-. SUPPORT NEWARK'S . r 'l'WO PHONES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The New'ark Post l_6151an---.Jd 6791 -------------------/ VOLUME XXVIII NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1937 NUMBER 9 FUNDS SOUGHT Ramsey Files to FILING LIMIT Gov. McMullen New Member of Red Men LABOR GROUP'S BY GROUP FOR Seek Election EXTENDED FOR MEETING HELD CANCER DRIVE On Town Council CROP PROGRAM IN WOLF HALL Mrs. R. T. Jones, Sr., Heads County Farmers Given Until Local Organization I. Not Women's Field Army I April 1 to Enter Work "Getting Square Deal," Activities in Newark Sheets Under Plan Is Claim Made DISEASE IS CURABLE COMMI1TEEMEN AJDING FEW PEOPLE PRESENT Publication ofstate Board of An extension of time for New Cas­ Attempt 'T 0 Hold Closed Ses. Health Lists Causes and tle County farmers wishing to parti­ sion Is Thwarted By Possible Cures cipate in the 1937 Agricultural Con­ College Officials servation Program has been granted In a drive toward the prevention of I by the county committee, County Crying that certain employers were one of the deadliest di seases known, AgricultUral Agent George M. Worri­ standing in the way of the develop­ Mrs. R. 'r. J ones, Sr. , working for the ~ low, secretary, announced this week. ment of a union of fibre workers in Women's Field Army of the America.n I The new date for filing work sheets Newark, James T. Houghton, secre­ Society for the Control of Cancer, IS has been set for April 1. tary of the Wilmington &!ntral La­ conductin g the ca mpaign for member­ In making this announcement, Mr. bor Union and Joseph Gilles, of Bal­ ship in the organi zation this week. Worrilow pointed out that the filling timore, Md., made vigorous criticisms Town's Support Asked out of a work sheet does not obligate against "certain business men in the town," at an open meeting of the Citizens of the town, fraternal or­ a farmer in any way, but does make ganizations and civ ic groups are asked I him eligible to apply for cash bene­ Delaware State Federation of Labor, held in Wolf Hall, Tuesday night. to contribute the $1 membership fee I fits, some of which may be received required to join. On ly $1000 has been I without making any change in their Lamenting the fact that the local set as the state goal, $400 from the present planned farm practices. group has been denied even the right' to a meeting place, Gilles vaguely city of Wilmington and $200 from COUNCILMAN RAMSEY Farms signed in 1936, where the acre­ each of the three counties. Seventy age is identical with that given last Gov. Richard C. McMullen Postmaster C. E. Rittenhouse stated, if the organization could not per cent of the receipts will be given With Newark voters scheduled to year, do not need to sign again. They gain its ends in one manner, "we may Escorted by his life-long friend, Postmaster C. E. Rittenhouse, Gov. to the state executive com mi ttee to name a mayor and members of the are eligible to participate in 1937. have to find some other way.'" McMullen was made a member of Little Bear Tribe, No. 46, Improved Order I be spent locally ; 20 per cent to the Town Council from each of the three Few People Present di stricts on April 13, only one can­ Com mitteemen Can Help of Red Men, at Bear Station last Thursday night. More than 200 witnessed central office in New York City for About 75 persons, less than half of didate has filed for office so far. Farmers who have moved during the colorful cer emony which was under the direction of the crack degree expenses involved in the fi eld and 10 whom were from Newark, attended pel' cent added to a contin gent fund. Councilman George E. Ramsey, the last year are asked to contact I team from Minnehaha Tribe, No. 23, I. O. R. M., of Newark. the session. Mrs. William H. Beacom is com­ sceking r eelection from the Middle their community committeemen for ============= Prior to the meeting, an invitation mander of the state organization. District, tossed his hat into the ring information concerning changes. New was extended to all fibre workers in "Cancer may be halted if caught Monday. E lected to the office two signers should also contact commu­ Newark to attend the meeting, but early enough," is the encouraging yea rs ago, Ramsey has filled an ac­ nity committeemen and ascertain the 18TH LEGION GOV. MCMULLEN only a few were present. message carried by articles in the tive and progressive tenure in the benefits to be de'rived by participating President William D. Hart, who qumterly issue of t he "Delaware post. in the 1937 program. ANNIV. MARKED JOINS RED MEN conducted the