Transform OUR VALUES Diversify Innovate BOTHO We act with respect, courtesy and humility in our dealings with each other and our stakeholders. INTEGRITY Our everyday actions are guided by annual report honesty, transparency and the highest ethical standards. COURAGE We dare to dream, to think big, to embrace change, and to stand by our 1 convictions. INNOVATION We continuously seek ways to do our work better and improve our service to our customers and partners. SERVICE EXCELLENCE We take pride in our work and strive for the highest standards of quality as befitting an icon of excellence. EXECUTION We are decisive, focused and deliberate to ensure implementation of our plans, policies and programmes. MISSION VISION To provide communities with We are an Icon of Excellence Financial, Logistics, Postal, connecting people to each other Communications and Agency and the Globe. services, throughout our network and partnerships with Government and business. About BotswanaPost 02 Chairman’s Statement 08 Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 12 Reviews 18 Corporate Governance 42 Annual Financial Statements 58 www.botspost.co.bw Transform Diversify Innovate annual report ABOUT BOTSWANAPOST 2 3 BOTSWANAPOST IS MANDATED TO PROVIDE, DEVELOP, OPERATE AND MANAGE POSTAL SERVICES IN AN EFFICIENT AND COST- EFFECTIVE MANNER AND CARRY OUT OTHER OPERATIONS AS WELL AS ENTER INTO BILATERAL AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER POSTAL ADMINISTRATIONS ON POSTAL SERVICES MATTERS. Financial Performance Highlights 4 Evolution of the Post Office 5 Our Footprint 6 Chairman’s Statement 8 Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 12 Transform Diversify Innovate annual report FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS BOTSWANAPOST: 142 YEARS OF for the Year Ended 31 March 2017 SERVICE LEADERSHIP TO THE NATION 4 5 REVENUE 2017 OPERATING COSTS 2017 Established in 1875 by the London BotswanaPost has stood the test of time because we honour the voice in our hearts to serve. We answer the call to lead. And we summon Revenue grew Operating costs Missionary Society, BotswanaPost is the the courage to engage. Our heart to serve opens doors which were to down to previously locked. Our heart to serve makes it possible for our customers P457.7 million P125.5 million country’s oldest public service entity. We to enjoy higher levels of convenience, enhanced cost savings, greater (Administrative + are proud of where we have come from, peace of mind — and more meaningful human connections. But these other operating expenses) are not just things which we do: this is our way of life. but even more proud of where we are Our call to lead compels us to step forward into the unknown when it 6.8% 7.9% going. would be easier to stand still. Our call to lead transforms our ideas into LOSS BEFORE TAX 2017 TOTAL ASSETS 2017 purposeful actions which customers can see, feel and experience. Since those very early days, when mail was delivered on foot over long Loss before Assets grew distances and harsh terrain, our organisation has been at the centre of And our courage to engage means that we embrace collaboration, not Tax down to to communication, commerce and economic inclusion for all