THE DAILYWORKER FIGHTS FINAL CITY For a Workers-Farmers Government To Organize the Unorganized. 1 Against Imperialist War EDITION For the 40-Hour Week jiaily Entered a* second-clans mutterimat the Post Office nt Ne w York, N.MarkerY., under the net of March 2, J879. Published daily except Sunday by The Comprodally Publishing SUBSCRIPTION KATES: In New York, by mail, SB.OO per year. Vol VI.; No. 142 Company, Inc., 26-28 Union Square, New York City, N. Y. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 Outside Aetv York, by mall, SO.OO per year. Price 3 Cents ROUT CHINESE WARLORDS’ FORCES ON SOVIET SOIL * Metropolitan Area Trade Union Unity Conference Elects 25 Delegates to Cleveland NO CHANGE OF VENUE FOR 7 WORKERS Vienna Workers Resist DELEGATES FROM BRITAIN MAKES RED ARMY REPULSES BOLD ON INTENT TO KILL CHARGE; TO ENLIST SECRET Attacks of Fascists; UNORGANIZED IN MOVE OF NANKING TROOPS POSTPONE GASTON TRIAL TO OCT. 15 10 Killed, Many Hurt LARGEST NUMBER AID OF GERMANY DRIVE State Troops Surround Mill to Guard Scabs Socialist Leaders Call Off General Strike of Great Gain Over First Would Wipe Out All MILES INSIDE U.S.S.R. LINE While Marion Picket Militantly Protest Against Heimwehr’s Action Basic Reparations Strikers Conference; Soviet Troops Industries Lead Payments Withdraw After Pursuing Nan- New NTWU Office in Greenville, S. C„ Opens; Special Edition of Rote Fahne Confiscated by king Invaders Into Manchuria Adams Added to I. L. D. Defense Counsel Police; Bourgeoisie Nervous Report oil Cleveland Withdraw From Rhine U.S.S.R. Government Warns Warlords They (Wireless By Inprecorr) prominent fascists. The police only Representatives Defeat International Stop Attacks, VIENNA, Aug. 20.—Indignant interfered when the fight ended. 47 5 Must Disarm White Guardists HOFFMAN, workers resisted the provocative acts The news of bloody fascist provo- From 170 Bodies Bank Proposal T SCORN TRIAL TO FOLLOW MOSCOW, L . S. S. R., Aug. 20.—What is described in dispatches of the fascists who on Sunday at- cation caused tremendous indigna- tacked a demonstration of workers tion among workers. In many towns, The Second Metropolitan Area ! THE HAGUE, Aug. 20.—After from Vladivostok as perhaps the most serious engagement which has in which 10 were killed and many including Knittelsfeld, Graz and Vi- Trade Union Unity Conference, its days of deadlock new developments yet occurred in the recent border raids by Nanking and white guard- CONTINUE FIGHT CHARLOTTE MEET wounded. enna, all fascists that could be found delegation representing far more un- are now evident that changes the ist forces was fought yesterday several miles inside the Soviet fron- The socialists had organized a were beaten up by furious workers. organized shops, mills, ships and complexion of the Hague conference tier. on the Young Plan. Phillip Snowden The Chinese invaders penetrated to a military post on route MARION, C., Aug. 20. GASTONIA, N. C., Aug. 20. demonstration of the Republican The fascist leader, Arbesser, was docks, and a greater number of in- the N. Defense Leag«e in Lorenzen on badly dustries centering in and around to the important junction town of Nikolsk-Unsurinsk, but were driven long St. mauled. After conferences between —Trial of the seven Gastonia Sunday. The Heimweher, the Aus- Fascists Beaten Up. New York, was held in Irving Plaza back after a determined struggle. ... Alfred Hoffman, United Tex- textile workers, charged with trian fascists, threatened to prevent Many fascists returning Sunday last night. tile Workers’ organizer, who the demonstration and announced a evening from their field maneuvers The hall scheduled for the confer- HARBIN, Manchuria, Aug. 20— Red Army detachments secret assault with deadly wea- was hooted down by strikers counter demonstration. The authori- were beaten up by Graz workers. ence proved to be far too small for continued to drive invader Nanking forces through the zone the huge delegation, and visitors when he urged re- pons with intent to kill, was ties negotiated with both organiza- Monday spontaneous strikes took along the Manchurian Siberian frontier today, engaging them, yesterday tions and were about to prohibit both place everywhere, particularly in crowded the lobbies. At the last treat, and Judge N. A. Townsend, postponed to Oct. 15 when the with casualities, several demonstrations when the fascists un- Vienna, where engineering shops moment, the meeting was trans- at points. The numbers of dead and of the governor, who | representative defendants appeared yesterday morn- | expectedly withdrew the plans for were brought to a The ferred to a larger hall with a balcony wounded on either side are still a matter of conjecture. to mills were standstill. came here see that the ing in the Gaston County Court. their demonstration. The socialists socialist leaders finally succeeded in to seat the visiting