Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm » VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 237 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO S e c t i o n s ) MANCHESTER,' CONN.. MONDAY, JULY 10, 1967 (Claaslfled Advertising on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Negroes on In Iowa Viet Warfare . 1/.S. Cruisers Police End M Pound Reds’ Uproar in Gun Positions W aterloo SAIGON (AP) — Three U.S. WATERLOO, Iowa Navy cruisers pounded Commu­ (AP)—Gangs of Negroes nist gun positions In the demili­ fk tarized zone Sunday as the Red ran amok with fire bombs guns kept up thetr lethal artil­ and rocks in this north­ lery and rocket barrages on eastern Iowa community Tear Gas Fired at Hong Kong Rioters sandbagged Marine positions Sunday night, and police Just below the zone. finally broke up the riot ■ Gas-masked policemen fire t^ r gras at pro-Com- chargred that Red Chinese armed forces took part The U.S. Command also re­ after Nejgro leaders had munist Chinese rioters during: new eruptions of in the weekend, attack on a Hongr Kong frontier ported that photographs of a tried but failed to settle violence. Today a British grovemment minister post. (AP Phot^ax) bombing raid near Hanoi showed the Communists may things peacefully.- Several hundred persons have lost 68 of their antiaircraft' Jammed the predominantly Ne­ missiles to one devastating nav­ gro North End buslnessfsection al air strike. VAW-GM Talks to Open for several hours as young men Little ground action was re­ Slippery Problem started fires,, smashed windows, ported as U.S. Defense Secre­ looted stores and pelted vehicles Solved by Boy tary Robert S. McNamsira with stones. toured battle zones for the sec­ LOS ANOiEa.ES (A P) — F’lve persons were Injured ond day. After visiting the em­ Somebody yelled "snake!” at seriously enough to require hos­ Assured Wage, Bonus battled (Marines below the de­ a bus depot yeotenday and pital treaitment, although none pandemonium resigned. militarized zone Sunday, he was admitted as a patient. shifted today to the Mekong -Thiat Is, until a small boy Two parked cars were over­ Delta to look Into pacification whose name was loOt In the turned, and one shot was fired shuffle calmly collared the programs, tour a Special ait a police car but missed. Seen Union Demands 12-lnch garter snake. He Forces camp and visit the new Bernstein Conducts in Jerusalem Police made five arrests after turned his prize over to the Army-Navy Mobile Riverine about 75 city officers, state Force which moves 'infantry Am eH c^ conductor-composed Leonard Bernstein, DETROIT ■ (AP) — Wal- year—for GM and for the na- The Detroit News reported, bus tftation baggage depart- highway patrolmen and sheriff’s about the watery delta. in w h ite> u iij^ ft, leads the Israeli Philharmonic deputies charged .' up East ^ ^ „ meanwhile, that a of u a w ter 'P. Reuther indicated Off the demilitarized zone, the Orchestra atal(^ open air concert at Mount Scopus Pomth areet and deoired the 4- .loir Vijo Trni.fAH Auto ■ Asked If he were going to talk members showed they placed roaay nis uniiea i about profit sharing In this the guareinteed annual Income heavy cruiser Boston Joined the outside Jerusalem. Also performihg with the Is- mob away. Workers Union would oe- year’s negotlaUons, Reuther proposal a poor third In their 263 Left Dead heavy cruiser St. Paul and the .raeli orchestra is Isaac Stern, right, noted Ameri­ Authorities had kept police light cruiser Providence and the mand a bonus based on told a news conference, “ We’re preferences In this summer’s can violinist. Former Israeli Premier David Ben- out of the area for more tt)an an three moved close Inshore to going to talk about ’equity contract talks. Wages ranked In Japan After Gurion is among shirtsleeved spectators, upper hour after nightfall while lead­ profits and payable on top pound ited positions with 15 8- sharing.’ ” first, vdth rertlrement .program left. (AP Photofax) ers of the Negro community of a gruarante^ annual in- ■wiOi' Inch guns, 6 6-lnch guns and 5 5- He then explained an attempt Improvements—earlier retire- ‘Weak’ Typhoon tried to stem an outbreak that come in new contracts Ihch guns. The 8-lnchers can would be made to win a basic ment emphasized—a distant had been simmering for two ’TOKYO (AP) — Typhoon Bil­ reach almost IS miles inside the days. with the automotive indus­ salary for workers. Just like ex- second, lie weakened to a tropical storm zone. try this year. ecutives, and that “ after the Seaton' said earlier the auto Urge U,Si Take Initiative About 10 ;30 p.m. police moved by the time it hit southwest Ja­ The heavy blow at the Soviet- into the area briefly but pulled