affair, stated in his Health News," a pUb li cation of the Others Are Silent The following members of the I ---- opening address that the meeting was State Board of Health. "One of the peculiar characteristics Ou tside of expressing the fact that county . a~d communit~ co~ittees 50 Members and Guests At. Newark Degree Team Inducts held for "the purpose of demonstrat­ of cancer is that it may usually be "I am getting a bit tired of public ::-~~'ka:~::~;~ farmers In filling out tend Celebration Held State Head and Nephew ing how much the forces of labor are cured if properly treated in an early office," Mayor Frank Collins has re­ interested in better citizenship, as E. H. Shallcross, B. Irvin Arm­ In Local Post Room Into Order Thursday stage of the disease, bu t that it is fused to divulge any plans concerning well as improved relations between alm ost incurable in later stages," hi s activities in the forthcoming elec­ strong, Herman Cochran, Harris B. Over 60 members and friends of Over 200 viewed the ceremonies in­ labor and industry." w!'i tes Dr. A . A. Rydgren, chairman tion. He is completing his eighth McDowell, Jr., all of Middletown; the J. Allison O'Daniel American Le- ducting Gov. Richard C. McMullen In announcements of the meeting, of the Delawal'e State Branch of the year in office . Joseph C. Hitchison, Townsend; Wal- gion and Auxiliary celebrated the into Little Bear Tribe, No. 46, Im­ it was stated that Governor Richard American Society for the Control of While neither Councilman C. Emer­ te~' L. Markel', Clayton, Benjamin .W. eighteenth birthday of the legion in proved Order of Red Men, at Bear C. McMullen had b'een invited to ad­ Ca ncer, in and article entitled, "A so n Johnson from the Western Dis­ Vmton, St. Georges; R. T. Cann, Jr., the local post rooms on Tuesday eve- Station, Thursday night. dress the group. He was not there. t.o the Peop\lt .'1" T,) p.laware." trict, nor Councilman George F: Fer­ Kirkwood; Barton T. Hopkins, Ne~ ning. !?'lf1'o' Golt ;' Middletown, Governor Mayor Frank Collins, scheduled to I treatment depends upon Igu son from the Eastern District have Castle; George K. Ball, Marshallton; Following the opening of the meet- McM~I ·en's nephew, was adopted a give a tal'i, u " So ~ i al S~ ~ ul' ily," was diagnosis, which in turn depends issued any official s~atement s, it is Wi11!am P. Naudain, Hockessin; J. ing by Commander J. Q. Smith, two member of Minnehaha Tribe No. 23, also absent. on the family physician and on thought that they W111 both file for ~es h e Ford, Newark, and G. M. Wor- first aid contests by the local Boy of Newark at the same meeting. In Gilles stated, "since the abolition of enlightened and informed public," places on the governing body again. r llow, Newark. Scout Troop No. 65 were given, un- all a class of 24 pale faces was the N. R. A., people have come writes. The fi ling limit is April 3. del' the leadership of Vernon Steele, adopted. knocking on our doors and the fibre Latest mortali ty statistics indicate Born In Pennsylvania Crop Loans Available scoutmaster. The Rattlesnake Patrol, Adoption ceremonies WCl'e in charge workers who have formed a branch that one of every eight wom en now led by Bill Wideman, Jr., won first of the local degree team, W. Vaughn of the American Federation of Labor aged 40, will died of cancel', with a Born in Hickory Hill, Chester To Farmers In County place. Healellow captain, C. Orville Sidwell, in Newark, are not getting 'a square ightly lower rate among men. "It is County, P a., in 1876, Councilman This team, consisting of Jack Cor- assistant captain, consisting of the deal'." He criticized local merchants estimated t hat the cancel' death rate Ramsey has resided on East Cleve­ Applications are being received for rel1 , Edward Crowe, Sheridan Mar- following members: Norris Pratt, for denying them a meeting hall, "be_ may be cut in half" by recognition of land Avenue since 1922. A locomotive 1937 crop loans through the Emer­ shall and Angelo Cataldi, will start sachem; Albert Lewis, senior saga­ cause they are opposed to unionism." y sympto ms and prompt treat­ engineer on the Baltimore and Ohio gency Crop Loan office at the county training at once to compete with six more; Winfield Simpers, junior saga­ "Newark is 'Green Pastures'," t. Railroad, he has been in that con­ agent's headquarters, Newark. These other teams at the Southwestern ru- more; Orville Sidwel1 , prophet; Wi!­ Houghton said in his opening re­ 1'. Rydgren's article concludes with cern's ser vice for 38 years.
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