2nd AnniversAry hanks to you, our advertisers, distributors and readers, T for making us a part of your media mix. We look forward to providing you with progressive news, commentary and entertainment features for many more years to come. ThE vOice Of progress for WisconsiN’S LGBT commuNity November 17, 2011 | Vol. 3, No. 1 Cage steps aside RECALL at center By Louis Weisberg tion. Cage and board mem- iS ON Staff writer bers are apparently inacces- After five years as execu- sible to the press on such tive director of the Milwaukee issues. LGBT Community Center, As the straight leader of Maggi Cage has stepped what is likely the state’s larg- aside, according to a press est LGBT-specific organiza- release. tion, Cage was a controver- The Nov. 7 statement said sial director from the start. Cage, who has a Ph.D. in The center lost donors as psychology, remains at the well as members over her center “to lead the new appointment. LGBT Mental Health Clinic.” But even people who At the same time, Sheldon embraced Cage at the begin- Walker has resigned from ning of her tenure lost confi- his position as co-chair of dence in her leadership and the center’s board to serve commitment to the commu- as interim executive director, nity over the years. People according to the statement. complained about her infre- The statement also said quent appearances at LGBT Cage will “focus on the needs events and said she was PHOTO: AP/J O u r n A l T i m e s , m A r k H e rT z b e r g of her family.” Her father, largely unresponsive to the Supporters of the effort to recall Scott Walker John B. Cage of Waukesha, public. protest a recent appearance by the governor in died on Oct. 21 at age 90. Philanthropist Joe Pabst Sturtevant. On Nov. 15, Walker’s foes launched an It is unclear how the per- was among those who ini- unprecedented effort to gather 540,000 signatures sonnel change will affect the tially endorsed the concept and force a recall election. center’s operation or what of having an LGBT ally lead role Cage will continue to the organization. But his play in its policies and direc- enthusiasm and support waned as the center increas- ingly focused on social ser- vice grants rather than the National results This community-building role that he and others had envisioned issue for the organization. inside and online at “I believe in the center boost local hopes wisconsingazette.com as its name implies – as an integral centerpiece to the By Lisa Neff and The recall effort originally Wisconsin chair Mike Tate Nov. 8 election returns News community,” Pabst said. “But Louis Weisberg was slated to begin on Nov. denounced the ploy, calling bolstered Tate’s optimism. WiGWAG ����������������������2 the center no longer engages Staff reporters 15, but a Walker supporter it “criminal.” In Ohio, voters defeat- Regional Gaze ���������������4 people who were once so As critics of Gov. Scott jump-started it on the gov- “No matter how dirty ed Issue 2 and repealed National Gaze ���������������8 passionate about it. And I Walker officially launched ernor’s behalf to take advan- the Republicans play or how Republican Gov. John Editorial ����������������������� 14 think that’s a shame.” their recall campaign, they tage of a loophole in state much outside cash the Koch Kasich’s law stripping public Faith Gaze ������������������� 16 Rather than working to were buoyed by Nov. 8 campaign finance law. The brothers spend on false and employees of basic work- win over critics or incorpo- election returns from other loophole allows Walker to misleading ads, the people of place rights, including the Features rate their input, Cage tended states signaling political raise unlimited funds in his Wisconsin … will have their right to collective bargain- WiGOUT �������������������� 21 to take actions that further momentum against extrem- effort to hold onto office. day, and they will recall Scott ing. Kasich’s law went fur- Stage Gaze ������������������ 23 alienated them. For example, ist Republican policies. Democratic Party of Walker,” Tate said. RECALL page 13 Theater ������������������������ 24 CAGE page 12 Music ���������������������������� 29 On the Town �������������� 30 L A D Y G aga T A K E S O N T h an K sg i v i ng page 21 2 W i SCONS i NGAZETTE.CO m | November 17, 2011 W i SCONS i NGAZETTE.CO m | November 17, 2011 3 LGBT news with a twist WiGWAG By Lisa Neff & Louis Weisberg A Gaga nation that indicts the R-Ill., has become the first calls about the pair, including a call lot better,” said Frank, the senior ThANKSGiviNG devil,” the column congressman from his state from someone claiming to repre- member of the LGBT congres- Lady Gaga is set to star in a said. It