workers. Ap- One battle is reported to have taken place at Dan, opened “peaceably,” 384 scabs, be- norfh venue not ! announced this as a triumph. In persuading the workers to end the proximately 445 delegates were reg- I tween lines of state troopers, were Change of was granted "of Manchuli, the Nanking au- reality, however, the fascist with- strike. The workers of many fac- istered when the Daily Worker went marched into the Clinchfield mill to the seven men held under this thorities giving four dead and charge, and they will be forced to drawal was only a maneuver. tories drove the fascists from the to press. yesterday. ! twenty-five as their appear before a court which even Occupied Meeting Place. shops. Enthusiasm ran high. When the BIG wounded The strikers contihued to disre- On Sunday the Heimweher occu- The Communist Party issued a shop committee of the Eagle Pencil ANTIFASCIST^i official figure. This, however, has Judge Barnhill acceded be hos- I 1 pick- to gard Hoffman’s counsel, and tile enough to warrant a change of pied the meeting place before the so- special number of the Rote Fahne, Company that had been discharged not been confirmed. eted the mill in tremendous lines. arrived, whereupon so- appealing a general venue. Trial of the 16 charged with cialists the for strike and because it adopted a resolution hail- North of Dalainor, tanks are said Only the protection of police saved a arming ing a new MEET cialists held demonstration in the of the workers. The authori- the formation of , militant THIS FRIDAY murder will open in Charlotte Aug. , to Hoffman’s 300-pound bulk from the r 1 have been brought into action by 26. : market place. The fascists attacked ties confiscated the edition, but only trade union center in Cleveland, Au- i 1 covering flank tssault of the infuriated strikers the Red Army, the The seven for whom the Manville- the unarmed workers with spades, after a great distribution took place. gust 31, and elected delegates to the I during the crossing of the river un- yesterday after he ordered capitula- ‘ daggers, bourgeoisie very Metropolitan NY Workers to Protest! 1 Jenckes’ attorneys will demand long revolvers and machine The is nervous and Area Convention to- der Nanking fire. tion before the strikebreakers. The guns. Ten were are penitentiary terms include Ernest workers killed, the workers seething with dis- night, it was given a rousing wel- Fascist “Pilgrimage” reply of the strikers was made clear | many including many As soon as the Nanking invaders Martin, Lloyd, wounded, content. ] come. to the millmen when the workers Walter Clarence had been repulsed, the Red Army Townsend, D. E. MacDonald, Rob- The arrival of Hindu workers At a conference called by the Anti- j aid siege to the mill, and all at- forces were withdrawn from all ad- ert Litoff, C. M. Lell R. Pitt- from dye plants Paterson fascist Alliance of North America 1 to resume operation were and J. the of vance points, Manchuria, empts brought another ovation. Ihrough- in it ,bandoned until the state troopers man. Since their release on $750 Monday nigST delegates admitted today. bail each, all seven have been ac- 2 NEW TAMMANYREMOVE LAUNDRY -1 out the hall, delegates were talking trrived with their gas bombs, guns J. P. MORGAN ing 17 working class organizations, tively participating in the campaign about the Sunday arrest of ten Hin- Raids by Nanking and white md bayonets. Then, after further at of dus who are being held in Ellis Is- who, to meeting 108 E. 14th St., voted guardist forces to re- inferences with Hoffman today, the the International Labor Defense, i yesterday, seemed be playing continue be arousing public sentiment sup- | land from where immigration offi- a lone the agent unanimously to support the great portedj from all sections of the fron- mill was reopened. in DAILIES OUT SOON BETRAYER hand as of British ONION ; tier port of the defense, touring the cers hope to deport them to India imperialism, has made a deal with anti-fascist demonstration which 1 where the Red Army has not “I have not collected my thoughts actively North, addressing mass meetings of to face British imperialist agents Germany that, if carried out. would ; Friday, Aug. taken the field to repulse jfter deadlock,” Hoff- will be held this 23, at ' the morning’s workers and raising funds every- whom they fought before they came have serious consequences for Amer- and pursue the Chinese troops. man quoted in the local papers Swope, Fake Liberal, to Organizer Sold Out 8 p. m., in the Amalgamated Food was to this * * where to help defray legal expenses. country. ican imperialism and for the French * I as saying, after the strikers’ fury Workers’ Hall, 133 W. 51st St., to Until their trial opens, several of Edit Tabloid Five Strikes An encouragingly large percent- imperialists.
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