Batswana. isolation. Today, we are taking our customer relationships to the next P12.9 million P538.6 million level: this is no longer just a face-to-face business, but also one which That was a long time ago. Everything has changed. Everything, except is underpinned by meaningful, value-adding e-services through multiple our commitment to the communities we serve. online channels. The courage to engage is enabling us to build solutions which address both community and business needs. We have built the foundations of this organisation on two words: service 51.9% 9.9% leadership. Our history is rich. We are proud of the legacy we have built. But we are REVENUE OPERATING COSTS ready for tomorrow: it’s challenges, it’s opportunities, it’s lessons. Life In a world where the only certainty is that tomorrow will be different from can only be lived forwards. 2013 2013 today, service leadership is the powerful force that drives and unites us. 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 Heart to Serve + Call to Lead + Courage to Engage = 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 115 120 125 130 135 140 BWP million BWP million COST TO INCOME RATIO LOSS BEFORE TAX 2013 2013 2014 2014 SERVICE LEADERSHIP 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 BWP million Transform Diversify Innovate annual report OUR FOOTPRINT 6 7 ...AN ORGANISATION LIKE NO OTHER, WE ARE IN EVERY COMMUNITY NorthDistric t EVERYWHERE, AND WE DELIVER MAIL TO EVERY ADDRESS. Central Post Offices North East District VC North Maun VC South Lentsweletau Ntshinoge RamotswaStation VC Central Pilikwe Gaborone Region Blue Jacket Maun6VKP Airport Bontleng*OHYSLZOPSS Letlhakeng 6[ZL Oodi 4HJOHULUNRamotswaVillage Bobonong:LSLIP7OPR^LPota .^L[H 9HRVWZ )VRHH ;H\UN 2HSRMVU[LPU 7P[ZHUL 2HSHTHYL BosejaPost Offices Monarch Bokaa Lobatse Otse RiverWalk Botshabelo:LMOVWOL Rakops 2HZHUL 9HTVRN^LIHUH )VU[SLUN 9HTV[Z^H]PSSHNL 5VQHUL :LKPILUN 7PSPR^L )V[ZOHILSV 2H]PTIH :LIPUH Charleshill Nata Bokspits Mabule Pitsane Sedibeng Kalamare Ramokgonami )YVHKO\YZ[ 9P]LY^HSR 1^HULUN >VVKOHSS :OVZOVUN :LY\SL 3L[SOHRHUL :LOP[O^H Gaborone Region 6VKP *OHYSLZOPSS 6[ZL 4HJOHULUN :LSLIP7OPR^L .^L[H 9HRVWZ Chobe.HIHUL Ncojane::2( Broadhurst/\R\U[ZP Mabutsane 4THZLRV\Poso House 7HSHW`LSefalana Hyper Lecheng)VIVUVUN Rasebolai 4HP[LUN^L :OHRH^L )VRHH ;H\UN 2HSRMVU[LPU 7P[ZHUL 2HSHTHYL :LMOVWOL 2HZHUL 9HTVRN^LIHUH Etsha.HIVYVUL<I Nkange:PR^HUL Digawana2HUN Mafhikana 4HOPRHUH 3LYHSHShoppers GWest Lerala4THKPUHYL Sefhare 4HRHSLUN :OHZOL )VU[SLUN 9HTV[Z^H]PSSHNL 5VQHUL :LKPILUN 7PSPR^L )V[ZOHILSV 2H]PTIH :LIPUH Francistown.HIVYVUL*WV Pandamatenga;OHTHNH Gabane2OHROLH Mathubantwa2HU`L5[Z^LUN 4VLUNShoppers Tlokweng Letlhakane;ZL[ZLI`L Sefhophe 4HZ\UNH :V^H )YVHKO\YZ[ 9P]LY^HSR 1^HULUN >VVKOHSS :OVZOVUN :LY\SL 3L[SOHRHUL :LOP[O^H Francistown.HIVYVUL:[H[PVU Airport Ramokgwebana;OLILWOH[ZO^H GaboroneCentral3LO\[\[\ Metsimotlhabe4TH[OL[OL :OLY^VVKSikwane Machaneng:LTVSHSL SelebiPhikwe4H[OHUN^HUL ;H[P[V^U .HIHUL ::2( /\R\U[ZP 4THZLRV\ 7HSHW`L )VIVUVUN 4HP[LUN^L :OHRH^L Ghanzi.HIVYVUL=PSSHNL Sebina;SVR^LUN GaboroneStation4HI\[ZHUL Middlepits 4VZO\WH 7V[HSojwe Madiba Semolale 4H[ZPSVQL ;VUV[H .HIVYVUL<I :PR^HUL 2HUN 4HOPRHUH 3LYHSH 4THKPUHYL 4HRHSLUN :OHZOL Gumare2VWVUN Sehithwa:VQ^L GaboroneUB4V[VR^L Mmankgodi 2HU`L;VTLSH 3LJOLUNSSKAirport MahalapyeNorth RegionSerowe 4H\U ;ZOLZLIL .HIVYVUL*WV ;OHTHNH 2OHROLH 2HU`L5[Z^LUN 4VLUN ;ZL[ZLI`L 4HZ\UNH :V^H Gweta3LU[Z^LSL[H\ Seronga4L[ZPTV[SOHIL GaboroneVillage4PKKSLWP[Z Mmasekou 4VSHWV^HIVQHUN 4HVRH[\TVTakatokwane Maokatumo)VZLQH Serule 4H\U(PYWVY[ ;\[\TL .HIVYVUL:[H[PVU ;OLILWOH[ZO^H 3LO\[\[\ 4TH[OL[OL :OLY^VVK :LTVSHSL 4H[OHUN^HUL ;H[P[V^U Lobatse/Kgalagadi Kalkfontein3L[SOHRLUN Shakawe4H[O\IHU[^H GoodHope;ZHIVUN Mmathethe ;\THZLYHThamaga Maunatlala*OVIL)\ZZ*LU[YLSherwoodRanch4VUHYJO -;V^U(PYWVY[ .HIVYVUL=PSSHNL ;SVR^LUN 4HI\[ZHUL 4VZO\WH 7V[H 4H[ZPSVQL ;VUV[H 4THURNVKP 7VZV/V\ZL >LYKH Central Region 9HTVRNVUHTP ,[ZOH 4VWPWP Kasane2VWVUN Shashe:VQ^L Hukuntsi4V[VR^L Mochudi 2HU`L;VTLSH 3LJOLUNThebephatswa MmadinareNorth RegionShoshong 4H\U ;ZOLZLIL 4VJO\KP 4HZH7VZ[ 3VIH[ZL 4HOHSHW`L 4H\UH[SHSH -;V^U)\ZPULZZ 5H[H Kavimba3LU[Z^LSL[H\ Sowa4L[ZPTV[SOHIL Jwaneng4PKKSLWP[Z Mogoditshane4VSHWV^HIVQHUN 4HVRH[\TVTlokweng Moeng)VZLQH Tsetsebye 4H\U(PYWVY[ ;\[\TL 4VNVKP[ZOHUL +PNH^HUH 4HKPIH :LYV^L *LU[YL 5RHUNL Maitengwe3L[SOHRLUN Tatitown4H[O\IHU[^H Kang ;ZHIVUN Molapowabojang ;\THZLYHTomela Moiyabana*OVIL)\ZZ*LU[YLTumasera 4VUHYJO -;V^U(PYWVY[ 4VSLWVSVSL Lobatse Region .VVKOVWL :LMOHYL 9HZLIVSHP -YHUJPZ[V^U 6YHWH Makaleng4THURNVKP Tonota7VZV/V\ZL Kanye >LYKH Molepolole Central Region 9HTVRNVUHTPTsabong Mookane,[ZOH 4VWPWP 5[ZOPUVNL .OHUaP 4HI\SL 4VVRHUL 4VP`HIHUH .\THYL 7HUKHTH[LUNH Masunga4VJO\KP Tshesebe4HZH7VZ[ Khakhea3VIH[ZL Moshupa 4HOHSHW`L 4H\UH[SHSHWerda Mopipi-;V^U)\ZPULZZ 5H[H Mathangwane4VNVKP[ZOHUL Tutume Kopong+PNH^HUH Motokwe 4HKPIH :LYV^LWoodhall Orapa*LU[YL 5RHUNL Matsiloje4VSLWVSVSL Lobatse Region Lehututu.VVKOVWL Nkoyaphiri :LMOHYL 9HZLIVSHP Palapye-YHUJPZ[V^U 6YHWH 5[ZOPUVNL .OHUaP 4HI\SL 4VVRHUL 4VP`HIHUH .\THYL 7HUKHTH[LUNH Kitsong Centres South Seronga Mabule VC Central Ramokgonami VCGaborone North Region <) *OHYSLZOPSS 4PKKSLWP[Z 4VP`HIHUH 4HKPIH ,[ZOH 9HRVWZ Kgatleng District Blue.HIHULKitsong Jacket Centres Shakawe3L[SOHRLUN Mabutsane.VVKOVWLBobonong 4VZO\WHRasebolai 9HZLIVSHP ;ZL[ZLI`L .^L[H :LIPUH Charleshill:PR^HUL Tonota Masa .HU[ZP Botshabelo Sefhare 4THKPUHYL 3LYHSH 3L[SOHRHUL :LOP[O^H Chobe9P]LY^HSR TshesebeLobatse Region Middlepits;ZHIVUN Lecheng CentralSefhophe Region :LMOVWOL )VIVUVUN 4HP[LUN^L :OHRH^L Gaborone Region <) *OHYSLZOPSS 4PKKSLWP[Z 4VP`HIHUH 4HKPIH ,[ZOH 9HRVWZ Etsha4HZH Tutume2HUN Mmankgodi>LYKH Lerala )V[ZOHILSVShoshong 9HTVRNVUHTP 4HZ\UNH ;VUV[H .HIHUL 3L[SOHRLUN .VVKOVWL 4VZO\WH 9HZLIVSHP ;ZL[ZLI`L .^L[H :LIPUH Ghanzi.HIZ:[H[PVU /\R\U[ZP Mmathethe5VQHUL Letlhakane 4HJOHULUNTsetsebye 3LJOLUN North Region 4H[OHUN^HUL ;ZOLZLIL :PR^HUL .HU[ZP 4THKPUHYL 3LYHSH 3L[SOHRHUL :LOP[O^H Kgalagadi District Gumare7VZV/V\ZL 4TH[OL[OL Moshupa6[ZL Machaneng :LMOHYL 4H\UH[SHSH )S\L1HJRL[ 4VWPWP ;\[\TL 9P]LY^HSR VCLobatse South Region ;ZHIVUN Central Region :LMOVWOL )VIVUVUN 4HP[LUN^L :OHRH^L 4THURNVKP 4HI\[ZHUL Otse 4HI\SL :OVZOVUN 4VVRHUL *OVIL 5H[H .\THYL Gweta4HZH Gabane2HUN >LYKH Madiba )V[ZOHILSV 9HTVRNVUHTP 4HZ\UNH ;VUV[H 2VWVUN Poso House Maitengwe.HIZ:[H[PVU Gaborone/\R\U[ZP UB 5VQHUL Maunatlala 4HJOHULUN
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