was pulled, to receive the Family Research sent a group called the Canadian sional caucus. To watch, go to 90-minute Thanksgiving TV spe- and Avila apologized Council’s “True Blue” award. Society for Gay Animals. http://youtu.be/zupd0d7cmyu. cial in prime time. Airing on ABC for “hurt and confu- The award recognizes leaders for the evening of Nov. 24, “A Very sion.” Catholic officials promoting a “pro-family” agen- WELfARE mODEL 11-11-11 Gaga Thanksgiving,” directed by said publication was a simple da. But the fiery Chicago-area At a recent GOP presiden- Crowne Plaza Hotels 7 Resorts Our Lady of Gaga herself, fea- mistake – the devil had nothing to Republican is in legal trouble for tial debate, presidential candidate celebrated the arrival of 11-11-11 tures the LGBT ally perform- do with it. neglecting to pay court-ordered Michele Bachmann said China on the calendar by offering 11 ing eight musical numbers sur- child support to his ex-wife and should be a U.S. model for social couples a dream wedding and rounded by her family and closest ThE (Ex)-pRODuCER three children. He owes at least programs. “If you look at China, honeymoon in New York City. friends. Songs include “You and I,” Director Brett Ratner resigned $117,437 in back payments to his they don’t have food stamps,” she More than 600 couples entered “The Edge of Glory,” “The Lady is from producing the 84th Academy ex-wife. Although Walsh told the said. “They save for their own the 11-11-11 contest, includ- a Tramp” and “White Christmas.” Awards after telling a New York court he was broke, last year he retirement security, they don’t ing many same-sex couples. The Gaga will even whip up a few Magazine blog that “rehearsing made a $35,000 contribution to have AFDC (Aid to Families With winners included two same-sex You Thanksgiving treats, including is for fags.” He later apologized his congressional campaign and Dependent Children), they don’t couples. The event featured VH1 deep-fried turkey and waffles. in a letter to the entertainment took lavish vacations to Mexico have the modern welfare state.” star and “Master Matchmaker” belong here industry, writing, “I’ve gotten a and Italy with his girlfriend. Critics said Bachmann must be Steve Ward, although the couples DEviL mADE well-deserved earful from many unaware that China is a socialist were already matched. him DO iT of the people I admire most Gay pENGuiNS SpLiT dictatorship. U.S. Catholic officials were in this industry expressing their Toronto’s zoo split up a pair ON ThE REGiSTER At Elmhurst, you’ll find an exceptionally welcoming campus community. We embrace quick to remove from the Web a outrage and disappointment over of male penguins whose affection C-Tv The National Parks Service individual expression. We see our differences as sources of strength. And we clearly, column suggesting that the devil the hurtful and stupid things I has drawn headlines and jokes U.S. Reps. Barney Frank, Tammy recently placed the home of the openly, emphatically want you here. is behind same-sex attraction. said in a number of recent media about “Brokeback Iceberg.” The Baldwin, Jared Polis and David late Frank Kameny, a pioneering The column by Daniel Avila of appearances. To them, and to African penguins have shared the Cicilline deliver an “It Gets gay civil rights activist who died Scholarships for LGBT students the U.S. Conference of Catholic everyone I’ve hurt and offended, nest they built since coming to Better” – a whole lot better – in this fall, on its National Register Our Enrichment Scholarship specifically benefits academically qualified students from Bishops ran in The Pilot, a publi- I’d like to apologize publicly and the zoo about a year ago. But a video for the campaign aimed at of Historic Places. The landmark minority groups—including LGBT students. The scholarship covers one-third of cation of Archdiocese of Boston. unreservedly.” since the penguins are an endan- troubled LGBT youth. “I think it’s designation in Washington, D.C., tuition. More than that, it underscores our commitment to affirming the identities and “The scientific evidence of how gered species, zoo officials plan especially important for those of is because Kameny was a land- advancing the dreams of each individual student. same-sex attraction most likely Deadbeat dad to separate Pedro and Buddy so us in a position to give personal mark in modern U.S. history, said may be created provides a cred- honored they can mate with females. The testimony to make it clear that National Park Service director A wealth of programs and resources ible basis for a spiritual expla- Republican Rep.
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