ReuUier’s'disclosure came In year is over and we know exact­ Industry's 6(ist-of-llvlhg clause, pan over .the weekend, but built missiles came two days out again In a few momenta. a news conference Just before ly what the size of the profit pie which increased wages 18' cents floods and landslides killed 263 ago when Navy fliers hit a bar-, They did not enter again until the first of the 1967 bargaining Is, the worker shall 'be entitled hourly during the current three- persons, left 101 missing and 460 racks area and missile storage nearly midnight, wh6n fire sessions began, this one at the to a second Increment” In pay. year pacts, “ must be given full ^nYu^dl De-escalation Sought nation’s largest -automaker, site at Ban Yen Nanh, 14 miles' alarms began pouring In and iReuther has made a guar- recognition in negotiating a new w m feared the death toll Oenergl Motors Corp. southeast of Hanoi. It was the Store windows were shattered anteed annual income, a top contract." - .^y^uld be tlve largest from a first raid against the 'area which all along the street. ! ' Shorty before, Louis <3. Sea- priority In this year’s negotia- GM workers were described storm since June 1961, when 302 apparently had been well By 8 GOP Legislators Officers swung their clubs and Ibn, OM vice pi^dent for per­ tions ai)d, says a worker must by Seatop as being In the top persons were killed In a ty- scouted by recpnnatssance cleared the street quickly, but It sonnel, hinted the corporation know at the beginning of a year third Income grpup In the Unit- phoon. planes. "W a s h in g t o n (a p ) — Eight namese reductions in Its supp 'rt was 1 :30 a.m. before peace was was agreeable to a wage lii- what his income will be for the ed States with an average wi^e, ’Thousands of police suid sol­ A spokesman said pilot re­ Republican . congressmen pro­ operations to the South, the plan restored. icsease but added that “ this ap- next 12 months, any layoffs “ Including coat-of-living allow­ diers were sent out to clear de­ ports and photos after the strike posed today a unilateral diplo­ minimizes the military risks of The street was left littered ipeara to be a crucial economic notwithstanding. ances and many fringe bene­ bris, restore communications disclosed that 68 canisters In matic Initiative by the United the United States,” Morse said, with .broken glass and store fits,” of $4.68 per hour. and search for .victims. which missiles are stored were States for a step-by-step de-es- Morse said the . plan was not merchandlse^ropped by looters ’’Furthermore," he added, The storm■ ’hit northwestern hit by the raiding planes and the calaition of the Vietnam war. putu forwardfnrwn,..! as a panacea for who fled b ^ r e the charging “ their straight-time wages are Kyushu and western Honshu area was dotted with flames. ’The group said the United settling the Vietnam war but policemen. 30 per cent fabove the average islands, flooding more than 200,- explosions and broken wreck- States should halt all bombing seemed to offer more promise Police Chief Robeit Wright Congire;ss at Work, for all manufacturing employes ooo homes. sweeDinp away age. In North Vietnam north of the than the present war policy of said although several hundred throughout the country.^’ the Johnson administration or 1.1 -...I....... ----- ----- ------------ V— beds. The spokesman said the pho- ■■21st Parallel for 60 days.----- This----- men, women and children were Seaton said, OW employes paralyzing road and raU traffic tographs did not disclose wheth- Includes Hanoi but not the the alternatives suggested by on the scene, most of the trouble L on g Session Seen have veryf s u b e ta ^ ^ and cutting communications er mlssUes were actually Inside city of Haiphong. ■' either those who oppose the war was caused by about 100 "young wnrir thrOughout the area. the cannlaters but It waa Ukely If North Vietnam responded or those who want It stepped up. hoods.” WASHINGTON (AP) — Con- transactions. ’The House haisn’t j ^ The dtatriot around the, atom- they were loaded. However, the with a de-escalation move of Its Morse said- he submitted the It was the third straight night proposal to the administration gross returned from a 10-day even held hearings on it. .(See Fdge Nineteen) bombed city of Hiroshima, in cannlsters were not believed to own within 60 days, the United of racial trouble In Waterloo, recess today facing ttie prospegt little other nlajor legislation , western Honshu, was hit hard- have contained the, explosive States would then halt bombing some time ago but got no re­ which has some 6,000 Negroes of staying In session until Well is ready for floor action.
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